Call of the Deer

Chapter 145 Northern Wei Ranmin, Overlord of Western Chu

Chapter 145 Northern Wei Ranmin, Overlord of Western Chu

Qiongzhou is located in the northwest of Kyushu. The sky is high and the sea is wide. The sky is always so blue and far away. Although it is called Qiongzhou, it means the place closest to the sky...

Although the altitude of Qiongzhou is high, the climate is extremely suitable and the rain is abundant.

Wuzhou is located in the land of Western Chu, that is, the southwest of Qiongzhou. Since the fall of Dayu, many ethnic minorities in the northern part of Qiongzhou have risen to rebellion.

As for the eight states in the north, all of them are now occupied by a small number of ethnic groups. These people do not treat the Han people in Kyushu as human beings, but treat them as slaves, spur them on, oppress them, and buy and sell them at will.

Naturally, the southern states could not remain indifferent, and rose up one after another to establish regimes against these demons. Among them, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, and Ran Min, the king of Wei, were the most famous.


Two years after the fall of Dayu, the northern minorities formed an alliance, and they all invaded the southern border, and the army crushed the border between the north and the south: the Weihe River.

"Overlord, the front is the Weihe River. My lord has been waiting for a long time, and on the other side of the Weihe River are Shi Le of the Jie tribe, Murong Yu, the Xianbei Youxian king, Fu Hong of the Di tribe, Yao Chang of the Qiang tribe, and Tuobasi, the Zuo Xianbei king of Xianbei." The alliance of five people formed to destroy the Han..."

When Ran Min heard that the Overlord of Chu came to help in person, he was naturally very happy. He was very curious about this Overlord of Chu who had never seen a big one but had a great reputation.

King of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Overlord of the South!
The two people's names are resounding throughout the north and south, and many people are curious about who is better. As warriors, the two met each other earlier. When they heard that the Overlord came to help, Ran Min, who was the host, immediately went to greet him with his general Li Nong.

Soon, they arrived at the Southern Army camp by the Wei River. At this time, most of the southern princes had arrived, and they camped beside the Wei River, with tents stretching as far as the eye can see.

As soon as I arrived at the camp, I saw a group of people waiting at the gate of the barracks. The leader was wearing a black armor and was over nine feet tall. With a long beard and a prestige without anger, he seems to be completely different from the people around him. It seems that this person is undoubtedly the Northern Wei Wang Ranmin.

"Hahaha, Ran has met Brother Xiang. Brother Xiang has come all the way from afar. You have worked hard all the way. Please follow me into the tent to tell you..."

Ran Min laughed and stepped forward to hold Xiang Yu's hand. Naturally, Xiang Yu would not refuse. The king of the Northern Wei Dynasty approached the north, so he naturally learned the benefits of northerners shaking hands and hugging.

Xiang Yu's big hands were held together with Ran Min's, and then, under everyone's dumbfounded gazes, the two secretly fought, and they didn't let go for a long time.

Seeing that Ran Min used his strength, Xiang Yu dared not be careless. The bark of the famous human tree also used [-]% of his strength.

"My lord, isn't it time to welcome the Overlord into the camp?" Li Nong beside him looked at the two people who were eyeing each other, and whispered in Ran Min's ear.

After speaking, Ran Min let go of his hand immediately, laughed loudly and said, "Brother Xiang, please follow me in..."

After speaking, he took Xiang Yu's shoulders and walked towards the camp. With a smile on his face, he asked Xiang Yu's ear, his words seemed a little complacent.

"Brother Xiang, Ran used [-]% of his strength just now, how much strength did you use?"

"Thirty percent!"

As soon as Xiang Yu finished speaking, Ran Min's smiling face froze, and he didn't know where to put the hand that was holding Xiang Yu, so he had to take it back, smiled mischievously, caught up with Xiang Yu who had taken two steps, and entered the camp.

Others don't know yet, the two of them have already competed once they shook hands...

When the wine is full of courage, the heroes cherish each other.

"Brother Xiang, this time the Northern Hu thieves are coming fiercely. They claim to have 50 cavalry. How do you think our army should fight?"

After the banquet was over, Ran Min took the lead in asking questions, and the subject of the questioning was naturally Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu.

"Brother Ran, you don't need to ask me about this. I just want to lead troops to fight. Let me ask my brother Zhang Liang. He has more brains than I do..."

After Xiang Yu finished drinking, his nerves appeared thicker. He pointed at a young scholar behind him as he spoke. At this moment, the young scholar's head was full of black lines. What does it mean that he was thinking more than him? He would not think of any conspiracy. Is the trick any good?

Seeing everyone staring at him, Zhang Liang would not be stage frightened, so he stood up from behind and walked to the center of the big tent, and started talking.

"Zifang has three strategies. The best strategy is a strange strategy, which is to fight across the river, to sink the boat, and to fight with one's back. The worst strategy is to wait until the Hu people cross the river, and then attack them in groups. Without the advantage of the horses, the strength of the Hu people will be reduced..."

"I choose the best strategy..."

As soon as Zhang Liang finished speaking, Xiang Yu said impatiently, and after Ran Min thought about it, he also felt that he chose the middle strategy, while the other princes were more conservative and chose the worst strategy.

"Hmph, a group of cowardly and fearful people..."

Naturally, Xiang Yu would not give these people a good face, and directly cursed.

"Chu Overlord, what do you mean? Don't think that being famous can make you defiant..."

As soon as Xiang Yu finished speaking, someone was furious and stood up and scolded him.

"Do you want to die?"

The overlord's face changed drastically when he heard the words, he was furious, and a murderous intent erupted undisguisedly. The cold voice was like the soul-snatching sound from the Nine Nether Hell, which made people feel chills unconsciously.

"Hmph, don't think that if others are afraid of you, I will be afraid of you..."

"How dare you dare to fight me head-on without changing your face. That's right. Do you dare to compete with me..."

Seeing that this person was not moved by his aura, the anger in Xiang Yu's eyes gradually disappeared, but he still scolded darkly.

"Comparison, who is afraid of whom?"

On the field, the Overlord was wearing a golden armor, holding a Tianlong Breaking City Halberd, and riding a black sweat-blooded BMW on his crotch, looking extremely mighty.

"A certain family's favorite, please enlighten me!"

The person who spoke was not very old, probably in his early twenties, with a handsome face, a strand of long hair fluttering, holding a chiseled golden tiger gun, wearing a blue battle armor, and riding a brown Dawan horse. Extraordinary.

"Okay, actually it's not bad, you make the first move, and the lonely king will give you three moves!"

"Damn it, how dare you underestimate a certain family and suffer death..."

Seeing that Xiang Yu underestimated him so much, Gao Chong was furious, and angrily killed him with a tiger-head gun.

"The true dragon's sky-shattering gun howls in the sky..."

"It's really near Jiuyuan..."

"Fighting dragons are in the wild..."

Once the three moves were over, Bawang's eyes became very sharp, he held the city-breaking halberd tightly in his hand, his contempt for Gao Chong disappeared, and a rare dignified expression appeared on his face.

"That's right, the power of the three moves is very good, and you must use your full strength next, otherwise you will have no chance..."

"Look at the halberd, the overlord is endlessly powerful!"

Seeing Xiang Yu's trick, Zhang Liang, who was watching, was stupefied, and Bawang went all out to attack, which is very rare.

Masters are lonely, as the invincible overlord, he is naturally eager for one or two opponents, but masters are hard to find, since he has completed his studies and defeated his master, has there been any low hands.

And his martial arts has also fallen into a bottleneck. Hearing his master say that the limit of this world has been reached, the initial stage of the innate realm has been perfected.

And he is naturally unwilling, so he cherishes every opponent very much, and Gao Chong is such a person, although his strength is not as good as hers, he is not bad.


The Chiseled Golden Tiger Head Spear and the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd hit together fiercely. The so-called force is mutual. Xiang Yu took three steps back, while Gao Chong took seven steps back, his face turned pale.

It's only one round, the judgment is high and low, he is not an opponent, if the previous three moves were not for the Overlord, he probably wouldn't be able to take any of them.

"Overlord, I lost and I am not your opponent..."

Gao Chong's face was full of loneliness and bitterness. He had studied art for many years, but he was defeated by Bawang's trick. He was really ashamed.

"Hahaha, General Gao, don't underestimate yourself. Except for my master, the only one who can catch my move without losing is the general!"

"Hahaha, okay, the overlord's bravery is unparalleled through the ages, and it is extraordinary for General Gao to be so praised by the overlord. Let me offer you a toast..."

At this time, Ran Min stepped forward, toasted Xiang Yu and Gao Chong, and at the same time challenged Xiang Yu to a fight.

"Brother Xiang, Ran is a little tricky, I wonder if I can teach you a thing or two?"

"That's why I wish, I dare not invite you, come on, let Xiang see how extraordinary the famous Northern Wei king's military power is..."

Xiang Yu was full of energy, sitting high on the horse and overlooking Ran Min, and at this time Ran Min's subordinates, regardless of his weapons, were lifted up.

Make a double-edged spear with a stick, hold a hooked halberd in the right, and ride a flame-eating horse named Chilong. When matched with a black dragon armor, the killing spirit spreads, which is no different from the overlord.

"Overlord, please enlighten me!"

After finishing speaking, he rode the red dragon and killed him, his veins burst, and his thick and long arms brandished a double spear, stabbing him with all his strength.


Tianlong's city-breaking halberd slashed down obliquely, hitting Ran Min's face directly, and Ran Min's right hand stabbed out like a hooked halberd, with two prongs, refusing to give in, as if it was a way of killing both.

He knew that the Overlord was a bit stronger than him, so he could only use offense instead of defense, so that the Overlord had no time to attack, otherwise the result would be hard to say.

The so-called long-term defense is bound to lose is the truth. He wants to wait for the opportunity to find the overlord's flaws and defeat the overlord in one fell swoop.

If the Overlord could be defeated casually, then he wouldn't be called Overlord. For the first hundred rounds, Ran Min kept attacking without giving the Overlord a chance to fight back. His moves were as fierce as madness.

At this time, Xiang Yu's face was also a little annoyed. This guy is endless. Although it is not very difficult to defend, he has never had the habit of defending when he is the overlord attacking and without his overlord defending. , with a flash of anger in his eyes.

Tianlong smashed the city-breaking halberd horizontally, hitting Ran Min's chest directly. He also gave up his defense, kicked the horse's stomach, and got angry from the horse like lightning, narrowly avoiding Ran Min's pair of weapons.

But at this time, the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd reached Ran Min's chest, and he was about to be hit by the iron halberd. Did he know how strong the Overlord is? If he couldn't dodge this move, he would be seriously injured and lose the battle force.

That would be too embarrassing, ashamed to be the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the title of the Overlord of the South, and from then on, the Overlord will dominate him.

At this critical moment, Ran Min tried his best to lean back, narrowly avoiding the sharp edge of Tianlong's city-breaking halberd, and the two spears turned around and stabbed.

But at this time, the Overlord's move of killing both with one move was the first to open the situation, and the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd was returned to his hand again, and he slashed down, hitting Ran Min directly in the face.

The two seemed to be fighting for life and death, Ran Min's face changed drastically, and he tried his best to resist.


The Tianlong city breaking halberd hit the double-edged spear fiercely. In an instant, Ran Min's tiger's mouth burst, and the double-edged spear was blown away.

Before he could be surprised in the future, the Tyrannosaurus halberd stabbed here, Ran Min didn't care about getting hurt, so he had to resist with all his strength.


The two faced each other again, and fought for dozens of rounds. Without the two spears, Ran Min could no longer use offense instead of defense, so he had to face the overlord head-on.

Head-to-head confrontation with the Overlord is simply looking for abuse. Before butting against him once, Ran Min's arm went numb once, and the tiger's mouth began to be worn out.

After a hundred rounds between the two of them, Ran Min couldn't take it anymore, his whole body was numb, he was conceited in his strength, but he was inferior to the Overlord, so he had to surrender and beg for forgiveness.

"Brother Xiang wait a minute, Ran has given up..."

The majestic Wu Mourning Heavenly King conceded defeat and begged for forgiveness after being beaten, which made everyone's faces extremely exciting. It was hard to believe that these words came from Ran Min's mouth, and Ran Min's face became a little feverish.

"Hehe, brother Ran is very strong. You have not lost hundreds of rounds with a certain big move. You are the strongest person I have ever seen..."

A trace of complacency flashed across Xiang Yu's face, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of Zhang Liang who was beside him, and immediately restrained his complacency, and began to praise Ran Min.

"Uh, no matter how powerful you are, it can't compare to you pervert..."

Hearing this, Ran Min was heartbroken, and stretched his still numb arm, crying and laughing again and again, he really asked for it, and it was really uncomfortable to show his face to others that he had a fever.

After the battle, everyone looked at Xiang Yu's face with awe, whether it was his subordinates, Ran Min's subordinates, or other princes' subordinates, all of them had expressions of awe on their faces.


"Brother Shi, Ranmin, the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty on the opposite side of the Wei River, formed the Southern Alliance and issued an order to kill Hu. It's really abominable. How dare we issue such an edict..."

The Xianbei Youxian King Fu Hong's face was full of anger, he looked a little ferocious, and said angrily.

"Huh, what king of the Northern Wei Dynasty dares to issue an order to kill Hu. Tomorrow, Shi will send troops across the river, and kill him in one fell swoop. Kill him, and his blood will flow into a river, and his blood will flow on the oar, to vent his hatred..."

Shi Le's temper was not much better than Fu Hong's, and he was also extremely irritable and stubborn.

"Brother Shi, Brother Fu, please stay safe and don't be impatient. It is said that the overlord of Chu in the southwest of the alliance was invited by the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty to come to help. These two are called the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the overlord of the South. Knowing that these two are extraordinary, it is better to be cautious..."

"King of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Overlord of the South? Humph, what a bullshit title, the Han people are weak people, they only know how to sing and dance, and jump on women's bellies, how could they be the opponents of our northern athletes? The king is still the overlord's dog head to serve as a chamber pot, let's see if they dare to issue any more bullshit killing orders, if you are afraid, you don't have to follow..."

At this time, Tuobasi also snorted coldly in disbelief, as if he was also extremely angry at the order to kill Hu Hu, and threatened to cut off Xiang Yu Ranmin's head and use it as a chamber pot.

When Murong Hao saw this, he knew that the three of them would not listen to persuasion. They looked self-righteous, and their hearts sank. They looked at Yao Chang, the leader of the Qiang tribe, and they both saw the other's worry and slowness.

Murong Hao moved to Yao Chang's side and began to discuss with him in a low voice.

"Tomorrow, the two of us should not cross the river, and we will meet here. This battle will undoubtedly be defeated. The three of Shi Le are too proud and arrogant, and they will definitely be taken advantage of by the Han army..."

"Well, what Brother Murong said is reasonable. I won't go out to fight tomorrow, but I'll be here to help. Once the army is defeated, there's no need to panic and be defeated..."

At this moment, the two faintly regretted going south with the alliance of the three.
 Thank you Six Drops of Blood, Twins Qian Jue, Brother Yong Ye, Dao Meng Tian Ji and other book friends for the great rewards, Feng Shang thanked you.

  I hope you will support more, subscribe more, and collect more, Fengshang please
(End of this chapter)

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