Chapter 155

"The dog thief is despicable and shameless, let your grandpa Zhang get out of the way..."

Zhang Fei pointed at Xu Da with the Snake Spear obliquely, and glared at Xu Da sternly, trembling with anger.

And Guan Yu also clenched the Yanyue Dao in his hand, intending to violently kill people at any time, today is his most embarrassing, and also his most unlucky day...

"Get out of the way, as the saying goes, you should stay on the line in everything, and please don't push people too much. I won't say this a second time..."

Guan Yu made a request, but his tone was extremely arrogant, without any hint of request at all, but more of an order, and people would know that this person must be that kind of arrogant person.

"Hmph, I'm not ashamed to speak out, Xu is going to stop you today, let's see what you can do to me?"

Seeing the unfriendly tone of these two people, Xu Da naturally became angry in his heart. He is also a strong man, so how can he bear this kind of anger.


Guan Yu was anxious at this moment, seeing that Xu Da had no intention of getting out of the way, naturally he would not continue talking nonsense, and directly confronted him with swords and soldiers.


Guan Yu violently killed people, and Xu Da, who had been paying attention to Guan Yu, made preparations at the first time, in case he was killed by one of his moves, and his fame for the rest of his life would be destroyed in one fell swoop.

The two of them retreated immediately with one move, and Guan Yu's critical attack really lived up to its reputation. Xu Da, who was conceited in bravery, was also pushed back ten steps by him, while Guan Yu only retreated about five steps.

Only one move, high and low judgment, Xu Da's force is not as good as Guan Yu's.

Feeling the strength from his right arm and the opening of the tiger's mouth, Xu Da frowned and his heart sank. This Guan Yu is indeed a character not to be underestimated. Although he is not a general known for his martial arts, he is not a general He was actually knocked back ten steps by him.

"Buying earbuds with a label is vulnerable..."

Guan Yu slashed his long sword, shouted angrily, and killed him again. Having already felt Guan Yu's bravery, Xu Da naturally knew that this man was invincible.

However, he only needs to block it a little bit to get the effect. As long as Man Chong is killed, Liu Jun will be defeated without a fight, and this battle can be regarded as a complete victory.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Guan Yu attacked with all his strength, but Xu Da complained endlessly, cursing this bt from the bottom of his heart, his explosive power was so strong that he couldn't resist it for a while.

If Man Chong doesn't come again, he can't guarantee that he will escape the disaster completely.


He came out after a long time, and finally when Xu Da was about to be unable to hold on, Man Chong led the army to kill him, and Liu Jun was immediately made dumplings.

"His grandma is a bear, I will die for him..."

Zhang Fei was like a furious god of war, with his snake spear flying like a giant snake leaping, Chen Jun had no enemy, and wherever he went, there were corpses lying on the oars, bleeding.

"The whole army obeys the order, follow me out of the encirclement, kill..."

Guan Yu knew that he couldn't love to fight, he shouted angrily, took the lead, beheaded Chen Jun who was standing in front of him, and went to Lulu to kill.

"The thief will leave..."

"Fuck you, you dare to stop your Grandpa Zhang, Grandpa Zhang will tear you apart..."

Zhang Fei opened his eyes wide with anger, and shouted back at Chen Jun who was chasing him.

Zhang Fei was in a very bad mood at the moment. Not only did he fail to take down Chen Shubao's dog's head this time when he went south, but he also lost his troops, making him so angry that he almost lost control several times.

And as Zhang Fei and Guan Yu tore through Chen Jun's defense like two sharp knives, Liu Jun followed them to the death, and disappeared into the distant horizon with Guan Zhang...


And just as the war in the south was changing rapidly, the war in the north was equally tragic.

It is said that Bai Qi's army was overwhelming, and Qian Sun had to send a letter to ask Hu Yanzhuo to return to the capital. Unfortunately, Liu Daogui was beheaded by Xue Rengui who suddenly broke out before he could read the letter.

As for Hu Yanzhuo, as soon as he received the news, he immediately abandoned Yuexi City and returned to aid the capital without delay.

But at this moment, after a night of rapid marching, less than a hundred miles away from the king's capital, Hu Yanzhuo planned to rest for an hour before heading straight for the king's city.

"Report, Hu Yanzhuo led [-] troops and has reached [-] miles ahead..."

Just when Hu Yanzhuo finished his rest and came to Wangcheng with the army, the scouts of the Northern Underworld Army finally found Hu Yanzhuo's whereabouts.

"Explore again!"

"Brother Long, Hu Yanzhuo arrived so soon, I thought it would take half a day..."

Luo Cheng rode a white horse, held a cold gun, and stood side by side with the dragon on a giant peak, looking at the distant mountains and forests.

"Well, that's right. Since Hu Yanzhuo came here with his troops, it's time for General Yue Fei to open up the situation. After all, Yuexi City at this time is no different from an empty city, and he will probably come here soon..."

Long Qi stared ahead, with his halberd sticking to one side, looking at the mountains below with complete disdain, as indifferent as water.

As the number one general under the Overlord's command, he naturally has the ability to be arrogant and arrogant. Of course, because the Northern Underworld Army must win every battle, every general will have some arrogance more or less.

"That's right, General Long, it's time for me to set off. I'm afraid General Bai Qi is getting impatient. If you don't take down Hu Yanzhuo, then you and I will be punished for the crime of delaying the military plane, hahaha..."

The two of Luo Cheng laughed and rode their horses down the peak, leading the army to ambush on the road that Hu Yanzhuo must pass.

The mountains and forests in late autumn were completely withered, and there was a rattling sound when walking, forming a strange movement. General Hu Yanzhuo, as the only general under Qian Sun's command who could make a move, was trembling at this moment, as if facing an abyss, Walking on eggshells.

"Ah ah ah..."

Just when Hu Yanzhuo led the troops to rush past the ambush point of the Beiming Army, Lin Zhongfei shot countless arrows, with the sound of piercing leaves and falling forest, and instantly pierced into the unprepared Hu Yanzhuo who was only heading for the capital. in the soldier's body.

"Not good, the enemy attacked, the sword and shield soldiers stepped forward to defend..."

When Hu Yanzhuo saw the arrows flying all over the sky, his complexion changed drastically, and he secretly scolded himself for being too anxious, instead ignoring the ambush, with some remorse.

"Kill, capture Hu Yanzhuo alive, reward one hundred taels, kill Hu Yanzhuo, reward 50 taels..."

Rewards serve as the motivation for the soldiers to work hard, and it is also one of the methods for the commanders to boost morale. This is the reason why there must be brave men under a great reward.

"Huyan dog thief, Yang Yong came to kill you, kill..."

At this moment, 100 generals were suddenly killed from the Northern Underworld Army, approaching Hu Yanzhuo who was organizing a resistance.

When Hu Yanzhuo saw that a humble general dared to kill him lightly, he was immediately enraged, holding a long spear and angrily killed him. Today, he must kill this ignorant and ignorant person who knows nothing about the sky and the earth.


The two fought together in an instant, and this hundred-man general named Yang Yong held a long stick, causing the wind to blow up, the tiger to blow up the wind, and the sound exploded in the air.

In less than a moment, this passer-by called Yang Yong had confronted Hu Yanzhuo for hundreds of rounds, and he didn't see that he was at a disadvantage.

"Hey, who is this person who can fight Hu Yanzhuo for more than a hundred rounds without falling into a disadvantage..."

Long Qi stood in the distance and did not participate in the battle. This level of battle has completely lost his interest. At this moment, the only thing that caught his attention was Hu Yanzhuo, but he was only paying attention.

"Hehe, I don't know, I guess he is a junior general in the first battalion, if he survives this battle, he can be promoted to one or two..."

As the son of Northern Yan King Luo Yi, Luo Cheng had never seen anything in the world, so he would not be surprised by the outstanding performance of a soldier.

Moreover, Hu Yanzhuo is mere, he only needs [-] rounds to be killed by the horse, so naturally he doesn't care too much about a young general who can only fight Hu Yanzhuo evenly.

"Drink, eat me with a stick!"

"Shameless thief, don't force people too much..."

Hu Yanzhuo is simply crazy, this little general of a hundred people has forced his majestic general of Qianzhou to such a degree, his uncle can bear it, and his aunt can't bear it.



After all, Hu Yanzhuo is a post-combination general, a well-known figure, and a blow with anger is naturally powerful and destructive.

Although Yang Yong was brave in the initial battle, he lacked combat experience and lacked stamina, so defeat was inevitable.

Sure enough, under one shot, Yang Yong was thrown flying with a stick, and fell to the ground with a muffled groan, and then a trace of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his internal organs were shaken, but fortunately, he recovered a life from Hu Yanzhuo's hands, which can be regarded as Fortunately in misfortune.

After this battle, he came to prominence, and the fact that he was undefeated in the battle against Hu Yanzhuo for more than a hundred rounds must have been widely spread, and it can be regarded as a breakthrough, and this injury is not in vain.

On the contrary, no matter whether this battle is won or lost, his reputation of Hu Yanzhuo has been completely ruined, ruined in the hands of the little people, completely plummeted, and fell from the altar.

Looking at Yang Yong who fell on the ground, Hu Yanzhuo let out an angry roar, raised his gun and killed him.

Looking at Hu Yanzhuo, who was killing him with a roar, Yang Yong was desperate. He didn't expect that he would die on the battlefield just after he got through it. Pull out the cool ones.

"Hu Yanzhuo, what's the point of fighting with a small hundred generals? I, Luo Cheng, are just playing with you..."

Just when Yang Yong was in despair, Luo Cheng finally couldn't help but shot, and killed him on a white horse. The sound was like the sound of heaven, and Yang Yong was lifted from hell to heaven.

"Luo Cheng, don't meddle in your own business, get out of the way..."

Hu Yanzhuo looked at Luo Cheng who was standing in front of him, roared angrily, gritted his teeth in hatred, and at the same time bypassed Luo Cheng, and went straight to kill Yang Yong. He killed this damn Yang Yong no matter what, Yixue Shame just now.

"Stubborn, you should kill..."

Luo Cheng saw that this guy was so ignorant of good and bad, a stern look and killing intent flashed in his eyes, he raised his gun and rode his horse to kill Hu Yanzhuo.

This time Hu Yanzhuo was a little depressed, he just wanted to kill this Yang Yong, and do what you want to do, he had to kill him and fight him to the death.

"Hu Yanzhuo, look at the gun!"

The cold-faced and cold-faced gun is naturally well-deserved of its reputation. Wearing silver armor, holding a cold gun, and wearing a silver mask, Luo Cheng looks very heroic. Coupled with a white horse, he is simply a descendant of heaven.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"


"Take my life..."


The two fought again for more than ten rounds, Luo Cheng took the opportunity to sell an opening, Hu Yanzhuo really fell for it, stabbed Luo Cheng with a long spear, and Luo Cheng dodged without losing the opportunity, at the same time the cold spear stabbed out, retaliated, and approached Hu Yanzhuo's face Door.

In an instant, the cold spear pierced Hu Yanzhuo's throat, and blood spattered.

A generation of generals died here.

With Hu Yanzhuo's death, the Qianzhou Army no longer had the will to fight, and was wiped out by the Beiming Army in one fell swoop.

So far, the reinforcements on the South Road have been bleeding halfway, perishing in the deep forest, and cutting off Qian Sun's last sliver of life...

"You are very good, you can become a general in our army!"

But at this time, Luo Cheng's voice came from the ear of Yang Yong who was stupefied (it was a dog), and when he came back to his senses, Luo Cheng had already left.

Looking at Luo Cheng's disappearing figure, Yang Yong secretly vowed in his heart that he must become such a general so as not to lose his manly qualities...


(End of this chapter)

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