Call of the Deer

Chapter 156 3 arrows instantly, Yuanzhang defeated

Chapter 156: Three Arrows Instantly, Yuan Zhang Defeated

And just when Longqie Luocheng wiped out Hu Yanzhuo and his Qianzhou army in one fell swoop, the army sent by King Yuzhou was belated and entered the territory of Qianzhou.

At this moment, Yuanzhang led an army of [-], not far from Jibei City.

"Report, Xue Rengui, commander of the Northern Underworld Army, has captured Jibei City, and Liu Daogui and Li Song all died in battle..."

Yuanzhang and his subordinate generals were all shocked when they heard the words, the audience was in an uproar and discussions abounded.

"Who is this Xue Rengui? He is so powerful..."


"Hiss, this Xue Rengui took down Jibei City in less than seven days. It seems that the rumors are true..."

Yuanzhang gasped when he heard the words, this Xue Rengui has become famous recently, in the Battle of Duantianya, he single-handedly fought against Lu Bu without defeat, and even reversed the whole battle situation, his reputation spread far and wide, as one of the best in Yuzhou General, of course he has heard of Xue Rengui's reputation.

He didn't know Xue Rengui's combat power because he had never really seen it, but he had seen Lu Bu's unparalleled combat power. Since he was on par with Lu Bu, his strength would naturally not be weak.

Thinking of this, the pressure on Yuanzhang's shoulders suddenly increased dozens of times.

Now that Jibei City has fallen into the hands of the Beiming Army, his rush to help is meaningless, the most is to contain Xue Rengui, but is it useful?

Yuanzhang immediately slowed down his marching speed, and at the same time sent an urgent dispatch of thousands of miles to Fan Zeng, the king's army teacher.

"Report, the King of Yuzhou sent General Yuanzhang with [-] troops to approach Jibei City..."

"Sure enough, my lord's deduction is not wrong. Sure enough, the king of Yuzhou still sent troops. He is unwilling to be lonely. Hmph..."

Xue Rengui didn't show hesitation when he heard the words, now he just needs to defend himself, Yuzhou has no outstanding generals, and Jibei City is as stable as Mount Tai with him in command, so he doesn't need to worry too much at all, the only thing he needs to pay attention to is Fan Zeng An old fox.

The next day, Yuanzhang still came to fight, even if he didn't fight, he had to show his sense of presence, restrain Xue Rengui, and prevent him from being too "crazy".

"I am Zhaoyang, the general under King Yuzhou, who dares to fight me?"

"The thief will stop wantonly, Zhao Jiang will come to kill you!"

The Beiming army was injured because of Wu Song. At this time, there are no generals except Xue Rengui. Naturally, there are young generals who plan to take the opportunity to show their heads, and they may be promoted.

"Nobody, look at the knife!"

Zhaoyang and Zhaohua are two brothers, they are brave men, they naturally dismissed it when they saw a young general rushing out, and they fought together in an instant.


After ten rounds, Zhao Jiang began to lose the enemy, knocking back Zhaoyang's broadsword with one shot, and had to ride his horse back to the formation.

"Since you're here, don't leave. It's not too late to leave your dog's life, and let someone die..."

Seeing this scene, Xue Rengui, who rode his horse and stood in the formation of the Northern Underworld Army, knew that Zhao Jiang was bound to die, so he silently mourned for him, and at the same time touched the longbow behind him.




If the crock can't leave the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle!
With a sound of "poof", Zhao Jiang's body and head were separated, and he died on the battlefield. He may not have thought that he would die on the battlefield when he appeared on the stage, but the reality is so cruel, he died.

And at the moment Zhao Jiang was cut by the formation, Xue Rengui bent his bow and set an arrow instantly, and the spiked arrow flew out, approaching Zhaoyang in the formation.

Before Zhaoyang could react, the Spike arrow shot through his heart, and then Zhaoyang lost his eyesight and fell off the horse straight away.

An arrow pierces the heart and kills instantly!

The whole audience was in an uproar, the only difference was that their own soldiers clapped their hands and applauded, while the Yuzhou army showed anger, scolding Xue Rengui for being despicable and shameless, and stabbing others in the back.

However, since ancient times, in battles on the battlefield, only winners and losers, so what is right or wrong, despicable and noble, which general does not have blood on his hands, and which general did not become famous by stepping on the mountain of blood?

Therefore, Xue Rengui doesn't care about stabbing people in the back, being despicable and shameless, he only cares about whether he can win every battle and whether the lord trusts him. For the rest, go to hell.

"Shameless thief, give back my brother's life..."

At this time, another young general was killed, his face was full of anger and grief, and the soldiers behind him immediately stepped forward to lift Zhaoyang's body down, as if they wanted to see if he could be saved.

Regarding these people, Xue Rengui did not pretend to be polite, and directly took out an arrow from his quiver and bent the bow again. As soon as the bowstring sounded, a mace arrow shot out like lightning, and went straight to Zhao Hua's forehead.




The wolf-toothed arrow carried the momentum like thunder, deflecting Zhao Hua's long spear to the side with one arrow, and at the same time, going straight to Zhao Hua's face without weakening, piercing through Zhao Hua's head in an instant.

After piercing through the head, the remaining power remained undiminished, and it was directly nailed to the Yuzhou army flag, and the feathered arrows clanked.


A group of Yuzhou soldiers unconsciously swallowed their saliva, their whole body felt cold, and their foreheads felt chilly, as if a big hole had been opened.

Xue Rengui shot and killed two generals of the Yuzhou Army with two arrows, but they suppressed several leading generals of the Yuzhou Army. There is no life left.

And Yuanzhang sitting in the back of the town looked at Xue Rengui who was showing great power, his throat was itchy, and his face was ashen. It seemed that he still underestimated Xue Rengui.

As the chief general of this trip, he must not make any mistakes, otherwise the Yuzhou army would really be finished, so he planned to hide first, but many times, things backfired.

Just when Yuanzhang lowered his head and was about to hide in the army, Xue Rengui raised his eyes, with a hint of disdain and sneer at the corner of his mouth, and took the arrow again.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, staring blankly at Xue Rengui who bent his bow and set his arrow, as if they all wanted to know who would die next at Xue Rengui's hands.

At this moment, Yuanzhang, who was about to hide in the army, felt his hair stand on end in an instant, a strong sense of crisis filled his heart instantly, and he trembled unconsciously.

Run, run if necessary, only by running into the army formation can you escape the catastrophe.


Just when Yuanzhang tried his best to overcome his weakness, Xue Rengui shot the spiked arrow.


With a crisp sound, Yuanzhang fell to the ground and was pinned under the horse by a spiked arrow.

At this moment, time stood still, and everyone looked at Xue Rengui in disbelief. They knew that someone would die under Xue Rengui's arrow.

But no one thought that the one who died would be Yuanzhang, the commander of the Yuzhou army, who died so easily in front of them, it was too easy.

Like a dream, everyone stared blankly at Yuanzhang, expecting him to stand up slowly.

Because this is really unbelievable, Yuanzhang was shot dead at the first sight, and shot dead without any resistance...

The general set three arrows on Tianshan Mountain, and the warrior entered Hanguan with a long song.

With his own strength, Xue Rengui fired three arrows instantly, three arrows and three people, and at the same time scattered the enemy's morale.

Unfortunately, after waiting for a long time, the Yuzhou army did not see Yuanzhang get up, and was still lying dead.

"The general... the general was shot..."

At this moment, someone said "the general was shot to death", and the Yuzhou army was in chaos, like refugees, and they were scattered in an instant.

Many people who reacted slowly were thrown to the ground by the people behind, trampled by, trampled to death...

"Soldiers, it's time for Yu to kill the enemy and make meritorious service, so I will kill..."

At this time, the Yuzhou army without the main general Yuanzhang suddenly became a mess, as if the balance had lost its balance. The Beiming army ended the doomed battle with a crushing momentum.

But at this time, the agent sent by Fan Zeng finally rushed to the outside of Jibei City, and encountered Yuzhou Army who was defeated and fled. When asked why, he shouted that he was a step late, and then returned to Yuzhou in a daze.


(End of this chapter)

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