Call of the Deer

Chapter 161 Unlucky Qin Army, the Danger of Yunzhou

Chapter 161 Unlucky Qin Army, the Danger of Yunzhou

Yunzhou, as one of the eighteen states in Dongzhou, has a vast area, surrounded by mountains, high mountains and clear waters, and dense fog all day long, as if in a fairyland in the clouds. The name of Yunzhou comes from this.

And because Yunzhou is covered with dense clouds all day long, it is naturally a big problem to distinguish the clouds and know the way. This is also a major problem that is currently plaguing Su Dingfang.

In the past month since the Eastern Qin Army sent troops, it has been difficult at every step in Yunzhou. Relying on their familiarity with the land of Yunzhou, the Yunzhou Army launched a series of fierce offensives against the Eastern Qin Army.

When the enemy enters, we run, and when the enemy retreats, we fight. Relying on the familiarity of the terrain, even with the extremely weak Yunzhou army of less than 15, it can still stop the [-] East Qin Army's army.

Before sending troops to Yunzhou, Su Dingfang and Guo Ziyi split into two groups and led an army of 15 into Yunzhou. Then they lost their way among the mountains of Yunzhou and were trapped deep in the mountains.

In particular, Guo Ziyi led the army into a valley of snakes rashly. For a while, snakes danced in the valley and rushed towards the army. The East Qin army was full of mourners and suffered heavy casualties.

After finally leading the troops to rush out, after checking the number of people, they were shocked. More than 5000 troops were buried in the snake valley, swallowed by poisonous snakes, and many people were poisoned by the snake poison. Guo Ziyi's depression can be imagined.

"Coach, if we go back, this place is too dangerous..."

The first officer looked at the deep mountain covered with thick clouds, his eyes were full of fear, as if he was frightened by those poisonous snakes, he was very afraid of this deep mountain, and he was afraid that another group of poisonous snakes and beasts would come out anytime.

This is how to be bitten by a snake once and be afraid of well ropes for ten years!

Afterwards, the East Qin army encountered a crisis again, but it was lucky that they stumbled into Xiong Xiazi's den by mistake, which made it miserable for all the East Qin army.

There are only a dozen blind bears in this den, but the tall blind man roars like a tiger, which makes people change their colors, especially when so many strangers have run into his territory. angry?

A group of blind bears attacked and attacked them. A bear's slap was like a brain burst. That scene was bloody. Where have the soldiers seen such a battle? Even the general Li Yuanba was not so bloody. .

In a short time, the East Qin army killed and injured hundreds of people. These dozens of blind bears seemed to be invincible, invulnerable, and completely invincible.

They didn't feel pain when the spears and swords were cut on their bodies. Some of them were only furious, and the roars continued, deafening the ears. The eardrums of the soldiers who were close were bleeding from the shock.

In the end, Guo Ziyi led the army to fight out. Xiong Xiazi was huge and naturally not very fast. Once the Eastern Qin army left their territory, Xiong Xiazi naturally stopped chasing them desperately. When he came out, he saw that the soldiers had lost nearly thousand.

Guo Ziyi is about to cry now, what kind of place is this Yunzhou? Not only is it densely covered with thick clouds all day long, but also fierce beasts and poisonous snakes are everywhere, and they are everywhere.

Especially for him, he had bad luck all day long, and many people died every day. In this way, with the attack of beasts, snakes and ants, the soldiers were terrified and frightened, and their morale went from bad to worse, as if they were on the verge of collapse.

On the other side, Su Dingfang is much better than Guo Ziyi. He was not attacked by beasts, snakes and ants, but natural disasters can be avoided, but man-made disasters are hard to deal with.

There is a general under the King of Yunzhou named Meng You. This man is quite brave. He is the leader of the natives in the mountains of Yunzhou. He is more familiar with the mountains of Yunzhou than the state herdsman. Entrusted with a heavy task, dispatched to stop the East Qin army.

Meng You has a dog-headed military commander named Ning Wanwo, and one can tell from the name that he is a crooked melon, but it is such a person who has offered the brilliant strategy of the enemy advancing and retreating, and the enemy retreating and fighting.

Let the weak Yunzhou army forcefully rely on the convenience of the terrain to block the East Qin army on the outskirts of Yunzhou without making any progress, and harass Su Dingfang from time to time, making Su Dingfang go crazy.

A few times, Meng You was almost caught, but this guy was extremely slippery, and when he saw that he could not take advantage of it, he immediately fled away. It can be said that he was cautious and did not make any mistakes.

This made Su Dingfang helpless, obviously the enemy's strength was weak, but he couldn't catch it, watching the enemy's unscrupulous frequent shots, tripping him up, this kind of discomfort can make people go crazy and feel aggrieved pole.

At this moment, the East Qin army was dying of interest, and no longer had the high morale they had when they set off. In just half a month, the soldiers were haggard a lot, as if they had not had a good rest, and they were depressed and weak. They were like a group of defeated soldiers. In fact, they were indeed a group of defeated soldiers. Thoroughly, he was treated like a monkey by Meng You.

And Meng You was able to achieve such a level, naturally with the help of the black-bellied Ning Wanwo, and of course because of his familiarity with the special terrain of Yunzhou.

In this way, within half a month, Meng You harassed dozens of times, which made the East Qin army exhausted and restless. At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that he would never come to Yunzhou again. It's too scary.

The warriors of the Eastern Qin Army who are fearless and fearless dare not come to Yunzhou. The danger of Yunzhou can be seen.

As the commander-in-chief, Su Dingfang also racked his brains and tried every means, hoping to get out of the damn dense fog and mountains, so as not to run away like a bereaved dog all day long.

Just when Su Dingfang was extremely anxious and had nothing to do, he happened to meet a hunter who had lived in the mountains of Yunzhou for decades. This person was very familiar with the terrain of the mountains in Yunzhou. All of a sudden, the East Qin Army turned around.

Su Dingfang relied on his three-inch tongue, Xu Yizhongli, and finally persuaded the stubborn hunter to ask the hunter to take them out of the mountain to the hinterland of Yunzhou.

And this hunter is worthy of being an expert who has lived in the mountains for decades. Under his leadership, the Eastern Qin Army did not lose anyone along the way, nor did they step into any dangerous places. There were no dangers along the way. , survived out of the mountains and reached the hinterland of Yunzhou.

As soon as they got out of the mountains, the dense fog in Yunzhou dissipated a lot, at least they could distinguish the direction, Su Dingfang and others were very grateful to the hunter who took them away from the dark mountains, did not violate the previous agreement, and gave After paying a lot of money, the hunter was sent away.

And Su Dingfang garrisoned here, waiting for the arrival of another East Qin army.

Guo Ziyi entered Yunzhou from the northeast of Qinzhou, while Su Dingfang entered Yunzhou from the northwest. The two met in the hinterland of Yunzhou.

And just when Su Dingfang left the mountains smoothly, Guo Ziyi's army encountered danger again. It turned out that they strayed into a miasma forest. Suddenly, the Eastern Qin army was poisoned, their faces were pale, and they were weak and weak. They were trapped deep in the mountains for a while. .

The only thing to be thankful for is that there were no ferocious beasts attacking, but it also caused the East Qin army to complain endlessly and suffer from unbearable abdominal pain. Many soldiers couldn't help but ran out to find the water source. Flowing, emerald green spring water, as if a beauty out of the bath attracted a group of Eastern Qin soldiers to drink.

The soldiers who had withstood such a test all lay down on the ground and drank heavily. The taste was sweet and moistened the throat, which made people feel extremely refreshed and swept away the exhaustion and depression of the past few days.

The morale of the entire Eastern Qin army had recovered a lot, which Guo Ziyi never expected, but out of caution, he did not drink the spring water, he always felt that the spring water was not right.

In the next few days, nothing happened. When the seventh day was bright, many people were not there. This made Guo Ziyi extremely puzzled, and immediately took someone to check.

I don't know if I don't look at it, I was shocked when I saw it, all the future people in the entire barracks were dead, and their expressions were very grim, as if they had suffered countless tortures before they died.

Immediately, Guo Ziyi's ghost came out, and he finally knew where the anxiety in his heart came from. It was because of the spring water, which was not water at all, but poison.

This time, the East Qin army lost tens of thousands of people again, which was extremely fatal. Guo Ziyi did not dare to be careless again, and was careful along the way, for fear of encountering unexpected changes again.

But I don't know what happened, God opened his eyes, or whether the road after Jitailai was no longer in danger.

Guo Ziyi's army finally wandered in the mountains for a month, walked out of the foggy mountains and rivers, entered the hinterland of Yunzhou, and led the troops to the place agreed with Su Dingfang in advance.

At this time, the King of Yunzhou also received the news that the East Qin army broke through many dangers and entered the hinterland of Yunzhou.

All of a sudden, Yunzhou was in chaos, from the state shepherd to the minister.

The prefecture of Yunzhou is weak, and the reason why it can persist until now is entirely because of the special terrain of Yunzhou and the mountains as a barrier to protect Yunzhou.

Now that the barrier doesn't work, he naturally panics.

"Everyone, now that the East Qin army has rushed out of the mountains and is heading straight for the capital, how should our army defend the capital?"

"My lord, I'd better invite General Meng You to help out, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the sharp edge of the Eastern Qin Army..."


(End of this chapter)

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