Call of the Deer

Chapter 162 Cheng Shi Shanxiong, Green Forest Bites Gold

Chapter 162 Cheng Shi Shanxiong, Green Forest Bites Gold

"Old lady, the king asked the little ones to invite you to go up the mountain to enjoy the blessings. You can go with us. Even if the little ones beg you, if you don't go, the king will have to take a layer of skin off the little ones." ..."

"Get out of here, this unfilial son really pissed me off, go back and tell that rebellious son, if he doesn't come home quickly, my mother will..."

A fat-looking middle-aged woman held a broom and angrily drove a group of hooligan-like guys out of the house.

"Boss, what should we do? Your Majesty told me that if you don't invite the old lady up the mountain, we won't be able to eat and walk around..."

"Hey, what else can I do? Don't you still plan to tie it up?"

The other person who was honored as the boss, heaved a long sigh and flashed a wry smile, looking quite helpless and frustrated.

"Boss, is this the first time you have invited the old lady?"

"Uh, not a hundred times, maybe fifty times. Anyway, I can't count them. Alas, I just don't understand why the king insists on inviting the old lady to go up the mountain..."

"Boss, I have an idea, let's do this...the old lady will definitely follow us up the mountain, hehe..."

Another half an hour later, these little thieves suddenly came to the door of the old man's house again, but this time they were covered in knife wounds all over their bodies, their clothes were bloody, and their faces were sad. They rushed into the old woman's house in a hurry. people.

"Old lady, it's not good, the king is about to be beaten to death, woo woo woo..."

Several people were covered in blood, as if they had just experienced a battle, they rushed in in a panic.

"Why are you here again? Didn't I say I wouldn't go up the mountain with you? Why are you here again? Uh, what are you doing? Who hurt you?"

The old woman looked back helplessly, intending to scold these annoying guys again, but when she turned around, she saw that these guys were covered in injuries and pale, as if they had suffered a serious illness.

"Wuuuuuu, old lady, it's not good. The king's enemy came to the village and injured the king. The younger ones escaped in the chaos. Huuuuuu..."

Several people burst into tears, and they acted in a precise manner, as if such a thing really happened, with extremely sad faces.

Those wailing voices overwhelmed the noise in the street, the voice was even more mournful than the dead parents, as real as it could be.

"What? Yao Jin, what happened to Yao Jin? Who hurt him... No, I have to save my son, take me there..."

The old lady's face changed drastically when she heard the words, and seeing the mournful expressions on the faces of these guys, she believed it. She rushed into the house, took out a huge kitchen knife, and carried a thin bandit, and went to the house. rushed out the door.


At the same time, on an official road in Liuzhou, eight figures suddenly galloped past, heading north.

"Brother, we have arrived in Liuzhou now, after passing Liuzhou, we are not far from Huangzhou..."

"Yeah, what the third brother said is right. The sixth brother is said to have been sent to the south by King Yanhuang to attack Sizhou. Why don't we just go to Sizhou and help the sixth brother..."

"Brother, Paifeng can finally meet Sixth Brother, but he misses him to death, hehe..."

"I'm finally going to see my sixth brother..."

This group of people is the eight members of the Yang family who traveled northward from Yanzhou, traveled thousands of miles, traveled all the way northward, and came to join Bei Minghao and reunite with their sixth younger brother Yang Yanzhao.

Just when several people were excited, riding their horses and sailing, and speeding up, a person suddenly appeared from the forest on one side, and the Yang family generals unconsciously slowed down.

"Hey, stop, I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, I want to live from now on, and save money to buy roads!"

Several people took a look at this guy. He had a blue head, an indigo face and red eyebrows, a bronze helmet and iron armor, and he was holding a gossip Xuanhua axe, screaming and screaming.

"Who are you, dare to stop me, Yang Yansi? Don't you want to live?"

Before they could speak, the hot-tempered Yang Yansi got angry and scolded angrily.

"Oh, you little doll, how dare you speak so shamelessly. I don't want to change my name when I'm going, and I don't want to change my surname when I sit down. That's the case with Cheng Yaojin, the devil king of the world. Who are you..."

"I am Yang Yansi, the Qilang of the Yang family, you are so courageous, how dare you stop your young master..."

"Hey, it seems that you don't want to stay to buy money? I am in a good mood today, you boy stay and buy money obediently, otherwise..."

Cheng Yaojin saw that this guy was louder than himself, that's a big deal. On this three-acre land, he is God, only he can talk like this. Today, such a stunned young man dares to speak like this Talking to him, I simply didn't know how to write the dead word, and I felt annoyed in my heart.

"Stop talking nonsense, look at the gun..."

"Oh, I actually learned to resist!"

"Split the head!"

"Pick your teeth!"

"Pick out your ears!"

Seeing that Yang Yansi took the lead, Cheng Yaojin was a little surprised for a while, but his subordinates were not slow, and immediately used his own trick.

Because he saw the confident eyes of the seven people behind Yang Yansi, staring at him unscrupulously, and there was something uneasy in his heart, these eight people are all extraordinary.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

"Brothers, the idea is hard, the wind is tight..."

After the three tricks, Cheng Yaojin was shocked when he saw that Yang Yansi had perfectly resisted his big tricks. No one can defend against these three tricks, not even his brother.

I didn't expect to be guarded by an unknown kid today. This is amazing, and I immediately realized that he kicked the iron plate today.

Moreover, this person's martial arts skills seem to be higher than his, if he doesn't leave, his fate will really be left here, so naturally he won't be foolishly entangled.

Seeing that Cheng Yaojin retreated after only three moves, Yang Yansi, who had just started to fight vigorously, was extremely surprised, and was speechless for a while. Could it be that this person is so timid?
He saw that this man had extraordinary martial arts skills. From the three axes, he could see why he ran away before hitting him. It really puzzled him, but naturally he would not let Hei Si leave easily.

How did he know that Cheng Yaojin only knows these three moves, every time he fights, he can finish the enemy with three moves, who knows that he met a person with high martial arts skills, naturally he had no choice but to run away.

"Dog thief, don't even think about escaping from my hand, Yang Yansi, look at the gun!"

"Seventh brother, don't hurt his life, just teach him a lesson!"

At this time, Yang Yanping, the eldest brother, immediately shouted and told him that it was unwise for the brothers to make enemies hastily when they came here for the first time, so naturally they had to tell the impulsive and irritable Yang Yansi.

"His grandma's, I won't buy Lucai anymore, you still chase me, look at the axe!"

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin was also extremely depressed. He didn't expect this fellow to be so powerful, and he was invincible. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have come to rob the way. Now, it's good, he's entangled by this fellow, and it's a bit difficult to get out.

"Hmph, daring to rob your young master's way, you really don't know how to live or die, I have to teach you a good lesson about what I say today, so that you know how to behave in the future..."

Yang Yansi was riding a war horse, biting Cheng Yaojin, and said through gritted teeth, feeling extremely uncomfortable, originally wanted to kill this guy to vent his anger, but his elder brother refused.

"Look at the gun!"

Finally caught up with Cheng Yaojin who was in front of him, and poked his spear straight into the back of his heart; and Cheng Yaojin has been a robber in the forest for so long, so he naturally has a very strong sense of danger.

"Fuck you, it's really endless, look at the axe!"


The gossip Xuanhua ax deflected Yang Yansi's spear with a single axe. At this time, Cheng Yaojin was also angry, and struck hard, making Yang Yansi's hands a little paralyzed.

"Split the head!"

"Swoosh!" "Boom!"

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin was full of energy, and made another trick, only splitting Yang Yansi's head, and Yang Yansi had no time to react.

At such a critical moment, an arrow hit the blade of the Bagua Xuanhua ax impartially, and the giant ax was missed all of a sudden, passing through Yang Yansi's ear, just a little bit, Yang Yansi's ear was gone.

It was Yang Yan'an, the Sanlang of the Yang family, who shot the arrow. At the most critical moment, he pulled out the arrow, bent his bow and set the arrow, and hit Cheng Yaojin's gossip Xuanhua axe, saving Yang Yansi's life.

"Ah, the dog thief will die!"

Yang Yansi was furious at this time, this guy was so despicable, he almost fell under the axe, and Cheng Yaojin was even more surprised, he knew how much strength he had, but he was shot by someone else's arrow, knowing the enemy's There are still masters in the game, so naturally they dare not love to fight, so just ride the horse and leave!

"Stop the dog thief, save your life..."

Angry, Yang Yansi's battle strength exploded, and he was approaching the peak. Out of anger, the spear swept across, like a thunderclap, and there was a roar in the air, whistling.


With one shot, Cheng Yaojin and his battle ax were knocked off the horse, and when the spear fell, it pierced Cheng Yaojin's heart!

"Seventh brother, keep someone under the gun..."


Needless to say Yang Yanping, the third brother Yang Yan'an shot an arrow again, deflecting Yang Yansi's spear and saving Cheng Yaojin's life from Yang Yansi's spear.

"Whoever dares to hurt my son, I will fight him desperately..."

At this moment, there was a roar in the forest, like a yaksha wolf howling, which made people's eardrums shake.

Everyone in the Yang family stretched their necks and saw a middle-aged woman rushing out of the deep forest with a kitchen knife, her face was full of anger, her eyes were red with blood.

Regardless of Yang Yansi who was on the side, he helped Cheng Yaojin who fell to the ground, his face was full of concern and worry.

"Bite gold, can something happen to you? Where is the injury? Let mother see..."

"Mom, why are you here? I'm fine, hehe..."

"Bang bang!"

Cheng Yaojin smirked, and patted himself on the chest twice as if nothing happened, to show that his body was not injured, and at the same time turned to the Yang family who came riding the horse.

"Haha, you heroes, I, Cheng Yaojin, have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. I offended you, and I apologize to you. If you don't dislike it, you can take a rest in my village and let me entertain you with a banquet. Thank you Thank you for your life today!"

Cheng Yaojin is a good man who can afford it and let it go. Seeing that these people are not bad-hearted, and he spared his life, he is naturally grateful. He apologizes to a few people, invites a few people to go up the mountain, and let him treat him well. .

"Thank you, little heroes, for sparing my son's life. The old man thanked you. If you don't mind, you can go to my son's village for a rest and let the old man cook by himself..."

Cheng's is naturally a very reasonable person, knowing that this incident was caused by his son, but these people did not kill his son, he is naturally very grateful.

Yang Yanping and the others looked at each other, then agreed to Cheng Yaojin's request, and followed Cheng Yaojin and his group back to the cottage.


 Dear book friends, since Fengshang was put on the shelves, it has been updated by [-] every day. I hope you will support more, subscribe more, reward more, and give me a monthly pass. My current monthly pass is still zero. It’s too embarrassing. If anyone has any opinions, they can put them forward boldly, and I will accept them humbly. . .

(End of this chapter)

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