Call of the Deer

Chapter 309 The Great Enemy Attacks, Thunder Ax

Chapter 309 The Great Enemy Attacks, Thunder Ax

Linzhou, Pingshan City.

It has been more than ten days since Xu Shu left, but there is no news from Xu Shu.

Liu Bei saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. He felt like sitting on pins and needles, restless, and waited anxiously for the news.

"My lord, it seems that Xu Yuanzhi has already abandoned the lord. You should not place all your hopes on him. It is reasonable to find another way."

Du Yu looked sad, hesitant to speak, and then spoke out his words in a burst of energy.

"No, Xu Yuanzhi is loyal. At such a critical juncture, he will never leave alone. He will come back."

When Liu Bei heard this, his whole body trembled unconsciously, and his heart trembled in shock.

But he already believed Du Yu's words, but he still pretended to be calm.

"Hey, my lord, my minister felt a cold yesterday, so he resigned first and said, if you have any errands, you can order someone to inform you."

Du Yu heaved a long sigh, then apologized and left.

"My lord, I'm afraid that Du Yu has developed a different heart, it's really hateful."

Fazheng looked at Du Yu who was leaving, with an angry look on his face, quite angry.

"Hey, husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest. When disaster strikes, they fly separately. Everyone has their own ambitions, and I can't force them to do so. Let him go."

Liu Bei looked at Du Yu who was leaving, a stern light flashed in his eyes, and then he became quite helpless.
"Hancheng urgent report, Lu Bu led an army of [-] soldiers to encircle Hancheng"

"Ancheng urgent report, Liu Yu led an army of [-] soldiers to encircle Ancheng"

"Report, Li Shimin sent his general Li Guangbi out of Dingshan City."

Just as Liu Bei was sighing, two messengers rushed in, none of them holding a letter.

"What? You said that Lu Bu, Liu Yu, and Li Shimin have all sent troops? Damn, a group of people who have fallen into trouble are not as good as pigs and dogs, not as good as pigs and dogs."

Hearing this, Liu Bei's complexion changed drastically, how could he remain calm, and he stood up from the throne with a bang.

"Who are the defenders of Hancheng and Ancheng?"

After a while, Liu Bei sat on the ground slumped, quite lonely, stroked his forehead and fell into deep thought, and said indifferently.

"My lord, the guard of Han City is General Zhang Yi, while the guard of An City is General Wei Yan."

When Fazheng heard the words, he was slightly startled, and whispered in Liu Bei's ear, not knowing why Liu Bei asked this.

"Oh, it's Wen Chang and Bo Qi, don't worry about Gu, you go down first, Gu wants to be alone for a while."

Hearing that it was Wei Yan and Zhang Ni, Liu Bei was obviously relieved, then rubbed his temples, and dismissed Fa Zheng.

"Father, woo woo woo, it's the child who is useless and failed to keep the Liuzhou that you entrusted to the child."

While complaining, Liu Bei burst into tears.

"Hmph, Nizi, you are forced into such a predicament? Are you still my Liu Sheng's son?"

Suddenly, an extremely mighty, strong middle-aged man with a black beard walked in and stood not far from Liu Bei.

"Ah, father? Why are you here? Aren't you?"

As soon as Liu Bei raised his head, he was extremely astonished and dumbfounded. He stared blankly at the visitor for 10 minutes, and then asked nonchalantly.

"Hmph, Nizi, you want to ask if your father is dead? Right?"

The man sat on the throne with a big face, looked down at Liu Bei, glared at Liu Bei, and scolded angrily.

"Father, my son didn't mean that, my son"

When Liu Bei heard this, he was in a hurry and didn't know what to say.
"Okay, let's talk about the current situation in Linzhou, and that Lu Bu, you also talk about it, as a father, I want to see, what kind of beast dares to take my child's Liuzhou?"

The middle-aged man said quite domineeringly, his words were extremely domineering, and he didn't take Lu Bu seriously at all.

"Father, now Liu Yu in the south, Li Shiming in the west, and Lu Buqi in the southeast are attacking together. This is how Lu Bu took Liuzhou."

Facing Liu Sheng, the former lord of Liuzhou, Liu Bei didn't dare to lie, and told everything about what happened.


"Idiot, I, Liu Shengyi, have such a short-sighted ass, why did you give birth to such a short-sighted donkey? You should have worked together with Li Shimin and others to break through Yuhe City and enter Huangzhou."

As soon as he heard Liu Bei said that he was worried about the situation in Liuzhou and he withdrew his troops to help, Liu Sheng stood up angrily, and without hesitation gave Liu Bei a loud slap in the face, which knocked Liu Bei into a daze.

"Father, did the child do something wrong?"

Liu Bei was stunned. He didn't know why Liu Sheng was so angry. He covered his flushed face and asked in puzzlement.

"Wrong fart, you ruined the only chance to destroy Bei Minghao, do you think you did something wrong?"

Liu Sheng rolled his eyes and scolded angrily.

"Oh, idiot, it's no wonder that Li Shimin fell into trouble. You ruined his only chance to destroy Bei Minghao. It's no wonder he didn't beat you."

Liu Sheng sighed and touched Liu Bei's head, feeling a little pity and kindness.

"Father, what should we do? Do we have to prepare for the way out?"

Liu Bei was hopeless, pinned his hopes on Liu Sheng, and looked eagerly at Liu Sheng.

"Prepare for the back? Prepare for the fart. We didn't lose. We are timid before fighting. This is a big taboo. Remember, don't talk nonsense in the future."

When Liu Sheng saw Liu Bei, he gave him another hard look, and began to teach helplessly.

"But Lu Bu is not only extremely powerful in force, but also the wolf cavalry under his command are even more powerful, and Liu Yu's subordinates Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are also very powerful."

Liu Bei obviously lacked confidence and said in a low voice.

"Hmph, when I dominated the battlefield, Zhang Ding and Long Zaiyuan were afraid of me when they saw me. How dare their descendants show their power in front of me? What a joke."

Liu Sheng's eyes were slanted, drunk and disdainful, and he didn't take Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in his eyes at all.

"As for Lu Bu, the white-eyed wolf, hmph, if Ji Wushuang came, I would be afraid of him as a father, but he is a yellow-mouthed child, and I want to make my father afraid, dreaming."

Liu Bei looked at the bragging Liu Sheng, in a daze before his eyes, and his heart was far from being peaceful.

Who is Zhang Ding?Who is Long Jae-yeon?Who is Ji Wushuang?
Those are the peerless warriors who dominated Dongzhou 20 years ago, and each of them can be a god.

Not to mention the Qinglong warrior, the Tengshe warrior, Ji Wushuang, this is the only one who can fight against Dongzhou God of War Dongfang Lingyu undefeated, his father is only afraid of three points.

Nima, why don't you make drafts when you brag, although your son won't refute, but don't be so exaggerated, okay?

Liu Sheng obviously saw Liu Bei's dazed and disbelieving eyes, glanced mockingly, and sighed secretly.

"Hey, idiot, I thought that I, the Thunder Ax King, hid in the mountains and forests, but I didn't expect to make a move again. I don't know if I will be ridiculed by those old guys."

When Liu Bei heard "Thunder Axe", he was shocked and froze.

"Father, you said that you are the Thunder Axe King who was famous 20 years ago and was narrowly defeated by the legendary warrior Ji Wushou? How is that possible?"

Liu Bei covered his mouth, looked at Liu Sheng in surprise, and said blankly.

"It is for the father."

Liu Sheng was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then replied very proudly.

"Hahaha, you are invited by the monkey to tease (bi), can you even tell such a joke?"

Suddenly Liu Bei burst into laughter, covering his stomach and laughing.

"Nizi, shut up, do you still want to tide over the difficulties?"

Looking at Liu Bei who lost his composure, Liu Sheng was furious and let out an angry roar, which made Liu Bei dizzy.

"miss you!"

"Think? Then you fucking shut up for me."

Liu Sheng was trembling with anger, the tiger father has dogs, it is really unfortunate for the family, the family is unfortunate
"Okay, you stay in Pingshan City, you don't have to go anywhere, and if you don't fall down for your father, no one will hurt you."

Liu Sheng was so annoyed by Liu Bei that he forgot the following, so he touched the forehead of Liu Bei, who was a head shorter than himself, and said softly.

Liu Bei was also silent, he could feel Liu Sheng's deep love.

"Father, it's the child's unfilial piety that hurts you. If you leave overnight, they will never know that you are my father."

"Fool, Liuzhou is managed for my father's hard work, the gift left to you, no one else can touch it, even Ji Wushuang's apprentice."

Liu Sheng raised his head and looked towards Liuzhou in the east, where he has countless beautiful memories.
(End of this chapter)

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