Call of the Deer

Chapter 310 The wind is surging, the eve of the storm

Chapter 310 The wind is surging, the eve of the storm

Mount Ji is located in the north of Suzhou. The mountain stretches for hundreds of miles. It is full of mountains, and a clear stream flows out of the mountain.

In the depths of Mount Ji, there is a huge valley. The inside of the valley is different from the outside, but it is a different scene.

This valley is called Ji Yao Valley. As for the origin of the name, there are different opinions.

At this moment, the stream in the valley has not yet frozen, and the fish are swimming freely in the crystal clear water
On the far side of the stream, a middle-aged man in his forties was sitting on a boulder, holding a fishing rod, and was fishing.
"Second uncle, second uncle, have you caught any fish? Zun'er wants to eat grilled fish, grilled fish"

A group of half-children ran over bouncing around, chattering non-stop.

Pairs of treacherous eyes looked straight into the fish cage at the man's feet to see if there were any fish.
"Shh, a group of monkey cubs, keep your voice down, or you will scare the fish away, what a shame!"

When the man saw these brats making trouble again, he yelled that something was wrong, rolled his eyes, and made a silent gesture.

At the same time, hold your breath and look at a big carp in the pool not far away
A group of children followed the middle-aged man's gaze very curiously, and looked into the pool.

"Hey, brother Zhong, what a big fish."

"Second uncle, what kind of fish is this?"

Following the whispering of several little guys, the big carp was finally frightened away.

"Hey, Second Uncle, why did the big fish run away? It's really strange."

"Ah, everyone, run quickly, the second uncle is about to lose his temper, run quickly!"

The little boy named Brother Zhong said with an innocent look on his face, and then he let out a loud cry and ran away.

A group of cubs followed closely behind, and fled in all directions with their feet closed.
"A group of monkey bastards, stop for me, I have to break your legs today, let's see if you dare to make trouble"

The middle-aged man stood up, pretended to be angry, made a movement to chase, and looked at the group of monkey cubs with a helpless look on his face.
At this moment, a man wearing a black cloak sprang out from the woods on one side and knelt at the man's feet.

"Subordinates pay respects to the general."

"Huh? So it's Heizi, what happened to Bu'er? Why did you come to see me so suddenly?"

The middle-aged man put away his helpless expression, his expression changed, and he looked indifferently at the kneeling man.

"I tell the general that the major general pretended to vote for Liu Bei. When Liu Bei and the princes were attacking Bei Minghao and had no time for him to attend, he suddenly went south, swindled Zhaolie City, and took Liu Bei's Liuzhou."

The kneeling man whispered, for fear of offending the Lord in front of him.

"Hey, Bu'er took Liu Bei's Liuzhou? You are so confused, the Liu family is deeply rooted in Liuzhou, how can it be so easy, just establish a foothold in Liuzhou."

Hearing this, the man had a displeased look on his face, which seemed to be very weak.

"General, the major general has now united with Liu Yu and Li Shimin, united, pointing at Liu Bei who currently lives in Linzhou."

The man in black knelt on the ground from the beginning to the end, bowed his head, not daring to raise his head.

"Oh? The three great princes came to besiege Liu Bei, who was seriously injured, and there is a Bei Minghao in the north who is eyeing him. This is interesting. I don't know if that guy can still do it, hehe."

Hearing this, the man had a weird smile on his face, and he stroked the tiger beard on his chin, showing a rather curious expression.
"Where's Chao'er? It's been more than half a year since I left. I don't know how it is now?"

"Back to the general, the little general has now defected to Yanhuang King Bei Minghao, and has gained the trust of Yanhuang King."

"Oh, I voted under Bei Minghao's command? Okay, okay, it's Chao'er who knows the general situation, knows how to advance and retreat, and has self-knowledge. Yes, it's worthwhile for me to teach him all my skills, hahaha."

When the middle-aged man heard the words, a bright light flashed in his eyes, he stroked the tiger's beard, quite satisfied, he kept nodding, and laughed heartily.

"General, where is the major general? Do you want to make a move?"

After a moment of hesitation, the man in black asked softly.

"Hey, Bu'er is a star of destiny, but it's hard to be an emperor star. It's futile to seize Liuzhou this time. I hope he wakes up soon, otherwise even I can't save him."

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, shook his head lightly, and let out a long sigh.

"The general, do you mean to let the major general do what he wants? Don't intervene?"

The man in black hesitated and spoke again.

"Well, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and I can't interfere too much. You lurk in the dark with Wushuangwei. Once Bu'er is in danger, you can do it cheaply. However, remember not to show up too early."

"The subordinates take orders."

"By the way, do you have any news from Dongfang?"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man waved his hand and mentioned other matters.

"The subordinates are incompetent and have not been able to find traces of the Eastern War Gods, but their descendants have also appeared in this world one after another."

Hearing the words, the man in black hesitated slightly, he seemed a little hesitant, and finally gritted his teeth, and told all the things he had found out.

"Interesting, interesting, not only these old fellows have prepared well, even the old boy Ouyang Long can't stand his temper anymore. Twenty years have passed. I wonder if this Ouyang Long has improved a bit?"

The middle-aged man has always maintained a peaceful temperament, not happy with things, not sad with himself, as indifferent as water.

"Even the Azure Dragon Blood Guards have appeared. It seems that Dongzhou is not peaceful anymore. It's interesting, interesting, and I'm really looking forward to it."

The man turned his back to the man in black and looked at the northern sky. He exuded a terrifying fighting spirit all over his body, which made the man in black tremble.

"General, is there anything else you want to order your subordinates to do?"

"Oh? No more, you can go down. Hey, wait a minute. I have a few letters of divorce. You can take them to my brothers. I haven't seen them for more than ten years. It's time to meet them."

Suddenly the middle-aged man waved his hand, as if he remembered something again, stopped the man in black who was about to leave, and said calmly.

Qinzhou, a small county
"You bitch, why are you still staying there? I don't have any food yet. I'm so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back. Go quickly."

"Oh, you old enemy, you only know how to eat all day long, and you're right to be exhausted."

"Oh, every time you see your wife, you know the fart. Eat more and gain strength."

Sizhou, in a forest.

"call out!"




"A beast is a beast, stupid, stop whining, I will send you to bliss now."

A man with two guns on his back and a bow in his hand stood not far from a blind man, and said indifferently.

A blind man was shot through the heart with an arrow, and his eyes were shot blind, bloody
He fell to the ground and twitched, and it seemed that he could not survive.
The middle-aged man drew out a spear and pierced the blind man's head hard.

Xiong Xiazi immediately lost his voice and stopped twitching
"Oh, Longer has been gone for more than a year, I don't know if it's going well or not"

Then he picked up the huge blind bear and walked out of the mountain
"Brother Ding, what are you thinking? Are you missing Feier?"

"It's nothing. Fei'er has enough food and warm clothes. I need to worry about it. It's cold outside. You should go inside first, so you don't catch a cold."

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and said rather speechlessly.

But even though he said so, there was a trace of worry and longing in his eyes.
(End of this chapter)

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