Call of the Deer

Chapter 325 Sun Moon Tomahawk, 1 shot flies

Chapter 325 Sun and Moon Tomahawk, One Shot Flies

With a roar, wild sand flew up around the three of them, instantly submerging the three of them.

The two armies confronted each other, and the atmosphere was particularly dull. Everyone stared at the cloud of dust without blinking.

The dust dissipated, and it was three people standing upright who attracted everyone's attention. They sat down on their horses. They were already injured, and red blood was flowing on the horses.

The three of them were still facing each other, seemingly unscathed, and Lu Bu's painted halberd pierced into the soil.

Both Lu Wenlong's guns were stuck in the soil, and Wang Yanzhang's iron gun was dragged on the ground.

The three of them just looked at each other, motionless, like three statues.

"Hmph, don't try to be brave in front of me, you two wastes are still pretending to be big-tailed wolves in front of me, get lost!"

Suddenly Lu Bu raised the painting halberd, with a contemptuous sneer on the corner of his mouth, he patted Chi Lie horse's neck lightly, as if to appease the mount.

"You, a family slave with three surnames, don't bully me too much."

When Wang Yanzhang heard this, his brows stood up coldly, his eyes widened angrily, and he roared while gnashing his teeth.

"Hmph, you are defeated, so what if I bully you?"

Lu Bu glanced at him and said indifferently.


"Back off, you two are not his opponents, let me do it."

At this moment, a middle-aged man, wearing a red gold battle armor, holding a pair of big axes, and riding a brown war horse, came out of Liu Bei's army.

"Are you the slave Lu Bu with the third surname?"

The man looked at Lu Bu carefully, and then shouted in a very cold voice.

"What are you, dare to speak to me like this?"

As soon as Lu Bu saw this person, he felt that this person was difficult to deal with, but when he saw that this person dared to call him "a slave with three surnames", he was immediately angry.

"Hmph, you don't need to know who I am, as long as you know that you are going to die soon, that's enough."

The middle-aged man did not answer Lu Bu's question, but said something contemptuously.

"Hmph, don't you fucking fart (fart) in front of me, you bastard who should have been in the coffin a long time ago, dare to say kill me, it's just a joke"

Lu Bu was not a good man and a believer, and when he saw that the "old man" was so ignorant, he would yell at him.

"Hmph, yellow-mouthed boy, which bastard (breed) didn't tighten his belt and gave birth to a beast like you."

In terms of scolding, even ten Lu Bu's are no match for Liu Sheng. As soon as Liu Sheng opened his mouth, he scolded all of Lu Bu's fathers.

"You, old man, dare to deceive me like this, you will die for me."

In Lu Bu's heart, he was very attached to his biological father, and when he saw Liu Sheng's mouth was more poisonous than himself, he instantly became angry.

"Hmph, fighting with the old man, you are still a little tender, get the hell out of here, and go to your mother's belly to drink milk for a few more years."

Liu Sheng said he had the upper hand, and his movements were not slow. He swung the battle ax with his right hand, and slashed at Lu Bu fiercely.

And the left hand moved a little slower and half a beat, and slashed across from below.

This front and back, one fast and one slow, has rehearsed the rhythm to the point of perfection.

Even though Lu Bu had experienced many battles, it was difficult to resist.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

With all his strength, Lu Bu smashed the halberd in Liu Sheng's right hand on the battle axe, followed by a deafening roar.

Liu Sheng and Lu Bu were taken aback, at the same time, the battle ax in their left hand looked at Lu Bu like lightning.

At this moment, Lu Bu felt sweat on his forehead and chills on his back. For the first time, he felt that death was close at hand, as if he was about to be beheaded in the next second.
"No, I, Lu Bu, am the god of war, how can I die at the hands of an old man."

Lu Bu roared in his heart, and at this critical moment, his strong body subconsciously fell backwards.
Liu Sheng wiped Lu Bu's nose with the battle ax in his left hand, and the cold wind hit the bridge of his nose, which seemed to sting.

Immediately after, Lu Bu drew a halberd with his right hand, and from bottom to top, he slashed obliquely at Liu Sheng.

At the same time, Liu Sheng's right-handed tomahawk also slashed down like thunder.

The movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, one move after another, without stagnation, extremely proficient.


The halberd and the battle ax were handed over again, and a thunderous sound exploded under the blue sky.

The shock made everyone's eardrums sting and dazzled.

"Drink, get out of here."

Lu Bu was hit by Liu Yu's serial battle axes one after another, so he couldn't fight back at all, so he could only defend passively.

During the whole process, Lu Bu survived the crisis by relying on his sharp intuition and physical sense.

"Hmph, you yellow-mouthed child, although you have a big tone, you are also capable. It is very rare to be able to persist under the old man for so long. Today, the old man will make an exception and leave you a whole body."

The middle-aged man showed surprise in his eyes, and said old-fashionedly, from the beginning to the end, he put Lu Bu in his eyes.

"Hmph, it's not certain who will live and who will die? Old man, I will definitely tear you to pieces."

Lu Bu's eyes were filled with soaring anger, he looked very embarrassed, ungrateful, and roared angrily.

"Hmph, a raw melon egg, dare to speak hard in front of the old man, you will look good in a moment"

Hearing that, the middle-aged man smoked from his nose in anger, glared at Lu Bu fiercely, and then raised his battle ax and rode his horse to kill him.

Lu Bu tightly held the painting halberd covered with knife marks in his hand, gritted his teeth, and went forward.

As the two fought, there were dozens of rounds. At this time, Lu Bu's battle armor was covered with scratches, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was out of breath.

On the other hand, Liu Sheng, although he was a little out of breath, was not in the slightest embarrassment, and looked calm and breezy.

"Huangkou kid, tell me, who taught you this halberd technique, tell me quickly."

At this time, Liu Sheng had fully noticed Lu Bu's halberd technique, which was very similar to a person he knew, so he hurriedly asked.

"Hmph, who taught it to me, do your shit, I tell you old man, you'd better kill me now, otherwise I will destroy your whole family sooner or later."

Lu Bu was really angry at this time. Since his debut, he has been playing tricks on others by himself.

I didn't expect Feng Shui to turn around, and today I was tricked by an old man, and my fame in my life was ruined here, so I was naturally extremely angry.

"Hmph, you are so stubborn, since you are looking for death, then this old man will fulfill you."

Seeing that Lu Bu was so stubborn, Liu Sheng dared to threaten him.

He was furious, and he didn't care whether Lu Bu's halberd technique was taught by someone he knew, so he planned to use ruthless hands directly to eliminate the threat of Lu Bu.

"The sun and the moon split the sky axe, split the stars and the moon, die for me"

Liu Sheng is old and strong, and his combat prowess is higher than Lu Bu's. In addition, he waits for work with ease and has rich experience, which is comparable to Lu Bu, a melon egg.

At this moment, looking at the pair of sun and moon battle axes slashing at him, he was disheartened and fell into a state of despair.

"call out!"




At this critical moment, a ray of silver light came swiftly from a distance, and smashed into Liu Sheng's pair of sun and moon splitting axes fiercely, flying the unprepared Liu Sheng away from his horse.

Everyone looked intently, only to see the golden gun in place, and nothing else.

When Liu Sheng saw the golden gun, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself.

"He actually came"

"Liu Sheng, the longer you live, why do you go back more and more? You actually did such a cruel thing to a junior."

At this moment, a cold shout came from a distance, and everyone looked intently.

What caught my eye was a middle-aged man in golden armor
"It's really you!"


(End of this chapter)

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