Chapter 326

(It’s been a long time since I’ve asked for a monthly ticket. I’ve recommended a ticket. My grades are not good recently. Please give me some support. It gives me a sense of presence and motivation.)

Following the extremely astonished words of Liu Sheng and Lu Bu, everyone looked intently.

The one who caught the eye was a middle-aged man wearing a golden Tianhu battle armor, a white tiger roaring helmet, a tiger-headed panlong halberd in his right hand, and a middle-aged man riding a brown war horse.

"Hehe, brother Liu, long time no see, don't come here without any problems, this little apprentice is a little naughty, please take care of him and let him go"

The middle-aged man chuckled, riding on his horse, and squinting at Liu Sheng.

Isn't this person Ji Wushuang who came all the way from Suzhou without stopping?

"Hmph, Ji Wushuang, what are you doing here? Could it be that after 20 years of not doing anything, you feel uncomfortable and come to Linzhou to act wild?"

When Liu Sheng saw Ji Wushuang, his eyes narrowed slightly, his brows were wrinkled, and he unconsciously clenched the Sun Moon Axe in his hand, and said forcefully.

"Hehe, brother Liu is serious. Ji came to Linzhou this time for no other reason. He just heard that my villain was attacking Linzhou. He was afraid of any mistakes. That's why he came here."

Facing Liu Sheng who was facing a formidable enemy, Ji Wushuang looked quite indifferent and laughed loudly.

"Hmph, Ji Wushuang, is this unfaithful little bastard the proud student you have taught? Be careful when he dies in his hands"

Liu Sheng was already very jealous of Ji Wushuang, and he didn't dare to act rashly for a while, and at the same time, the jealousy in his heart increased a lot.

"Hmph, Liu Sheng, I didn't expect that after 20 years, your temper is still as bad as ever."

"Hmph, Ji Wushuang, the villain you taught has no shame, no loyalty, doves occupy the magpie's nest, and my Liu's territory, you fucking expect me to give you a good look? Dreaming Come on, you are the same as this little beast, hurry up and get this little beast out of here."

The more Liu Sheng thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The old and the young are so fucking shameless.

Could it be that these two thieves are his nemesis?
Liu Sheng thought so in his heart.

"Liu Sheng, keep your fucking mouth clean for me, otherwise don't blame Ji for being rude"

"Fuck you (mom), do you think I'm afraid of you? Damn you, when have you ever been polite to me? Huh?"

"Who the hell is attacking Lao Tzu's territory now, you are 50 or [-] years old, why don't you show your mother face?"

Hearing this, Liu Sheng was so angry that he vomited blood, smoke came out of his seven orifices, and cursed without any scruples, no longer caring about the pressure Ji Wushuang put on him.

"Uh, you, bold Liu Sheng, do you want to die?"

Ji Wushuang didn't expect that Liu Sheng's reaction would be so strong, she was speechless after being scolded, she didn't know what to say, her face turned green and pale.

"Old thief, if you dare to insult my master, I, Lu Bu, will kill you and die for me."

Lu Bu had already recovered a lot of strength at this time, when he saw Liu Sheng dare to insult Ji Wushuang, his most respected teacher, he immediately became angry, raised Fang Tian's painted halberd and killed him.

Seeing that Lu Bu dared to come up, Liu Sheng's eyes flashed with sternness, and he burst into murderous intent.

At this time, Liu Sheng was still extremely angry and angry. What was angry was that the old and the young united to oppress him; and what was angry was that he couldn't see the situation clearly and uttered nonsense in front of it.

At this time, Lu Bu dared to show his fangs and rushed forward to tease his beard. Isn't this courting death?
He didn't intend to keep his hand at the moment, even if Lu Bu was the apprentice of Ji Wushuang, a lunatic, he would kill his precious apprentice in front of Ji Wushuang.

Yinjiu's eyes stared motionlessly at the trajectory of Fang Tian's painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand, his thoughts turned sharply, thinking how to kill with one blow.

"The defeated general, why speak bravely, die for me."

"The sun and the moon open the axe, the ax breaks the universe, die for me."

"White Tiger Roars the Heavenly Halberd, Holy Tiger Roars the Sky, Get the hell out of here"

When Lu Bu was very close to Liu Sheng, Liu Sheng's twin axes flashed a full moon-like arc, and slashed down from left and right directions, only hitting Lu Bu's shoulders.





There was a clear and crisp sound of weapons being handed over, and then Lu Bu was thrown flying by Liu Sheng's pair of sky-opening axes, and then Lu Bu and his halberd fell hard to the ground.

After landing, Lu Bu let out a muffled snort, ignoring the pain of his bones falling apart, stood up quickly, and looked at Liu Sheng, who was looking down on him, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Liu Sheng, you are looking for death, and you dare to attack Bu'er, and you will die for me."

At this time, Ji Wushuang's face was extremely gloomy, and he was very angry. This Liu Sheng was so embarrassed that he treated his precious apprentice like this in front of him.

"Humph, Ji Wushuang, come on, I've been waiting for you for a long time, let me see if you have grown over the years"

Facing Ji Wushuang who was rushing towards him, the fear in Liu Sheng's heart suddenly disappeared. With a very indifferent growl, he raised his battle ax and rushed over.

"Hmph, you'll only know if you've made any progress, but you've lived and passed, which makes me very disappointed."

Ji Wushuang's eyes were icy cold, and as soon as he collected his momentum, he clamped his horse's legs, holding a tiger's head and a dragon halberd, and rushed towards Liu Sheng.

"Stop the fucking nonsense, take the move, the sun and the moon will open the sky axe, split the stars and the moon, cut it for me!"

But in a short while, the two met face to face, and no one stopped talking nonsense and started fighting directly.

Liu Sheng stopped drinking, and the movements in his hands were not slow at all. He raised a pair of sun and moon battle axes emitting a cold light, and slashed at Ji Wushuang.

The sun ax slashed down from top to bottom, while the moon ax slashed from left to right.

"Hmph, you dare to make a fool of yourself even if you are a petty hacker, get the hell out of here."

When Ji Wushuang saw the approaching Moon Axe, he leaned back like lightning, and easily avoided the erosion of the Moon Axe.

At the same time, he held the tiger-headed dragon halberd tightly with both hands, held the sun ax that fell down fiercely, and with a strong thrust, Liu Sheng's sun ax was blocked back.

At the same time, the tiger-headed panlong halberd turned sharply and hit Liu Sheng's head directly, intending to kill him with one blow.

"Hmph, if you want to smash me, go ahead and dream, you, get out of here!"

Liu Sheng is quite familiar with Ji Wushuang's moves, and Ji Wushuang's sudden change of moves is not difficult for him to deal with.

Swinging the moon ax in his hand, the veins in his arm popped up, and he slashed fiercely at Ji Wushuang's tiger head, which was slipping on the tiger's head and coiling the dragon halberd.


The Moon Ax and the Coiling Dragon Halberd slammed together fiercely, sparks shot out, and a piercing sound of handover shook everyone's eardrums, causing them to fall into dizziness.

It's a contest of pure strength, no frills.

With a clang, the two passed by regardless of the outcome, turned the horse's head around, and then clamped the horse's belly to meet each other.

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

There are dozens of rounds again, the two of you come and go, no one can do anything and the other can't.

Liu Sheng deserves to be called the Thunder Ax King, the sun and moon battle ax makes the wind and water rise, like the sun and the moon revolving, and the thunder roars.

After one axe, another axe followed, and each move was stronger than the other, as fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder.

Contrary to Liu Sheng, because Ji Wushuang discarded the Xiaotian Liehu Spear, his offense seemed to be at a loss, and he was basically eroded by the defender Liu Sheng.

The so-called long-term defense will lose, Liu Sheng completely grasped the initiative, the sun and moon battle ax suddenly paused, and then slashed down like lightning.

The moon ax flashed an arc in the air, turned around in the air, handed over to the tiger-headed panlong halberd, and hooked the panlong halberd.

At the same time, the Japanese ax followed the trend and slashed straight at Ji Wushuang's forehead.

This change only happened in a flash, no one expected that Liu Sheng would make a dangerous move, and change his move in such a way in the battle.

At this critical moment, Ji Wushuang panicked, and then calmed down like lightning.

At this time, there are only two paths before him, one is to resolutely give up the dragon halberd, and jump off the horse, which can save his life, but Aiju is doomed.

The second is to forcibly bear Liu Sheng's axe. This ending is ten deaths and no life, which is no different from courting death.

"call out!"


At this critical moment, a cold light struck like lightning, collided with Liu Shengri's ax fiercely, splashing sparks all over the sky, and a crisp sound straight into the sky.

Liu Sheng's right hand was numb from the impact. At this time, he had already separated from Ji Wushuang. Looking closely, it turned out that the little beast had intervened and rescued Ji Wushuang.

"Hmph, Ji Wushuang, you're lucky to get a dog's life back from Lao Tzu's tomahawk, you won't be so lucky next time."

Liu Sheng waited fiercely for Lu Bu, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he said through gritted teeth.

"Hmph, Liu Sheng, I didn't expect to see you in 20 years. You have learned a lot in kung fu. It seems that I have tried my best, otherwise I really can't beat you."

Just as Ji Wushuang was in shock, she raised her head and glanced at Lu Bu gratefully.

At this time Lu Bu held the Dragon Tongue Bow in his left hand and his Howling Tiger Spear in his right, standing in front of the army with a solemn expression.

At this time, Lu Bu's heart was full of turbulent waves, he was not calm, and his whole body was trembling unconsciously.

This Liu Sheng was able to fight head to head with his most respected and strongest master, and almost beheaded his master, how strong is this?
"Use your full strength? You said you didn't use your full strength just now? How is it possible? Damn, are you kidding?"

When Liu Sheng heard that Ji Wushuang said that he would use all his strength, he was taken aback, and then roared with an ugly face.


"Master, take the gun!"

"call out!"


Ji Wushuang didn't answer Liu Sheng's question, but roared loudly, Lu Bu understood immediately, and swung the Howling Tiger Spear fiercely.

The Xiaotianlie Tiger Spear flew up through the air and charged straight at Ji Wushuang.

Ji Wushuang stretched out his left hand like lightning, and caught the Xiaotianlie Tiger Spear.

At the same time, he waved it in the air and pulled out seven or eight spears.

"How is it possible? You are also a master of spears and halberds. Are you planning to compete with Dongfang Lingyu again for the position of God of War in Dongzhou?"

When Liu Sheng saw this, his complexion changed drastically, becoming extremely unnatural, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

"Dongzhou God of War? Hmph, 20 years have passed, I don't care much about the position of God of War anymore, but Dongfang Lingyu, I must defeat."

A trace of contempt and disdain appeared on the corner of Ji Wushuang's mouth, and he snorted coldly, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Liu Sheng, you should be proud to force me to use the Howling Tiger Spear, but today you will definitely die, because I have sworn before that whoever forces me to use the Spear, I will kill him with all my strength."

"At first, I thought Dongzhou Lingyu was the only person who could force me to use a spear. I didn't expect to see you in 20 years, and your strength has grown so fast. I was caught off guard. As a last resort, I had to use the Tiger Spear. Don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame yourself for not knowing how to live or die."

Ji Wushuang's tiger eyes were full of evil, and his murderous intent was awe-inspiring, as if he had already launched his murderous intent.

And Liu Sheng's complexion was a little pale at this time, and his heart was already flustered. He knew better than anyone else how terrifying Dongfang Lingyu's spear was, because he was the only one who survived Dongfang Lingyu's hands.

"Take the call"

Ji Wushuang let out a roar, and rode his horse towards Liu Sheng again.
(End of this chapter)

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