Call of the Deer

Chapter 328 Life should not die, God of War is proud

Chapter 328 Life should not die, God of War is proud

"Liu Sheng, the next move, I will kill you, if I can't kill you, I will stop and let you live."

Ji Wushuang held the Xiaotianlie Tiger Spear in his left hand, and the Dragon Halberd with the tiger's head in his left hand. His eyes showed a rebellious look, and he was very confident.

"Is this true?"

When Liu Sheng heard it, his eyes showed joy, and he spoke a little excitedly.

"No jokes, but it depends on whether you have the ability"

"You should know my rules, Ji Wushuang, right? Every time I confront an enemy, I, Ji Wushuang, only take one hundred and one rounds. If I can't kill the enemy in the first hundred rounds, I will use a unique move."

"In the one hundred and first round, whether I kill the enemy or not, I will stop. This is my rule, Ji Wushuang. It is also the rule that all people who fight me must abide by, and you are no exception."

Ji Wushuang rode a brown war horse with shining golden armor, and the two war weapons shone dazzlingly in the cold wind, approaching Liu Sheng aggressively.

"Okay, Liu Sheng accepted this trick, I want to see if I have the ability to escape from the famous White Tiger God of War, hum."

Facing the domineering and unparalleled Ji Wushuang, who is like a god of war, Liu Sheng Alexander.

His forehead was even more sweaty due to nervousness and fear.

"But if I accept your last move, you can't interfere with today's affairs."

After weighing the pros and cons, Liu Sheng decided to go all out. At the same time, he kept an eye on it and began to bargain with Ji Wushuang.

"Okay, I will do as you said, as long as you accept my last move, I will not interfere with today's affairs, and the Wushuang cavalry behind me will not interfere, but everything must be done according to the rules."

Ji Wushuang is very confident in his own strength, Liu Sheng will undoubtedly die in the next move, there is no second possibility
"What rules?"

When Liu Sheng heard the rules, he was a little curious. He had never heard of Ji Wushuang's other rules, so he asked subconsciously.

"Let the young people solve their own affairs. Our glory is over. I don't need to interfere, and you can't interfere. This is my request, and you must abide by it."

Ji Wushuang's attitude was very firm and clear. The sentence was: If you are lucky enough to save a dog's life in this battle, you can't continue to intervene in the Linzhou war.
"Hello, as long as you don't intervene and intervene in the war, I can retire immediately and never ask about worldly affairs."

At this time Liu Sheng was already on the verge of riding a tiger, looking at Ji Wushuang standing upright in front of him, and the four white tiger generals staring at him behind him, he had no confidence.

"Very well, then accept the move."

"The white tiger roars the halberd, the white tiger roars!"

"White Tiger Cracking Sky Spear, Holy Tiger Cracking Sky! Go to hell!"

"The sun and the moon open the sky axe, the sun and the moon rotate, the ax splits the sky, open it for me!"

At the moment, the two stopped staying behind and directly used their nirvana. Ji Wushuang held a golden soldier in each arm, and the golden battle light was shining all over his body, like a golden armored god of war, standing upright between heaven and earth.

The Fierce Tiger Spear formed a golden storm, rolled up the surrounding dead branches and fallen leaves, and tore towards Liu Sheng.

And the Panlong Halberd was even more powerful, like a long golden dragon, falling from the sky, passing a golden rainbow, and smashed down Liu Sheng fiercely.

Faced with such a world-ending scene, Liu Sheng still dared to be careless, his veins bulged, like a raging lion, he swung the sun and moon ax in his hand, and threw it at Ji Wushuang.

The moon ax streaked across a gorgeous silver light, like a crescent moon, full of fresh air, standing proudly in the sky.

And the sun ax, like a round of blazing golden sun, rose from the east, carrying a soaring aura of destruction, and fell fiercely towards the white tiger.







As a series of thunderous sounds resounded from around the two of them, the surroundings were filled with dust, and in an instant, the two of them were submerged.
The dust lingers for a long time, floating between the sky and the earth
Everyone looked nervously at the center of the cloud of dust, eager to know who would win and who would lose.

"Cough cough cough pop!"

The smoke and sand cleared away, and what came into view was a different scene.

I saw that Ji Wushuang was still standing proudly in front of everyone like a god of war, but his horse was already dead on the spot.

And not far in front of him, Liu Sheng knelt on one knee, holding the sun ax in his right hand, but the blade of the moon ax was gone.

Liu Sheng's face was pale, his lips were twitching constantly, and there was a bloody hole in his right chest, blood was flowing out, which seemed to be pierced by Ji Wushuang with a fierce tiger spear.

Although Ji Wushuang stood upright, he was not unscathed.

I saw that the lower part of his left rib was penetrated by a metal-like thing. Looking carefully, the shape was somewhat similar to the blade of Liu Sheng's moon axe.
"Ahem. The White Tiger God of War, as expected of the White Tiger God of War. Liu won't complain if he loses. If he wants to kill or cut, it's up to you. Liu has nothing to say."

Liu Sheng coughed up blood, his eyes were extremely dim, and he was no longer as arrogant and cold as before.

"No, I took advantage of it today, and it's a bit unfair to win. Since you escaped with my strongest blow, it means that your life should not be lost, and Liu will not make another move."

Ji Wushuang shook his head, sighed slightly, looked at Liu Sheng with some pity in his eyes, and said indifferently, while not forgetting to remind Liu Sheng.

"But don't forget what you promised before."

"Uh, cough cough. Do you think I can still hinder you in my current state?"

Liu Sheng was surprised, and then said with a wry smile, his face looked very lonely and bitter.

"Don't worry, I, Ji Wushuang, will not bully the small with the big. The Wushuang cavalry obeys the order. No matter what happens below, you are not allowed to take action. Anyone who dares to violate it will be dealt with by military law."

Ji Wushuang naturally understood the meaning in Liu Sheng's eyes, and expressed his position directly with actions.

As expected of the God of War, the God of War has his own code of conduct and bottom line, as well as the pride of Zhendongzhou.

Hearing Ji Wushuang's assurance, Liu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the hairs suddenly stood on end, and a sense of fear of death surged from the depths of his heart, and his complexion immediately changed drastically, turning pale.

"call out!"

"Boolean, stop!"



"Rebel, get out of here"

Ji Wushuang also felt it, her complexion changed drastically, and she roared, but it was too late, Lv Bulong Tongue Bow had already spit out the spiked arrow.

Facing the flying arrows like shooting stars chasing the moon, without caring about other things, Panlonghalberd strikes like lightning.

It's just that Ji Wushuang, who was already injured, was a step slower than Lu Bu after all, and the wolf-fanged arrow was about to hit Liu Sheng.

At this critical moment, Ji Wushuang gritted his teeth, his body spun like lightning, and blocked the wolf tooth flying arrow.

With a sound of "Puff", the Spike Flying Arrow stabbed fiercely into Ji Wushuang's right shoulder, and immediately blood flowed like fresh flowers.

Facing the sudden change, everyone felt that their brains were short-circuited, and they didn't react for a while.

At this time, Ji Wushuang's face was pale, and at the same time, regardless of the pain in his body, he roared like a tsunami, and his anger reached the extreme.

Faced with this sudden change, Lu Bu was also stunned. He just wanted to kill this old thief who had humiliated him, but never thought of hurting Ji Wushuang.

At this moment, seeing that the spiked arrow he shot did not kill Liu Sheng, the old thief, but wounded his most respected master, he felt very hesitant for a moment.

However, facing Ji Wushuang's roar, he still bit the bullet and stepped forward.




A loud slap was slapped on Lu Bu's face, and at the same time, Lu Bu was kicked away, hitting the ground hard, and Lu Bu groaned.

At the same time, he got up slightly, lowered his head, and knelt down on the ground.

"You traitor, why do you stab someone in the back? Do what a villain does."

"Do you know that a strong person should have his own dignity and bottom line, stabbing people in the back, has always been despised by others, you are so disappointing as a teacher."

At this time, the cold-faced man rode forward, grabbed Ji Wushuang who was about to faint from anger, and gave Lu Bu a hard look.

Afterwards, this battle ended in the most dramatic change, and the two sides returned to their respective camps.
(End of this chapter)

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