Call of the Deer

Chapter 329 Good Words from God of War, Lu Bu Nirvana

Chapter 329 Good Words from God of War, Lu Bu Nirvana

In the coalition camp!
Ji Wushuang had already pulled out the spiked arrows and the broken blade of the moon axe, and sat on the main seat with a pale face, with an extremely ugly face.

It was very quiet inside the tent, you could hear a needle drop, everyone was silent, not daring to speak out to spoil the atmosphere, the surrounding temperature seemed to be a bit colder than outside.

Even the burly man who was usually careless didn't make a sound, just lowered his head, as if he was thinking about something.

And Lu Bu, who made a big mistake, was kneeling in the middle, with his head bowed, his eyes full of remorse.

However, what he regretted was not shooting and killing Liu Sheng, but accidentally hurting Ji Wushuang who regarded him as his biological father.

Ji Wushuang's tiger eyes were still burning, and the boundless flames in his pupils were burning, staring coldly at Lu Bu who was kneeling in front of him.

"Boolean, do you know your mistake?"

"Master, I know I made a mistake, and I will never do it again."

Lu Bu raised his head, looked at Ji Wushuang in front of him with shining eyes, with a flattering expression on his face, and quickly said that he knew he was wrong.

"No, you haven't realized your mistake yet."

"Do you know that a person, no matter if he is strong or weak like an ant, has his own pride and dignity"

"Being a person must have principles and bottom lines, which must not be touched or surpassed; to be a strong person, one must not only have strong force, but also have a strong heart."

"I have been a teacher for more than ten years. The reason why people are awe-inspiring is that I have a bottom line and principles in doing things. Therefore, although they are afraid of me, they still respect me. This is the honor of being a teacher."

"And if you continue to act like this, maybe after many years, countless people will fear you and be afraid of you, but they will never respect you."

"There will still be people behind your back who will poke your back and become a negative teaching material, leaving a bad reputation for thousands of years. This is the reason for the teacher's anger. It is not too late to make up for it. Think about it carefully and don't let the teacher down."

The anger on Ji Wushuang's face slowly dissipated at this time, and at the same time, she blamed herself very much.

He taught Lu Bu the unparalleled ability to dominate the battlefield, but he did not teach him the rules of being a general.

This remark made Lu Bu, who had an unruly complexion, fall into silence, and at the same time, his mood slowly fell into memory.
That year, when he was in Bingzhou, he commanded tens of thousands of Bingzhou wolf riders, which made the Qiang people frightened by the news, how high-spirited he was.

At that time, the ambition in his heart had not yet grown, he was just a unparalleled warrior who cared about the people and took protecting the frontier as his duty.
That year, outside the city of Luoyang, for the first time, he was lured by fame and money, provoked by Li Su, and mercilessly beheaded his adoptive father who regarded him as his own.
At that moment, his bottom line and conscience finally shattered in front of money, fame and fortune, and disappeared with the wind.

From then on, there were only house slaves of the three surnames that were feared and disgusted, and there were no peerless generals who defended the country.

His strength is only feared by others, but never respected.
After a few more years, he, who was mentally unstable and proud of his talents, met Diao Chan for the first time, and his ruthless heart finally burst into vitality.

However, fate always likes to play tricks on people, playing tricks on people in the world.
He was not reconciled, he wanted to resist, and once again gave up his bottom line, beheaded his adoptive father for the sake of beauty, he was still merciless, killing people without blinking an eye
For another few years, he was wandering and wandering around with a group of bereaved dogs. He passed by Xuzhou and was taken in by Liu Bei who cherished his talent.

However, with his unsteady mind, he still did not hesitate to do the shameless act of occupying the magpie's nest, taking away Liu Bei's Xuzhou.
In the end, he, who had no bottom line, came to the end, betrayed his relatives, and his wife and children were separated.

When the last moment came, most of the people abandoned him, but only two people still followed him calmly, facing death calmly.

At that moment, he was so desperate and helpless, but he still didn't realize that he was wrong from the very beginning, it was outrageously wrong.

And these, gathered bit by bit, brewed a bitter fruit in his mouth, let him swallow it by himself.

"Am I wrong? Am I really wrong? Hahaha, I was wrong, wrong. Woohoo, why? Why. Ah."

When everyone was looking at Lu Bu without blinking, Lu Bu suddenly began to mutter to himself, and then laughed and cried like crazy, as if his spirit had collapsed.

"Brother, Boo, do you want to wake him up?"

The cold-faced man beside Ji Wushuang suddenly spoke with a look of worry on his face.

"No, trust him, he will wake up in a short time."

A gratified smile appeared on Ji Wushuang's pale face, he waved his hand to stop him, and at the same time muttered to himself.

"Bu'er, I hope you can get out of your twisted mind. As long as you get out, you will definitely have a place in Dongzhou in the future."

After a while, Lu Bu calmed down slowly. At this moment, his eyes were bloodshot, and the eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, which was very scary.

At the same time, he was sluggish, as if he had suffered a serious illness, and his hair was a little messy.

"Master, Bu'er knows it's wrong, Bu'er is so bitter, so bitter, woo woo woo."

Lu Bu suddenly knelt on the ground and lay on Ji Wushuang's lap, like a lonely child crying bitterly in Ji Wushuang's arms.
"My child, I have suffered for you. Cry. If there is something sad, just cry out. Don't hide it in your heart. No matter what happens, the teacher is by your side. You are the teacher's apprentice. The one who has been with me since childhood A brat who grew up under his care"

Speaking of this, Ji Wushuang also wiped away his tears, and at the same time laughed with a sob.

"Oh, I got sand in my eyes, go out and blow it"

Seeing this, the corners of their eyes were moist, and they got up one after another, and walked out of the camp as if fleeing.

After a long time, Lu Bu stopped crying and sat at Ji Wushuang's feet. The gloom on his face had dissipated, and he became a little silent at the same time.

"Son, it doesn't matter what happened before. You have to know that as a man, no matter whether he is rich or poor, he must have a bottom line. Principles are the foundation of a man's life."

"The future of Kyushu will be a situation where a hundred schools of thought contend. There are countless opportunities waiting for you, and it depends on whether you can grasp them."

"A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to serve. You were born to be a general, so the teacher only taught you the ability to charge and fight, but ignored the principles of life. This is the teacher's mistake."

"This time I attack Linzhou, I will not help you as a teacher. If you have the ability, you can take Linzhou. If you don't, then you can rein in the precipice and be a warrior who will be hired on the battlefield and charge into battle with peace of mind."

Ji Wushuang touched Lu Bu's head, combed the messy hair and beard with his own hands, and said earnestly.

"Well, master, don't worry, my boy knows what to do, and I won't let you down again, but my boy has his own difficulties, so he must compete with Bei Minghao, otherwise I am not reconciled, I hope master can understand"

"Oh, Bei Minghao? What's your quarrel with him? I heard that he killed several of your generals with his own hands. Just because of this, you want to fight him forever?"

Hearing this, Ji Wushuang's eyes showed surprise, he looked at Lu Bu with some surprise, and said.

"No, it's more than that. I have a hatred for taking his wife with him, and this hatred is irreconcilable."

A trace of anger flashed in Lu Bu's eyes, and he said through gritted teeth.

"Confused, a man stands proudly in the world, why bother to have no wife? Just because of a woman, you are going to fight to the death with the mighty Bei Minghao, come down and be sober"

As a general on the battlefield, Ji Wushuang naturally couldn't understand Lu Bu's thoughts, and was dizzy with anger. It was useless to say so much about his feelings.

He would not understand the so-called shortness of breath of a hero and love for his sons and daughters.

Lu Bu did not explain, but Ji Wushuang's words really made Lu Bu experience Nirvana as if he had been reborn.

But this is not the nirvana of strength, but the transformation of state of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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