Call of the Deer

Chapter 333 Talented talents, Wu Qi's recommendation letter

Chapter 333 Talented talents, Wu Qi's recommendation letter

(Dear book friends, after careful consideration, I think it is better for Xu Huang to use a single axe, so I changed the Sun and Moon battle ax to the Thunder battle ax that Liu Sheng has passed down from generation to generation. However, Liu Sheng will pass on the Sun and Moon battle axe, I hope Please bear with me, at the same time, I will open a single chapter tomorrow to introduce you to the map and situation of Kyushu. I hope it will be helpful for you to read)

The next day, when the morning sun rose from the east, Bei Minghao slowly woke up sleepily from his dream.

Looking down, Luoyan Zhaojun squinted his eyes, resting on his strong arms, still asleep.

Zhaojun has a beautiful sleeping posture, like a sleeping beauty, sleeping peacefully.

At this moment, Bei Minghao's belly was on fire, as if a ball of fire was slowly igniting, and the dragon head below also woke up again.

Zhaojun seemed to be aware of it, and trembled unconsciously, this scene was captured by the sharp-eyed Bei Minghao, and he smiled.

"Ai Ji, you've woken up, but you're still pretending to be asleep? Seems like my husband won't take care of you, hehe"

"Ah, Your Majesty, don't do it."

Before he finished speaking, Bei Minghao pounced on him like a hungry wolf and began to enjoy a feast.

In the first half of the day, Bei Minghao sprang out from the warm blanket in a very satisfied way, and stretched his body. Those muscles like horned dragons made people feel refreshed and happy.

At this time, Zhaojun also poked his head out from under the quilt, his face was ruddy, and he looked tenderly at the strong Bei Minghao.

Afterwards, Bei Minghao took Zhaojun, Diaochan, Yuji, and Yushu to meet Wang Yan and headed for the Wuji Hall, which handles major military affairs.

At this time, all the ministers have been waiting for a long time, this is what Bei Minghao requested before.

Bei Minghao looked around, looking to the left, Cui Hao, Baili Xi, Yang Hu, Xie An, Zhuge Liang, and Guo Jia's six advisors were all there.

On the right hand side, Ma Chao and Yang Youji are sitting in turn.

Behind him are the two generals Xu Chu and Dian Wei, standing motionless like a statue.

Since the last time they were attacked, Dian Wei and Xu Chu never dared to be careless and stayed close to Bei Minghao all the time.

But in the dark, Zhang Zhongjian hid, like a walker in the dark.

"My dear friends, during the three months when the lonely king was away, did any major events happen?"

"Reporting to my lord, since you secretly became a teacher, the population of Huangzhou has continued to increase rapidly. Today, the total population of the state has exceeded 500 million. Fortunately, Bailixi is involved in it, and there has been no confusion."

At this time, Cui Hao was the first to step forward and began to report the current situation in the state.

"Well, yes, Baili Aiqing has worked hard, is there any more?"

"Reporting to my lord, many scholars have come to join me recently, but most of them are mediocre people who are proud of their talents, but there are still some talents that can be used."

As soon as Bei Minghao finished speaking, Bailixi, Yang Hu and the others looked at each other, and then Yang Hu took out a memorial from his bosom and presented it.

"Oh, to be specific, what are the talents that are available? The Gu Wang advocates eclectic talent reduction, and you need to implement it."

When Bei Minghao heard the words, he smiled slightly, and spoke with great interest. At the same time, he took the memorial, opened it, and read it slowly.

There are quite a few people in the memorial, there are more than a dozen people, and the names are as follows:
Bao Zheng, from Cangzhou; Jiang Wan, from Qianzhou; Xin Qiji, from Sizhou; Wei Zheng, from Qinzhou; Su Shi, from Huangzhou;

Ma Su and Ma Liang are from Yuzhou; Xie Daoyun is from Zhongzhou; Xu Guangqi is from Quzhou; Wen Tingyun is from Suzhou; Wang Zhen is from Huangzhou.

In addition to these, there are detailed introductions of these talents.

"Hey, Xin Qiji and Su Shi have come forward? Interesting, huh? This Xie Daoyun, if I remember correctly, should be a woman, right?"

"And Ma Su, Ma Liang? Wei Zheng? Could this be the outspoken Wei Zheng? Shouldn't he be looking for Li Shimin? What are you doing here?"

"And this Wen Tingyun, this guy is not a good guy. It seems that these guys have a good eye and can notice this handful of available talents."

"Xie Aiqing, is this Xie Daoyun the same ancestor as you?"

Beiming Haoxu squinted his eyes and asked a little strangely.

"Uh, speaking back to the lord, this Xie Daoyun is my younger sister. She likes poetry and books since she was a child. She has some literary talent. She came to visit Weichen recently. She doesn't want to leave when she comes."

"My lord, don't you advocate the promotion of the virtuous and not the avoidance of relatives? This minister boldly recommended the younger sister."

Speaking of this, Xie An blushed, as if he was quite embarrassed, his forehead was covered with sweat.

The other people also whispered to each other, a little surprised, but at the same time they seemed to disagree.

"Brother Xie, I admire your literary talent very much, but isn't it inappropriate for a woman to intervene in this court matter?"

Yang Hu's character was clean and honest, he was upright and upright, and he spoke directly.

"This is Xie's lack of consideration, I hope the lord will forgive me, and I hope you will forgive me a lot"

When Xie An heard this, he felt that what he had done was inappropriate, and quickly apologized in shame.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's true that you don't avoid relatives when you are a virtuous person, and who said that women are inferior to men? If you think about it, Feng Qiling, the female general of Tianfeng, was not a female general, she was still hired on the battlefield, and she was fascinated by others."

Bei Minghao said with a smile, without the slightest hint of displeasure or blame.

"My lord's words are reasonable, but we are a little pedantic and stubborn."

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia looked at each other, and directly confessed.

"Hehe, it's okay, everyone should learn a lot from Xie Aiqing's move."

"By the way, the people on the list of the Guwangguan have their own talents. You need to arrange them properly and give them a stage to display their talents. You must not be jealous of talents and suppress talents. Those who violate them will be severely punished by the Guwang."

Speaking of this, Bei Minghao's words were relatively indifferent, not because he was kind just now, his tiger eyes stared at everyone present, and everyone trembled intuition.

"We will bear in mind the Lord's teachings and never dare to disobey"

When everyone heard it, they were shocked, then knelt down on the ground, and promised.

"Well, yes, apart from the above, there are other important things happening."

"Returning to my lord, General Wu Qi of Sizhou sent important information, saying that Lv Bu suddenly sent his troops south, fraudulently took Zhaolie City, doves occupied the magpie's nest, and Liu Bei Liuzhou was taken away."

"Now it is even united with Liu Yu to attack Liu Bei who has retreated to Linzhou. Liu Bei is in a critical situation and may die overnight."

At this time, Yang Hu came out, took out a thicker memorial from his bosom, and presented it to Bei Minghao.

"Oh, Lu Bu actually betrayed Liu Bei? This; Liu Bei is too unlucky, everyone betrays relatives."

Bei Minghao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then touched his forehead dumbfounded, feeling a little sympathetic to Liu Bei who was not going well.

"By the way, my lord, General Wu Qi was afraid that my lord would not be able to see the information in time, so he acted cheaply, and sent a new general, Lu Xiangsheng, to defect to Lu Bu, and set a trap for Lu Bu."

"Enen, Wu Qi is decisive, he did a good job, what else?"

"What's more, General Wu Qi sent a recommendation letter, recommending a man named Liu Ji, saying that this man is a great talent, and he is a capable minister in governing the world."

"At the same time, I also recommended Xu Da and Chang Yuchun. These two are also rare and peerless talents."

Yang Hu also took Wu Qi's recommendation letter out of his bosom, and handed it to Bei Minghao.

Bei Minghao hurriedly opened the letter, eager to know that this Liu Ji was this Liu Ji and not that Liu Ji.

When I opened the recommendation letter, I knew that this time I was really lucky.

This Liu Ji is the Liu Ji who is known as Zhuge Liang who divides the world into three parts and Liu Bowen who dominates the country.

And that Xu Da was the No. 1 founding general of the Ming Dynasty, and Chang Yuchun was known as having an army of [-], which could secure the world.

With the help of these three people, it is like adding wings to a tiger, wouldn't it be a pleasure?
"Okay, Wu Qi has made meritorious deeds in promoting virtuous men, and passed on the order of the lonely king to promote Wu Qi as a general who conquers the south, so that the government can be established."

When everyone heard this, they were startled and looked at Bei Minghao in confusion, but Bei Minghao didn't explain.

"Is there any other information?"

"My lord, this is an urgent military report from General Bai Qi"

Yang Hu took out a letter information again.

(ps: By the way, an old friend signed a new book a few days ago. Let me introduce it to you here. The title of the book is "Eternal Dragon Lord", a masterpiece of fantasy. An explanation, hehe)

(End of this chapter)

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