Call of the Deer

Chapter 334 Information from all parties, the situation in Dongzhou

Chapter 334 Information from all parties, the situation in Dongzhou (—)
Bei Minghao took the memorial and began to examine it carefully.

"Hey, this time when Li Shimin went north, our army suffered a lot of losses, even though it severely damaged the coalition forces."

"However, Wu Song and General Yang Yanzhao are also missing. Meng Liang, Jiao Zan, and Deng Jinzhong, the three most loyal people who followed Gu, died in battle. What a pity."

"The orders of the orphans are passed on, and the families of the soldiers who died in battle will be paid a lot of money. Meng Liang, Jiao Zan, Deng Jinzhong and others must be buried in a grand manner."

"Huh? Yang Yanhui? Yang Yanding? Yang Yansi? Could this be the loyalty of the Yang family? Bowen, what happened to Yang Yanding and others? Why did they die in battle? Tell me in detail."

He was a little surprised to see the name of Yang Family Zhonglie among the names of the important soldiers who died in battle, and there were not only one, but four in total.

"Returning to the lord, this Yang Yanzhao is from Yanzhou, and there are six brothers and sisters. This time, these six people seem to have gone north to visit relatives. They saw Yang Yanzhao was in danger, so they came to the rescue. Unexpectedly, it was Lu Bu who was here. Well, all four brothers died tragically under their halberds, causing such a catastrophe."

Cui Hao seems to have done his homework before, and has a little understanding of this matter.

"Well, where are Yang Yanzhao and the others now? The lonely king must promote and reuse such loyal men, and the few righteous men who died in battle must also be buried generously, and the hearts of the righteous men must not be chilled."

When Bei Minghao heard it, he probably understood what was going on.

"Oh, the lonely king is ashamed, I'm sorry for the soldiers who died in battle."

This was originally a happy event to meet brothers, but unexpectedly, the world is unpredictable, and this meeting turned into a farewell.

Thinking of this, Bei Minghao not only blamed himself and sighed.

"My lord, Li Shimin came here fully prepared this time. The dangerous move was beyond our expectations. You don't have to blame yourself so much. In the future, you will step on Qinzhou as a horse and cut Li Shimin under the horse to pay for the lives of the soldiers who died in battle." "

Ma Chao was originally a man of staunch character. Hearing that the general of the Yang family had done such a righteous deed, he admired him extremely.

At the same time, endless remorse and shame arose in my heart, and I felt great resentment towards my senior brother Lu Bu's sworn death.

"Hmph, my lord, the fault lies with that damned Guo Chongtao. In the future, he will use the bow in his hand to shoot this thief off his horse and avenge his tragic death."

Yang Youji was also filled with righteous indignation. He stood up, his whole body radiating a chill, and waved his iron fist angrily.

"Hmph, the sky net is well restored, and it is not leaked. Guo Chongtao has already been captured by Meng Qi, and now he is confessing outside Linyuan City."

Bei Minghao's eyes were cold, and his tone was extremely cold.

This time, because of his carelessness, he was taken advantage of by Li Shimin, and it can be said that he suffered a heavy loss.

Especially the more than 2 Mo Dao soldiers made Bei Minghao's flesh hurt.

Before Mo Dao Bing showed his fangs, his entire army was wiped out. It can be said that he died before leaving the army.
"Huh, Xiongkuohai? Could it be that the fourth hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Zilong actually captured the Purple Faced King, which is a surprise."

Seeing this, Bei Minghao was a little surprised in his heart, thinking that after Zhao Yun awakened, he was really amazing.

"My lord, this is the information sent by Jing Zizhen, please check it, my lord."

At this moment, Cui Hao took out a memorial from his bosom again and presented it to Bei Minghao.

"Huh? The Weiqing cavalry attacked Shan Xiongxin to escort the grain and grass, and beheaded Shan Xiongxin and his horse. It seems that this should be Zizhen's plan."

"The reason why Li Shimin retreated was probably because the food and grass were cut off. The ghost is worthy of being a ghost. This trick is really bloody."

Looking at the contents of the intelligence, Bei Minghao was speechless, this Jingxiang's strategy is really perfect.

At the same time, he glanced at the star and saw an interesting message. He was a little surprised and passed it on to Guo Jia and others to watch.

"Huh, what is this? It turns out that the battle in Yunzhou is over, and it's ironic that Xu Rong and Zhang Ji, two experienced veterans from Cangzhou, died in mutual calculations."

"My lord, if you seek skin from a tiger, you will die without a place to die."

A trace of disdain flashed in Yang Hu's eyes, and he was a little contemptuous of Xu Rong and others who made such short-witted actions.

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that in the final outcome, all three losers, but it is indeed beneficial to us."

Beiming Haoxu squinted his eyes, for such a situation was beyond his expectation.

"However, that Chen Qingzhi is very extraordinary. He acted decisively; especially in Dingzhou, he also helped us a lot. It can be seen that his vision is absolutely incomparable to others."

After a cursory inspection, Guo Jia found something unusual, and said with great interest.

"Yeah, that's right, this Chen Qingzhi did us a favor, so we must remember this favor."

"Brother Xie, it seems that you have someone to help you. Otherwise, based on Chen Qingzhi's overall situation, Xiao Yan probably wouldn't send a large army to attack Yunzhou, right?"

At this moment, Zhuge Liang's eyes flickered, and he said to Xie An with some surprise.

"Hehe, brother Zhuge really has a unique vision, right in one sentence, yes, Wang Meng, the counselor under Xiao Yan's tent, is my classmate and friend in Jixia Academy, without him, Xiao Yan, an old fox, would easily send troops there "

When Xie An heard this, he gave a wry smile, and had a high opinion of the new Zhuge Liang.

When Bei Minghao heard about Wang Meng, his heart trembled. Could it be that Wang Jinglue is known as "the No. 1 master of Zhuge"?

"There is also that Shi Lang, who is not insignificant. He even beheaded Li Jue, and the tiger occupied the Tongtian Bridge. In this way, Yongzhou can send troops to attack Cangzhou at any time and regain the lost ground."

Bei Minghao sank his heart and began to understand the context, thinking so in his heart.

"Cangzhou is not unavailable. Dong Cheng and Zhang Xiu are both extraordinary. Although they have lost three veterans, the background is still there. I am afraid that Xiao Yan will not be able to take it in a short time."

"Besides, Xiao Yan and Chai Rong are not monolithic. If they are not in harmony, it will not be easy to develop."

Thinking of this, Bei Minghao began to think about it, knowing what to do next.

He can completely recharge his energy without sending troops, develop in secret, watch the fire from the other side, and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"My lord, Chen Baxian, the lord of Pingzhou, is also extraordinary. His two generals, Man Chong and Xiao Mohe, attack and defend, complement each other, and should not be underestimated."

At this moment, Cui Hao suddenly thought of Chen Baxian in the south of Dongzhou, and brought up the matter of Chen Baxian.

Hearing this, Bei Minghao fell into silence and tapped the throne lightly without saying a word.

Everyone was motionless, and no one made a sound. They knew that Bei Minghao was thinking about something.

Indeed, Bei Minghao was thinking about the problem, and at the same time began to take stock of the forces that still existed in Dongzhou, so that he knew it well.

Chen Baxian from Pingzhou; Li Shimin from Qinzhou, Dingzhou and Yunzhou; Liu Yu from Suzhou; Liu Bei from Linzhou; Lu Bu from Liuzhou;
Xiao Yan and Chai Rong from Yongzhou; Dong Cheng from Cangzhou; Sun Quan from Anzhou and Zhenzhou; Ouyang Long from Quzhou; Meng Bo from Hezhou.

At this moment, there are still eleven or twelve forces entrenched on Dongzhou, which should not be underestimated.

"Well, there is no need to pay attention to this Pingzhou. Sun Quan, Dong Cheng, Liu Yu, and Xiao Yan can just be on guard. The biggest enemies should be Li Shimin, Lu Bu, and Ouyang Long."

Thinking of this, Bei Minghao finally sorted out his thoughts and became much more comfortable.

At the same time, he told everyone his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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