Call of the Deer

Chapter 342 Huan Hou Awakened, Wu Sheng Killed

Chapter 342 Huan Hou Awakened, Wu Sheng Killed

Just when Wei Yan charged up the city wall and beheaded Zhang Yi, Zhang Fei also went through untold hardships, broke through numerous obstacles, and rushed to kill the city wall.

"Lu Wenlong, let your grandpa Zhang Fei die."

Zhang Feibao's eyes were wide open, and his whole body burst out with a fighting spirit, full of fighting spirit, he rushed towards Lu Wenlong excitedly.

But Lu Wenlong faced Zhang Fei who was coming to kill him, there was no fear in his eyes, there was only endless fighting intent, and he greeted Zhang Fei with two guns in his hand.

The two quickly staggered together, leaving a space around them.

"Bah!" "Bah!" "Bah!"

Zhang Fei's snake spear is like a coiled dragon snake, attacking through the air, stabbing, poking, or smashing, it is tricky and ruthless.

And Lu Wenlong's two spears are like a flying dragon and a phoenix, they are incomparably gorgeous, they can thrust, sweep, stab, or pierce.

Offensive and defensive momentum, switching between spears and spears.

"Hmph, let your grandpa Zhang die."

As soon as Zhang Fei saw a loophole in Lu Wenlong's move, the snake spear immediately thrust out like lightning, and stabbed directly at the underarm of Lu Wenlong's left arm. This move was urgent and fast, and it was extremely fierce.

"Hmph, get out of class, get out!"

Lu Wenlong saw Zhang Fei's snake spear piercing his wide-open underarm, a flash of fear flashed in his starry eyes, and then a flash of determination.He leveled the long spear in his left hand, and raised it again.


Zhang Fei's Snake Spear was raised an inch higher by Lu Wenlong's spear, and the Snake Spear dangerously and dangerously slashed across his left shoulder, piercing through his flesh, and it was so dangerous that it almost killed Lu Wenlong's arm.

And Lu Wenlong was not easy to talk to. Seeing Zhang Fei's attack so swiftly and violently that he almost lost his arm, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Lu Wenlong's right-handed spear pierced Zhang Fei's chest before Zhang Fei had time to retract the snake spear.

At this time, Zhang Fei had nowhere to hide, no way to avoid, so he could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, and had an idea.

Zhang Fei's left arm shot like lightning, before Lu Wenlong's spear pierced him, he turned his body, and shot like lightning, clamping the spear.

However, Lu Wenlong was not mediocre. Seeing that Zhang Fei avoided his own blow in this way, his eyes showed surprise combined with admiration, and at the same time, he used his right hand to leave the spear like lightning.


This swipe came quickly and powerfully, which shocked Zhang Fei and caught Zhang Fei by surprise.

At this moment, a very deep scratch appeared on Zhang Fei's battle armor and the wrist guard on his arm.

It almost cut Zhang Fei's body.

When the offensive and defensive momentum changes, the two have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in general, Zhang Fei is slightly behind.

"Black Barbarian, shoot me again"

Lu Wenlong was obviously dissatisfied with his record, and attacked again with his guns. His two guns danced like coiled snakes, and directly attacked Zhang Fei who looked a bit embarrassed.

"Hmph, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings. Today, I, Zhang Fei, will let you know what is good or bad. Go to hell!"

Zhang Fei stared angrily at Lu Wenlong, roared, and charged at Lu Wenlong with a spear.

Not eating spicy food or burning his mouth, this Lu Wenlong dared to come over, which made Zhang Fei extremely annoyed, and naturally he would not let this guy continue to show off his power.

"Soaring the snake to split the ground spear, soaring the snake and dancing wildly, kill!"

"Hmph, the light of the firefly, dare to compete with Haoyue? Go to hell, black barbarian."

"Qingluan double spear, Qingluan soars to the sky!"

From the beginning to the end, Lu Wenlong didn't pay attention to this black barbarian. The only thing he was afraid of was Lu Bu, the evil spirit.





After all, Lu Wenlong's martial arts were a bit stronger than Zhang Fei's, and his skill with two spears in one hand was even more miraculous. The long spear in his right hand and Zhang Fei's snake spear were evenly matched, and they each retracted.

At the same time, Lu Wenlong's left-handed spear swept towards Zhang Fei like a gust of wind and chaotic shadows.

In the chaos, Zhang Fei panicked and held the spear to block before he could fully retract it. Unfortunately, he was hit hard by the spear, and he flew out with the spear.

"bah bah bah"

As soon as Zhang Fei flew out, he turned over and jumped up quickly, spit out the blood from his mouth, and shook off the dust all over his body, looking like a normal person.

Lu Wenlong looked at Zhang Fei in astonishment, and for a while, he stopped pressing and stood with his gun.

"Black Barbarian, are you ready?"

"Submit your paralysis."

Zhang Fei's leopard's eyes were bloodshot, like a wounded lion, his star eyes were on fire, his whole body was full of anger, and his momentum began to rise continuously.

In less than a moment, his momentum rose to a higher level, and with a roar, he charged again with a spear.





Lu Wenlong didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Fei who came to kill him, and he supported holding a gun to block.Unexpectedly, Zhang Fei's strength had improved qualitatively in a short period of time, and he was directly knocked into the air.

With just one move, Lu Wenlong suffered internal injuries, and a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, I have a few troubles, let's continue"

"Don't mess with me, I'm going to save my elder brother Liu Bei"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Fei held the snake spear in his hand, took two steps in three steps, and rushed towards the south city wall.

"What? Save your big brother Liu Bei? Hahaha, you (mother) are you invited by a monkey to tease (force)? Or were you fooled by me? And Liu Bei is your big brother? If Liu Bei is your big brother, I ( Mom) it’s you, uncle, me”

When Lu Wenlong heard this, he suddenly covered his stomach and laughed wildly. With a face of disbelief, he looked at Zhang Fei with the eyes of an idiot, and stopped in front of Zhang Fei.

At the same time, he felt in his heart that this Hei Si must have been seriously injured and was dying, so he wanted to get away and run away.

Hmph, want to run?And even made such a poor excuse, you think I, Lu Wenlong, are a fool, don't you?
Lu Wenlong looked at Zhang Fei with disdain, thinking so in his heart.

"Get out of the way, I don't want to kill people, don't force me."

At this moment, Zhang Fei was anxious and anxious, and he didn't have the energy to deal with Lu Wenlong's teasing and disdain.

"Hmph, if you want to go to the south city wall, you have to step over my body, Lu Wenlong first!"

When Lu Wenlong saw Zhang Fei with a cold tone and evil spirit coming out of his body, he looked at him with cold starry eyes, and his face became serious.

"Hello, I'm fine. If something happens to my elder brother Liu Bei, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world."

After finishing speaking, he retreated directly to the edge of the city wall, without any scruples about the soldiers behind him, stepping on the ladder, he rowed down
This scene came so quickly that Lu Wenlong and a group of soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding that Zhang Fei had worked so hard to rush up, and only said a few inexplicable words inexplicably, and then went down inexplicably.

But he couldn't figure it out, so Lu Wenlong stopped thinking about it. Now that Zhang Fei's coalition army is gone, it will be a disaster.

Lu Wenlong led a group of soldiers to brutally kill them on the city wall, some of them were directly forced to jump off the city wall.

As soon as Zhang Fei got under the city wall, he looked worried and rushed towards the south city wall without stopping.

At this time, Lu Bu finally broke through Chong Chong's obstruction and landed on the southern city wall.

"Hmph, Liu Bei, I, Lu Fengxian, are here, why don't I come and die?"

Lu Bu looked arrogantly at Liu Bei who was not far away, with a hint of joking on the corner of his mouth, he shouted loudly.

"Wang Yanzhang is here, Lv Bu is a thief, don't run wild!"

"Xu Huang is here, Lu thief, don't hurt a single hair of my brother!"

Wang Yanzhang and Xu Huang jumped out one after another and stood in front of Liu Bei.

"Hmph, how dare you speak bravely when you are defeated, get out of here!"

Lu Bu snorted softly, and squinted at the two of them, his tone extremely disdainful.

"Hmph, what about the three family slaves, plus me, Guan Yunchang?"

At this moment, a cold snort sounded from the west, the voice was extremely cold, and a chill could be felt from far away.

When Liu Bei heard it at this time, a glint of light flashed in his dark eyes, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

"Second brother, he...has he come back?"

"Huh? Guan Yu? Do you remember?"

Lu Bu was taken aback for a moment, then looked into the distance, and said with some uncertainty.


Guan Yu just snorted coldly and didn't say much.

"Hmph, now Liu Bei is gone, so how do you remember? Don't you think it's a bit late?"

Lu Bu snorted coldly, his tone became a little indifferent and contemptuous, and he didn't take Guan Yu seriously.

"With me here, it's not too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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