Call of the Deer

Chapter 343 Destiny 1 battle, 3 Ying defeated

Chapter 343 In the fateful battle, Sanying was defeated
"With me here, it's not too late!"

Guan Yu's phoenix eyes were squinting at Lu Bu, and the stern voice stopped, sonorous and powerful, full of momentum, exuding endless fighting intent from his whole body.

"Hahaha, that's really shameless, old man Guan Yu, don't forget that in the previous battle, you three brothers could only barely draw with me, not to mention that I am no longer what I used to be."

Hearing this, Lu Bu sneered contemptuously, and at the same time exuded a strong aura from his whole body, pressing towards Guan Yu.

"Hmph, family slave with three surnames, don't you think I, Guan Yu, am still the old Amon under Wu?"

Guan Yu's lying silkworm eyebrows were raised coldly, exuding a frightening coldness all over his body, and he met Lu Bu's rushing momentum without fear.

"Hmph, so what? With your current strength, you are still no match for my Lu Bu. I advise you not to humiliate yourself and get the hell out of here. This is not the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

A trace of contempt appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth, and he squinted at Guan Yu, while Fang Tian pointed his halberd at Guan Yu and snorted coldly.

"Lu Bu, Lu Bu, I really feel sorry for you. How can you, a slave of three surnames, understand the friendship between my three brothers?"

Guan Yu refused to eat, and glared at Lu Bu coldly, with a sympathetic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Second brother."

Looking at his former brother, who killed him at the most rare moment, Liu Bei bit his lips excitedly, trembling all over.

At the same time, his eyes were blurred, and a slight smile appeared, as if the picture of those three people holding their swords and raising the flag to revolt appeared in front of him.

"Brother, don't worry, with me here today, no one will want to touch a single hair of yours!"

The eyes of Guan Yu and Liu Bei met, and Guan Yu said very confidently, his eyes were full of affection.

"Third brother, big brother believes in you!"

Tears had already appeared in Liu Bei's eyes, and his voice trembled extremely.

"It seems that you are determined to become an enemy of me, Lu Bu? That's fine, let's do it. Today, Liu Daer will die!"

At this point, Lu Bu stopped doing useless work, not to mention that he didn't pay attention to Guan Yu who suddenly appeared.

"Lu Bu, have you forgotten me, Wang Yanzhang?"

At this moment, Wang Yanzhang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Before, he was extremely surprised by the sudden appearance of Guan Yu. Isn't this Guan Yu Liu Yu's second brother?Why did he appear out of nowhere and threaten to protect Liu Bei?
"Hmph, Wang Yanzhang, this is a matter between me, Lu Bu, Liu Bei, and Guan Yu. You'd better not interfere!"

Lu Bu's cold eyes glanced at Wang Yanzhang who suddenly appeared.

"That's right, you outsider, don't meddle in the affairs of the three of my brothers. Today, I, Zhang Fei, will chop off the dog heads of the three family slaves and play them as balls."

At this moment, a roar like thunder suddenly sounded from behind Lu Bu, which shook everyone's eardrums.

"Third brother."

Hearing this, Liu Bei hurriedly searched for his reputation, and at a glance he saw Zhang Fei who had rushed to kill the city wall without stopping, and roared excitedly.

"Brother, I'm here"

When Zhang Fei heard Liu Bei's call, he roared excitedly and looked at Liu Bei with anger.

"Hey, Zhang Fei, you're here too? That's okay, don't you three brothers claim to be unparalleled in love? Let's go together, I want to see if facing me, Lu Bu's painted halberd, is really the same as in the legend I swear to the death."

Lu Bu looked back and saw that it was Zhan Fei. He was a little surprised, then he gave up his position indifferently, held the painting halberd tightly, and started to invite to fight!
"Hmph, then it will be as you wish, big brother, third brother, do you remember that Sanying in Hulaoguan fought Lu Bu and became famous all over the world?"

Holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Guan Yu walked to Liu Bei's side, looked at Zhang Fei and Liu Bei who were running over, and roared very heroically.

"How dare you forget? Back then, Lu Bu threatened the world, but he was defeated by my three brothers? Hahaha."

Liu Bei also pulled out his male and female twin swords from his waist, and pointed at the blue sky obliquely, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Hey, big brother, second brother, the slaves of the three surnames later took over Xuzhou, didn't they die in our hands in the end? Hey"

Zhang Fei scratched his head and laughed, looking at Lu Bu whose face was getting uglier.

"Hmph, Lu Bu is just an unfaithful, unkind, unfilial dog who lost his family."

It was the first time for the three of Guan Yu to get together in this different place, so naturally there were endless things to talk about and endless homework.

"You three, have you said enough? If you have said enough, come and die for me"

Lu Bu's face was as sinking as water, and his eyes, like a wolf's and a tiger's, spewed fire a few times, and his murderous intent burst forth unreservedly, heading straight towards Liu Bei and the three of them.

"Hey, you are a family slave with three surnames, and you are so impatient to seek death, my three brothers will kill you today."

As soon as Zhang Fei heard it, he exploded immediately, his eyes spewed fire, he raised the Zhangba Snake Spear, and rushed towards Lu Bu without fear.

"Hmph, you are not ashamed of your big words, Zhang Fei, with your little tricks, you dare to lightly kill me, Lu Bu, it is simply a big joke in the world, get out of here!"

Lu Bu's starry eyes were like fire, Fang Tian's painted halberd flickered in the air, and slammed hard at Zhang Fei who was rushing towards him.

"Hmph, soaring snakes splitting ground spears, chaotic snakes dancing wildly, scold!"

"Hmph, the light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon, so die to me!"




"Deng deng deng"

The snake spear and the painted halberd intertwined fiercely. In an instant, thunder roared and sparks flew everywhere. The two of them glared angrily, and the reddest and heavy breathing could be heard far away.

Afterwards, both of them retreated from the huge momentum. Lu Bu retreated three steps, while Zhang Fei retreated twelve steps before he could barely stop.

With just one blow, the judgment is determined. In the confrontation of absolute strength, Zhang Fei, who was powerful and powerful, fell to the disadvantage and was completely abused by Lu Bu.

"Hmph, it's up to you to cooperate with me, Lu Bu, to fight. Go back and let Guan Yu come out and fight me!"

A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth. He was extremely disdainful of Zhang Fei in front of him, whether it was before or now.

"Oh, my family slave with three surnames, you are too deceitful, I will fight with you!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei's seven orifices were smoking, his eyes were blood red, like a wounded lion, he roared angrily, and rushed towards Lu Bu again.

"Hmph, you are so stubborn, you are courting death!"

Seeing that Zhang Fei was so ignorant of good and bad, Lu Bu's eyes flashed with a strong killing intent, he tilted his halberd, raised his legs, and met Zhang Fei.

"Third brother, be careful!"

Seeing this, Guan Yu and Liu Bei were startled, and they didn't care about other things at the moment, they raised their weapons and rushed over.

"Qinglong Yanyue Knife, Qinglong goes out to sea, cut it for me!"

"Ascend the snake to split the ground spear, soar the snake to split the ground, kill me!"

"Male and female double-strand swords, dragon and phoenix present auspiciousness, die!"

"Hmph, the mantis is like a car, and I'm overestimated. Let me show you my real strength, Lu Bu."

"White Tiger Roaring Halberd, ultimate move, Jin Shengbotian, die for me!"

As soon as Lu Bu's words fell, an extremely powerful force burst out from his body, and a golden light gushed out from his right arm, merged into Fang Tian's painted halberd, and smashed straight at Guan Yu and the three of them.










"Hmph, Sanying? That's all"

Lu Bu wiped away the red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, holding a painting halberd in his hand, and looked at the three of them with cold eyes, with extreme contempt, disdain, and pity.

On the other hand, the three of Liu Bei were in a terrible embarrassment. Liu Bei fell to the ground, his arms trembling unconsciously, his face was extremely pale, his eyes showed horror, and his whole body was stained red by blood donation.

And Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, with blood donations in their mouths, helped Liu Bei up, their faces were extremely ugly, and they glared at Lu Bu, faintly, as if there was a trace of fear.

"You have come to that step."

Guan Yu, who was silent, suddenly said such a sentence, his eyes were a little unbelievable and pale.

At this time, Zhang Fei's face was extremely serious, he looked at Lu Bu as if he was facing an enemy, and unconsciously clenched the snake spear in his hand.

"Hmph, you know the gap between me and Lu Bu, you can catch him without a fight, you have no way out"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth, as if he was delighted by the victory of this fateful battle.
"You are strong, let me admit defeat to Guan Yu first, but you are still not qualified!"

At this moment, the silent Guan Yu suddenly said such a sentence, and then walked forward holding the Qinglong Yanyue Knife
"Hey, so you have already"

Lu Bu's eyes slanted, showing a slightly shocked expression.
(End of this chapter)

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