Call of the Deer

Chapter 347 Loyalty, Township Marquis, Pardon Yan Heir

Chapter 347 Loyalty, Township Marquis, Pardon Yan Heir

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Promise Hall.

Bei Minghao sat on the throne, leaning on his body, falling into a doze.

"My lord, Yang Yanzhao and General Wu Song are already waiting outside the hall."

Xie Anmo stood under Bei Minghao's head, and gently reminded Bei Minghao in his ear to wake him up.

"Well, it's already here, let them in, it's very cold outside the hall."

Bei Minghao was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly, and let Xie Anxuan enter the hall.

"Xuan Zhechong general Yang Yanzhao, partial general Wu Song enters the palace!"

Following Xie An's roar, Yang Yanzhao and Wu Song walked in step by step.

"Sinful generals Yang Yanzhao and Wu Song, kowtow to the lord, ask the lord to come down, and know the crime of the last general!"

When the two of them saw Bei Minghao, their eyes turned red, and they immediately knelt down on the ground, screaming tremblingly.

"Two generals, what is this for? You two charged into battle for the lonely king, and fought bloody battles. Not only are you innocent, but you have meritorious service!"

As soon as Bei Minghao saw the two kneeling on the ground, he immediately stood up, walked down the stairs, held the hand of the other with his own hands, and forcibly helped them up.

"But my lord, the two of us made arbitrarily high opinions, which caused the entire army of [-] to be annihilated. The guilt cannot be escaped. I also ask the lord to surrender, otherwise the minister will feel panicked."

The two looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes. At the same time, they bowed their heads tremblingly, pleading guilty.

"The lonely king has found out about this matter. It was the instigation of the traitor Guo Chongtao. The two of you were ignorant of the situation, which led to the tragedy. The two of you are not to blame for this matter. But in the future, remember not to act recklessly."

"Also, although the two of you acted recklessly this time, you are commendable for your loyalty, your merits and demerits offset each other, and you will neither be punished nor rewarded."

Bei Minghao suddenly changed his voice, fixed his sharp eyes on Yang Yanzhao and Wu Song, and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, my lord, for forgiving the sins of the two of us. In the future, the two of you will go through fire and water for my lord, and I will not hesitate!"

Yang Yanzhao and Yang Yanzhao looked at each other, and they both saw joy and deep gratitude in each other's eyes.

"Report, Dahong Confucian Wang Jin and the princess are asking to see each other!"

At this moment, Xie An hurried in from outside the hall and whispered in Bei Minghao's ear.

"Let the king come in, and at the same time, you pass on my will, secretly summon all civil and military officials, and come to see me immediately"

As soon as Bei Minghao heard that it was Wang Zhaojun and Wang Jin who came to meet together, he knew it was for Wang Chen's business.

After all, this matter has become an iron case, and there are all the witnesses and material evidences. He can't take sides in the open, and can only save Yang Yansi's life with the help of civil and military officials.

"The King of Caomin pays homage to the Great King, and the Great King is a thousand years old."

"My concubine, Wang Zhaojun, pay homage to the king, the king is a thousand years old."

Wang Jin and Wang Zhaojun knelt down to worship Bei Minghao together.

"Well, I don't know why Da Hongru came to see me in a hurry?"

Bei Minghao knew why Wang Jin came here, pretended not to know, and said in a little surprise.

"Reporting to the king, the little old man came here for my grandson's affairs, and I asked the king to make the decision for the little old man, woo woo woo."

Wang Jin is an old man, so he naturally knew that Bei Minghao was asking on purpose, and wailed heartbrokenly for a hundred years.

"Why is Dahongru so sad? I don't know what happened. Please explain in detail. I must be the master of Dahongru!"

When Bei Minghao saw Wang Jin crying, he frowned slightly, and then said in amazement.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, a tragedy happened in Wangcheng today. An outsider murdered my grandson Wang Chen in broad daylight. Pity my grandson who doesn't know the city, woo woo woo!"

"I beseech your majesty to be the master for your ministers and concubines, bring that villain to justice, avenge my brother, and rest my brother's dead soul, woo woo woo."

Wang Zhaojun spoke at the right time, and Lihua burst into tears with rain.

"This, is this really true? Which lunatic dares to do such an evil thing in broad daylight? Come, someone, bring this villain up for me, and interrogate him personally."

When Bei Minghao heard this, Long Yan was furious, his face became extremely livid, he slapped the table, and stopped drinking loudly.

But when Bei Minghao stopped drinking, Yang Yanzhao and Wu Song were shocked, and they looked at each other, and they both saw hesitation in each other's eyes.

Within a quarter of an hour, Yang Yansi was brought up.

At this time, Yang Yansi had no fear on his face, he was incomparably rebellious, and his bones were strong, standing proudly in front of the Wuji Hall.

"Brave maniac, don't kneel before seeing the king!"

When Dian Wei saw that this guy was so arrogant, and that Bei Minghao didn't kneel down, he was furious and stopped drinking.


Yang Yansi glanced at Bei Minghao and Dian Wei beside him, snorted coldly, and turned his head away.

"Yansi, don't be rude, don't pay respects to the lord!"

Seeing this, Yang Yanzhao turned pale with shock, and yelled at Yang Yansi at the risk of making Bei Minghao displeased.

"Grassman Yang Yansi, I have seen King Yanhuang!"

Seeing his sixth brother's livid face, Yang Yansi restrained himself a little, knelt on the ground, and said something indifferently.

Bei Minghao was expressionless, staring at Yang Yansi with indifferent eyes like water, and suddenly showed a hint of expression.

Yang Yansi【Mighty Warrior】

Strength Rank: Peerless God General

Force: 98 Commander: 73 Intelligence: 66 Politics: 61
Force: S, Commander: B-, Military Strategy: C+, Intelligence: C, Internal Affairs: C-
Qualification: SSS
Skill:? ? ?

"Hey, although I don't know the strength of the other members of the Yang family Qilang, but according to the history books, Yang Yansi is the most brave. It seems that it is so."

Speaking of this, Bei Minghao stared at Yang Yansi with shining eyes and roared.

"Is the person here Yang Yansi?"

"It's Yang Yansi of a certain family, you are the Yanhuang King? You don't look much older than me."

Yang Yansi squinted at Bei Minghao proudly, without fear or fear.

"Yansi, don't be rude, why don't you apologize to the lord?"

"My lord, the seventh younger brother of a certain general is ignorant, I hope my lord will forgive me."

When Yang Yanzhao saw that Yang Yansi was so ignorant, he roared, and then hurriedly kowtowed to Bei Minghao to make amends.

"Sixth brother, don't kowtow to him, Yan Si has already killed someone, and the guilt cannot be escaped, even if you kowtow, it is useless"

Yang Yansi suddenly grabbed Yang Yanzhao, lifted Yang Yanzhao up, and shouted loudly.

"Hmph, man, one person does things and one person is responsible. I, Yang Yansi, killed someone. I have nothing to say. If you want to kill someone, you can cut him to death."

Yang Yansi looked at Bei Minghao fearlessly, his eyes spit fire like a raging lion.

"Good ambition, since you have pleaded guilty, then"

Bei Minghao's eyes showed a hint of admiration, and he nodded secretly, admiring Yang Yansi.

"Lord, wait a minute!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the hall, and everyone took a closer look, and it turned out to be Guo Jia.

"Oh, what's the meaning of filial piety? This Yang Yansi killed people in the street, and the evidence is solid. Could it be that he wants to intercede for him?"

Bei Minghao's face was serious, his shining eyes stared at Guo Jia, and he said indifferently.

"No, report back to the lord. I have something important to report. After the report is completed, it will not be too late to punish this person. Does your majesty remember the battle in Linyuan City?"

"Huh? Of course I remember, but what does it have to do with Yang Yansi killing people in the street?"

Bei Minghao raised his brows and stared at Guo Jia with slight suspicion.

"Your Majesty, you still remember that there was a group of righteous men outside Linyuan City who came to help. According to my investigation, that group of righteous men is the elder brother of General Yang Yanzhao."

Guo Jia's face was heavy, and he said every word, the words must be incomparable and cannot be discussed.

"You mean that this Yang Yansi is one of the righteous men who helped our army?"

Bei Minghao's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Guo Jia in surprise, as if he had heard something incredible.

"Well, my lord, you can ask General Yang Yanzhao, and he will tell you the truth!"

Guo Jia hesitated slightly, turned to look at Yang Yanzhao, and winked at him slightly.

"Yang Yanzhao, you can tell Gu Dao carefully about this matter."

Bei Minghao also turned his head to look at Yang Yanzhao, staring at Yang Yanzhao with tiger eyes, and asked eagerly.

"Returning to my lord, it was a pity that Lu Bu was too powerful that day. My four elder brothers all died tragically under the halberd in order to save me. Later, the son of the Wang family praised Lu Bu in the street, and the seventh brother was impulsive and irritable. Your Majesty has pity on me, forgive the life of my seventh younger brother, and I will kowtow to your Majesty in the end."

"Bang bang bang!"

"Aiqing is serious. You Qilang of the Yang family charged into battle for the lonely king and shed blood on the battlefield. This righteousness goes deep into Mount Tai. Please be respected by the lonely king!"

Bei Minghao hurriedly stood up from the throne, took three steps in parallel, helped Yang Yanzhao up, knelt down on the ground with a "boom", and bowed.

"Your Majesty, you can't do it."

This came so suddenly that no one had time to react, and they wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.

Yang Yanzhao's expression changed dramatically, he knelt on the ground, and also kowtowed to Bei Minghao.

"General Yang, please get up."

Bei Minghao supported Yang Yanzhao and wanted to lift Yang Yanzhao up, but Yang Yanzhao held Bei Minghao's arm tightly and couldn't get up.

"If the king doesn't get up, the last general won't get up!"

"Hey, it's the lonely king who is sorry for your Yang family. Forget it, General Yang, you and the lonely king get up together."

Then the two started working hand in hand, Bei Minghao grabbed Yang Yanzhao's hand, his face darkened slightly.

"Aiqing, your Yang family will be loyal and courageous, and your righteousness is as thin as the clouds. He charged into battle for the lonely king and died in the battle. His kindness is as heavy as a mountain, and he has to be rewarded!"

"Yang Yanzhao listened to the title. The seven sons of the Yang family were loyal and unparalleled. Shiro died in battle. Today, Yang Yanzhao was granted the title of General Pingxi, the Marquis of Loyalty and Yi, and a gold medal for avoiding death!"

"Yang Yansi accepts the seal, and I specially seal you as a loyal and brave general. You are loyal and courageous. Just because you committed the killing command, the lonely king will not die today. The gold medal will save you from death. You must not act recklessly in the future."

"Yang Yande, the Wulang of the Yang family, was named General Yang Wei!"

"Wu Song listened to the letter. If you have made mistakes, but you can learn from your loyalty, I will give you the title of General Polu. Wangqing will continue to work hard in the future!"

Bei Minghao looked around at the crowd, and suddenly such a blockbuster ran out, causing a huge tsunami in an instant.

Yang Yanzhao stared blankly at Bei Minghao, and was stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

In any case, he never imagined that Bei Minghao would not punish but reward, not only exempting Yang Yansi from the death penalty, but even granting him the title of marquis.

And Yang Yansi was also stunned, originally thought that he committed a capital crime and was absolutely doomed, but he didn't expect to be able to survive, not only that, but also be rewarded as a loyal and brave general.

"General Yang, what are you still doing? Don't thank you?"

With a smile on his face, Guo Jia admired Bei Minghao's decision very much. It was not the first time he had done it, but every time he did it very beautifully.

"Ah, thank you, my lord, for the reward. The general will be in a state of trepidation and fear!"

Yang Yanzhao woke up from the dazed state, grabbed Yang Yansi who was also in a daze, and knelt on the ground to thank him.

"Hehe, the loyalty of General Yang's family is unparalleled, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. This reward is well-deserved, please hurry up!"

With a smile on his face, Bei Minghao lifted Yang Yanzhao and Yang Yansi up, and at the same time turned his head to look at Wang Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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