Call of the Deer

Chapter 348 Great seal of officials, candidates for the northern conquest

Chapter 348 Great seal of officials, candidates for the northern conquest

"Da Hongru, this Yang Yansi and his seven elder brothers fought bloody battles for the sake of all living beings in Qianzhou. The four elder brothers even died in the battle. No one is alone. His seventh brother has another casualty. A gold medal is specially set up to avoid death. Da Hongru May you understand?"

Bei Minghao looked at Wang Jin with shining eyes, he understood it with reason, moved him with emotion, and spoke very earnestly.

"Your Majesty is right, but is it possible that my grandson, Wang Chen, died in his hands for nothing? Please ask Your Majesty to be the master of the little old man."

Wang Jin is an old man, cunning and cunning, knowing that Bei Minghao has made up his mind, so naturally he wouldn't insist on beheading Yang Yansi, but he didn't intend to let it go.

"That's right, although the concubine's brother is a dude, he hasn't done any evil things. I still hope that the king will be the master of the concubine."

"Forget it, the deceased is gone, the lonely king specially named Wang Chen the Marquis of Guangqu Township, hereditary succession, and his relatives can inherit it on his behalf!"

Bei Minghao also knew that Wang Jin was looking for benefits, and for Wang Zhaojun's sake of giving birth to a son, he waved his hand and agreed.

"Little old man thank King Long En for my poor grandson!"

Wang Jin was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately knelt on the ground and began to kowtow.

"Report, Prime Minister Baili Xi, don't ask for an interview with Cui Hao, General Ma Chao, General Yang Youji, etc."

"Oh, let them in."

After a while, generals headed by Ma Chao and Yang Youji, and counselors headed by Baili Xi and Cui Hao came in one after another.

"The last general (weichen) kowtows to the lord, the lord is a thousand years old."

Everyone knelt down and kowtowed to Bei Minghao.

"Hehe, all my loves, you came at a good time. You have been following the lonely king for nearly three years. It can be said that you have worked hard and worked hard."

"But because of years of fighting, I have no time to clone myself. Today, taking advantage of this opportunity, the lonely king seals all his officials."

"Your Majesty is serious. Serving Your Majesty is a blessing that I have waited for a hundred generations to cultivate."

"My dear friends, from today onwards, the lonely king will activate the system of three provinces and six departments. I hope everyone will assist me in governing the states of Dongzhou."

Bei Minghao thought hard for a long time, but he still plans to use the system of three provinces and six departments, which is more suitable for him!
"Bailixi listened to the order, as if working hard with the lonely king, I will specially confer you the title of Marquis of Linshan Township, and you will be promoted to Doctor Censor, and you will take office immediately!"

"Guo Jia listened to the order and named you Minister of the Ministry of War and State Shepherd of Yuzhou. You will take office immediately!"

"Yang Hu listens to the order, and Gu Te will appoint you as Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and you will take office immediately!"

"Xie An listens to the order, and Gu Te can seal you as Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and you will take office immediately!"

"Cui Hao listens to the order, Gu Te will seal you as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and take office immediately!"

"Gu Te granted Jia Xu the Minister's Order, Qianzhou State Shepherd, and was directly under the control of Gu Wang!"

"Gu Te Feng Jingxiang is the State Shepherd of Sizhou, and he is directly under the control of Gu Wang!"

"Zhuge Liang stepped forward to listen to the seal, and Gu Te sealed you as Minister of the Weihu Department!"

"Gu Te made Liu Bowen Minister of the Ministry of Punishment"

"Ma Chao listens to the order, you go south to Dingzhou, and you have made meritorious service in escorting you. I will give you the title of General Protector and Commander of Jiuyou Guard!"

"Yang Youji listened to the order. You guard Huangzhou and work hard. You are specially appointed as the backbone general and continue to guard Huangzhou!"

"Bai Qi made great contributions in defending Qianzhou, killed the enemy, and surrounded Qianzhou without incident. Gu Te made Bai Qi General Anxi. Please encourage me."

"Zhao Yun made meritorious service in defending Qianzhou, and captured Xiongkuohai. Zhao Yun was appointed General Dingbei."

"Li Cunxiao has made meritorious service in guarding Qianzhou, and Li Cunxiao is specially named the Marquis of Yongwu Township."

"Gao Shun was so loyal that he went north to recapture Dashiguan, and he was specially named Marquis of Zhanzhen County!"

"Xue Rengui settled Jibei with three arrows, went north to fight against the Azure Dragon Blood Guards, and promoted our army's prestige. Xue Rengui was specially named General Pingbei!"

"Li Jing made meritorious service in attacking Yuzhou, and Li Jing was appointed General Pingdong."

"Yue Fei went south to Dingzhou and made great contributions to saving his family. He specially named Yue Fei General Pingxi"

"Longqi has meritorious service in guarding Qianzhou, and he is specially named General Yokono."

"Wu Qi attacked Sizhou and Liuzhou to show off our army's prestige, and specially appointed Wu Qi as General Annan."

"Xu Da and Chang Yuchun assisted Wu Qi in capturing all the land in Liuzhou, and they were specially named General Xuanwu and General Tiger Guard"

"Di Qing guards Sizhou, conscientiously, hard-working and meritorious, and specially named Di Qing as General Fenwei."

"Wei Qing has made meritorious service in defending Qinzhou, beheading Shan Xiongxin, and specially named Wei Qingwei Tiger Cavalry General."

"Tian Dan defended the northern border and made great achievements in defeating the enemy. He was specially named General Yanhuo"

"Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong charged into the battle, their loyalty can be learned from, and they are specially named generals Zhaowu and Suiwu."

"Gao Ang followed Xue Rengui, defeated the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, and was specially named General Liyi."

"Yang Dayan and Zhang Hao accompanied him on the expedition, and made many military exploits. They were specially named generals Zhenwu and Yangwu."

"Dian Wei and Xu Chu have made meritorious service in escorting them, and they are specially named Generals of Hulong and Baolong."

"Han Qinhu, Chen Dao has made great contributions in protecting Qianzhou, and he is specially appointed as the deputy army, general of the Sui army"

"Lin Chong and Zhang Yun charged into the battle with outstanding military exploits. They are specially named Zhaode and Bingzhong Generals"

"Luo Cheng has been promoted to Dragon Rider General, I hope all the lords will encourage him."

"Cheng Yaojin's loyalty is the first, and he came to agree with him, and he was specially appointed as a general of the Fujun."

"My dear dears, the above is the reward. As for other appointments and dismissals, you can discuss it yourself. You only need to draw up a memorial for the lonely king."

"In addition, the Gu Wang wants to build a Zhongyi Zhaowu Pavilion in Yanhuang City, and set up a shrine to worship the loyal people who fought for the Gu Wang, so that the people of the world will admire them at dawn."

"Of course, we also need to build the Tianshi Pavilion to assist the government, and set up a shrine for the ministers of the interior who worked hard for the lonely king."

After Bei Minghao appointed and dismissed a series of meritorious ministers, he expressed his thoughts that he had always had before.

"The king is wise, and the ministers wait to worship"

All the officials worshiped and bowed their heads.

"Hehe, dear friends, please, there is also the lonely king who wants to build a Tiangong Baijia Pavilion, including various craftsmen, doctors, and foundries, to serve the lonely king"

"Xie An listened to the order. As for the construction of these three buildings, I will leave it to you. You must complete the work as soon as possible, and you must not slack off."

Bei Minghao glanced at Xie An, and handed over this important task to Xie An, Minister of the Ministry of Industry who just took office.

"The minister leads the order!"

Xie An immediately knelt down and accepted the order.

"Okay, let's stop here for the matter of awarding rewards, and the next thing is the battle in Yuzhou."

"Seven days later, the lonely king will once again lead a personal conquest, attacking the Qinglong Blood Guard in the north, and show off our army's prestige"

Bei Minghao looked around at the crowd and announced loudly.

"Your Majesty, please think twice."

When everyone heard this, their faces changed drastically, and they all tried to dissuade them.

"Hehe, well, the lonely king has made up his mind, and we will start announcing who will accompany the lonely king this time."

"This time, Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, Long Qi, Wei Qing, Ma Chao, Zhang Hao, Yang Dayan, Yang Yanzhao, Yang Yansi, Wu Song, Yang Yande and others will go out with the army."

"As for counselors, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia can go north with me."

Speaking of going north, Bei Minghao had made plans and candidates before, and soon finalized the expedition.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, let's all back down"

After the announcement, Bei Minghao waved his hand, waved everyone away, and left with Wang Zhaojun.
At this time, Bei Minghao felt a little anxious, because the summoning system started to upgrade again when he was enslaving all the officials.

(End of this chapter)

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