Call of the Deer

Chapter 368 Wushuang came to help, an unexpected letter

Chapter 368 Wushuang came to help, an unexpected letter

Thirty miles west of Black Jade City, the Azure Dragon Blood Guards set up camp for the time being.

Ouyang Long's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes were blood red, and he was panting heavily, as if he was a wounded beast, choosing to eat someone.

The loss this time was not insignificant, nearly [-]% of the nearly [-] army was lost. This was another disastrous defeat since the last time the [-] Azure Dragon Blood Guards reserve army was annihilated.

"Second brother, you can't just forget about it, you must take revenge, otherwise it won't be enough to comfort me, the dead soul of the Qinglong Blood Guard."

Lei Yan's complexion was ashen, his eyes were extremely dark, and his murderous intent was undisguised.

During the attack on the East City Gate this time, Dongfang Lingyu unexpectedly came out from behind. If he hadn't seen the opportunity and retreated immediately, he might not be able to come back.

"Hmph, forget it? How can I, Ouyang Long, let the Blue Dragon Blood Guard hurt me after several schemes? Next time, I must make the Beiming Army pay the price in blood, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel my hatred."

A bloodthirsty red light flashed in Ouyang Long's gloomy eyes, as if a killing god had descended into the world, his whole body was full of surging evil spirit.
"Second Brother, it's just that the main force of the Beiming Army has entered Black Jade City now, and Dongfang Lingyu, an old man, has suddenly stepped in. It may not be easy to enter Black Jade City."

Although Lei Yan was angry, his rationality was still there, and he said with some hesitation.

"Hmph, Dongfang Lingyu and Bei Minghao are forced by you, and I will bury you and Heiyucheng."

Ouyang Long was really angry this time, he gritted his teeth, almost insane.

"Second brother, do you want to? Do you really want to do this? Hehe"

Lei Yan was startled when he heard the words, then he seemed to realize something, and asked, his tone seemed a little excited, and his smile was a bit cold and bloodthirsty, as if he couldn't wait
"Hmph, it caused me to dispatch the Blood Dragon Army ahead of time. Even if they were dead, they would be proud enough, heh heh."

Ouyang Long smiled coldly, the smile was quite strange, and at the same time his face was very confident, as if the blood dragon army was dispatched, and the Black Jade City could be broken overnight.

"That's right, I can't wait to see the blood dragon army show off its power, hehe."

Lei Yan licked (licked) the chapped lips, the gloom in his heart was swept away, he smiled, the smile was incomparable, the bright eyes were full of gloating, and there was a trace of pity and sympathy.

"The last generals Li Jing and Xue Rengui (minister Jia Xu) welcome you, my lord."

Outside Heiyu City, Li Jing, Jia Xu and others went out of the city to welcome Bei Minghao's arrival.

"Hahaha, dear dears, please rise up. The ability to defend the Black Jade City this time is all due to your dear dears fighting bloody battles and being worshiped by the lonely king!"

Bei Minghao said with a smile, looking at this iron army that has been fighting for several months, Bei Minghao showed sincere admiration in his eyes.

"My lord, I am serious. It is the duty of my lord to charge into the battle for the lord, to attack the city and conquer the territory."

When Li Jing saw that Bei Minghao was able to treat the soldiers so sincerely, he couldn't feel his heart warming up, a little passionate, and at the same time, he recognized Bei Minghao even more
"My lord, please follow me into the city."

Li Jing went first and guided Bei Minghao into the city with him.

"Report to the commander, a group of 5000 elite cavalry appeared outside the gate of the east city. They said they were allies of the king and asked to let them enter the city."

At this moment, a messenger ran out in a hurry and came to report.

"My lord, do you see?"

Li Jing was a little surprised when he heard the words, and hurriedly looked at Bei Minghao first to confirm the authenticity of the matter.

"Huh? 5000 elite cavalry? Allies of the Lone King?"

Bei Minghao was also taken aback when he heard the words, confused, 5000 elite cavalry?I really can't remember when I had such an ally
"This lonely king really can't remember, when did he have such an ally?"

Bei Minghao thought about it, but he didn't expect it. He rubbed his head and gave a wry smile. Everyone was stunned and rolled their eyes wildly.

"My lord, since the cavalry outside the east city gate has sworn to be your ally, it shouldn't be groundless. Why don't you go and find out in person to find out what happened?"

Seeing that Bei Minghao was in an embarrassing situation, Zhuge Liang immediately voiced his support.

"Hehe, what Kong Ming said is very true. Since he said he is an ally of the lonely king, then go and see, this so-called ally, hahaha."

Hearing this, Bei Minghao smiled slightly, and at the same time walked towards the city first.
Walking from the west city gate to the east city wall, Bei Minghao looked down, and what caught his eye was a cavalry of more than [-] men. This cavalry was wearing silver-white armor and looked like a rainbow.

The leader was actually a middle-aged general, wearing a white tiger battle armor and holding a tiger-headed dragon halberd, like a living god of war, with a high-spirited aura.

"Hey, isn't this the White Tiger God of War Ji Wushuang? It turned out to be him, but I forgot, hehe."

Seeing this, Bei Minghao knew that this so-called ally was actually Ji Wushuang, so he smiled wryly, looking a little surprised.

"Huh? Master? Why is he here?"

Seeing this, Ma Chao looked in surprise at Ji Wushuang who treated him like his own father from below, and seemed inexplicably shocked. He never thought that after half a year, he would meet his master here.

"King Yanhuang, I, Ji Wushuang, led Erlang under my command to come to help, you won't look down on the old man and these sons, right?"

Ji Wushuang's eyes were amazing, and he noticed Bei Minghao who was looking at him on the city wall at a glance, and said with a big smile.

"Hehe, Uncle Ji was joking, the kid is flattered that Uncle Ji can come to help, come here, open the city gate, and welcome Uncle Ji's army into the city!"

Being teased by Ji Wushuang, Bei Minghao suddenly felt embarrassed, and smiled embarrassingly, looking a little embarrassed.

"Disciple Ma Chao, meet Master!"

Entering the city, Ma Chao was already waiting for Ji Wushuang's arrival at the gate of the city. When he saw Ji Wushuang, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Hehe, Chaoer, I haven't seen you in half a year, you've grown a lot, okay, okay, get up"

Seeing her beloved disciple, Ji Wushuang trembled all over, then jumped off the horse and helped Ma Chao up himself.

Looking at Ma Chao's changes in half a year, Ji Wushuang seemed quite satisfied and kept nodding.

Although I had heard about Ma Chao's outstanding performance in the Eastern Qin Army before, I was still a little relieved to see Ma Chao.

"Uncle Ji, if you want to reminisce about the past, go to the city first and then recite. There are so many people here, how bad it is, hahaha."

Bei Minghao led a group of civil and military men down the city wall, teasing Ma Chao and Ji Wushuang as they "tell their hearts".

At this time, everyone was inexplicably surprised. This Ma Chao turned out to be a disciple of the White Tiger God of War, which was extremely surprising.

"It turns out that Meng Qi is a disciple of the White Tiger God of War?"

Seeing this, Zhao Yun's eyes froze slightly, and a fighting spirit gushed out of his body, and he murmured slightly.

But his eyes were very sharp, full of fighting spirit, Ma Chao seemed to sense it, and looked at Zhao Yun.

The eyes of the two met in the void, and sparks flew everywhere.

"Hey, boy Beiming, this little brother should be the apprentice of that guy Dongfang, right? Hehe, he really is a good-looking talent."

Ji Wushuang seemed to have noticed Zhao Yun, who was full of fighting spirit. Looking at Zhao Yun, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he asked Bei Minghao with a smile.

"Huh? The apprentice of the Eastern God of War? Zhao Yun?"

Bei Minghao was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Zhao Yun in great surprise, appearing rather surprised.

"Junior Zhao Yun, I have met Senior Ji Wushuang!"

"Well, not bad, much stronger than that old guy in Dongfang, haha"

Seeing this, Ji Wushuang nodded slightly, with a hint of approval in her eyes.

"Chao'er, you need to communicate more with little brother Zhao Yun in the future. He is a master disciple of the Eastern God of War. It will be good for you to communicate with him."

Suddenly Ji Wushuang asked Ma Chao, looking quite strange.

"Well, master, this disciple will remember, and I will definitely exchange martial arts with Zilong more in the future."

Hearing this, Ma Chao didn't know what Ji Wushuang was planning, but he nodded anyway.

At the same time, looking at Zhao Yun, there was a hint of apology in his eyes, but the fighting spirit burst out all over his body.

"Zilong, I need to teach you a lot in the future."

"Brother Ma, you are welcome, Zhao Yun is willing to accompany you."

Everyone looked at the two generals who were both good in appearance and character, and they were all looking forward to who would be the better of the two.

"Boy Beiming, it's a little late to come to help this time, and your army has suffered a lot. Please forgive me."

Ji Wushuang then apologized to Bei Minghao.

"Hehe, Uncle Ji is being polite, the boy is very happy that Uncle Ji can come to help."

Bei Minghao waved his hands when he heard the words, and said with a light smile, without the slightest care in his words.

"Report to the general that a group of tens of thousands of cavalry has arrived outside the north city gate, claiming to be the lord's relatives."

"Huh? Are reinforcements coming again?"

When everyone heard this, it was this kind of thought, and they all looked at Bei Minghao.

"Could it be that the Eastern God of War sent reinforcements?"

Bei Minghao was also taken aback when he heard the words, and seemed a little bewildered.

"My lord, this is a letter from the people outside the North City Gate who want me to hand it to my lord."

Then, the messenger suddenly took out something from his bosom, which turned out to be a letter.

"Huh? Letter?"

Bei Minghao was stunned again when he heard the words, feeling confused, and finally read the letter in doubt.

I saw a trembling all over, and what caught my eye were seven large characters: My son Bei Minghao kisses you.


Then Bei Minghao's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly opened the letter to check it.
Seeing the change in Bei Minghao's expression, everyone was shocked.

Only Ji Wushuang's face remained normal, as if he already knew what the letter was about.
(End of this chapter)

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