Call of the Deer

Chapter 369 Nine states' secrets

Chapter 369 Kyushu's love secret, clear up the suspicion

Looking at the contents of the letter, Bei Minghao was speechless for a long time, only his slightly trembling hands showed that he was not at peace at the moment.

At the same time, a frightening coldness shone in his eyes, yes, it was coldness, mixed with a trace of resentment and anger
Bei Mingleng, you ruthless heartless man, finally we have news
It has been 18 years, a full 18 years, since Bei Mingleng left Linshan County and left their mother and child behind, they have not returned for 18 years.

18 years, how many 18 years can there be in life, his mother was alone, waiting for the return of this legendary man in Dongzhou, waiting for 18 years.
Now, Wang Yan's long hair has become silky, but her love for Bei Ming Leng has not diminished at all, and she is determined.
"Go, go and see this ally"

Bei Minghao said something coldly, and headed towards the north city gate first.

"Huh? What's going on? King Yanhuang doesn't seem to be happy."

Looking at the change in Bei Minghao's expression, Ji Wushuang felt a little confused for the first time.

Shouldn't relatives be happy when they meet each other?Why is it more like meeting enemies?
Outside the North City Gate, Bei Mingzhan was wearing black armor and holding a cold gun, standing there like a sculpture, waiting for the arrival of his brother whom he had never met.


"Crack. Creak"

With Su Zihe's loud roar, the North City Gate finally opened wide.

Tens of thousands of Xuanwu cavalry looked sideways, and saw a man also wearing black armor, riding a purple-black scaled horse, walking out with firm steps.
"Hiss, is this Yanhuang King? It really looks like the old general."

"It must be the young master, otherwise, why would the general send us to Dongzhou to help?"

"The young master is really majestic, with the demeanor of a general, hehe."


Bei Mingzhan looked at Bei Minghao who was watching him not far away, and his whole body unconsciously gushed out blood for a while.

"This is King Yanhuang, the peerless monarch of Dongzhou? He is really his elder brother."

Needless to say, his boiling blood told him that the person in front of him was his elder brother whom he hadn't seen in 17 years
"Big brother!"

Bei Mingzhan finally summoned up his courage and spoke. His voice was a little low, but it reached everyone's ears.


Bei Minghao stared at this younger brother who was related to him by blood, nodded slightly, and rode forward at the same time.

"Father, are you okay?"

Finally, these words came out of Bei Minghao's mouth.

"Brother, everything is fine, my lord father. This time, my lord father heard that my brother is in danger, so I sent [-] basalt cavalry to come to help."

Bei Mingzhan was slightly stunned, feeling that this elder brother had a temperament similar to his, and also had that kind of aloof temperament.

"Brother Zhan, it's been so hard all the way, take the soldiers and advance into the city!"

Bei Minghao nodded slightly. He knew the connections and power of the God of War in Beizhou, so it was easy to know the battle situation in Dongzhou, and there was no fuss.

"Feng Xiao, the lord's expression is not very good, it seems... alas."

Zhuge Liang and the others are think tanks, and they can see what's going on at a glance, and the others are not fools, they can feel the gap between Bei Minghao and Bei Mingzhan.

"Kong Ming, our lord is a little different from other lords."

Guo Jia rolled his eyes, and said to Zhuge Liang, Jia Xu on the side also nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Guo Jia's words.

"Different? Yes, it is indeed a little different, haha"

Zhuge Liang was taken aback for a moment, and then he thought about it. Bei Minghao has a unique charm that other princes do not have.

Afterwards, Bei Minghao brought all the generals to the city lord's mansion and held a banquet.

"Hey, boy Beiming, let me tell you that this Ouyang Long is not simple. Quzhou alone has been run by this person for 30 years. His power is not as simple as it appears on the surface."

During the banquet, Ji Wushuang sat at the lower left of Bei Minghao, raised his glass to signal Bei Minghao, and reminded Bei Minghao.

"Uncle Ji, you are from here, do you know the details of this Ouyang Long?"

Bei Minghao's intuition told me that this Ouyang Long must have a lot of origins, whether it is the Azure Dragon Blood Guard and the Azure Dragon War Guard, there are many similarities.

And this time Dongfang Lingyu came to see him in person to discuss the alliance. He didn't believe that Dongfang Lingyu would be so kind and help him for free. Only a fool would think so.

"Hehe, ghost spirit, anyway, let me tell you about the grievances of the previous generation, so as not to keep you in the dark and have complaints in your heart."

"Did you know that Dongfang Lingyu, the famous god of war in Dongzhou 20 years ago, had eight generals under his command?"

"These eight great generals are all masters of the level of holy generals, fierce generals on the battlefield, invincible at the same level, killing the enemy army, it can be said that they are majestic, even I dare not hide their edge, the limelight is gone for a while two."

Speaking of the Eight Great Generals, Ji Wushuang paused for a moment, and then began to narrate again.

Talking slowly, it seems to be nostalgic, from his words, it can be seen that he respects Dongfang Lingyu.

"Eight great generals? All of them are masters at the level of holy generals? Invincible at the same level?"

When Bei Minghao heard the words, his face turned pale with shock, and he seemed extremely shocked.

Although there are many powerful generals under his command, there are really not eight generals whose force exceeds that of a holy general, only Li Cunxiao, Zhao Yun, Xue Rengui, Yuwen Chengdu, and Long Qi.

Bai Qi, Yue Fei, Li Jing, and Wu Qi are commander-in-chief talents, not fierce generals.

"Uncle Ji, who are the eight generals under Uncle Dongfang's command?"

When Ji Wushuang said this, Bei Minghao was very curious about the identities of the eight generals under the legendary Dongzhou God of War.

"Hey, I know that you are curious, so it's okay to tell you that you are okay."

"Dongfang's number one general is the blood dragon general Ouyang Long"

"What? Ouyang Long hissed Uncle Dongfang's number one general? How is this possible? You"

Before Ji Wushuang finished speaking, Bei Minghao interrupted Ji Wushuang's words in great surprise, and he couldn't help himself in surprise, and the expressions of other people also became very exciting.

"Hmph, don't interrupt me, you'll know after listening to me, young man, just can't hold back, hum"

Ji Wushuang gave Bei Minghao a hard look, and seemed rather displeased with Bei Minghao's surprise.

"Uh, Uncle Ji, you continue to talk, the boy is all ears, hehe"

Bei Minghao also knew that he didn't interrupt Ji Wushuang much, so he touched the back of his head, looking a little embarrassed, and asked Ji Wushuang to continue with a dry smile.

This Ouyang Long's martial strength is very extraordinary, he can rival that old guy Liu Sheng, but he is ambitious and dare not bow down to others
20 years ago, in the battle on the Dry Rock Plain, not only the Qilin Cavalry, Soaring Snake Guards, Suzaku Chiyan Cavalry and Xuanwu Cavalry participated, but even the Azure Dragon Guards of Dongzhou participated. In that battle, the entire Kyushu forces participated Yes, it can be said to be a major reshuffle of the top forces in Kyushu
And the fuse of that battle was the Kyushu Seal, which was related to the luck of Kyushu. Unfortunately, after that battle, the whereabouts of the Kyushu Seal was unknown.
What is even more shocking is that after that war, [-]% of the top forces in Kyushu collapsed and lost everything, and then they were divided up by other princes
After that stop, the only remaining top powers in Kyushu were King Yin of Northern Continent, King Nanming of Southern Continent, King Liang of Western Continent, King Zhongtian of Central Continent, and King Wuzhan of Eastern Continent.
It's a pity that Ouyang Long's wolfish ambition, relying on his years of accumulation in the army and Dongfang Lingyu's trust, killed the Wuzhan King who was seriously injured after the battle, and then launched a surprise attack with lightning speed, The power of Dongfang Lingyu was disintegrated by means of thunder, and [-]% of the Qinglong guards turned against him in that battle. After the war, Dongfang Lingyu and others disappeared
However, after that battle, Ouyang Long's losses were also extremely heavy. For the past 20 years, he should have been secretly accumulating strength and intending to make a big splash, but it's a pity that the situation in Dongzhou is changing rapidly, and it has long been out of his control.
Speaking of this, Bei Minghao's heart was agitated, and he was extremely shocked. He knew that the battle 20 years ago was not easy, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

It's a game between the top powers, you must be more careful, otherwise you will fall into the abyss, your body will be smashed to pieces, and you will die without a place to die.
At this point, he finally knew why the ruthless Bei Ming Leng had never heard from him and why he disappeared from his world.

It turned out that everything was to protect him and Wang Yan's mother and son.
"Father, the child blamed you wrongly."

Bei Minghao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself
It's just that there was a ripple in his heart, and he couldn't calm down anymore.
(End of this chapter)

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