Call of the Deer

Chapter 376 Unite with the barbarians and seek skin with the tiger

Chapter 376 Unite with the barbarians and seek skin with the tiger

Outside Heiyu City, the hazy moon hangs high, and the faint starlight shoots down from the sky, and all around is lifeless and silent.

At this moment, five figures sneaked out from the Black Jade City, the figures were trembling, faintly visible
"My lord, we have already left Black Jade City, what should we do now?"

Zhao Yun was very nervous at the bottom of his heart at this time, but at the same time there was a hint of excitement and excitement.

"Hey, my lord, look, what is that? It looks like a war horse!"

At this moment, Bei Minghao's personal guard Dianwei seemed to have discovered something, and quickly pointed in one direction.

Bei Minghao and others looked for the reputation, and were stunned when they saw it.

Nima, isn't that his mount Jiuyou Dragon Horse?Why are you out of town?

Zhao Yun was also surprised, because his mount was also here, and even the mounts of Dian Wei and others were also here.

Although Bei Minghao was surprised, but when he thought about it, he knew whose masterpiece it was. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he ran forward and got on his horse.

Zhao Yun and the others also made a decisive decision and followed Bei Minghao on the horse.


Afterwards, a group of five people rushed towards the darkness outside Black Jade City, which was the base camp of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.

At the same time, in Black Jade City, there were three people who witnessed all this, but did not stop them.

"Jia Wenhe, what is your intention in doing this? How dare you sit back and let the lord take such a big risk?"

One of them turned out to be Guo Jia. At this moment, Guo Jia's eyes flashed with anger, and he scolded Jia Xu.

"Hehe, you have been with the lord for so long, don't you know the lord?"

Jia Xu is like an old man with no waves in the ancient well, without any emotion, he said lightly.

"But the so-called body of a thousand gold does not sit in the hall. As a minister, how can we sit and watch the master take such a big risk?"

Guo Jia was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said unwillingly.

"What's done? Can it be redeemed now?"

Jia Xu glanced at Guo Jia, shook her head slightly, and thought, "You're still too young.
"You, alas, I hope the lord will not be in danger!"

Guo Jia was stunned when he heard this, and then gave a wry smile, looking rather dull, and left the city wall on his own.

"Feng Xiao, at an extraordinary time, you should do extraordinary things. Besides, General Zilong is the most prudent in doing things, he can grasp the measure!"

Looking at Guo Jia who was leaving, Jia Xu suddenly said.

"Hope you're right!"

Guo Jia stopped walking when he heard the words, then said lightly, and left the city wall without looking back.

And Jia Xu didn't say much anymore, but there was a strange brilliance in his wise eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he didn't worry, as if everything was under control.

From the beginning to the end, Zhuge Liang didn't say a word, just watched all this quietly.

"A poisonous man deserves to be a poisonous man, and he is inferior to others"

After a long time, he withdrew his eyes and sighed quietly.

After speaking, he walked down the city wall very calmly, as if he was no longer worried.
Ten miles outside of Heiyu City, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard's 20 troops are stationed here.

One after another tents covered this vast land, brightly lit and heavily guarded, no less than the palace guards.

Patrol soldiers coming and going, holding long guns, wandered in the camp, wave after wave, row upon row.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of guards wandering in the camp, and if you are not careful, you may be discovered.

"My lord, this is the enemy camp, and the guards are really tight!"

A group of five people hid beside the mound of sand dunes, lying there, scanning every move in the army camp motionless.

Bei Minghao frowned slightly as he watched the Azure Dragon Blood Guard patrolling back and forth.

"My lord, what should I do?"

"You and I are divided into two teams. Dian Wei, Yang Dayan and I are in a group, and you and Xu Chu are in a group. Check it out on your own. After half an hour, we will meet here!"

The goal of five people is still too big, so Bei Minghao plans to divide into two groups and investigate separately.

Then Zhao Yun and Xu Chu touched it from the other side, and soon disappeared.

Bei Minghao didn't dare to waste time, taking advantage of the darkness of night, he quickly got out of a tent on one side.

As soon as the patrolmen passed by, the three rushed into the tent like lightning. There were only four people in the tent, and they fell asleep.

The three of Bei Minghao looked at each other, Bei Minghao made a gesture of wiping his neck, and the three of them drew out their daggers and touched them.

"Stab!" "Stab!" "Stab!" "Stab!"

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!"

Three hits, five cuts, two, four people were wiped on the neck without anyone noticing, and the three quickly put on the enemy's armor, disguised as the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.

After that, the three of them lay in ambush beside the tent, quietly waiting for the arrival of the patrol soldiers.

"You guys, what are you doing? Don't you sleep at night?"

Just as the three of them were sneaking around, suddenly there was a scolding sound from behind.

The three of Bei Minghao looked at each other, and they all saw killing intent in each other's eyes. Bei Minghao shook his head, signaling not to act rashly.

"Reporting to the general, the little ones have a bad stomach and want to go to the toilet."

Then, Bei Minghao pretended to be trembling, and replied in a low voice.

"Go to the toilet? Then go quickly, it's late at night, don't walk around indiscriminately!"

The man who looked like a little commander was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't suspect him, then he scolded, and led the patrol soldiers to patrol other places.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they had left, and wanted to explore elsewhere again.

Soon they found a patrolling soldier with only four people, and the three of them struck out like lightning, beheading the four of them forcefully with the momentum of thunder, and then dragged them to a dark place, where they changed their uniforms again.

Afterwards, the three of them pretended to be patrol soldiers and wandered around the tent confidently.

At the same time, Zhao Yun and Xu Chu were even more straightforward. They had already touched the vicinity of the main tent, and with the force of lightning, beheaded the two soldiers standing guard, changed their clothes, and came out to stand guard in a big way.

And in the camp behind Zhao Yun, Ouyang Long, Lei Yan and others are plotting important events.

"Second brother, the Beiming army has many generals. In today's battle, not only three generals were lost, but a lot of soldiers were also lost. I'm afraid it will be difficult to take down Black Jade City in a while."

Lei Yan sat under Ouyang Long's head, and he seemed quite worried about today's battle situation.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if the Northern Underworld Army has many generals, the Northern Underworld Army's combat power is far worse than that of the Azure Dragon Blood Guards, so it's nothing to worry about."

"And I haven't dispatched the Blood Lin Dragon Army yet. When the Blood Lin Dragon Army is dispatched, the Beiming Army and the native chicken Wagou'er will be destroyed in an instant."

Hearing this, Ouyang Long said with disdain that he didn't care about Bei Minghao, a young child with a yellow mouth.

"However, there is no need for our army to rush to attack the city. Temujin from the northern grassland has already sent a letter, asking us to contain the princes of Dongzhou. He will send his general Mu Huali and [-] Qixue troops to help."

"When the time comes, let Qi Xuejun play forward, and let's go to the rear to watch the show, hehe."

Ouyang Long suddenly changed his voice and started to smile badly, as if he didn't object to cooperating with Hu people.

"My lord, this is inappropriate. The so-called people who are not of our race must have a different heart. We cannot cooperate with the barbarians. This is a fire."

At this moment, Ouyang Long's general Zhang Dingbian suddenly said, his attitude was very firm and he strongly disapproved of the alliance.

"For those who are not of my race, their hearts must be different? Hahaha"

Ouyang Long and Lei Yan looked at each other, they both laughed, and they didn't care about Zhang Dingbian at all.

"Zhang Dingbian, just do what you are supposed to do, don't meddle in my affairs, hum!"

At the same time, a trace of coldness flashed in Ouyang Long's eyes, and he scolded coldly.

"But as Han people, how can we forget our ancestors and seek skins from tigers? Please think twice, my lord."

"Enough, shut up and get out!"

When Ouyang Long heard this, killing intent spread in his eyes, he glanced at Zhang Dingbian coldly, and roared angrily.

"Get out"

Zhang Dingbian was repelled by Ouyang Long, at this time Ouyang Long's face was very ugly.

"I don't know how to flatter you, hum!"

Lei Yan looked at Zhang Dingbian who was driven out by the embarrassment, a trace of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But Zhao Yun and Xu Chu who were outside the tent were extremely angry at this time, full of killing intent, brewing in their chests.

"Brother Xu, calm down, the big thing is the most important thing, don't be rash"

Zhao Yun scolded softly in Xu Chu's ear, and Xu Chu gradually calmed down.

And Zhao Yun looked thoughtfully at Zhang Dingbian who looked disappointed and resentful.

"Brother Xu, follow up"

After speaking, he followed Zhang Dingbian, and Xu Chu followed closely behind.
On the other side, the three of Bei Minghao finally wandered to Daying, and at this moment, Ouyang Long and others finally talked about the most important thing.
(End of this chapter)

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