Call of the Deer

Chapter 377 Loyal and loyal general, make a choice

Chapter 377 Loyal and loyal general, make a choice

Due to the caution of Zhao Yun and Xu Chu, the two took advantage of the night and followed Zhang Dingbian to the outside of his camp.

Relying on their unparalleled martial arts skills, Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun eliminated all the people outside the battle, and then they stood outside Zhang Dingbian's camp as if nothing had happened.

In the tent, Zhang Dingbian looked extremely ugly, sitting on the side, eyes full of endless anger and unwillingness.

"My lord, as Han people, we should have the integrity of Han people. How can we work hand in hand with barbarian people? You can't be so confused."

Zhang Ding beat his chest and stamped his feet, and smashed his iron fist on the stone table beside him.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"


Just as Zhang Dingbian fell into deep thought and the battle between heaven and man, Zhao Yun had already walked into the tent and clapped his hands a few times.

"Don't be nervous, general. Zhao Yun is a general under King Yanhuang's command."

"What? The generals under King Yanhuang's command? Hmph, how dare you go deep into our camp alone. You are looking for your own death."

When Zhang Dingbian heard it, he was extremely surprised, looked at the calm Zhao Yun in disbelief, and snorted coldly.

"Hehe, you don't need to test it, General. Although your camp is like a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, but you really can't do it if you want to keep me, Zhao Yun. You are not curious, why did I come to you?"

Zhao Yun took a step closer, sat on a seat beside him, and looked at Zhang Dingbian contemptuously, without any fear.

"Are you here to look for me? What are you looking for me for?"

Hearing that Zhao Yun came to look for him, Zhang Ding was slightly surprised and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ouyang Long is crazy now, digging his own grave, defeat is a matter of time, I hope the general can rein in the precipice, abandon the dark and turn to the bright"

"My lord is a benevolent and righteous king. In Bole's life, as long as the general sincerely joins him, my lord will definitely let the past go and use the general again."

Zhao Yun cut straight to the point, fixed his eyes on Zhang Dingbian, and spoke directly.

In fact, recruiting Zhang Dingbian was Zhao Yun's whim and decision after seeing Zhang Dingbian being kicked out by Ouyang Long.

"Recruit me? Hahaha, idiots are dreaming. Loyal ministers don't care about two masters. Don't mention this matter. For the sake of your amazing courage, I won't expose you, so get out!"

Zhang Dingbian was taken aback when he heard that Zhao Yun had recruited him, and then angrily reprimanded him.

"Hmph, Zhang Dingbian, you have to think about it clearly. Ou Longlong has openly betrayed the nation and turned to the Hu people for his own selfishness. This is a person who is disloyal, unrighteous, benevolent and unfilial."

"If you persist in your obsession and assist Ouyang Long to be a tiger's minion, you will become a sinner forever and be scolded by future generations. I think you don't want to be scolded by future generations, right?"

When Zhao Yun saw that Zhang Dingbian was so ignorant, he stopped drinking, making Zhang Dingbian stunned and stunned.

"Hey, General Zhao, it's a pity that my lord has already cooperated with the Hu people. Soon, the prairie cavalry will go south and enter Dongzhou. Even if I withdraw now, it won't help."

Zhang Dingbian's eyes darkened when he heard this, he didn't know that cooperating with the barbarian is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger and making a profit out of a fire.

He is just a commander of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, he can't decide anything, without Ouyang Long's permission, he can't even mobilize a single soldier.

To put it bluntly, he is an insignificant figure.

"Hehe, General Zhang, don't underestimate yourself. As the commander of the Azure Dragon Blood Guards, you have a clear understanding of the situation and strength of the Azure Dragon Blood Guards, right?"

Seeing that Zhang Dingbian let go, Zhao Yun felt a little more relaxed. He is not afraid that you will not let go, but that you will be obsessed with your obsession and go all the way to the dark with Ouyang Long.

"General Zhao, as a minister, how could you betray my lord? Don't mention this matter. I will never disclose any information to you. You should give up your heart."

When Zhang Ding heard it, his eyes were slightly stunned, sullen, and he scolded sharply.

"Betray your lord? Hmph, your lord betrayed the Han people openly, and you collude with him and keep secrets for him, which is to betray the Han people."

"The righteousness of the nation is more important than the morality of the monarch and ministers. I think you should weigh it?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yun's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Zhang Dingbian coldly, pressing towards Zhang Dingbian with an undisguised killing intent.

"You and I naturally know which is more important, but you don't understand, my lord brought me up, taught me martial arts and the art of war, and has the grace of nurturing me, how can I turn back and betray him at this time?"

At this time, Zhang Dingbian's face was extremely ugly, biting his lip, blood flowed out, his fists were clenched tightly, struggling in his heart
"General Zhang, do you know how many Han people died tragically when the Hu people went south, how many Han people left their homes, and how many Han people became slaves of the Hu people? Once the Hu people entered Dongzhou, what kind of destruction would it bring? Don't you know, why are you still hesitating?"

Zhao Yun saw that Zhang Dingbian had already started to waver, so he took the opportunity to intensify his attack, knocking on his mind continuously.

"say no more."

"Hey, I promise you, but once the lord is defeated and captured, I hope you can ask Yanhuang King to spare the life of my lord."

After a long time, Zhang Dingbian opened his mouth slowly, only to see that his mind seemed to be very exhausted, his face was miserable and bloodless.

"This is what it should be, and my lord will fully honor the general's loyalty."

Seeing that Zhang Dingbian agreed, Zhao Yun felt a little relieved, so he agreed to Zhang Dingbian's request.

The biggest threat to the Northern Underworld Army is not Ouyang Long, but the Azure Dragon Blood Guard.

Once Ouyang Long is defeated, it doesn't matter if he is let go, but he is alone, like a clown, it is difficult to make big waves!
"General Zhao, my lord still has 25 Azure Dragon Blood Guards under his command, of which [-] are cavalry, and their fighting strength is outstanding, so there is no need for Hu cavalry in the north to be weak;"

"There are 20 more elite Azure Dragon Blood Guards, blocking 13 ordinary troops, no problem, [-] ordinary Azure Dragon Blood Guards, but they are all elites;"

"Finally, there is a special ace army, the Blood Dragon Army, with a number of [-]. After the test of blood and fire, the elites trained are invulnerable to swords, water and fire;"

"My lord intends to stand still and hold back Yanhuang King's main force to buy time for the Hu people in the north."

"By the way, my lord has already notified Temujin, the Tianjiao of the North, and Temujin has dispatched his general Mu Huali, commander of [-] Qixue troops, to reinforce the Azure Dragon Blood Guard."

"The grain and grass I put in are already on the way, and they should be there now. Hanjiangdu is storing them."

Soon, Zhang Dingbian told all the useful information about the Northern Underworld Army, including the defense map in the tent.

At this moment, Zhang Dingbian has made up his mind to prevent Ouyang Long from colluding with the barbarians even if he bears the label of infidelity.

"General Zhang Gao Yi, Mr. Zhao, for the people of Mengzhou, thank you General Zhang!"

After listening to all the information, Zhao Yun took a deep breath. The Azure Dragon Blood Guard is really deep in hiding. If he is not prepared, he may suffer heavy losses.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, you leave immediately, this place is heavily guarded, and you will be discovered soon"

After speaking, Zhang Dingbian seemed to have let go of a heavy burden in his heart, and he felt much more comfortable.

Glancing at Zhao Yun who brought him back from the abyss, there was a look of gratitude in his eyes.

"Okay, what General Zhang said is true, then I will leave first, General Zhang take care!"

Zhao Yun also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't stay any longer and left quickly.

Looking at Zhao Yun who left, Zhang Dingbian's face was full of sadness.

"Zhong'er, Dad can't come back to accompany you, I'm sorry"

(End of this chapter)

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