Call of the Deer

Chapter 385 Tianfeng Yangwei, the wrath of the blood dragon

Chapter 385 Tianfeng Yangwei, the wrath of the blood dragon

"Looking for death, old ladies, go die for me!"

Ouyang Xue was furious when she heard that, feeling that Feng Qiling had underestimated her, she leaped to kill Feng Qiling with her gun.

"Don't be ashamed to say anything, I will kill my old lady!"

Feng Qiling's phoenix eyes shone, and she swung the long knife in her hand like lightning, and with a blast of wind, she met Ouyang Xuexue's blood spear awe-inspiringly.

The long knife was extremely domineering, and it slashed down horizontally, directly from top to bottom, looking at Ouyang Xue's head.



And because Ouyang Xue was young and energetic, she naturally wouldn't be afraid of a mere woman.

The two passed by with one blow, and Feng Qiling's phoenix eyes flashed with surprise, a little surprised that this yellow-mouthed child's combat power is relatively low.

"Hmph, you have some skills, but you are not qualified enough to fight against my old lady, go to hell!"

"Hmph, old lady, don't be ashamed to speak so much, you dare to fight me, and I will kill you with the next move!"

Before the words fell, the two rode forward and came together again.

I saw Feng Qiling's five phoenix Chaoyang swords, slashing diagonally and horizontally, killing thousands of times with the whistling wind, and the shadows of the swords were heavy, killing layer upon layer.

Facing the domineering Feng Qiling, Ouyang Xue naturally did not dare to be careless.

Although the battle with Shen Tufeng was evenly matched, and even took some advantage, but this Feng Qiling looked like a female tyrannosaurus, so he dared to be careless.

And not far away there are Zhao Yun and Bei Minghao who are eyeing each other, and things will change later.

So he had to deal with Feng Qiling in a short time and arrest all the people.

I saw the blood spear burst out, and a blood-colored cold light flashed, piercing Feng Qiling's chest.

"Shameless, die to me!"

Feng Qiling, as a Tianfeng warrior, is famous in Dongzhou, even the White Tiger War God Ji Wushuang, Thunder Axe King Liu Sheng and others dare not show the slightest disrespect to him.

I saw Feng Qiling strike with anger, and Wufeng Chaoyang Saber flashed a golden radiance, like a red sun, lingering in a golden afterglow.



The Wufeng Chaoyang Saber slashed obliquely on the shoulder armor of Ouyang Xue's left shoulder, and the dragon's head of the entire shoulder armor fell in response.

Half of his head was chopped off by the mighty and murderous Feng Dao.

Ouyang Xue looked at the shoulder armor that had lost half of her head, her back felt cold, and she was glad that she escaped quickly.

Otherwise, what fell was not half of the shoulder armor, but his head.

"Hmph, little bastard, good luck to you, give me another knife!"

Feng Qiling's phoenix eyes shivered, she was slightly surprised, she thought that she was worthy of being the heir of Ouyang Long, the general who learned the dragon, and she was able to survive his five phoenix Chaoyang saber unscathed.

"Hmph, old girls, I was taken advantage of by you because of my carelessness just now, and I will definitely kill you in my next move!"

Ouyang Long's face was livid, he was shot flying by Zhao Yun before, and now he was almost beheaded by Feng Qiling, he even wanted to die.

He was so angry that he vomited blood, and secretly swore in his heart that he would shoot this damn old lady to death.

"Huh, the dead duck has a hard mouth, eat the old lady's sword, the five phoenixes face the sun, and the five phoenixes equal the sky!"

The corners of Feng Qiling's eyes showed contempt, she was extremely disdainful towards the shameless Ouyang Xue.

Wufeng Chaoyang knife slashed out like lightning, and greeted Ouyang Xue's head.

"Damn it, old lady, you've pissed me off!"

Ouyang Xue let out an angry roar, and the blood spear stabbed out like a madman, with bloody flames, and rushed towards Feng Qiling again.

"Blood Dragon Spear, Blood Killing Blow, Blood Fall, Death!"

"Hmph, I don't know the so-called five phoenix Chaoyang knife, five phoenix dance!"

Wufeng Chaoyang Saber was like a spinning wind wheel, carrying a hurricane like flames, and slashed towards Ouyang Xue.

This is the trick that Feng Qiling relies on to survive, Wufeng Xuanwu.

With this trick, she has a great reputation in Dongzhou, and Shen Tufeng and Shen Tufeng are praised by the world as peerless twins.

Facing Feng Qiling's ultimate move, Ouyang Xue's expression changed drastically, she used her own blood claws even if she dared not continue to hide her secrets.

"Blood dragon gun, kill with blood, blood gun splits the sky, die!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
The Wufeng Chaoyang Dao is like five heavenly phoenixes dancing together, one sword after another, and each sword is more like a piece of sword.

It was powerful and forceful, even if Ouyang Xue used the bleeding dragon gun, it was difficult to fight back, and the beaten ones retreated steadily, in a panic.

"How is it possible? She has practiced the Wufeng Chaoyang Saber to this point. Alas, I am still one step behind him after all."

Shen Tufeng looked at Feng Qiling who was defeating Ouyang Xue step by step, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

She could never have imagined that this nominal senior sister had practiced Wufeng Chaoyang Saber to perfection.




"Impossible, my father said, the Blood Dragon Spear is unmatched, how could I lose to you?"

Ouyang Xue was directly and severely injured by Feng Qiling's last move, and flew away, her battle armor was even shattered, blood spurted from her mouth, her face was full of disbelief.

If the blood armor he was wearing was not made of black iron, it would have been split in half by Feng Qiling at this moment.

Even so, his five internal organs were split and cracks appeared, if not treated in time, his life might be in danger.

"Hmph, the Blood Dragon Spear is indeed unparalleled in killing, and in the hands of an old man like Ouyang Long, it shines even brighter, making him the number one among the eight generals of the Azure Dragon."

"It's a pity, father and son, Ouyang Long gave birth to you like a waste, even if you are given superb fighting skills, you are still a waste, die, Wufeng Chaoyang Saber, Wufeng Chaoyang!"

Feng Qiling looked at Ouyang Xue with extreme disdain, and her mouth was full of contempt and disdain.

"No, I'm not a waste, you are a waste, I must kill you"

"Blood Dragon Spear, Blood Dragon Fury, Devour!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Xue's canthus were cracked, her eyes were blood red, and she looked at Feng Qiling humbly, like a wounded beast.

And he used the blood dragon gun nirvana blood dragon anger that he has not yet mastered.

"Hmph, I'm really digging my own grave. Even an old man like Ouyang Long wouldn't dare to use such tricks as the Bleeding Dragon's Fury at the mere innate stage."

When Feng Qiling heard this, she was slightly surprised, then smiled coldly, and looked at Ouyang Xue like an idiot.

But Feng Qiling didn't dare to be careless, and tried her best, Wufeng Chaoyang Saber gathered all the zhenqi in his body, and slashed at Ouyang Xue.

"Five Phoenix Chaoyang Knife, five points of Nirvana, burning the sky!"





With just one blow, sparks flew everywhere, sand and rocks flew away, and the two horses under their crotches were shocked and killed by that huge force.

This blow destroyed the world, and Ouyang Xue and Feng Qiling were blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, drifting away in the wind.

"Little Lord."



"Hmph, I'm not dead yet!"

Feng Qiling wielded the Wufeng Chaoyang Knife, and looked coldly at Ouyang Xue who had been knocked into the air. The phoenix's eyes burst with murderous intent, and she was about to kill again if she was late.

"Go to hell, little bastard, I want Ouyang Long, an old white-haired man, to send a black-haired man"

"Five Phoenix Chaoyang Saber, five phoenixes must be killed, and the flames will be extinguished!"

Feng Qiling roared angrily, holding a knife to cut Ouyang Xue who had passed out into two halves.

"call out!"




"Lei Yan, is that you?"

"Hehe, eighth sister, I haven't seen you for 20 years, and your temper is still as hot as ever? Can you give brother Wei a face and let Xue'er survive?"

Lei Yan had a smile on his face, but he held the Thunder Annihilation Bow tightly in his hand, locking onto Feng Qiling.

"Let your mother's dog (fart) go, I want my mother to let this little beast go, dreaming, go to hell!"

When Feng Qiling saw Lei Yan, her complexion changed drastically, and she became very angry, like a raging fire phoenix.

"Protect Xue'er and go first, hurry up!"

Seeing that Feng Qiling didn't show any face, Lei Yan roared angrily, and instantly shot a flying arrow from the Thunder Annihilation Bow.
"Want to go, dream, five phoenix Chaoyang knife, red phoenix wrath!"

"Thunder Annihilation Bow, Thunder Annihilation!"



"Go, go quickly."

After Lei Yan finished speaking, he didn't care about anything else.
Ouyang Xue grabbed it, put it flat on the horse's back, and rushed towards the north in horror
(End of this chapter)

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