Call of the Deer

Chapter 386 The Secret of the Palace of Longevity

Chapter 386 The Secret of the Palace of Longevity
Looking at Lei Yan who was retreating quickly, Feng Qiling's face turned ashen, she was very unwilling, but it was a pity that he did not dare to press too hard.

Because Lei Yan, as the only sharp archer among the eight generals of the Qinglong, pierced Yang with a hundred steps, and never missed a shot.

Once she distanced herself from Lei Yan, she would be at a disadvantage, and even followed in Xiao Yan's footsteps, which was not what she wanted.

So there was nothing he could do but let Lei Yan flee with the Qinglong Blood Guard.

"Hmph, old man Lei Yan, next time we meet, I will cut off your head with my own hands to avenge brother Yan."

Feng Qiling's phoenix eyes were bloodshot, she was full of anger, and roared angrily, her voice was like a wild lion howling.
"My lord, who is this woman? She actually defeated Ouyang Xue?"

Dian Wei's eyes were stunned, his mouth was wide open, and he asked in a low voice with a look of surprise on his face.

"Evil, he is Tianfeng warrior Feng Qiling, one of the absolute twins of Dongzhou."

Zhao Yun looked at Feng Qiling solemnly, and said lightly.

"Hey, Zilong, so this woman is your uncle, no wonder she is so powerful."

Dian Wei said in astonishment, and at the same time, a pair of big eyes carefully looked at Feng Qiling again.

Hearing this, Zhao Yun rolled his eyes, but he didn't say a word, standing quietly behind Bei Minghao.

Seeing that the crisis has been resolved, Bei Minghao heaved a sigh of relief, it can be said that the crisis has been turned into good luck.

At the same time, he rode forward to express his gratitude to the four women.

"Under Bei Minghao, thank you two. Uh, the senior helped me, and I would like to thank the two girls for helping me!"

Seeing that Bei Minghao only thanked Feng Qiling and Shen Tufeng, then Qin Liangyu and Fan Lihua's phoenix eyes changed and became angry, so Bei Minghao quickly expressed his gratitude too.

"What? Bei Minghao? You are Yanhuang King Bei Minghao? How is this possible? Why are you here? Still being hunted down by the Azure Dragon Blood Guard? Could it be that your army was defeated by the Azure Dragon Blood Guard?"

Shen Tufeng and Feng Qiling were both extremely surprised when they heard the words, and they hurriedly asked.

"Hehe, this... oh, it's a long story, it's like this. Because the news was too unexpected, the kid couldn't help himself for a while, so Ouyang Xue noticed it, and then sent the Azure Dragon Blood Guard to chase after it"

Bei Minghao smiled bitterly, showing embarrassment, touched his nose, gritted his teeth, and explained the matter in detail.

"King Yanhuang, are you serious? Then the old thief Ouyang and Mr. Lei Yan really said that they were sent to Dongzhou by the Palace of Longevity?"

Feng Qiling and Shen Tufeng looked at each other when they heard the words, their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly asked.

"Everything the kid said is true, there is absolutely no falsehood!"

Bei Minghao saw that the faces of these two people changed drastically, so he knew that the matter might not be that simple, so he said in a very firm tone.

"Oh, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it, Ouyang Long and Lei Yan turned out to be barbarians, and they were spies secretly sent by the Palace of Longevity."

Feng Qiling and Shen Tuxue were speechless for a long time after listening, and then sighed for a long time.

"Yeah, no wonder 20 years ago, almost overnight, he counterattacked and killed the Eastern Warlord and the Qinglong Warguard with lightning speed. It turned out to be premeditated."

"Damn it, the Hu thief is not dead!"

"No wonder the barbarians invaded Mengzhou in the south, and this Ouyang Long took the opportunity to jump out. Everything was planned for a long time."

When the two of them said this, Bei Minghao's heart was filled with huge waves, and he was terrified.

It turns out that there are so many secrets hidden behind what happened 20 years ago.

"Senior, from what you said, all of this is led and supported by the Palace of Eternal Life. Do you know what the Palace of Longevity is?"

Bei Minghao was very interested in the Palace of Eternal Life that Ouyang Long and Lei Yan were talking about, and asked.

"Hehe, you are asking the right person. Do you know that there is a Tianyahai Pavilion in Yunzhou? There is a Yinyang Valley in the East China Sea?"

When Feng Qiling heard the words, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and she said with a light smile.

"Boy, I have heard it a little bit, but I don't know what the senior said has anything to do with the Palace of Eternal Life?"

When Bei Minghao heard this, the corners of his eyes shrank, he was very surprised, this Feng Qiling actually knew Tianya Haige and Yinyang Valley, which made him feel surprised.

"Hehe, Tianya Haige and Yinyang Valley are the nine hidden powers of Kyushu, which have continued from ancient times to the present."

"In the extreme north, there lived a group of barbarians, and the Hu people were formed after these barbarians invaded the south. This group believed in their guardian god: Changshengtian, and later they secretly formed a force: Changshengdian; this This is the origin of the Hall of Eternal Life."

"And this time the Hu people attacked south, most likely they were ordered by the Palace of Eternal Life, because they have been coveting the fertile land of Kyushu for a long time."

Feng Qiling's phoenix eyes were slightly cold, and she said indifferently, but his tone was extremely cold and murderous.

"Senior, besides the Palace of Eternal Life, are there any hostile forces in Kyushu?"

When Bei Minghao heard this, he was taken aback. He didn't expect that there were such hidden forces in the grassland, and this war was ordered by the hidden forces.

"There is a land of bitter cold in the extreme north, so naturally there is a land of southern Xinjiang. The barbarians of southern Xinjiang are also feuds with our Han people, and they have coveted my land of Kyushu for a long time."

"Southern Border also has a secret strength: the Temple of the Witch God. They believe in the Witch God. It is said that they have shown their fangs to my southern land, and the situation seems to be not optimistic."

Without waiting for Feng Qiling to continue, Shen Tufeng who was on the side suddenly spoke.

"Well, she was right!"

Surprisingly, Feng Qiling didn't argue with Shen Tufeng, but just glanced at Shen Tufeng lightly.

Sure enough, there are enemies in the north, and there are also enemies in the south.

Hearing this, Bei Minghao's heart trembled, and he let out a long sigh.

"Hmph, what am I worried about? The sky is falling, and the big one will bear it first. I'm worried about a ball."

But when he thought about it, he calmed down a lot.

"Seniors, if you don't dislike it, it's better to stay in my Black Jade City, it's better than being frozen in this wilderness."

"Moreover, Senior Shentu Zhenyue is also stationed in Black Jade City"

Bei Minghao suddenly changed his voice, and began to invite Feng Qiling and Shen Tufeng to Black Jade City for a talk.

"What? Big brother is in Black Jade City? Are you serious? Is it really my big brother Shentu Zhenyue?"

Shen Tufeng's face showed joy when he heard that, he was looking for his son Yu Wentuo all the way north, and of course he was very happy to meet Shentu Zhenyue.

Because you can "urge" Shentu Zhenyue to find Yu Wentuo with him, which is much better than him alone.

"That boy in silver armor, why don't you come over to see your uncle?"

Suddenly Feng Qiling's phoenix eyes shone, and she looked at Zhao Yun who was standing silently behind Bei Minghao.

"Disciple Zhao Yun pays homage to Eighth Master Uncle!"

Zhao Yun stood upright with a tiger body and went forward to worship Feng Qiling.

"Hehe, that's right, big brother has taken in a good apprentice, Lihua, why don't you come over and meet your Senior Brother Zhao?"

"Ewha has met Senior Brother Zhao!"

"Junior Sister Pear Blossom, you are being polite!"

Zhao Yun's eyes revealed a gleam of light, and he was a little curious about the disciple of his Eighth Master Uncle, what kind of abilities this female general has.

Afterwards, Bei Minghao and his party rode their horses towards Heiyu City.

At the same time, three hundred miles to the north, there was a group of cavalry wearing golden armor, rushing towards the south without stopping.
This cavalry is in good order, and exudes a biting evil spirit all over the body. Wherever it goes, the beasts will change
(End of this chapter)

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