Call of the Deer

Chapter 398 The decisive battle against Xuexue, Xuanwu blocks the way

Chapter 398 The decisive battle against Xuexue, Xuanwu blocks the way

[It's the end of the month, give me monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, etc., why keep them?Are you waiting for a baby?]

On the other side of Jiuyuan Pingchuan, Qi LaGun led [-] cowardly soldiers like hungry wolves with the morale of a rainbow, and also murderously charged towards the Beiming Army commanded by Zhao Yun and the other three.

"Hmph, there is a lack of war horses in the land of Dongzhou. I don't believe it. A group of weak chickens exist, and they dare to be like my prairie athletes. It's just like a gnat shaking a tree, and it's beyond self-control."

Qi LaGun looked at the Northern Underworld Army rushing towards him with billowing smoke and dust, showing disdain on his face.

In his opinion, the mere Northern Underworld Army cavalry is a vulnerable existence and poses no threat to him.

He is a prairie athlete, and in one round, he can kill the enemy's chickens and dogs, crying for his father and mother.

Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao, and Long Qie personally commanded the Silver Dragon Guard, Black Dragon Guard and Red Dragon Guard.

The three dragon guards cooperated closely, forming a torrent, and rushed towards the cowardly Xue army.
Cowardly Xue Jun, under the setting sun, shone with golden light, dazzling like a golden sun, and exuded a fierce aura all over his body, which could be seen as elite.

Although Zhao Yun was passionate, he was still rational. Long before the attack, he sent his personal guards to report the situation to Black Jade City in the southeast.

On the other side, when Bei Minghao galloped towards the northwest with Xue Rengui, Yang Yansi, Yuwen Chengdu, and [-] Youwei, he finally sprayed Zhao Yun's personal guard who came to report.

"Report to Your Majesty, General Zhao found tens of thousands of golden-armored cavalry [-] miles ahead, and now they have fought with the golden-armored cavalry!
"Huh? Golden armored cavalry? Could it be that they are cowardly of Xue's army? Isn't there a hundred thousand Azure Dragon Guards from Uncle Dongfang? Why did they get here?"

As soon as Bei Minghao heard about the Golden Armored Cavalry, he immediately thought of the cowardly Xue army going south, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked in his heart.

"The whole army listens to the order and speeds up."

There is a special situation happening at this moment, Bei Minghao can delay there, immediately shouted angrily, and headed towards the northwest direction to kill.
The screen then turned to Jiuyuan Pingchuan. At this moment, the Beiming Army and the Qi Xue Army had already fought together.

The two torrents converged into one in an instant, and in an instant, the cold light shone, blood blossomed, and the horse stepped on the flat river, with many bones.
"Eat me with a shot, the silver dragon cracks the sky, the kanglong has regrets, fight to the death in Jiuyuan, fight!"

At this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly broke out, and the red blood all over his body began to burn.

Looking at these hu thieves wearing golden armor and holding scimitars, their canthus were cracked, flames gushed out from their eyes, and an invisible murderous aura gushed out from their bodies.

And Li Cunxiao and Long Qie's performance was no different from Zhao Yun's, they were also full of anger, full of fighting spirit, chills all over their bodies, and murderous intent.

"Tiger Red Flame Strike!"

"Purple Dragon Nirvana Gun, Dragon Scale Strike, Nirvana!"

Li Cunxiao and Long Qi used their unique moves in no particular order, and slashed at these golden-armored barbarian thieves!

"Puff puff"


Li Cunxiao looked crazy, like the blood god of Shura, with a ferocious face, the god Yu Wang smashed the vertical lance horizontally, donated blood dripping, flesh and blood flew across, piece after piece of minced meat splattered.
Not to mention the dragon, the Nirvana Dragon Spear fluttered like a gust of wind, turning into streaks of blood, dripping with blood.
Although Qi Xuejun is elite, but in front of such a general, he is very fragile, like an ant-like existence
Horses stepping on the smoke, furiously angering Hanxue, iron armored soldiers beheading Hu thieves, war drums bursting out blood will, bloody battles cast a majestic posture!

"Hmph, a group of ants-like dogs dare to fight with me, go to hell, ahhhhhh"

Looking at the Northern Underworld Army, which is going forward indomitably, rushing forward one after another, rushing towards him and sending them to death, Chiragorn could hardly bear it.

To him, this is simply a disgrace. The Han people are lowly beings, and they have no right to show their fangs to him, otherwise it would be an insult to him.

Naked insults, this is the humiliation that the grassland pride can never bear.

He wants to kill, kill everything, and wash away the shame!

"Death to me, the red wolf will be cut in blood."

In Chiragorn's hand, the big horse golden knife cut horizontally and vertically, the golden light was shining, and there was a lot of vigor. Every time the knife was cut, there must be countless grievances.
In an instant, the sky was filled with blood, and the flying heads pierced the sky, fell to the ground fiercely, and were trampled to pieces by the rolling horseshoes.
The blood gushed out like a stream, the soldiers drank the blood, roared proudly on the battlefield, and the battle armor was even dyed with blood.
In a short while, the two torrents separated and faced each other again, waiting for the next attack
In just one round, the losses of both sides were not small. The [-] Beiming army killed more than [-] people, and the [-] Qi Xue army had no less than [-] casualties.

Left behind a lot of corpses and countless panicked war horses, and the smell of blood, raging on the plain
"Zilong, this cowardly Xue army is really strong. In just one round, our army lost nearly [-]% of its soldiers."

Looking at the brave man who fell on the battlefield forever and could never wake up again, the living Beiming army's eyes were cracked, murderous, and the blood in their eyes was full of hatred.
"This prairie horse thief is really elite. If this goes on, our army will be at a disadvantage. It seems that we can only delay for a while."

Zhao Yun's face was also not good-looking. He never thought that the grassland cavalry was so elite. He planned to drag the reinforcements from Bei Minghao to eradicate this group of thieves in one fell swoop.

"Hmph, how could this group of Han people be so difficult to deal with? In a single charge, they killed five thousand of my prairie athletes. How is this possible?"

Chiragorn was also terrified, this cowardly Xue army is an elite division of the prairie cavalry, one can stand up to ten.

It was only a confrontation today, and so many warriors died in battle. This is simply a joke made by Changshengtian, which he cannot accept at all.

At Banjiangdu, Ouyang Xue led more than [-] Azure Dragon Blood Guards, and passed through this natural moat without any danger.

Looking at the familiar land, the joy of the rest of his life filled his heart.

What's more, they cried because they finally left that nightmare land and returned to their homeland alive
"The whole army obeys the order and follows me home"

Seeing that Ouyang Xue had crossed the half-river crossing without any danger, her face relaxed, and she was relieved.
Then, an army of [-] marched mightily towards the hinterland of Quzhou
"Tap Tap"


Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly felt the ground tremble, and the extremely dull sound of horseshoes spread from far to near.
Everyone's smiles froze in an instant, looking at the dust floating in the air, and the thunderous hoofbeats, they were all terrified and heartbroken
Even Ouyang Xue was dumbfounded, with his trembling lips, he told others that his heart was surging like a stormy sea.
"How...why...could it be possible...this... how could there be a ride here."

The trembling voice, the eyes that were about to fall out, and the trembling body unconsciously all showed Ouyang Xue's trembling.
"My lord, what should I do?"

At this time Xiao Feng looked at the unbearable Ouyang Xue, his heart sank, he stopped drinking sharply, and woke Ouyang Xue up.


"My lord, this cavalry is not good at coming, and our army's momentum has already sunk. I'm afraid it's not an opponent. The only way now is to abandon the car and save the commander. Let's run for our lives."

Seeing the murderous Xuanwu iron cavalry like wolves and tigers, and seeing the trembling bodies of the panic-stricken Azure Dragon Blood Guards, Xiao Feng's heart felt cold.


"Don't worry about it, my lord, make up your mind, a man can bend and stretch."

Seeing Ouyang Xue's hesitation, a stern look flashed in Xiao Feng's eyes, he shouted angrily, he had already forgotten the difference between master and servant.

"Hey, retreat."

When Ouyang Xue heard this, she was furious, and then let out a long sigh, like a deflated ball, sluggish
"Warriors, when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, charge with me."

Holding the saber in one hand, Xiao Feng clamped the horse's leg, and rushed towards the Xuanwu cavalry who had killed him.
At this time, Ouyang Xue's face was extremely ferocious, holding a blood gun, and followed closely behind, rushing towards the Black Tortoise Cavalry
"Ah, soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy, don't let one go, kill."

"Xuanwu Yutian Spear, raging waves roar!"

Bei Mingzhan looked at the Azure Dragon Blood Guard who was rushing towards them without any fighting intentions, his eyes were full of coldness, and he shouted angrily.

And the Xuanwu cavalry were all wearing black battle armor, like a black torrent, instantly submerging Bei and their Azure Dragon Blood Guards.

"Puff puff"


"Let me go."

"I don't want to die."

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Blood Guard has no fighting spirit, crying for father and mother, and is no match for Xuanwu iron cavalry at all.
One by one, they fell to the ground with howls and were trampled by horseshoes, leaving behind broken corpses all over the place.
"Hmph, a bunch of mobs, kill them, leave no one behind."

Looking at the vulnerable Azure Dragon Blood Guards, Bei Minghao sneered, with awe-inspiring murderous intent, and mercilessly beheaded the Blood Guards one by one.
And Zhao Wu, Zhang Niujiao, Wang Wang, and Xiao Feng surrounded Ouyang Xue, broke through many obstacles, and rushed towards Quzhou
"Hmph, if you want to run, dream about it, surround them, don't let one go."

When Bei Mingzhan saw that Ouyang Xue and others were about to rush out, he was furious and rushed over with a sharp roar.

Seeing this, Ouyang Xue and the others were extremely anxious, and their attacks were even more ruthless, beheading each of the Black Tortoise cavalry
"Ah, go to hell"

Seeing that Ouyang Xue and others were about to kill them, he was afraid that he would not be able to catch up, Bei Minghao was extremely angry.

Looking at the king who was the last to be picked up, he threw the cold gun in his hand viciously!


"Oh no."


There was a roar, and following the king's unwilling roar, the cold gun pierced through the king's chest, knocking him off his horse, and nailing him to the ground fiercely.
"Ah, General Wang"

"My lord, let's go."

Seeing the fall of the king, Ouyang Xue's eyes were shattered, Xiao Feng's eyes flashed with sorrow, he let out an angry roar, and took Ouyang Long, galloping away into the distance
"Hmph, you guys run fast."

Bei Minghao's eyes froze and he snorted coldly, but he didn't pursue him.
(End of this chapter)

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