Chapter 399

[It's the beginning of the month, everyone give me monthly tickets, please, give me some support and motivation! 】

On Jiuyuan Pingchuan, blood flowed like rivers, silly voices filled the sky, and the night was miserable and cold.

The Cowardly Xue Army deserves to be the strongest cavalry on the grassland. Facing the four dragon guards, they are fearless and murderous.

The [-] cowardly Xue army continued to fight against the [-] Beiming army, and the killing was extremely tragic. Neither side could do anything to the other.

In just one hour, more than [-] people were killed in the battle of Qixue Army, while the Beiming Army was not much better, losing nearly half of the cavalry, which can be described as a heavy loss.

"Zilong, what should we do? The enemy has a large number of cavalry, although four of them have already gone, but our army has also lost a lot, almost half of them were killed in battle."

Although Li Cunxiao was extremely brave, he also showed worry in the face of the extremely elite grassland cavalry.

"That's right, Zilong, these horse thieves are well-trained and fearless, they are simply a bunch of lunatics."

Long Qilian was extremely ugly, and was obviously shocked by Hu Thief's desperate style of play.

Indeed, every time a barbarian was beheaded, the barbarians would drag the Northern Underworld Army to die together. This desperate way of fighting caused the Northern Underworld Army a lot of losses.

The Hu people are mainly nomadic and hunting, and all of them are good players, and the Hu people who entered the Qixue army are even the best among the Hu people.

Not afraid of death even if there is no battle, the primary task is not to preserve oneself, but to kill the enemy.

"This time the barbarians came prepared, our army only needs to protect itself, presumably the Lord's army should be here soon."

Zhao Yun's face was also very solemn, after all, the losses in this battle can be described as extremely heavy.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will die with the enemy. To Bei Minghao, this is no less than a bolt from the blue.

"Damn it, damn it, damn Hannu, how dare to kill my prairie athlete like this, it's unforgivable!"

On the other side, Qi LaGun's face was blue and white, and Mou Zhong was shining with fire, roaring angrily
Even so, he did not dare to act rashly. This time, he adopted the strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west to deceive the eyes and ears of the Han people, in order to capture Heiyu City by surprise.

But things backfired, he encountered the crisis of annihilation before he arrived in Black Jade City, how could Qi Lagun accept this.

But looking at the calm Beiming Army, Qi Ragon would not be so stupid as to stand still and confront the enemy.

This place is no better than the northern grasslands, where there are many mountains and forests, which is a great disadvantage to his cavalry.

Once they can't stay with the enemy for a long time, the enemy's reinforcements will come, and the prairie cavalry will be in a desperate situation for them and cannot extricate themselves.

At this moment, neither advancing nor retreating, can be described as a dilemma, caught in hesitation.
As a general under Genghis Khan, Qi Lagun is not low in martial arts or wisdom.

"Warriors of the grassland, follow me to kill, kill all the Han people, grab money, food and women, kill."

As the general of the prairie, Qi Lagun is wild and crazy by nature, and there is a little bit of madness in his heart.

Faced with this situation, a trace of ferocity flashed in his heart, and he planned to fight the Northern Dark Army.

If you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!
Anyway, people are dead and birds are up to the sky, and 20 years later, he will still be a good man.

On the other hand, Zhao Yun's heart sank when faced with this situation. His worst idea finally happened.

"Brothers, for the sake of the territory of the Han people, and for the sake of not being captured by the Hu thieves, fight with me to the death!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat, kill all the thieves! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Fight to the death and never retreat, kill all the thieves! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Facing the arrogant barbarians, the eyes of the Beiming army shone with hatred and blood, and the blood in their hearts was burning, so hot that it almost ignited them.
At this moment, the spirit of the Northern Underworld Army finally gathered into a torrent and merged into one.
It seems that countless sharp swords, under the leadership of a divine weapon, merged into one, fused into a heaven-shattering divine weapon, roaring with arrogance.

"Warriors, kill them for women and food."

When Qi LaGun saw the rolling Beiming Army, his eyes narrowed and he was extremely dignified.

"It seems that there are strong men among these bandits."

A strong man is not a person with high martial arts skills, but a person with extremely strong ability to command troops.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
"Puff puff!".

The screams, one after another, were extremely penetrating, just like the howls of ghosts coming from the remote world!
The blood is boiling, the red pulp is splashing, the bones are piled up, and the pieces of meat are flying everywhere. It is like a scene of the end of the world!
The shadow of the sword is cold, the iron hooves are speeding, the blood and mud are flying, the red flowers are shining, the blood and fire are intertwined, the test of life and death
"Ah, the thief will die!"

Li Cunxiao's blood was flying, dancing wildly in the wind, his red eyes glaring, screaming in the blood!
A seat of red armor, full of blood, looks more and more coquettish;
A lance of the king of Yu, with bloody teeth intertwined, like a ferocious beast, crazily slaughtering and devouring the living beings.
A handful of Bi Yanluo, like the hand of God, is constantly harvesting a fresh life
At this moment, it released the demon in its heart, controlled the red flame demon, and constantly destroyed all the enemies in front of it.
The dragon was black and furious, a sheet of purple armor was rising in the blood and fire, and the black Nirvana dragon gun kept making dragon howls, like a dragon coming out of the abyss, howling in the sky!

He is noble and terrifying. Its existence is to silence everything and sweep away all enemies in the world.
Zhao Yun is holding a silver dragon that splits the sky, and a silver-white robe is decorated with red flowers, which looks noble and terrifying;
Two strands of long sideburns fluttered in the wind, a pair of starry eyes, deep and far away, looking directly at Qi LaGun, the whole body was actually introverted, and the two faced each other in the air!
"You should die!"

Under Zhao Yun's stern face, there was a flash of killing intent, and he only said three words, as if he would go to heaven to judge the sinner.

"Hmph, you are so shameless, you exist like an ant, I, Chi Laowen, will kill you with one blow!"

Qi Lagun's eyes revealed a look of ridicule. Although he felt that Zhao Yun was not simple, he did not take Zhao Yun seriously.

In his eyes, the prairie warriors are the strongest people in the world, go to the Han people, who are like weak chickens, where is his opponent?


Just when the two confronted each other, Zhao Yun's figure flashed, and he attacked in anger like a thunderbolt.

The silver glow flickered, like a silver dragon sticking out its head from the raging sea, biting towards the enemy.

And Qi LaGun was not to be outdone, he slashed out with great force, like a leaping ferocious wolf, with the big horse golden saber in his hand, directly grabbing the throat of the prey.

The Dama Golden Sword slashed fiercely on the tip of Zhao Yun's Silver Dragon Spear, and the two of them passed each other with one blow!

Zhao Yun would not let it go, he rode his horse back to chase, and the Silver Dragon Spear pierced out like lightning again.

This blow, like a gust of wind and chaotic shadows, stabbed nine spear lights in an instant, like nine spears raging
"Silver Dragon splits the sky to grab, Nine Dragons splits the air, block it!"

"Ah, Sirius Howling Moon Slash!"

Facing the nine spears in no particular order, how could Qi Lagun dare to underestimate them, and directly used his ultimate skill: Sirius Xiaoyue Slash!

I saw the Kowloon circling and attacking, forming a huge vortex, rushing towards Qi LaGun, like a tornado, trying to swallow Qi LaGun.

And the golden knife that Qi Lagun cut out did not give in, like a sky wolf standing proudly on the peak, roaring up to the sky and roaring at the moon in the bright and clear night!

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Heavenly Wolf's blood claws volleyed to meet Jiulong's huge mouth, only to hear Jiulong's crisp slashing sound, Sirius tried his best, and finally killed Jiulong, and he was also wiped out by Jiulong!
Qi Lagun's heart sank like a dead sea at this moment.

After all, he used the holy skill of the grassland: Sirius Transformation. Although it was the first transformation, he still couldn't do anything to Zhao Yun, which made him unacceptable.

And Zhao Yun was worried about the soldiers under his command, so naturally he didn't want to stand in a stalemate with Qi LaGun, so he tried his best to kill Qi LaGun and repel the enemy!

"Ah, the silver dragon splits the sky, the silver dragon falls into the abyss, and the jade and stone are burnt!"

Just when the two passed by each other, Zhao Yun finally comprehended the second shot of the Silver Dragon Spear's three sure-kill shots: the back-horse spear technique!

No matter what, Qi Lagun never expected that Zhao Yun would comprehend this blow at this critical moment.

When the arm trembled and grasped the golden knife, a cold pain came from the back of the intuition, and the consciousness began to blur!
"Eh, I'm not willing."



"The thief general is dead, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

Zhao Yun chopped off Qi LaGun's head with a single shot, stood proudly in the crowd, and stopped shouting first, everyone looked at him, only to see that he picked up a head with a single shot, wasn't it the head of Qi LaGun?
Chi Laowen, one of Genghis Khan's Four Steeds, was beheaded by Zhao Yunzhen on the spot, and he died without a whole body!
"Ah, the general is dead, avenge the general."

At this moment, the battlefield suddenly fell silent, and then all the Hu people screamed fiercely, rushing towards Zhao Yun, intending to kill Zhao Yun and avenge Qi Lagun.

"Hmph, a group of mobs dare to show their fangs, they want to die!"

Even Qi LaGun died tragically at his hands, and this group of horse thieves dared to hide their edge, they simply didn't know how to live or die.

(End of this chapter)

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