Call of the Deer

Chapter 411 Ten thousand strong army, Hezhou enters the hub

Chapter 411 One hundred thousand strong army, Hezhou enters the hub

(Dear book friends, I have been busy with my internship and driving license test recently, so I stopped updating for the time being. I just finished my driver's license test today, and then I started to resume updating immediately. I was not ashamed to tell you before. I felt ashamed and failed everyone's trust. And some love, and secondly, I have been in trouble recently, and I can’t help feeling apologetic and ashamed in my heart. I hope everyone will understand, and I will try my best to update every day in the future. I hope everyone will support me as always, Xiaofeng apologizes!)

Three days later, Fang Xuanling and other five counselors bought the war horse from Bei Minghao with satisfaction, and completed their respective tasks of autonomous transportation.

"My lord, [-] war horses, are you really willing? Once the King of East Qin and other princes use these war horses to deal with our army, it will be quite troublesome."

In the Hall of Promise, Cui Hao looked at Bei Minghao who was calm and looking all around, with a look of worry in his eyes.

"Hehe, Bo Yuan has nothing to worry about. The Gu Wang has his own discretion in this matter. I am afraid that Li Shimin and others are not strong enough. Otherwise, how can we stop the menacing million horses?"

Bei Minghao glanced at Cui Hao indifferently, and said casually.

"My lord, do you know something that I don't know? Is the Hu thief really so powerful?"

Baili Xi, Yang Hu and the others looked at each other and asked in surprise.

"Hmph, it is naturally very powerful. The Hu thief went south this time, but it has been planned for a long time. Do you know that Ouyang Long, the commander of the Azure Dragon Blood Guard, is actually a dark son sent by the Palace of Eternal Life 30 years ago, intending to cooperate with the Hu thief from inside and outside. I am a Kyushu Han native."

Bei Minghao glanced at Baili Xi and the others angrily, and murmured in an extremely gloomy tone.

"My lord, what happened? Isn't this Ouyang Long a blood dragon warrior? Why did he suddenly become a barbarian?"

When Cui Hao and others heard this, they all gasped, and they were all extremely surprised.

"My lord, according to your words, this Hu thief is so powerful, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Murong Xuehu to persist until the arrival of our Dongzhou reinforcements."

At this moment, Zhuge Liang on the side suddenly spoke.

"Hehe, Kong Ming, you don't know that Murong Xuehu is the descendant of Shuoyue God of War. He learned from Shuoyue God of War at the age of six. , It’s not like a defeat, even the menacing Hu thief can only stand in a stalemate with Murong Xuehu, it’s really a soldier sage alive.”

At this moment, Jia Xu, who was sleeping on the sidelines, suddenly opened his eyes, and said with a light smile, as if he knew everything about Murong Xuehu.

"Oh, is this person really so extraordinary?"

Guo Jia looked at Jia Xu in a little surprise.

"Better than a legend!"

"Among the five heroes in the north, this person ranks second, only under the Great Yin King Di Xiao, and he is even better than the King of Western Chu, the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the King of Han Wu. Not weak at all."

Jia Xu told Murong Xuehu's deeds like a few treasures, and everyone listened to them, but their hearts were extremely agitated.

"No wonder he was able to defend the three southern states under the engulfment of a million horses. He is really not an ordinary person. In other places, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to resist a million horses. I am not as good as the king of Beiyan."

Hearing the words, Bei Minghao took a deep breath, feeling a little ashamed, feeling that he was dwarfed by Murong Xuehu, far inferior.

"Hehe, my lord, there is no need to underestimate yourself. Murong Xuehu is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among men, but my lord is also a hero in this world, so I don't want to be inferior to him."

Jia Xu comforted Bei Minghao when he heard Bei Minghao's ashamed voice.

"Jia Wenhe, stop sycophating. The lonely king still has this self-knowledge, but in the future, the lonely king will definitely be able to defeat Murong Xuehu with his own hands, so that he will not fall into the blue sky!"

Bei Minghao smiled wryly, and cursed.

"I'm waiting for the lord to come to the world, and Vega will be added to the sea!"

All the ministers knelt down on the ground and worshiped freely.

"By the way, Baili Xi, half a month is approaching, has everything been arranged properly?"

"Reporting to my lord, everything is properly arranged, just wait for the lord to raise his arms and raise his flag to go north!"

When Baili Xi heard the words, he immediately stepped forward to report.

"Report, the Eastern God of War, and the White Tiger God of War come hand in hand with their respective subordinates."

Just as Bei Minghao was discussing important matters with the officials, Dongfang Lingyu and Ji Wushuang arrived suddenly.

"Quickly invite the two gods of war to come in!"

As soon as he heard that Dongfang Lingyu and Ji Wushuang had come, Bei Minghao immediately sent someone to invite them in.

"Meet Yanhuang King!"

"Uncle Ji, Uncle Dongfang, what brought you two here? Did something happen?"

While chatting, Bei Minghao asked the two of them what they wanted to do.

"Didn't I hear that you boy will raise the flag to form an alliance within half a month, and then go north to Mengzhou to support Beiyan King, so the two of us came."

Ji Wushuang glanced at the impatient Bei Minghao angrily, and cursed with a smile.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on?"

When Bei Minghao heard this, his brows were slightly raised, with a hint of curiosity.

"Stinky boy, of course it's a great thing. I discussed it with old man Ji, and I plan to entrust you with my [-] Azure Dragon Guards."

Dongfang Lingyu glared at Bei Minghao angrily, and said in a deep voice.

"What? Uncle Dongfang, are you joking?"

When Bei Minghao heard it, he was inexplicably surprised, jumped up from the throne, and looked at Dongfang Lingyu in disbelief.

"Don't interrupt me, you boy. The old man is on the battlefield and says that he is the same. How can he make jokes and deceive each other? Besides, looking at Dongzhou, only you are the one who is the one with true destiny. If you don't entrust it to you, who will you give it to? Could it be the King of East Qin? "

"Besides, Ouyang Long is also dead, and the vengeance has been avenged. I am tired of fighting on the battlefield, so I plan to take a group of brothers to disarm and return to the fields, and formally return to the mountains. My apprentice Zhao Yun and old man Ji's apprentice Ma Chao are all working under your command. So the [-] soldiers under the old man's command, and my useless child Dongfang Yuchen are handed over to you, I hope you treat them kindly"

Speaking of this, Dongfang Lingyu's tone was rather solemn, with a trace of parting sorrow lingering between his brows.

"Uncle Dongfang, are you serious?"

Bei Minghao was ecstatic when he heard Dongfang Lingyu's words, and at the same time felt like he was dreaming.

"Uh, just pretend I didn't say it!"

Looking at Dongfang Lingyu's murderous eyes, Bei Minghao smiled mischievously.

"Uncle Dongfang, Uncle Ji, since the two of you are determined to retire, I won't persuade you much, but don't worry, I will treat the hundred thousand soldiers well."

At this time, Bei Minghao felt stunned by the pie falling from the sky. This is an elite of one hundred thousand battles, not one hundred thousand pigs, can he not be ecstatic?
"Well, the old man naturally believes in you, and my ineffective son. I hope King Yanhuang will take care of him. This child lacks actual combat experience, but he has learned about seventy to eighty percent of my abilities."

"Boy, the old man also has a mysterious gift, which will help you go north to Mengzhou. Don't ask. When the old man leaves, you will know what it is."

Dongfang Lingyu seemed to be explaining the funeral, and told him what to do, and said behind, with a mysterious look on his face, which stirred Bei Minghao's mood.

"As it should be!"

"The old man can rest assured, the old man has already asked Yuchen to take a hundred thousand soldiers to Heiyu City, as long as King Yanhuang writes a letter of divorce!"

Seeing that Bei Minghao had agreed to everything, Dongfang Lingyu felt a little relieved.

Then the two left Yanhuang City with a group of family generals, and they left in a hurry.

And Bei Minghao personally sent a group of people to disappear on the horizon at the head of the city, and only then did he regain his senses.

"Feng Xiao, Kong Ming, do you think this is the pie in the sky?"

"This lord is so talented and famous. He is so powerful in Dongzhou. The Dongzhou God of War and the White Tiger God of War naturally hope that their soldiers will find a wise master."

Zhuge Liang hesitated slightly when he heard the words, and then said awkwardly.

"Hehe, I'm afraid it's not just that. My lord's foundation is flourishing day by day, and the situation in Dongzhou has become clear. The God of War in Dongzhou and the God of War in Baihu know that there is no hope, so it's better to retreat bravely and return to the mountains and forests to be at ease."

Guo Jia is good at reasoning about human nature, so it's natural.

"Well, yes, the hero is late, and his ambition has long been drowned, so he has no idea of ​​fighting, but I am more curious about what the mysterious gift Uncle Dongzhou mentioned."

Bei Minghao glanced at Guo Jia approvingly, then changed his voice and talked about the mysterious gift.

"My lord, the Eastern Continent God of War said that it will help you go north to help. The mysterious gift should be in the north. Now everything is ready, and the only thing we owe is Dongfeng. It should be the one that can help us."

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia stopped at this and looked at each other.

"How about you and I write our respective answers on the ground to see if they are the same?"

“It coincides with my thoughts”

Then the two each wrote the word "river" on the ground with stones.

"What does this mean? The word 'river'?"

Bei Minghao felt a little confused, what does the word "river" represent?

"My lord, do you remember where the [-] troops under the command of the God of War in Dongzhou came from?"

"Go south from Hezhou, you mean"

"In my opinion, it should be close to ten. Apart from this, I can't think of anything else."

As far as Guo Jia is concerned, it seems that he has a plan in his chest.

"Fully Open City Gate Yuzhou Urgent Report"

At this moment, a rider came from a distance, calling for an urgent report.

"Report to Your Majesty, this is an urgent request sent by General Li Jing of Yuzhou."

Afterwards, a messenger quickly walked up to the city wall, took out a letter from his arms, and handed it to Bei Minghao.

Bei Minghao opened it and saw that the letter really said that Meng Bo, the lord of Hezhou, offered the whole territory of Hezhou and bowed his head as a vassal.

"As you two said, Uncle Dongfang's mysterious gift is Hezhou!"

After reading the letter, Bei Minghao took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and then spoke.

"Congratulations, my lord, for taking another state without bloodshed!"

"Hehehe, it's all thanks to Uncle Dongfang's generous gift."

"Give me an order to make Dongfang Yuchen the Marquis of Jianwu and General Pingbei!"

"Confer Zhao Yun as General Zhenbei!"

"Confer Ma Chao as General Zhenxi!"

"My lord is wise."

(End of this chapter)

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