Chapter 412

The white snow and cold springs return to Changqu, the warm wind and drizzle soak the soil; armored soldiers sweep Beihe, and the spring girl meets her lover in her dream!
The wind in March is gradually warming up, a ray of spring light falls on the earth, and a ray of warmth dispels the coldness of the three winters
On this day, the feudal lords of Eastern Continent will meet in Yanhuang City. After Bei Minghao's bold words, although the feudal lords of Eastern Continent are dissatisfied, none of them dare not to come, even Lu Bu who hates Bei Minghao to the bone.

"Hehe, Gu Wang is really flattered that everyone can gather in Yanhuang City. Gu Wang will respect you all first!"

"Come on, do it alone and respect it!"

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Bei Minghao was amused in his heart. A group of people seemed to be afraid of poisoning themselves in the wine, so they had to do it first as a respect.

"Hehe, brother Beiming, you're being polite. I'm here today to thank brother Beiming for his gift of horses. Second, brother Beiming gave me a half-month period. I don't dare not to come. Thirdly, They came here for the war in the north, and the Hu thieves from the north are coming fiercely, intending to steal our Han land, it is really deceiving people too much, it is tolerable, what is unbearable, as Han people, we should unite and unite to the outside world!"

"Brother Li is right, we should unite and form a rope to inflict heavy damage on the Hu thieves."

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, Liu Yu followed closely behind, clapping his hands in agreement.

"Brother Li's words are great, and we should fight against the enemy together."

At this moment, Sun Quan also stood up, gave solidarity to Li Shimin, and openly supported Li Shimin.

But Xiao Yan, Chen Baxian and the others all smiled strangely and looked at Bei Minghao.

"Hehe, Brother Li, I admire you so much!"


At this moment, Lu Bu who was standing aside suddenly let out a cold snort, as if he was extremely unconvinced.

"Slave with three surnames, what do you mean by cold snort? You want to die?"

Dian Wei, who was standing behind Bei Minghao, glared at Lu Bu angrily when he heard the words, and said angrily.

"Hmph, a group of hypocrites, full of cocks and dogs, I, Lu Fengxian, am ashamed to be with you."

"Oh, dare to insult the lord, I am so angry, I will cut off your dog's head."

When Dian Wei heard this, smoke came from his seven orifices, and he trembled all over.

"Hmph, the general of the defeated army dares to speak wild words, he simply doesn't know how to live or die!"

Regarding Dian Wei, Lu Bu didn't take him seriously at all, and squinted at Bei Minghao, his murderous aura was undisguised.

"Enough, back off!"

Bei Minghao shouted coldly, dismissed Dian Wei, and looked at Lu Bu indifferently.

"Lv Bu, let's talk about the enmity between you and me later. I came here today for the matter of the Hu thieves in the north. I hope you can clarify the priorities of the matter and don't delay the big event because of your own self-interest. Otherwise, don't blame the lonely king for being rude."


Lu Bu narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and snorted coldly, but he didn't continue to pester him.

"Brother Li, now the Northern Yan King has sent an envoy to ask for help. In your opinion, how should we help?"

Bei Minghao looked at Li Shiming as if nothing had happened, and said in a tone as indifferent as water.

"Hehe, Brother Beiming, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. This time the Northern Aid, we should join the Brotherhood Alliance and work together to resist foreign humiliation, don't you think?"

"Oh, brother Li's words are great, but how can we form an alliance of brothers?"

"Naturally, a lord who has both ability and political integrity is elected to lead everyone, and the schedule in the play will lead everyone to go north to fight against the Hu thieves."

"Oh, from what Brother Li said, it seems that I have thought about this for a long time. Who does Brother Li think can take on this important task?"

"In my opinion, brother Beiming should take on this important task! Whether it is fame or power, he is the best in Dongzhou. If you are the leader of the alliance, we will all obey you!"

Li Shiming, Beiming Haoxu and Wei Snake played chess with smiles on their faces.

"Brother Li's remarks are inappropriate. Did you just say that you have both ability and political integrity, so I think the leader should be elected by everyone, so that everyone can agree!"

At this time, Liu Yu suddenly stood up and stopped him.

"Brother Liu, what do you mean?"

"Brother Li, according to Liu, you should take on this important task. Do you think it is true or not?"

"I also think Brother Li should be elected as the leader"

"Brother Li is a man whom we admire, so I also recommend Brother Li."

The crowd talked a lot, and all of them elected Li Shimin as the leader.

"How is this possible? Brother Beiming should be elected as the leader of the alliance."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's face showed embarrassment, and he looked at Bei Minghao hesitantly, but there was a trace of pride and provocation in his eyes.

Bei Minghao looked at the crowd who acted like clowns in front of him, and he couldn't help laughing, showing extreme disdain.

"Hehe, Brother Li's election as the leader is expected by everyone, so don't refuse, otherwise, wouldn't it be disappointing to everyone's wishes?"

Bei Minghao was calm and composed. He was clearly aware of Li Shimin's little tricks in his heart, so he went along with the flow. Since Li Shimin wanted to be the leader of the alliance, he should do it. Anyway, it's nothing to do with him.

As long as he goes north to fight Hu, and even if Li Shimin is elected leader, does he have to listen to him?
"Since Brother Beiming has said so, it is really unreasonable for me to refuse. Then Li is ashamed to accept the position of the leader. I hope everyone will support me a lot."

"As it should be."

Afterwards, a group of people discussed the specific matters of the assistance, and then began to kill animals and sacrifice to heaven, raising flags and forming alliances.

After all the princes left, Bei Minghao's face became extremely gloomy, and his eyes were even colder.

"My lord, this Li Shimin is really deceiving people too much. He dared to openly take away your position as the leader of the alliance. In the end, he will lead an army to kill this thief."

Long Qi's face was flushed, and fire burst out of his eyes.

"It's okay, the lonely king doesn't care about the mere position of the leader of the alliance. When the war in the north is over, the lonely king will definitely lead the army to conquer Dongzhou. The humiliation suffered today will be repaid a hundredfold, hum."

Bei Minghao's tone was cold and full of evil spirit. Everyone felt a strong chill when they heard the words.

"Pass down the order to transfer Weiqing and Luo Cheng from Wangcheng of Qianzhou, Xue Rengui from Jibei City, and Chengyue Yuexi from Jibei City to quickly return to Wangcheng.

"Order Liu Ji of Sizhou to go north to Yuzhou, and Xu Da of Linyuan City to go north to replace Li Jing and lead Yuzhou's military forces"

"Order Lan Yu to garrison Xihui City, and Zhang Yun to garrison Linyuan City"

"It is said that Chang Yuchun was stationed in the king city of Qianzhou to defend against the enemy at Luguan in the west"

"Order Han to capture the tiger and Chen Dao to garrison Jibei City"

"Order Yang Yanzhao and Wu Song to guard Zhen Pass, Yang Yande and Cheng Yaojin to guard Jiuling Pass, and Tian Dan to guard Dashi Pass."

"Lin Chong and Gao Shun sit in Huangzhou."

"Luo Cheng, Di Qing, Li Cunxiao, Long Qi, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, Yuwen Chengdu, Li Jing, Yue Fei, Xue Rengui, Wei Qing and other generals are ready, and the whole army will be dispatched in seven days."

After finishing speaking, Bei Minghao let all the civil and military disperse, and leaned on the throne for himself, meditating quietly.

"This expedition is no small matter. Just in case, it's time to call the general."

Open your properties panel to view it.

Bei Minghao【Shocking】

Strength Rank: King (Peerless General)

Emperor Level: Level 4

Upgrade Requirements: 0/50
Imperial Luck Points: 29
Force: S, Commander: S, Military Strategy: S-, Intelligence: A+, Internal Affairs: A-
Qualification: SSS+
Skills: The dragon and the phoenix sing in harmony; the overlord carries the tripod; the emperor kills the sky;

Divine Weapons: Nine Dragons Splitting Heavenly Halberd, Emperor Ming Nine Nether Armor, "Sun Tzu's Art of War"

Mount: Jiuyou Dragon Horse

Cultivation techniques: Overlord's Battle of the World Jue, Xuanwu Yutian Jue
Combat Skills: Divine Phoenix Immortal Halberd, True Dragon Stepping Heaven Halberd
Power: Huangzhou

Generals under his command: ...

Adviser under his command: ...

Bei Minghao was a little surprised to see that the emperor's luck point was already 29, but it was reasonable, after all, the system was updated.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Huo Qubing of 'Big Han Double Wall', please check the host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Yang Shihou of the 'Five Elders of the Tang Dynasty', please check with the host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning to 'Doctor Tweet' master father, please check with the host!"

When he heard that Huo Qubing had been summoned, Bei Minghao was overjoyed. The potential of this Huo Qubing was stronger than that of Wei Qing. After all, Huo Qubing had only fought for seven years in history, and he made great achievements. Wei Qing was definitely not as good as Huo Qubing.

Another Yang Shihou, this person's origin is also absolutely extraordinary, this is the father of the volcano king Yang Gun, the ancestor of the general of the Yang family.

Master Fu Yan, this man is extremely resourceful, and he is not an easy person.

Huo Qubing 【Champion Hou】

Strength Level: Peerless Warrior

Force: 95 Commander: 99 Intelligence: 72 Politics: 63
Armed Forces: S, Commander: S, Military Strategy: A, Intelligence: B-, Internal Affairs: C-
Qualification: SSS+
Skill:? ? ?

Yang Shihou [King of Ye]

Strength Level: Peerless Warrior

Force: 99 Commander: 94 Intelligence: 79 Politics: 72
Armed Forces: S, Commander: S-, Military Strategy: A, Intelligence: B+, Internal Affairs: B-
Qualification: SSS+
Skill:? ? ?

Master Yan【Doctor Tweet】

Strength level: legendary strategist

Force: 53 Commander: 42 Intelligence: 96 Politics: 92
Armed Forces: D-, Commander: —— Wisdom: S, Internal Affairs: S-
Qualification: SS
Skill:? ? ?

Looking at the three newly summoned people, Bei Minghao was very satisfied.

Except for the master father Yan, the other two are all extraordinary, both of them are handsome and talented, and they can definitely become Bei Minghao's arm in this North Aid.

Just when Bei Minghao was deep in thought, a personal guard suddenly came to report.

"Report to Your Majesty that three strong men have come from outside the palace, saying they are here to seek refuge with Your Majesty."

"Huh? Three strong men, come to seek refuge in Gu, isn't it too fast?"

Bei Minghao stood up in shock when he heard the words, with a strange expression on his face.
(End of this chapter)

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