Call of the Deer

Chapter 432 Dorgon died, domineering King Yan

Chapter 432 Dorgon died, domineering King Yan

At the same time, Murong Xuehu was invited by Bei Minghao to lead [-] cavalry by the Heishui River, and he had been waiting for a long time.

Behind Dorgon's army, Su Lie's [-] cavalry pursued him every step of the way. It can be said that there are wolves in front of the lake and behind him!
"Report to Commander, on the other side of the Heishui River, Murong Xuehu led [-] cavalry, and they have been waiting for a long time."

Hearing this, Dorgon's complexion changed drastically, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The reason why he dared to go north alone this time was because he was convinced that Murong Xuehu would not dare to go out of the mountain.

But he never expected that Murong Xuehu, who has been hiding in Mingzhou, would come out of the mountain. This can be said to be a tiger coming out of the mountain, and it will shock the beasts. How can he not be afraid?
"Report that Su Lie, the general of the coalition army, with [-] cavalry, is already ten miles behind our army."

This time Dorgon almost fell off his horse. Although the Eight Banners Army under his command was brave, they were flanked by front and back.

"The whole army listened to the order, advanced quickly, defeated Murong Xuehu's [-] cavalry, entered Mingzhou, and then marched eastward from Mingzhou"

At this time, Dorgon has long forgotten the agreement with Zhebie, the so-called dead friends never die poor, he is not so noble sentiment, although Zhebie died in battle.

"Wait where the thief is going, Lu Fengxian has been waiting here for a long time!"

Lv Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd, rode a red flame horse, staring at the barbarians in front of him!
"Hmph, Mr. Xiao's big sword is already hungry and thirsty, come here, let me kill all directions!"

Xiao Mahe's face was trembling wildly, he stared viciously at the crowd of barbarians, roared angrily, and brandished the big knife in his hand!

"Soldiers, in order to be able to return to the grassland safely, follow me to kill the enemy, go!"

Dorgon is also going all out at this time, if he doesn't break through the cavalry's block, I'm afraid next year today will be his death day for Dorgon!
Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. The wolf cavalry plus Xiao Mahe's blood cavalry, [-] cavalry, fought with the Eight Banners twice as many as them.

Lv Bu has also been quite unhappy recently, always being bossed around, and now he can finally kill the Quartet heartily and let it out!
The painted halberd swept across, the fierce horse galloped, the flesh and blood flew across, the rocks were smashed and splashed, and the liver and gallbladder of the barbarians who were killed were torn apart, like hearing ghosts and gods!

With Lu Bu's blocking, Su Lie finally arrived with more than 6 cavalry under his command.

The two armies joined together, surrounded the Hu people firmly, and began to surround and kill them!

Half an hour later, the frightened and angry Dorgon finally broke through the siege with more than 3 cavalry and rushed north.

At this time, Murong Xuehu, who got the news, also came to the south and met Dorgon again!
This can be said to have just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den. Dorgon felt extremely miserable in his heart, but he could only turn his grief and anger into strength, and fought bloody with Murong Xuehu!

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Dorgon, God opened my eyes, let you meet Lao Tzu, if I don't pluck your skin today, I will be the King of Beiyan in vain!"

When Murong Xuehu, King of Northern Yan, saw Dorgon fleeing to him in such a state of embarrassment, he was overwhelmed with surprise, holding Shuoyue Long Saber, and came to Zhebie to kill him!
"Eat my knife, Shuoyue swordsmanship, Shuoyue crosses the sky!"



Dorgon's leadership was extraordinary, but his strength was mediocre. He was the opponent of Murong Xuehu, the descendant of the Sun and Moon God of War.

In this way, the hero of a generation, Dorgon, the war god of the Qing Dynasty, finally died on the banks of the Heishui River, and this battle can be regarded as the end!

But at this time, Lu Bu, Xiao Mahe and others arrived after a long time, and they saw Murong Xuehu wearing black armor and holding a long knife, waiting for them!

"The general was sent by King Beiyan to stop Dorgon?"

Su Lie saw this man's extraordinary aura, so he put a lot of pressure on him, and asked cautiously this time.

"Hehe, this king is the king of Beiyan, who dares to appoint me?"

"Whose subordinate are you waiting for?"

Murong Xuehu looked sideways at Su Lie and the others proudly, and asked lightly.

"We were sent by King Dongqin, the ally of the coalition, to chase after Hu thief Dorgon. Thank you King Beiyan for your help. He killed Dorgon and made Hu thief lose one of his generals!"

Seeing that this person was the King of Beiyan, Su Lie's heart shuddered, and his words became a lot more cautious.

After all, the King of Beiyan is a local snake, so the so-called strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, he dare not be too rude.

"Hmph, even if he doesn't make a move, Dorgon will surely die!"

Lu Bu had already held back his anger, how could he sell Murong Xuehu's account, he muttered dissatisfied!

"You are questioning the strength of this king!"

King Beiyan's eyes froze, and a cold light flashed in them!
"is like"


"Dump Dump"

Murong Xuehu didn't have the slightest fondness for these coalition soldiers, but rather for Bei Minghao, this guy even questioned him, so naturally he just drew his sword and slashed!
Lu Bu also resisted with his halberd like lightning, but unfortunately he was still not as powerful as Murong Xuehu, and was repelled by more than ten steps.

On the other hand, Murong Xuehu slashed out with one knife, and then retracted the knife, his movements were smooth and meticulous, and his body was even more motionless!
If it were an ordinary person, he would have been cut in half by Murong Xuehu, how could he survive!

And Lu Bu was shocked in his heart at this time, he actually lost to this person in the power showdown.

"Hmph, you have some skills, no wonder you question this king!"

Murong Xuehu snorted coldly, he seemed quite disdainful towards Lu Bu!

When Lu Bu heard this, his expression changed, and he stared angrily at Murong Xuehu.

"General Lu calm down, this person is the King of Beiyan, and this place is not far from Mingzhou, it is better for us not to provoke this person."

Su Lie stood up at this moment, grabbed Lu Bu, and whispered in his ear.


Clenching his fists tightly, Lu Bu gave King Beiyan an extremely aggrieved look, then snorted coldly, already thinking in his heart that sooner or later he would make King Beiyan look good!
Then Su Lie returned to Lingnan City with more than [-] cavalry under his command.

"This Lu Bu's strength is so extraordinary that he can block [-]% of the king's power, but this person can only be regarded as the third in Dongzhou, and how strong should the first and second be?"

Looking at Lu Bu who left angrily, Northern Yan King Murong Xuehu murmured to himself with great interest.

And at this moment, Zhao Yun, Wei Qing, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei in the east direction, according to Yue Fei's order, also ambushed Mu Huali who was heading north in Zanchuan.

Under the heroic battle of the four, Hu Ren's general Mu Huali was also cut off by Guan Yu.

So far, the Hu people's army in the south has been completely annihilated, and no one has been killed by the coalition army and the Beiming army.

Looking at the overall situation, it seems that the whole battle was arranged by someone, and it was not the slightest difference.

But the only useless Meng Tian also ushered in his own enemy, that is, Li Shimin sent Li Yuanba and Hou Junji to attack the west with an army of [-], with a very clear intention, that is Hancheng!

But Meng Tian was plotted by others, and what he waited for was not a barbarian, but his own robes who wanted to seize Hancheng, so he was naturally furious.

If the two sides disagreed, it seemed that a big war was about to break out, but Hou Junji stopped Li Yuanba and quickly sent someone to ask Li Shimin for instructions
But under the city of Sanchuan, the atmosphere is solemn, and the war is about to break out.
(End of this chapter)

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