Call of the Deer

Chapter 433 Genghis Khan, Wan Tieqi

Chapter 433 Genghis Khan, a million cavalry

"Commander, what's the reason why the coalition forces suddenly marched westward? King Yanhuang never said that the coalition forces from Dongzhou would come to attack."

Looking at the murderous look outside the city, Pei Xingjian looked at the coalition barracks stationed there, his face was not very good-looking, and he was slightly worried!
"Hmph, there's no need to say more about being dragged down by others about being loyal to others. Besides, Li Shimin has indeed done too despicably. With me, Meng Tian, ​​here today, the coalition forces will never even think about taking a single step past Sanchuan City."

Meng Tian raised his eyes, and said majesticly!

Seeing that Meng Tian had made up his mind, Pei Xingjian didn't say any more.

On the other side, Li Shimin, the leader of the coalition army, also received the news from Hou Junji and called a group of princes to discuss!
"Everyone, Meng Tian, ​​a general under the command of King Qin of Zhongzhou, appeared in Sanchuan City and defended the western frontier for Bei Minghao. Hou Jun's army of [-] was blocked. What do you think we should do?"

Li Shimin sat in the first place, looking at the six princes below.

"Meng Tian? It is said that this person is the head of the four great commanders under the command of the Great Qin King, and his ability to command troops is very powerful. If this person is stationed in Sanchuan City, Han City may have no hope."

Chen Baxian took the lead in expressing his own opinion, implying that he should stop fighting with Meng Tian and withdraw his troops directly.

"Meng Tian? Although this person is well-known, my East Continent is also full of generals, and General Hou under the leader's command is also extremely extraordinary. With the addition of General Li Yuanba, it shouldn't be difficult to take down Sanchuan City, right?"

A gleam flashed in Liu Yu's eyes, he glanced at Li Shimin, and said with certainty.

"I think it's better not to fight against Meng Tian, ​​and retreat. Now that Lingnan City has been captured, Dengzhou will be controlled in a short time. Since Sangzhou is controlled by Bei Minghao, then we don't have to fight with Bei Minghao at this time." Minghao dies, after all, my target is the Northern Hu thief."

Sun Quan looked at the other people who were hesitant to speak, and suddenly spoke.

"I also don't think it's necessary to fight Bei Minghao and Meng Tian at this time. The gain outweighs the loss. After all, when our army retreats, Dengzhou and other prefecture cities will become tasteless, and it's a pity to discard them. After all, what we are waiting for Rooted in Dongzhou”

Xiao Yan and Chai Rong looked at each other, the two exchanged opinions, and then Xiao Yan expressed his opinion.

"Since you all disapprove of my attacking Hancheng, I will let Hou Junji withdraw and let Bei Minghao enjoy himself for a while longer."

Li Shimin heaved a sigh of relief after hearing everyone's opinions. After all, he was too difficult to get off. With the opposition of several princes, he happened to have a step down.
"Report to General Su Lie for the good news. Dorgon's remnants have all been conferred, and he is leading an army to attack Dengzhou."

"Report to the leader of the alliance, the king of Beiyan sent an envoy to come to see him."

At this moment, suddenly two messengers broke in, kneeling down to report!
"Oh, the envoy sent by King Beiyan? Hurry up, please!"

Li Shimin picked up the good news from Su Lie, opened it, and then frowned!
"Zhang Zhao, a counselor under King Xiabei Yan, pays his respects to the leader of the coalition army and all the princes!"

It was a counselor in his thirties who came in. He was dressed in plain clothes. He walked calmly, bowed slightly, and met Li Shimin and others.

"Your envoy is here this time, what kind of will is with the king of Beiyan, just say it!"

After reading the letter, Li Shimin was very upset, so he didn't show a good face, and asked coldly, with a sense of sarcasm.

"Hehe, why did the lord say that? You are the lord of the coalition, and my lord dare not give orders. This time, I am here to replace my lord and invite the lord and other princes to Lingshuang City to discuss the matter of fighting against the barbarians in the north."

"To tell you the truth, Temujin, the great Khan of the barbarians, led a million cavalrymen from Sirius City, and within seven days, he will go to Mingzhou."

Zhang Zhao was neither humble nor overbearing, and did not change color because of Li Shimin's sarcasm, and still slowly explained the meaning of this visit.

However, what Zhang Zhao said was like a storm, setting off a frenzy.

Temujin led a million cavalry southward, this is not a trivial matter, but a major event.

"Is this true? Temujin really led a million cavalry to kill."

Li Shimin was also obviously shocked by the news, and he was stunned for a while before answering.

"Leader, don't worry, this news is absolutely impossible to be false, because the king sent his own elite scout Hu Yueqi to inquire about this news."

When he said this, Zhang Zhao's face was very solemn, apparently he was also very surprised when he heard the news.

"Thank you for the long journey, sir. I came to tell you that you must be very tired. I will send someone to take you down to rest."

Li Shimin's eyes were cloudy and cloudy, and after a long time, the cloudy weather turned into sunny, and he said to Zhang Zhao very politely with a pleasant face.

"Thank you for the kindness of the lord, but I am worried about my lord, I dare not stay here for a long time, and I plan to return immediately."

"Since Mr. is worried about the lord, then I will not keep him anymore. I will send an army to escort Mr. back to Mingzhou safely."

"In this case, I would like to thank the leader for his kindness."

Zhang Zhao didn't refuse Li Shimin's escort, it was Li Shimin's deliberate gesture of favor, and he happily accepted it!
Then Zhang Zhao left Lingnan City under the escort of Li Shiming's guards!

In Hancheng, Bei Minghao welcomed the envoy under the command of King Beiyan. This person was personable, with a beautiful appearance, and an elegant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Under the Xiabei King Yan's staff, Zhou Yu and Zhou Gongjin, pay homage to Yanhuang King."

"Zhou Yu? This person is Zhou Gongjin, the beautiful Zhou Lang?"

When Bei Minghao saw Zhou Yu, he already had some guesses in his heart. When he saw Zhou Yu reporting himself as his family, he immediately understood, and immediately looked at Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu【The Pose of Wang Zuo】

Strength level: god-level counselor

Force: 86 Command: 99 Intelligence: 101 Politics: 96
Force: A, Command: S, Military Strategy: S+, Intelligence: S+, Internal Affairs: S
Qualification: SSS+
Skill:? ? ?

"Sure enough, he is a peerless evildoer who can stand side by side with Wolong, and his strength is only a bit worse than Wolong. King Beiyan has such a capable person, so why worry about big things not being done?"

"Mr. Zhou has worked hard all the way. I don't know why King Beiyan came here this time?"

Zhou Yu's attribute, although shocking, is also reasonable, and Bei Minghao is no longer shocked.

"Reporting to King Yanhuang, this time my lord learned that King Yanhuang took down the two states of Sangzhou and Dianzhou by himself, and beheaded the generals Zhebie and Muhuali, and sent his subordinates to come here. congratulate"

"Hehe, we are all happy together. Didn't King Beiyan personally lead his army to kill the barbarian giant Dorgon?"

A trace of complacency flashed in Bei Minghao's eyes, then he said with a light smile.

"That's thanks to King Yanhuang's ability to predict and predict, Zhou also admires it very much."

"There is a prophet of the unknown. It's just that the topography of Dengzhou has been checked and the arrangements have been made in advance. If it weren't for the strong army of the King of Beiyan, how could Dorgon be left behind?"

"Your Majesty has talented people coming out in large numbers, so don't be humble. It must be a combination of the poisonous Jia Xu who has a thorough view of the overall situation, the ghost talent, the ghostly plotter Guo Jia, and Jing Xiang. They calculated the retreat route of the Hu people. Well, this is the practice of catching a turtle in a urn."

Zhou Yu is also a smart person, so he naturally knows that this is not some kind of foretelling, but the result of a man with extraordinary resourcefulness who predicts things like a god.

"Hehe, don't talk about this matter, the king of Beiyan sent Mr. to come, I'm afraid it's not for congratulations?"

"Your Majesty is right. Apart from congratulations, there is one more imminent matter. My lord has already ruled out several great counselors. The Northern Zhou God of War was ordered to go to the northwest, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu in the west, Meng Tian, ​​the Great Qin Tiger Commander in the southwest, and Meng Tian in the south. Li Shimin, the leader of the coalition forces."

Speaking of another matter, Zhou Yu's face became very serious. Although he was extremely resourceful, and in front of absolute strength, all his schemes and schemes were paper tigers.

"Oh, what's the matter? You want to notify several great masters at the same time. Could it be that the barbarians are attacking aggressively?"

"That's right, this time Temujin personally led a million horsemen to kill them aggressively. If they can't be twisted into a single rope, they will be defeated one by one."

"Millions of cavalry? It seems that the one who should come is still here. This Temujin is the king of the king. It is impossible to watch us devour his prairie horse thieves and just sit back and watch."

"Mr. Zhou went back and told King Beiyan that King Gu will lead the army on time and rush to Lingshuang City to meet up."

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Bei Minghao did not hesitate, and directly agreed to Zhou Yu, and then Zhou Yu did not delay, and returned to Mingzhou under the escort of Bei Minghao.

(End of this chapter)

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