Call of the Deer

Chapter 434 Overlord Invites a Battle, 2 Heroes' First Battle

Chapter 434 Overlord invites a battle, the first battle between the two heroes
Seven days later, outside Lingshuang City in Mingzhou!

The King of Beiyan was wearing a jet-black battle armor, holding a long knife of the moon, and a sky-blue cloak fluttering in the wind. Behind him stood eight great generals, all of whom were imposing, holding sharp knives, their star eyes shining, and waiting motionlessly. Go!

Behind the eight generals, one hundred thousand cavalry stood very solemnly, all in black armor, with a solemn appearance and high fighting spirit, waiting for the arrival of the great masters.

"Report to the king, the overlord of Western Chu and the king of Northern Wei led an army of 40, and they are only twenty miles away from Lingshuang City."

"Report to Your Majesty, Li Shimin, the leader of the Southern Alliance Army, personally leads an army of 50, and is only 25 miles away from Lingshuang City."

"Report to the great king, the general Bei Mingleng under the command of King Yin, and the general Zhou Yafu under the command of King Wu of Han, leading an army of 50, they are far away from Lingshuang City."

An hour later, I saw an iron cavalry wearing a black battle armor galloping from the west. The word "Chu" was written on the military flag, and the word "Wei" was written on the other military flag. It turned out to be the overlord of Western Chu and the king of Northern Wei. Arrived first.

"Hahaha, Murong Xuehu is waiting and the two brothers have been waiting for a long time."

"But Northern Yan King Murong Xuehu?"

Hearing this, Xiang Yu and Ran Min immediately stepped forward to meet Murong Xuehu, King of Northern Yan, and the three of them stood between the two armies.

"Brother Ran Min was joking, this is Murong Xuehu, thank you Brother Ran and Brother Xiang for coming all the way to help!"

Murong Xuehu looked at the two of them carefully, and found that the two had hidden auras, but their bodies were full of blood. At first glance, they were not simple characters, and they already had a lot of confidence in their hearts!

"Brother Murong is serious. Hu thieves bullied us Han people, and dared to kill us. As Han people, we naturally have to join hands to fight against the enemy."

Ran Min's big eyes were wide open, his face was full of anger, and he said very angrily.

"Brother Ran said that we Han people should unite to resist foreign humiliation"

The conversation made Murong Xuehu think highly of Ran Min a lot. This person is indeed a real man, a real hero!
"Murong Xuehu, you are able to defend the Han land in Mingzhou during the siege of the barbarians, and leave a shelter for the Han people in Mengzhou. I, Xiang Yu, respect you for being a man!"

Xiang Yu looked at Murong Xuehu and said very seriously.

"Brother Xiang was joking. As a member of Mengzhou, it is my duty to preserve a piece of paradise for the people of Mengzhou. I shouldn't think so highly of Brother Xiang!"

"I heard that you are the descendant of the Sun Moon God of War, and your martial arts are invincible. How dare you fight me. I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

The next sentence made Murong Xuehu's smile freeze, and he looked at Ran Min without knowing why, as if he was asking what's going on!

"Hehe, Brother Murong, Brother Xiang is addicted to martial arts. He is very familiar with your name. He wants to compete with you and exchange martial arts with you."

Ran Min looked at Xiang Yu's face full of eagerness and eagerness, smiled wryly, and explained for Xiang Yu.

"Um, so that's the case. It's just that the other masters are coming today, isn't it a bit wrong? If there is a delay, the other masters will be neglected."

"Hmph, Brother Murong competes with Xiang Yu, who dares to be dissatisfied?"

Xiang Yu said domineeringly, his eyes shone brightly, and he asked very domineeringly.

"So, since Brother Xiang invites you, let Murong and Brother Xiang exchange ideas, but I hope you and I will go as far as you can, and you must not lose your temper because of this!"

Seeing Xiang Yu's firm and domineering eyes, Murong Xuehu hesitated for a moment, then readily agreed,
He had heard about Xiang Yu's dominance before, but now that he saw it, it was even more rumored!

"It's great that you can think about it from this. After all, this is Mengzhou, and I, Xiang Yu, don't want to cause trouble."

Seeing Murong Xuehu agreeing, Xiang Yu showed a smile on his face, and the implication in his words was that he could defeat Murong Xuehu.

Both of them abandoned their horses and stood between the two armies, Murong Xuehu was holding Shuoyue Long Saber, Xiang Yu was holding Black Dragon Fighting Heaven Halberd, both of them were wearing black battle armor;
The only difference is that Murong Xuehu has a sky blue cloak behind him, while Xiang Yu's cloak is red, extremely bright!
The two were introverted, looking at each other quietly, masters fighting, only competing for one move and one move, neither of them dared to show their aura!
"Brother Xiang, since you don't make any moves, then I'll be offended!"

Suddenly, Murong Xuehu still couldn't hold back, and slashed towards Xiang Yu with a knife. This move was powerful, and with the force of Mount Tai, he slashed towards Xiang Yu's head!

In the void, there was a sound of piercing through the air, which shows that the speed of this knife is very fast!

"Hmph, little tricks, get lost!"

Regarding Murong Xuehu's temptation, Xiang Yu didn't take it seriously at all, the Black Dragon Battle Heaven Halberd in his hand struck out like lightning, and collided fiercely with the Shuoyue Saber.

This blow was fierce and domineering. Although the two of them did not use their full strength, they were still not to be underestimated. Under the blow, the two of them were pushed back by the huge force.

Xiang Yu retreated five steps before stopping, and Murong Xuehu retreated seven steps before stopping, but it was impossible to tell which of the two was stronger or weaker after one blow!

"Drink, come again, eat me!"

Xiang Yu saw that he did not have a clear advantage in the fight with this person, his fighting spirit was once again high, and he took the halberd to go first!

"Hmph, just come, I'm not afraid of you, return it to me!"

When Murong Xuehu saw that this person seemed to be stronger than himself, he was also very excited, and greeted him with a knife!

The moon knife crossed the sky, and a cold moon-like light flashed across the sky. This knife was faster, brighter, and weirder than the previous one!
And Xiang Yu's Zhantian Halberd is also fierce and domineering, like wind and thunder, extremely destructive!

Under one blow, the two still had no victory or defeat, but they fought faster and faster, and the more they fought, the more powerful they became!
After three hundred rounds, the two still didn't look tired at all, but the fighting spirit in their eyes was extremely fierce!
"Hahaha, that's right. It's been a long time since there was an opponent who can make Xiang Yu's blood boil. You are very good. Next, I will use all my strength. I hope you will not be careless!"

Suddenly Xiang Yu laughed out loud, very happy, and then the Black Dragon Zhan Tianji changed from his left hand to his right hand, and his momentum rose again, directly breaking through the existing limit and reaching another field!
When Murong Xuehu saw it, his eyes shrank, and his heart was filled with turmoil. He suddenly remembered the words of his master Sun Moon God of War. After the strength breaks through the innate, there will be a gap that cannot be crossed by manpower. After the past, there will be another realm!
Obviously, he found that Xiang Yu might have reached that level, and he was very shocked at the moment!

"Hahaha, eat my halberd, the black dragon fights the sky halberd, the lore style, fights the sky!"

Just when Xiang Yu's aura reached its peak, Zhan Tianji suddenly turned, and with a destructive aura, it came crushing towards Murong Xuehu!

When Murong Xuehu saw it, his expression changed dramatically, and he pulled out a crimson knife that had never been drawn from his waist like lightning, and used his own lore attack that he had been hiding all along!
"Drink, Shuoyue Frost Knife, Scorching Sun Knife, two knives combined, the sun and the moon fade away!"


After one blow, there was only a violent roar, and then a cloud of dust rolled up the sky, submerging the two of them in the sight of everyone.

Everyone looked at this destructive scene, they were all shocked, they had never seen such a destructive scene!
After half a sound, the flying dust scattered in the sky, and I saw that the two people in the field had already retracted their weapons and gave up. It was impossible to tell who would win and who would lose, but their faces were full of joy!
(End of this chapter)

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