Call of the Deer

Chapter 435 Overlord's Might, Yuanba Retreats

Chapter 435 Overlord's Might, Yuanba Retreats

(Today's third update, I hope everyone can see my hard work, give me some monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, I will have more motivation to work hard to update, everyone support me)

"Tap Tap"

At this moment, a series of horseshoe sounds came from the northwest and then the south at the same time, from far to near, and a moment later, a million troops rushed to Lingshuang City!
"Thank you, Beizhou God of War, General Beiming, General Zhou Yafu, the leader of the coalition army, and brothers who came all the way to help, Murong is very grateful"

At this time, Murong Xuehu's aura has fundamentally changed from before, his face is not tired, but very energetic, on the contrary, Xiang Yu seems to be a little tired!
"Li is late, I hope Brother Murong will forgive me."

"Brother Li is too polite!"

"Northern Yan King, this is the Overlord of Western Chu. This is the Northern Wei King, right? I have met you brothers."

"This should be Beizhou God of War, Beiming Leng, who is famous in Kyushu. The junior Li Shimin has seen God of War, and General Zhou Yafu!"

Li Shimin stepped forward and greeted Xiang Yu, Ran Min, Bei Mingleng, Zhou Yafu and others
"Thank you for coming all the way to help, Murong is very grateful, Murong leads the people of Mengzhou, please accept Murong's respect!"

"Brother Murong, get up, you are my brother recognized by Xiang Yu, they are not qualified to be worshiped by you!"

Xiang Yu suddenly took a stride, pulled Murong Xuehu back, glanced at Li Shimin and the others arrogantly, and said very bluntly.

"Ah, brother Xiang is serious, I am paying respects to you on behalf of the people of Mengzhou"

"Hmph, worship me if you want, you don't need to worship them, and you are already an unrecognized brother, so you don't have to"

Xiang Yu snorted coldly, and said domineeringly, as if he could expel the Hu thieves with him!
"Everyone, don't get angry. Brother Xiang Yu has always been straightforward and has no intention of offending you!"

Seeing Xiang Yu's arrogance, other people immediately showed anger on their faces. When Ran Min saw this, he immediately stood up and made things right for Xiang Yu.

"That's right, Brother Xiang's righteousness is so generous to Yuntian, and he has no intention of looking down on you. I will apologize to you on Brother Xiang's behalf!"

Murong Xuehu was also in a daze, and immediately bowed himself to apologize for Xiang Yu!


Seeing this, Xiang Yu snorted coldly, and didn't argue any more, and didn't bother to argue. He didn't care who he offended, he only cared about the people he approved of.

"Hehe, the overlord of Western Chu is indeed as rumored, arrogant and extremely domineering, it's really not as good as being famous."

Li Shimin's face was extremely ugly, he gave Xiang Yu a hard look, and said through gritted teeth.

"Xiang Yu, how dare you look down on my elder brother? I heard that you are very powerful. How dare you fight me, Li Yuanba?"

Seeing Li Shimin being humiliated, Li Yuanba lifted up a pair of golden hammers for beating drums, walked up to Xiang Yu, stared at Xiang Yu with very cold eyes, and shouted loudly!
"Oh, you want to challenge me?"

When Xiang Yu saw that Li Yuanba was going to challenge him, he immediately became interested and asked with great interest!
"Hmph, whoever dares to insult my elder brother, I will take his dog's life!"

Li Yuanba looked at Xiang Yu coldly, his voice was extremely cold!
"Hmph, that depends on your ability, let's make a move!"

When Xiang Yu heard Li Yuanba's words, his face also became gloomy. Thinking of him, Xiang Yu, has anyone ever spoken to him like this?

"Die, War Bear Ground Breaker!"

With a roar, Li Yuanba charged with a pair of golden hammers in his hand, then jumped up, and smashed the pair of golden hammers towards Xiang Yu's head!

"Hmph, the light of the firefly dares to compete with the bright moon, it's ridiculous, the black dragon fights the halberd, the dragon breaks the sky, get lost!"

Xiang Yu saw Li Yuanba's pair of golden hammers smashing towards him at the speed of the wind and rain, a trace of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth, he shouted sharply, and the Zhantianji slammed into the sky!

"Dump Dump"

With one blow, Li Yuanba flew away in time, carrying a pair of golden hammers, and because Xiang Yu didn't use all his strength, he was shocked back more than 20 steps by the huge force, and then stopped!
"Interesting, it turns out that you have extraordinary courage. No wonder you dare to fight me head-on, but bravery alone is not qualified to say big things like killing me!"

After being repelled, Xiang Yu was not angry, but rather surprised, and began to look at Li Yuanba squarely!

"Hmph, you'll know right away whether you're qualified or not."

Li Yuanba was naturally very annoyed. He took the preemptive action and did not hurt Xiang Yu. Instead, he was disgraced and flew away by the huge force. Although he was not injured, it was embarrassing enough.

"Ah, eat me with a hammer, the blood of the bear is furious, the hammer of God splits the sky, and the sky cracks!"

With one blow, Li Yuanba knew that Xiang Yu was his unprecedented opponent. Without all his strength, he had absolutely no chance of defeating this person!

"Hmph, no amount of moves is useless, go back, the black dragon fights the sky halberd, the shattering style, the battle dragon is destroyed, and it lasts forever!"

I saw an extremely blazing golden light shining on the warhammer in Li Yuanba's hand, like the sun's rays falling on the world, like the dawn in the darkness.
At the same time, there was only a black "ray of light", which merged with the golden light with a very sharp sharpness.
In an instant, sparks radiated in all directions, spreading to the surroundings with the force of destroying the world, like blooming golden flowers, becoming more and more beautiful, youthful in an instant!

When everything was over, everyone saw Xiang Yu still standing there with a blank face, pointing at Li Yuanba obliquely with the Zhan Tianji in his hand, scanning the crowd like a contempt, arrogant.

On the other hand, Li Yuanba's face was flushed, and he glared at Xiang Yu with aggrieved anger. On the golden hammer in his hand, there was an extremely hideous scar, which was so obvious!
"Li Yuanba, do you want to continue? To tell you the truth, your opponent is not my opponent yet, because I haven't used my full strength yet."

Xiang Yu suddenly spoke, and said to Li Yuanba, while the others were all shocked when they saw this, and looked at Xiang Yu suspiciously.

Among the people present, only King Beiyan sighed secretly, because he knew that Xiang Yu was not talking big, and Xiang Yu's moves in the previous blow of the two were absolutely devastating, even more destructive than the current blow, if not for Xiang Yu Stop halfway, I'm afraid he will die in Huangquan at this time.

Even so, he still lost to Xiang Yu in the end. The only thing to be thankful for is that because of that battle, he finally broke through the bottleneck and entered that realm!
"Hmph, no need, sooner or later I will defeat you."

What surprised everyone even more was that Li Yuanba, who had always been fearless, retreated at this time.

"Hahaha, the lonely king came a step late, did he miss something good?"

At this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came from the south, and everyone immediately looked to the south
(End of this chapter)

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