Chapter 446

In Kaiyuan City, Yizhou, Maodun led an army of [-], followed Aixinjueluo Xuanye all the way to here.

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, Aixinjue Luo's Commander-in-Chief sent a secret letter!"

At this time, Mao Dun received the news from Aixinjueluo Xuan Ye, frowned, and told him intuitively that it was not a good thing.
"Huh? Turn to the west? Stop Bei Minghao's army?"

Looking at the letter, it really wasn't a good thing, he frowned, feeling a little bad in his heart.

"The 20 army can't keep Bei Minghao's [-] army, and the Eight Banners Army is really not worthy of the name"

Mao Dun had a little disdain for Aixinjueluo Xuanye's Eight Banners Army. The military plan was loose, which was incompatible with his style!

"The whole army listened to the order, turned to the west, and advanced at full speed."

After all, Maodun is one of the two prides of the prairie, and the overall situation of the matter is still very clear, so he turned to the west!
On the other side, Aixinjueluo Xuanye, who was chasing the Northern Underworld Army, led an army of 15 at this time, and followed the Northern Underworld Army without stopping.
"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, Tanlang City is an urgent report, Tanlang City was reduced to ruins overnight, General Wang Baobao and his [-] soldiers have no bones left."

"What? Say it again!"

When Aixinjueluo Xuanye heard this, his face turned pale with shock, he hurriedly grabbed the messenger and shouted angrily!
"Greedy Wolf City has been reduced to ruins, and all the bones of General Wang Baobao and his [-] soldiers are gone!"

"Impossible! Pfft!"

When Aixinjueluo Xuanye heard this, he yelled angrily, and then spit out a mouthful of blood from his mouth!

"Master, are you alright!"

"Master, you have to take care of yourself!"

"Hurry up and get the doctor to come over and treat him with Marshal Ti."

"Beiming dog thief, I love Xinjueluo Xuanye and you are incompatible."

Aixinjueluo Xuanye's face was pale, and his expression was so sluggish, he looked at the sky and sternly shouted!
But at this moment, Bei Minghao led [-] cavalry, and galloped towards the south in a hurry.
Looking at Bei Minghao's figure, Zhao Yun hesitated to speak, but his face was full of smiles, as if he couldn't hold it anymore!

"Zilong, what's the matter? Look at you, you want to laugh. Is there any happy event? Tell everyone to listen!"

Li Cunxiao noticed Zhao Yun's expression, rode over, patted Zhao Yun's shoulder, and asked curiously!
"This is the master"

"Hehe, it's okay, Zilong, since everyone wants to know, then you can tell me."

Bei Minghao rode his horse in front, without turning his head, and said indifferently.

If someone is observing Bei Minghao, they will find that the corners of Bei Minghao's mouth are crooked at this time, and he is smiling crookedly.

At this time, Zhao Yun also began to reveal the bad things he did with Bei Minghao before. When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded, speechless for a long time!

"Hahaha, okay, I think Aixinjueluo Xuanye's complexion will be very good at this time, I'm really looking forward to it."

Hearing this, Li Cunxiao smiled caressingly, very comfortably and cheerfully!
"That's right, these damned barbarians, who are determined to get involved in our Kyushu Han soil, should teach them some lessons, so that they know that no matter how weak a lion is, it is still a lion, and it cannot be shaken by ants."

Wei Qing patted his cavalry under his crotch, and said in a very cold and confident tone!
"No wonder this Aixinjueluo Xuanye is so relentless, that's how it is."

"Although the destruction of Greedy Wolf City in one fell swoop this time severely hit the morale of the barbarians, I am also very happy to wait, but this time I really will not die with Aixinjueluo Xuanye."

Dongfang Yuchen spoke in a timely manner. Although he was very happy, he also needed to consider the consequences of offending Aixinjueluodian Xuanye so severely!

"Never die? I've been fighting with these damned horse thieves for a long time. Do I still need to worry about this?"

Ma Chao sneered, a certain kind of unruly color flashed, and there was also a bloodthirsty ruthlessness!
"Hmph, Hu thief and I Han people are feuds in the past. He Aixinjueluo dares to come, and I want his life!"

Yang Yansi's words were not astonishing and endless, and he did not pay attention to Aixinjueluo Xuanye at all.

"Report to Your Majesty, Marshal Mao Dun of the Hu people personally leads an army of [-] troops, and Chen Bing is fifty miles ahead, intercepting the only way our army must pass."

At this moment, scouts rushed over from the south, bringing an unexpected news!

"Modun? Maodun of the two prides of the prairie? It seems that Aixinjueluo Xuanye may have notified Maodun long ago."

"However, so what? The [-] troops under the command of the Lonely King have experienced hundreds of battles, and all of them are brave and good at fighting. They just need a tempered opponent."

As soon as he heard that Maodun had come to stop him, Bei Minghao's face sank slightly, and then his eyes flashed with eager fighting intent, fearless!
"Soldiers, after passing through Yanzhou, it is Mingzhou. However, Yizhou was blocked by Huren General Maodun. In order to return to Mingzhou safely, we must fight with our backs."

"The whole army obeys the order, aiming at Yizhou, and advancing at full speed."

Bei Minghao yelled angrily, and immediately led his five thousand and nine Youwei guards, and rushed towards the south, and his seventy thousand soldiers followed closely behind.
Half an hour after the Beiming army left, Aixinjueluo Xuanye finally killed
Mingzhou, on the Lengyue Plain, flying sand and rolling stones, the sound of battlefield horns sounded from all sides, and the sky was full of yellow dust, trampled by war horses, for a long time!
Under the sunlight, a golden ray of light appeared on the Lengyue Plain. This golden ray, shining with a cold aura, galloped across the Lengyue Plain from north to south!

This is the king teacher under Temujin's command: Gold and Xue Jun!
Behind this army of kings, there is another cavalry archer wearing blue animal leather armor. This is the cavalry archer in the desert that Temujin had hidden for a long time.

The combination of Jin Xuejun and the desert bow cavalry is a perfect fit, a match made in heaven.

The two armies cooperated very closely, as if they were a whole, there was no flaw at all, and the allied forces who killed were complaining endlessly, and they dared not despise them in the slightest!

At this time, it was already the seventh day after Ran Min and Li Shiming left. During these seven days, the barbarians attacked the camp day and night. The purpose was to make the coalition forces have no time to separate troops to meet Bei Minghao and Xiang Yu in the north!
In the camp of the coalition army, several military commanders and a group of princes gathered here, looking eagerly at the coalition commander Bei Mingleng!
"Commander, the reason why our army was defeated by the Hu thieves this time is that Temujin sent out his king's master Jin Qixue Jun and Da Mo Gong, who were under the box by surprise, so that our army was caught off guard."

In this expedition, Dong Cheng was completely playing the role of soy sauce. In order to show his sense of existence, he said sternly.

"Hehe, what the King of Cangzhou said is right. The Golden Qixue Army and the Desert Horse Archers are the most elite troops under Temujin's command. At this time, the desert Cangqi was personally commanded by Temujin."

Beiming glanced at Dong Cheng coldly, and spoke in a deep voice.

"The elite cavalry of our coalition forces are basically in the north, so we can't go head-to-head with Temujin's Huang Jinqi Xue army. The only way to do it now is to wait until the northern army returns first, and then plan later!"

"The commander-in-chief's words are very kind!"

"I will wait under the command of the commander!"

Those who are masters are teachers, and basically everyone is very convinced of Bei Mingleng!

At the same time, the Beiming Army finally came together with Maodun's Tiancang Huqi!
(End of this chapter)

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