Call of the Deer

Chapter 447 Bloody battle against heaven

Chapter 447 Bloody battle against the heavens, a better move

Yizhou, Jiuyue Plain outside Daocheng!

Jiuyue Plain, because there are nine mountains abruptly located in the center of the plain, it became famous as Jiuyue!
Maodun's [-]-strong army was divided into three parts, and one part was in full formation, waiting for the Beiming Army in the southern part of the Jiuyue Plain!
The other [-] troops were divided into two groups and secretly hid in Jiuyue Mountain.

"My lord, the Jiuyue Plain has a complex terrain, and it's too late to wait for work. There will definitely be an ambush in the Jiuyue Mountain. Our army has to guard against it!"

Wei Qing and Zhao Yun rode their horses to Bei Minghao and expressed their worries!

"Hehe, Zhongqing and Zilong know my heart well, but they just hid the ambush in the terrain of Jiuyue Mountain, but it's hard to detect it. Mao Dun is determined that the lonely king will not dare to divide the army too much."

"Now the enemy is dark and we are clear, and there are obstacles ahead and pursuers behind, but we can't get entangled here. It's really tricky."

Speaking of this, Bei Minghao is really worried, this Jiuyue Mountain is really a fool, Mao Dun chooses to intercept here, it really catches the Beiming army by surprise
"My lord, please don't worry, please give the last general [-] cavalry, and the last general will definitely wipe out all the Hu thieves hiding in Jiuyue Mountain!"

"My lord, the last will fight!"

At this moment, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, both big men, stepped forward to plead for orders!

"Zhongqing, Qubing, this battle is no small matter, do you two have confidence?"

Seeing these two people asking for a fight, Bei Minghao hesitated a little, Wei Qing was alright, he already had a good reputation, and his ability to command the army was very strong;
But Huo Qubing has just emerged, and his tactics are not yet mature. At this time, he is leading the army alone, but he is a little worried.

"My lord, don't worry, even if the general tries his best, he will eradicate all the thieves in Jiuyue Mountain."

The two of them showed resolute expressions on their faces, and they spoke very seriously and confidently!

"Zhongqing, Qu Bing, since the two of you have confidence, the lonely king will agree. You two will each lead [-] cavalry to set off. Remember that both of you are right-hand men of the lonely king. The lonely king does not want you two lose one person."

The man should be decisive and not be disturbed by it. Seeing that the two of them are so determined, he gritted his teeth and agreed!
Immediately, the two commanded [-] cavalry each, and left from the east and west respectively, heading towards Jiuyue Mountain!
And Bei Minghao led an army of [-], and half an hour later, he finally passed Jiuyue Mountain and came before Maodun Tiancang Huqi!

"Bei Minghao, I have been waiting for you for a long time, you can keep me waiting."

In front of the formation of the two armies, Mao Dun rode out on his horse and stood in front of Hu Jun, staring at Bei Minghao with an unkind expression!
"Hahaha, I am really lucky to have one of the two great talents of the grassland, Maodun, waiting for me."

Beiming Haoyi was a bold man, rode his horse out of battle, looked at Maodun with a smile, and chuckled softly!
"It will be your honor when you die under this handsome sword!"

"Hehe, Marshal Maodun just joked, if you die under the halberd of this king, that would be my honor."

Bei Minghao was not angry because of Mao Dun's sarcasm and murderous expression!
"Hmph, but you actually went deep into the north alone. This commander admires your courage. Don't worry, after you die, I will personally send someone to send your body back to Dongzhou."

Mao Dun snorted coldly, and then said, although they showed murderous intentions, the two of them talked like old friends, talking clichéd!

"Hehe, thank you Commander Mao Dun for your kindness, but I will trouble you. If you need it, this king can show mercy and spare your life."

Bei Minghao is still calm and breezy, and starts to flirt with Maodun!
"Hmph, you're not ashamed to say that, you are just delaying the time, waiting for the [-] troops you sent out, but unfortunately, you may be disappointed, but the commander sent [-] cavalry to ambush Jiuyue Mountain, I'm afraid that this time, You have come to encircle the south, right?"

Mao Dun snorted coldly, revealing Bei Minghao's intention, a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his face was full of disdain!

"Hehe, it's not certain who wins and who loses."

The corners of Bei Minghao's eyes shrank when he heard this, he was already a little worried, and then he said with a light smile!

"Hmph, if you don't shed tears without seeing the coffin, then let you give up completely."

Mao Dun snorted coldly, he fully believed that Bei Minghao's [-] cavalry was definitely no match for his [-] cavalry!
"Then let's fight, Mao Dun, let me see if the legendary Tiancang Huqi is as strong as the rumors, I hope I won't let me down."

At this moment, Bei Minghao could no longer calm down. After all, his opponent was Tiancang Huqi, one of the five powerful troops in the grassland.

Moreover, the number of people is more than double that of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing's subordinates, and he has no intention of doing mental calculations. Even if he is confident, he does not dare to be so self-confident to the point of blind arrogance, so he can only publish a book first!
"Hmph, choose the thief wisely, but today, no matter what, this is your burial place. This commander will let you know why my commander's Tiancang Huqi is one of the five powerful armies!"

He was not surprised that Bei Minghao decided to make a move so decisively. He would be surprised if he didn't make a move!

"Li Cunxiao and Yang Yansi obey the order, order you two to attack the Hu people's left side from the left!"

"Ma Chao and Zhao Yun, you two lead ten thousand cavalry to attack the Hu thief's right flank from the right!"

Bei Minghao immediately shouted angrily, and dispatched Li Cunxiao, Yang Yansi, Zhao Yun, and Ma Chao, four generals, and he himself led the other four generals to attack Maodun Tiancanghu Qiongqi from the middle!
"Soldiers, it's time for revenge. Avenge the hundreds of thousands of clansmen who broke the army city. Follow me to crush them to death."

With a stern roar from Maodun, the Tiancang Tiger Rider, like a fierce tiger out of its cage, rushed towards the Beiming army with Maodun!

"Formation, Sirius bloodthirsty formation!"

Following Maodu's order, Tian Cang Huqi immediately changed his formation and quickly formed a formation!
"The whole army obeys the order, attack the right wing, charge!"

Mao Dun gave another order, and tens of thousands of soldiers suddenly turned their horses and charged towards the right wing of the Beiming Army.

Between the changes of the Tiancang Tiger Cavalry army formation, the clouds and flowing water, swift and skillful, the order is still, it really is a team of the Iron Army!
In an instant, the two armies collided, like two shock waves meeting, the bursting murderous aura rolled in the void
Mao Dun yelled angrily, holding a spear first, and rushed out angrily, with a ferocious look in his wolf-like eyes, he stared at the leader Bei Minghao!
And Bei Minghao also met Maodun without fear, he wanted to kill Maodun himself to shock the army!
"Ah, eat my spear, destroy the spear, go to hell, the meteorite will split!"

"Hmph, the real dragon steps on the halberd, and the war dragon roars!"

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

The two swords clashed in their hands, and the sound clanged into the ears, like thunder, shaking the eardrums, and directly rang out among the chaotic army
The two passed by each other, and Bei Minghao's eyes flickered, revealing a hint of surprise.

He found that Mao Dun's strength was not inferior to his own at all, and his strength was even higher than his, which made him have to be cautious!

"I didn't expect that the legendary King Yanhuang, the overlord of the Eastern Continent, would be so powerful. He really is a worthy man with a reputation!",

When Mao Dun saw that Bei Minghao's strength did not belong to him, he was extremely surprised and exclaimed!
"Hmph, you are not bad either. You are indeed the Seven Heroes of the Grassland. You are definitely not in vain, but today the king is leaving, and you can't stop him!"

At this time, Bei Minghao had already looked at Maodun squarely enough, the Seven Heroes of the Grassland were not a man who deserved his fame!
"Hmph, don't be ashamed to speak out, let's talk about it after you pass my level!"

"Great Destroyer Spear, Piercing the Star and Piercing the Moon!"

"The Immortal Halberd of the Divine Emperor, the Nirvana of the Golden Phoenix!"

"boom blah blah"

The two staggered each other, sprinting back and forth, knowing that as long as they killed each other, the outcome of this battle could be decided!

After one hundred and ten rounds, Bei Minghao was slowly losing ground. After all, Maodun was faintly superior to Bei Minghao in terms of actual combat experience and strength!
"My lord, the last general is here to help you!"

Xue Rengui shouted angrily, and charged towards Maodun with the Thunderbolt halberd in his hand!

"Xue Rengui stepped down and handed over to me, I can still hold on"

At this moment, the bottleneck that Bei Minghao hadn't loosened for a long time began to loosen slowly under the pressure of Maodu!

At this moment, Bei Minghao is unwilling to give up such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity 1
If this battle is unsuccessful, let Xue Rengui go!
"Go to hell, Spear of Destruction, Spear of Doom!"

Just when Bei Minghao was in a daze, Maodun suddenly made a tricky move, and Xiang Bei Minghao used his ultimate skill!

"Lord be careful!"

At this time, Bei Minghao intuitively felt a deep chill in his heart, penetrating his heart like falling into an ice cellar!

"Ah Dragon and Phoenix Fighting Heavenly Halberd, Dragon and Phoenix Shatter Void!"

At this critical moment, under the threat of Bei Minghao's death, he finally broke through his original bottleneck, and the True Dragon Stepping Halberd and the Divine Emperor's Immortal Halberd finally merged and merged together!


With one blow, the spear in Maodun's hand was sent flying by the Nine Dragons Splitting the Sky Halberd, but he himself retreated more than ten steps with both men and horses before barely stopping!
This blow can be said to be powerful and devastating, and Mao Dun knocked off his horse. Fortunately, there are meat pads behind him, so he didn't suffer much injuries!
"Hmph, Maodun, are you convinced?"

Beiminghao glared at Maodun with furious eyes, shouted angrily, and his voice was like thunder. In addition, he was wearing a blood-colored cloak that fluttered in the wind, and his dark armor looked bright and radiant under his eyes!
"I, you won, you go, the commander-in-chief can't keep you, you can lead the army and leave."

Mao Dun's face turned blue and white, and after a long time, he spoke in a rather depressed mood.

"Hehe, thank you, Marshal Maodun, for making way. Today's kindness will be repaid in the future!"

When Bei Minghao saw Maodun give way, he was overjoyed. After all, if he fought with Maodun to death, his soldiers would suffer a lot of damage!

"Tap Tap"

But at this moment, I saw a strange soldier from the north, continuing to rush towards the south. Looking carefully, the banner above vaguely read "Huo" and "Wei!"

Seeing this, Bei Minghao burst out laughing!

"Haha, Commander Mouton, it seems that this king has won again."

"Hmph, it's just luck, the whole army obeys orders and retreats with me"

Mao Dun's face was extremely ugly at this moment, and he led the army away directly, and he was out of sight and out of mind!
(End of this chapter)

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