Call of the Deer

Chapter 448 Hu Khan's courage, face of princes

Chapter 448 Hu Khan's courage, face of princes

Seeing Mao Dun leading his men to the east in a panic, Bei Minghao's face was full of cheerfulness!
Mao Dun, one of the two prides of the prairie, was crushed in his hands. There is nothing more satisfying than this
"The next battle is for the peerless hero Li Shimin, I hope you don't hold your breath too much, otherwise all my hard work will be in vain."

Bei Minghao retracted his gaze and looked towards the south, looking forward to it in his heart!
"I don't know how many of them will go south with me after the next war."

Immediately, he glanced at the tens of thousands of Beiming Army behind him, and his heart sank, and his mood became even heavier!
"Soldiers, follow me home!"

"Ooooh, go home"

The rapid marches and battles over the past few days have made the Beiming Army always fearful, afraid to relax, already physically and mentally exhausted.

Immediately, he cleared up his heavy heart, gave a loud drink, and rode his horse galloping towards the south.
As soon as Bei Minghao left, Aixinjueluo Xuanye chased after him, looking at the miserable situation on the Jiuyue Plain, frowning!
"What's going on? Aren't these Maudun's Tiancang Huqi? Why did they all die here? Could it be that they were defeated by the Han army?"

Aixinjueluo Xuanye looked at the remains on the ground, and muttered to himself in surprise!
"Report to Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief, send an urgent report!"

At this time, a scout suddenly came to report and handed the letter of Maodun to Aixinjueluo Xuanye!
"Ah, Mouton, you scum, you missed me. Pfft!"

When Aixinjueluo Xuanye saw the letter, his face immediately turned from red to white, from white to blue, then from blue to black, and finally spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell off the horse.
"Ah, handsome, what's the matter with you?"

"Quick, hurry up and bring the doctor over, the boss is dying"

But at this time, Aixinjueluo Xuanye was furious, his face became extremely pale, and he was panting on the ground, unable to stand up for a long time!

"It's a great situation, but it was ruined in vain by that damned man, Modun. I hate it!"

Aixinjueluo Xuanye looked at the sky and felt a nameless fire burning in his heart. He wished he could cut off Maodun's head with his own hands!

"It seems that it is necessary to send a message to the Tuoba clan. This King Yanhuang, keeping this person is a serious problem after all. It must be removed this morning. Taking Dongzhou by then is just a matter of finding something."

After a long time, Aixinjueluo Xuanye wrote a letter by himself and sent it through Haidongqing, who soon disappeared in the south
In Lengyue Plain, in the barbarian camp, Temujin and other grassland chiefs gathered together, all of them had ugly faces.
"Everyone, Tanlang City has been destroyed by the army led by the Han thief Beiminghao. Although Aixinjueluo Xuanye and Maodun led the army to block it, I am afraid that the Beiming dog thief will not be left behind. This guy is really brave. His soul is astonishing, given time, he will definitely become the hero of the Kyushu, so he must not stay, do you think it is possible to activate the secret?"

Temujin's face was heavy, and he did not hide his evil spirit. He was extremely jealous of Bei Minghao, and he could be said to be the number one enemy of the prairie people!
"Big Khan, I think it's time to activate this Yin Zi. As long as we can eradicate the grass, the Yin Zi will still not be suspected, so we only need to eliminate the warriors and block the surrounding area, so that no one left can escape!"

Yelu Abaoji, who was sitting at the bottom, suddenly spoke up and suggested that Anzi should be exposed!

"Khan, I think we need to think carefully at this time. After all, this secret is set up for the purpose of seeking Dongzhou. If you expose it rashly, I'm afraid the matter of Dongzhou will be over."

Wanyan Aguda, who was at odds with Yelu Abaoji, opposed it!

"Big Khan, I think Brother Yelu is right. If you don't eradicate the Beiming dog thief and leave such a malignant tumor, I'm afraid Mengzhou will not be able to keep it, let alone Dongzhou."

"So you should continue to make decisions, and instead suffer from the chaos, sweat, I hope you make a decision early, the Han bandits are coming fiercely, I'm afraid you won't give up if you don't drive us out of Mengzhou."

At this critical moment, Temujin looked at Kublai Khan, who had always been low-key but quite resourceful.

At this time, Kublai Khan supported Yelu Abaoji's opinion, intending to expose that secret!

At this time, it was Kublai Khan and Yelu Abaoji who voted against Wanyan Agu with two votes, and the three looked at Temujin!
"Everyone, what Kublai Khan said is right. Now that the Han bandits are suddenly allied, their strength should not be underestimated. On the other hand, our grassland warriors have suffered repeated setbacks. Even Aixinjueluo Dorgon was killed in battle, so I think"

"Report to the Great Khan that the Han army led by Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu from the east to the west, suddenly disappeared."

At this critical moment, suddenly a messenger soldier broke in and interrupted Temujin!
"What? Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, is gone? Did he lead his army to the south and retreat? Have you found any traces of him?"

Hearing that Xiang Yu had disappeared, Temujin frowned instinctively, and then asked rather puzzled!
"Reporting to the Great Khan, the scouts stationed in the south have never found any traces of the Han army. Instead, they have not seen many foot-thick corpses sent by our army in the north."

The messenger soldier didn't understand what he meant, but he still told Temujin the information one by one.

"There is a corpse of a scout sent by our army in the north, so this feather must have gone north. This person is really brave. He dared to go deep into the hinterland of our army alone. Hehe, no, his goal is probably the holy city of Sirius. Damn, how could you not think of this?"

Temujin muttered to himself, suddenly seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically, became very livid, and he roared while gnashing his teeth!

"Khan, you said that this Yu Xiaoer's goal is Sirius City, the holy city of my grassland?"

The three of Wanyan Aguda were shocked when they heard the words, and then roared out in a very high decibel voice!

"Apart from Sirius City, who else is there? Two of the Seven Sacred Cities of the Grassland have been destroyed. It seems that this must be the attention of that old man Beiming Leng. Using such indecent means to restrain our army, this person has such vicious thoughts."

Temujin sighed, he had already thought in his heart that this strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, attacking east and attacking west was created by Beiming Leng, the god of war in Beizhou!
"Okay, okay, it's very good, it's not rude to come and go, since that's the case, I will also give you a big gift, and personally send the body of that little beast Bei Minghao in front of you, otherwise how can I repay your kindness?" bestow"

At this time, Temujin was really angry. The city that was destroyed before was not his, so he could bear it, but this time Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, aimed at his city of Sirius. How could he sit still? ?
And with the usual style of the Overlord of Western Chu, he had already foreseen the tragedy of Sirius City with his eyes closed!

"Everyone, this time, Ben Khan decided to ask Anzi to kill that little bastard, Bei Minghao, so that the old man Bei Mingleng will know how miserable the fate of offending me is!"

Temujin took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then said coldly, it seemed that he was not discussing, but giving an order!

Afterwards, he personally wrote a letter of divorce, and sent the letter with a golden eagle and a flying pigeon, but the flying pigeon was heading north.
Inside the Allied barracks, Bei Mingleng summoned all the princes and began to discuss the war!
"Everyone, this commander has received reliable news that Temujin will withdraw his troops in a few days, so our army must be ready to pursue at any time, capture the cities in the north, and kill them in one fell swoop to Sirius City."

Everything is directed by himself, he can naturally figure out the general movement of the Hu people, so he started to prepare in advance.
"What? These damned barbarians are finally going to retreat. Great, I can finally chase them away like dogs, hahaha"

Chen Baxian was overjoyed when he heard the words, and laughed loudly. The continuous attack made him feel ashamed, so he was naturally very upset!
"Brother Chen is right. These damned barbarians dare to covet my Kyushu Han soil. They are so ambitious. If you don't beat and beat, you really forgot that your ancestors used to eat [shit] in that corner. ,Hahaha"

Xiao Yan also smiled immediately, sweeping away the depression of the past few days, and laughed quite comfortably!
"Yeah, these damned barbarians didn't know what to eat to grow up, but they are much braver than my Han army."

"Braveness is useless. Aren't you going to run away with your tail between your legs? It's just a bunch of bereaved dogs. Barbarians are barbarians after all, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Seeing that victory was in sight, some princes showed their sense of superiority, commented on the Hu people, and belittled them wantonly, without the slightest sense of shame and fear because they were almost beaten out by the Hu people before!

And Bei Ming Leng didn't stop it, anyway, the Hu people were about to retreat, so he didn't need to reason with these people, as long as they remembered to beat the dog in the water, it would be fine!
"Report to the commander-in-chief that the barbarians have launched an army of one million, thinking that our army will rush over."

"Look, he was indeed hit by the military commander. What? How is it possible? Didn't he want to run away with his tail between his legs?"

When the princes heard the first half of the sentence, they were all extremely proud, and they all praised Bei Mingleng.

You can hear the second half of the sentence, everyone accidentally bit their tongues, and jumped up in disbelief!

"Oh? Temujin Jinqi's entire army came here? This Temujin is really courageous. He is indeed the leader of the Seven Heroes of the Grassland. He deserves it!"

Beiming Leng heard the words, a strange look flashed in his eyes, but he didn't worry or lose his composure, instead, he admired Temujin quite a lot!

"Marshal, what should we do? What should our army do when the barbarian army of millions comes here?"

Looking back at the other princes, many of them turned pale, fidgeting and looking at Bei Ming Leng, they all regarded Bei Ming Leng as the life-saving straw!
"Don't worry, everyone. Let me tell you the truth. Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, is already outside the northern city of Sirius, attacking Sirius City."

"And this Temujin must have known the news, so he couldn't sit still. He wanted to defeat our army in one fell swoop, and then go north to rescue Sirius City, so he never dared to stay for a long time."

"As long as we persevere, Hu Jun will be defeated. At that time, you can beat the dog in the water and avenge this arrow."

For these soft-boned princes, Beiming Leng felt extremely contemptuous in his heart, but he still spoke to stabilize the morale of the army!
"The commander-in-chief is right. These damned barbarians must have jumped the wall in a hurry to make such a crazy move. As long as we hold on, we will be fine."

"Yes, the commander-in-chief is right"

As soon as Bei Mingleng spoke, the uneasy hearts of these people finally calmed down, and they were no longer so restless.
At the same time, Bei Minghao led [-] cavalry and was rushing towards the south.

On the other side, East Qin King Li Shimin also received a letter from Feige. After reading the letter, his expression turned slightly strange, and then a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.
(ps: Dear book friends, these two **** opened a Taobao store under the introduction of a friend, so I was very busy, which delayed the update, but I will finish writing seriously, everyone, don’t worry that I will Eunuch, no matter what this book is, I will not be an eunuch, and I hope everyone will support it.

(End of this chapter)

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