Call of the Deer

Chapter 449 The decisive battle is coming, Hu Qi rushes to the battle

Chapter 449 The decisive battle is coming, Hu Qi rushes to the battle

On the Lengyue Plain, thousands of horses are flattening the river, and millions of cavalry are galloping hard on the endless plain, all of them brandishing their long soldiers, and come flying dust with a murderous look
On the other side, there are also millions of people who dug a long trench in front of them, each of them holding a huge bronze shield of two or three feet, standing firm and waiting for the storm to come!
Under the golden sun, the brilliance of bronze shone, and that ray of brilliance shot into the millions of cavalry.
Refracted in the flying dust all over the sky, it shows a different mirage, as if endless Lakers cavalry, galloping from afar
On the other hand, among the coalition forces, apart from Bei Mingleng, Meng Tian, ​​Murong Xuehu and others standing in front of the formation, there are more princes whose calves are already trembling unconsciously
To be intimidated by the aura of these millions of murderous Hu Qi is completely involuntary and involuntary!
"Northern Army Commander, this barbarian is coming in a menacing way, and he has done his best in one battle. Do you think our army can hold it?"

Standing behind Meng Tian, ​​Pei Xingjian asked Bei Mingleng with a solemn expression!

"Hmph, it's man-made, the barbarians are coming aggressively, this battle is naturally not easy, but this battle is related to the victory or defeat of the entire Mengzhou battlefield, we are not allowed to retreat and slack, and we are not allowed to fail."

"We must hold on to the determination to succeed or be benevolent, and fight the barbarians to the death. As long as we persevere, the barbarians will be defeated. After all, they need more time than us."

Beiming snorted coldly, exuding a resolute aura from his whole body, a terrifying aura was brewing in his body, as hot as a volcano about to erupt!
But his words were sonorous and powerful, and a strange aura spread to the surroundings, affecting the aura and determination of the coalition forces on the battlefield!

He is worthy of being a natural leader, with absolute charm to lead the soldiers, this is the true nature of the God of War!

"Soldiers, the final battle has finally come. This battle is either to win or die. There is no third choice. If anyone dares to escape, I will definitely wipe out his three clans."

"Follow the commander to the death!"

"Either win; or die!"

"Victory wins"

Following Bei Mingleng's angry shout, a storm erupted in the entire coalition formation.
Countless soldiers were furious, no matter whose army it was, they were completely out of the control of their respective lords at this time, intertwined with Bei Mingleng!
At this moment, Bei Mingleng is the only coach they have to obey. The orders of other people are worse than dogs to them!
"Battle, fight!"

The coalition forces are extremely powerful, each one is full of fighting spirit, and they are not afraid of those angry cavalry who come riding on war horses!

The army at this time is like one body, and to Bei Mingleng, it is like a finger!
Bei Mingleng pointed to the east, these soldiers would never dare to go west, Bei Mingleng let them eat [shit], they would never dare to drink urine, this is the highest state of a general: order and prohibition!

The coalition army at this time is the most terrifying army, because they have forgotten life and death at this time, and only the supreme obedience is the source of domination over them!
"Hey Beizhou God of War, really deserves his reputation, this is the true nature of God of War, this is the real God of War, this is the most terrifying place in Beiming Leng."

Meng Tian and Murong Xuehu looked at Bei Mingleng, their eyes were full of astonishment, they finally saw the true qualities of the legendary God of War, the realm of God of War!

"Oh, yes, Beizhou God of War deserves it well, I'm not as good as it!"

As a disciple of God of War, Murong Xuehu let out a long sigh, and felt that he was colder than Bei Ming, and he was not even a star behind.
At the same time, he is the same god of war as Qi Qi and Bei Ming Leng, how strong is the Sun Moon God of War, but unfortunately his master never showed it in front of him, even this time when the barbarians went south, his master never came out of the mountain
On the other side, Temujin watched the momentum of the Han army change from decline to prosperity, and his heart was filled with monstrous waves, rolling endlessly!

"It turns out that this is the real God of War. It seems that I am still some distance away from the God of War."

"Khan, what happened to the Han army? Why did their morale soar? It's unreasonable."

Wanyan Aguda looked at Temujin in astonishment, and several other people also followed the sound!
"Oh, because the God of War has awakened!"

Temujin looked at the Han army in the south whose momentum was constantly improving, and he let out a long sigh, feeling a little uneasy in his heart!

"The god of war has awakened? Khan, what does this mean?"

Yelu Abaoji didn't understand, so he recited it on his own, looked at Temujin, and asked Temujin for proof!

"Hey, have you ever heard that Bei Mingleng is honored as the 'God of War in Beizhou'? The reason why this person is honored as 'God of War in Beizhou' is entirely because he is invincible in all battles."

"And he was able to stand on the position of the god of war for 30 years, all because of his unparalleled commander, and the Han army was sluggish before, but now they are so high, all thanks to this man."

"Beizhou God of War really deserves his reputation!"

"However, today Ben Khan will definitely defeat this undefeated myth, and confer the god here!"

But Temujin's voice changed immediately, a strong fighting intent flashed in the eagle's eyes, and he roared very confidently and strongly!
"The whole army listens to the order, follow me to charge, today I will crush the Han army, show our army's prestige, follow me to charge"

With an angry roar, Temujin took the lead and took down an iron bow carved with dragons and phoenixes from the horse, and then took ten spike arrows from the quiver!

With ten arrows on the bow, they aimed at Bei Ming Leng, who was at the head of the coalition army, at an extremely fast speed, and the ten arrows attacked outrageously!

"Extermination technique, extermination in ten directions!"


Ten flying arrows shot out at the sound, pierced through the air with lightning speed, locked on Bei Ming Leng, and shot straight towards Bei Ming Leng!

"Hmph, that's really righteous."

As the god of war, Bei Mingleng naturally has a strong ability to predict danger, even if he shows a trace of killing intent, he can feel it from a long distance away!
"Xuanwu Yutian Spear, the gun turns into Xuanwu, and the shield controls the world!"

Although Bei Mingleng didn't take Temujin seriously, he didn't dare to be careless. He could feel the endless destructive power contained in the ten spiked arrows.
"boom blah blah"

The ten spiked flying arrows hit the basalt shield transformed by the Beiming Lenghan Spear without falling, and immediately hit in two phases and shattered!
"Hmph, it's a bit strong, but it's beyond my control to break through the old man's basalt spear shield."

Beiming coldly glanced contemptuously at Temujin on the opposite side, looked all around, and sneered again and again!
On the other hand, Temujin's face was a bit ugly, but Jebe was known as the Arrow God of the Grassland, and his skills were even better than Jebe's, but this time he returned without success, which is simply a shame!
"Warriors on the grassland, charge with Ben Khan, crush them, charge!"

Following Temujin's roar, Million Huqi rushed towards the coalition camp aggressively. From this aspect, Temujin's commanding ability is also extremely extraordinary!
To be able to command a million Hu Qi, such a handsome talent, is also unique in thousands of people!
Soon, Millions of Hu Qi arrived in front of the coalition camp, and the Hu Qi in front rode their horses and jumped up from the opposite side of the trench, wanting to sprint into the coalition camp!

"bang bang bang"

It's a pity that the trench, which is more than ten feet wide and four or five feet high, cannot be leaped by a mere war horse with its own strength.

This is no different from dying, but the barbarian regards death as home, and makes the eternal leap without blinking an eye, and plunges into the stinky ditch!
"Marshal, what... what's going on here? Are the barbarians crazy? They are committing suicide?"

At this time, the jaws of all the soldiers of the coalition army were startled, and they couldn't figure out why these barbarians were so desperate!

"No, the Hu people are very smart and decisive. At this time, they can only maintain this aggressive momentum if they are willing to sacrifice. Otherwise, that momentum will be stifled by themselves, and they will not be far from defeat by then."

"And only by adopting the decision of a strong man to cut off his wrists and filling the trenches with the corpses of soldiers, will it be possible to kill and defeat our army."

At this time, the only one who can see clearly is Bei Mingleng, and only he can guess what Temujin is thinking!

"Tiemujin, you are a good seedling, but it's a pity that you were born among barbarians. Although you have courage and determination, I'm afraid the result will disappoint you."

"Twenty years ago, you might have been able to defeat me, but now it is absolutely impossible to defeat me, Bei Ming Leng."

As the god of war in Beizhou, Bei Mingleng is proud, with a proud body, standing high above the sky, overlooking all living beings, he admired Temujin, but he did not regard Temujin as an opponent!
"Forget it, I'll let barbarians like you know what a God of War is and what an Iron Wall is! It also prevents you from disregarding my Kyushu hero."

"Soldiers, prepare to meet the enemy, shield warriors, erect iron walls, and strong warriors to support them!"

"Archers, get ready to shoot!"

"Bowman, be ready to respond at any time!"

"Catapult, put the boulder on it!"

"Tianji crossbow, pull it up for me"

"Bed crossbow, pull it up for me."

"Reject the horse, put it forward for me"

"Get the gunpowder ready for me."

Bei Mingleng finally said indifferently, and then issued a series of instructions, and the coalition forces began to prepare methodically.

Finally, when the ditch was filled with the horses and corpses of the Hu thieves, the Hu people finally rushed to the huge bronze shield with an indomitable momentum!


A series of neighing sounds of war horses sounded on the battlefield, as well as that bell-like knocking sound!

"Give me an arrow!"


Following Bei Mingleng's cold shout, hundreds of thousands of flying arrows flew towards the barbarian formation
"Hit rate"

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture the thief, you first capture the king. The flying arrows of the allied forces immediately plunged into the horse pile, and this time they poked a hornet's nest.
Countless war horses were shot one after another, neighing on the plain, jumping up and down in all directions, disrupting the camp of the barbarians.
However, Temujin is very comparable to others, he acts resolutely, and has strong decision-making ability, which is simply scary!
"Kill the horse!"

Hearing Temujin's roar, countless barbarians swung their sabers and chopped off the head of their horse.
And they rushed towards the coalition army with their sabers in their hands, leaving no way out for themselves.
"Prepare the Tianji crossbow, let me shoot the arrow!"


As the Tianji crossbow flew out, countless flying arrows roared towards the barbarians who had no horses
After a wave, basically most of the barbarians were shot into a sieve, and fell down in front of the bronze shield with blood dripping all over their bodies. Only sporadic barbarians charged the bronze shield with a fearless spirit.
However, the coalition forces also suffered casualties. After all, the Hu people are famous people on horseback. They are skilled in bowing horses, and countless flying arrows are like shooting stars.
But these casualties are worth it, after all, the Hu people still haven't broken through the defense of the bronze shield at this time
"Serial horse formation, give me a shock"

Temujin was obviously not the one who dared to give up. His Golden Cowardly Xue Army, and even the Tiefutu and Desert Cangqi did not show their heads.
In addition, there is a special cavalry, that is the serial cavalry formation.
This is the cavalry formed by Murong Ke. It is very advantageous when fighting with the large army. It can directly crush the enemy army with one brain. At this time, it was finally photographed.
"Temujin, have you finally flopped? Well, let me see what achievements have been made in the management of the Temple of Eternal Life in the past hundred years."

Watching the Hu people set up their formation, intending to attack the coalition army formation again, Bei Mingleng looked seriously at the Hu people's camp
(End of this chapter)

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