Call of the Deer

Chapter 458 Go away, the true color of the overlord

Chapter 458 Go away, the true color of the overlord

Eighteen years later, in the city of Yanjing.

"Brother Yun, have you heard? The Alliance of Gods has recently launched an online game called "Tianxia", which is available on the same server worldwide."

"It is said that it is an online game that will be difficult to surpass in this century, and even in the future. It claims to be the second largest world of mankind. Now all major channels, networks, and cities across the country are promoting this matter."

"It is said that the game server will start tonight"

A young man rushed into a small courtyard with great excitement, and said to another young man who was lying on a rocking chair in the courtyard to enjoy the cool, and was taking a nap.

This person is Ling Yun's best friend and Xiao Huairen, commonly known as the "Little Bad Guy", who played with Ling Yun until the end of his life.

"What? Little villain, you can't hold back anymore? Want to go in and play?"

The lying young man spat out the grass root stuck in the corner of his mouth, slowly opened his eyes, and said with a faint smile.

"Hey, of course, it is said that this epic online game can travel across time and space and take us to another world."

He was also used to Ling Yun calling him a "little villain" and pretended to be fine, but at this moment, he was spit and started lobbying Ling Yun.

"According to the online media, the background of this online game is the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty; this is my favorite Three Kingdoms, the white horse and silver spear Zhao Zilong, the martial saint Guan Yunchang, the god of war Lu Bu, the hero Cao Cao, and the closed moon Diaochan among the four beauties , hehe, I have long wanted to see and see.”

"Brother Yun, do you want to go in with me to do a big job, stir up the situation, and experience the life of an emperor who wakes up and controls the world, and lies drunk on the lap of a beauty?"

Speaking of this, the lascivious look on this guy's face is almost drooling!


"Don't you fucking disgust me, save you, still drunk lying on the lap of a beauty, wake up and take over the power of the world? Pull you down, do you know how much that gaming helmet is worth?"

"Isn't this you, Brother Youyun? You've always paid attention to ghosts, and that's why I came to look for you."

"Oh, if my relationship is useless, you fucking won't come to me? Get out, get out immediately"

Ling Yun frowned when he heard this, pretending to be angry.

"Hey, how could it be possible? We grew up wearing a pair of pants. With such a great opportunity to make a fortune, how could my brother forget about you, Brother Yun?"

"Don't talk about it, who grew up wearing a pair of pants with you, I have never seen a thick-skinned person like you."

"Hey, thank you, Brother Yun, for your compliment. Since I was a child, I have no other advantages except thick skin."

"Fuck you, you're fat, you're fucking out of breath."

"Tell me, don't tell me you don't know the price of this gaming helmet."

After chatting with Xiao Huairen for a while, the helpless Ling Yun straightened his face and cut to the truth.

"Hey, you're asking the right person. There are three types of game helmets. One is the normal version, priced at 50 Huaxia coins; the excellent version is priced at [-] Huaxia coins; the supreme version is priced at [-] Huaxia coins. "

"Normal version, virtual level 95%!! (MISSING)! (MISSING); (MISSING) excellent version, virtual level 97%!! (MISSING)! (MISSING); (MISSING) supreme version 99%!! (MISSING)! (MISSING), (MISSING) and it’s limited!”

"As for whether there are others above, I don't know. Anyway, there is no news on the media network."

When Xiao Huairen saw Ling Yun's expression, his expression became surprisingly solemn, and he began to explain in detail the news he had heard.

"The Supreme Edition requires 50 Huaxia Coins, which is ten times higher than the Excellent Edition. Even if I sell it, I can't buy a helmet."

Ling Yun was stunned when he heard it. Although he had prepared himself before, he was still stunned when he heard the price.

After being dazed for about ten seconds, I finally recovered, and then wept and laughed again and again.

"Brother Yun, how much money do you have? I have [-] Huaxia coins here. If it doesn't work, we should be able to buy two ordinary helmets."

Xiao Huairen's family was not well off, his father died early, and he was dependent on his mother, so it was enough to embarrass him if he could spend [-] Huaxia coins.

"Okay, eight thousand Huaxia coins, you can put them away, it's not easy for my aunt to earn money, as for the helmet, don't worry about it, I'll figure out a way"

Ling Yun said angrily, and said in his heart: You can say that, you can say that?Besides, how much can you sell for that bit of iron, and you don’t even want to give it away for nothing.

"But, how can this be?"

When Xiao Huairen heard it, his eyes were three points surprised, three points moved, three points hesitant and one point suspicious.

"Don't mother-in-law, treat me as a brother, you just wait for news from me at home, if you don't treat me as a brother, then get out of here, as far as you can, it's best not to let me see you"

For Xiao Huairen, his best friend and brother, Ling Yun cherishes it very much.

And after his grandparents passed away three years ago, they left him an inheritance, which added up to 40 million Huaxia coins.

It is still affordable to buy two excellent helmets, so naturally I will not accept Xiao Huairen's [-] Huaxia coins.

"Okay, brother Yun, thank you, I won't say anything, but I, Xiao Huairen, will keep your heart in mind."

"Okay, let's go back, or sister Yuxin will have to come to me again."

"By the way, villain, does sister Yuxin play "The World"?"

"Thank you, Brother Yun, Yuxin said that studying is more important than playing games."

"Oh, I see, you go back, and make sure that the game helmet will be delivered to your home before the game starts tonight."

Afterwards, Xiao Huairen was sent away by Bei Minghao. At this time, Ling Yun continued to lie on the recliner, looking at the pale sky, lost in thought
""Tianxia". The whole world is on the same server. Before that, all the games were closed, just for this one game. It seems that this game is not simple."

"It's just that this is my business. I can't even buy a gaming helmet with the Supreme Edition."

"Hey, fate is unfair, you goddamn god, why don't you play with me, if you have the ability, give me a top-notch gaming helmet for a try?"

Facing the miserable situation of being shy in his pocket, Ling Yun was very upset in his heart, and shouted at the throat.



Suddenly, a heavy object fell from the sky and hit Ling Yun fiercely on the head, knocking Ling Yun unconscious.

Four or five hours later, Ling Yun woke up faintly, rubbing his dizzy head, wanting to cry but not crying.

"Damn it, did that bastard hit me?"

"Hey, what is this? Who is so shameless to throw rubbish in our yard?"

Just as Ling Yun was shouting and roaring, a metal box came into sight.

He was cursing, but he also picked up the metal box and planned to open it to have a look.


"Uh, this is it?"

"No way? Is this a gaming helmet? It's so effective?"

Looking at the motorcycle helmet-like thing in the box, Ling Yun was stunned, and then picked it up in great surprise to examine it carefully.

I saw that the overall helmet was purple-black, with a faint light shining, and a thunder-like symbol was imprinted on the helmet.

Its weight is about five catties, neither light nor heavy.

Inside the metal box, there was also a thin booklet. When I picked it up, seven large characters appeared in front of my eyes: "The World" Logger Guide.

"Damn it, it's really a game helmet. I don't know what level of game helmet it is. This luck is too damn good. I was knocked unconscious."

Seeing this, Ling Yun couldn't help but love this helmet even more.

Afterwards, Ling Yun put the helmet away, took the savings card, and went to the game store.

When we arrived at the point of sale, it could be described as a sea of ​​people, row after row, most of them were lined up at the windows of ordinary helmets.

There are still quite a few people queuing at the window of the excellent version of the helmet, and the window of the supreme version, but the number of people is relatively much smaller.

"Hey, there are still more rich people. God, it's so fucking unfair."

"Sir, would you like to buy a gaming helmet?"

"Well, yes, I want three. Two gaming helmets"

"Here, sir, please keep it well, a total of [-] Huaxia coins"

"Excuse me sir, do you need anything else?"

"Huh? What do you need? Don't you sell helmets here? Are there other things you can't do?"

"It seems that sir doesn't know the situation here. It's like this. In addition to the game helmet, we also sell game cabins here. Put nutrient solution in the game cabin. Players can lie in the game cabin without going offline for half a month. "

Ling Yun was taken aback when he heard the words, and scolded Xiao Huairen severely from the bottom of his heart, thinking that this kid is too unreliable, he didn't even find out about such a big matter.

In fact, how did he know that Xiao Huairen didn't mention it because the price was too expensive, because mentioning it was for nothing.

"How much is the price of the game pod? Can I log into the game after buying the game pod?"

"I'm sorry sir, the game cabin is only an instrument to assist the player and maintain the player's life, and there is no login function"

"The game cabin is divided into three types according to how much nutrient solution it helps players absorb. The normal version of [-] Huaxia coins can absorb general nutrient solution;"

"The [-] Huaxia coins of the excellent version can help players absorb [-]% of the nutrient solution, and the [-] Huaxia coins of the supreme version can help the player absorb [-]% of the nutrient solution;"

The staff member looked at Ling Yun with the eyes of a bumpkin, and explained to Ling Yun patiently.

"Nutrition solution? What is this? How do you sell it?"

Ling Yun was quite curious when he heard the staff repeatedly mentioning "nutrient solution" and what this "nutrient solution" was.

"Nutrition solution is the energy needed to maintain human life. According to the quality of energy and quality, it is divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and top-grade nutrient solution. The prices are 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 Huaxia coins."

"A bottle of low-level nutrient solution can only last for 2 days, a bottle of intermediate nutrient solution can last for 5 days, a bottle of high-level nutrient solution can last for 10 days; top-level nutrient solution can last for half a month"

After the staff finished speaking, they shut up and looked at Ling Yun contemptuously, looking at Ling Yun with eyes that you can't afford.

"Give me one supreme version, two excellent game cabins, 30 bottles of intermediate nutrient solution, 20 bottles of advanced nutrient solution, and 10 bottles of top-level nutrient solution!"

Looking at this hateful staff member, Ling Yun was so angry that he almost vomited snow.

"What about the Supreme Edition game cabin, the Supreme Edition, are you sure it is the Supreme Edition?"

When the staff member heard this, he was taken aback and almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"You heard me right, hurry up and prepare, when the time comes, one dollar will count!"

Soon, the game cabin was ready, with a total of 315000 Huaxia coins, and at the same time, it was delivered by a special person.

Back home, the staff quickly placed the game cabin.

Then he called Xiao Huairen and walked to Xiao Huairen's home with his staff.

At the same time, somewhere in Yanjing, in a luxurious manor.

A majestic and heroic man fidgeted in the hall, checking the time from time to time, as if there was something important.

Surrounded by gray-haired old men, each of them sat in the hall calmly and calmly, rejuvenating their energy and spirit.

At this time, a man in black came in, before he had time to speak, the man hurriedly asked: "Shadow Guard, have you found it?"

"Back to young master, I found everything I should look for, but there is no trace of that thing."

The man in black knelt on the ground, trembling.

"Damn it, I didn't find you and went down!" After a while, the man gritted his teeth.

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." The man in black left tremblingly as if he had been pardoned.

"Tian'er, how is the situation?" One of the old men slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the anxious man, and said indifferently.

"Grandpa, I didn't find the Thunder Helmet." The man said nervously, his whole body tensed up.

"You are responsible for this matter. I believe you will do well. There is also the matter of the game. Remember, this is not just as simple as the game. I hope you can be the first to establish a village and win glory for Huaxia District."

"And those grandchildren of old immortals will also enter the game. I don't want you to be compared to them. Also, some of us old immortals will also enter it, but they will not interfere unless it is absolutely necessary. You can do it yourself , don’t let us down.”

After the old man finished speaking, he took a deep look at Xuanyuan Longtian, and then the group got up and left the manor slowly.

The man's face turned serious.

ps: Dear book friends, it’s the beginning of the month. Give me recommended tickets and monthly tickets. I hope you will give me a lot of support. I will continue to work hard and strive for continuous updates in September. Please help me, give me some support, give me Get motivated.
(End of this chapter)

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