Chapter 459
Xiang Yu, who was charging among the Hu Qi, seemed to have sensed it, his sharp icy eyes swept towards Temujin, and the black dragon battle halberd in his hand was struck out extremely quickly!
"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!".
But in an instant, Xiang Yu swung several halberds and chopped all ten sunsets into pieces;
Temujin's ten arrows did not hurt him at all, and the ten arrows would never return. Temujin frowned, but he knew very well how powerful his ten arrows were.

It is said that Jebie is the Arrow God of the Prairie, but in fact, he is the well-deserved Arrow God of the Prairie, but little is known about it!

"Tiemujin, I am Xiang Yu, Overlord of Western Chu, dare to fight me?"

The word "war" fell, but Xiang Yu clamped his horse's belly, swept across the golden and fearful Xue army in front of him, and killed Battalion Commander Temujin.
"Stop him, stop him quickly."

When Kublai Khan saw Xiang Yu approaching, his face immediately changed, and he shouted loudly. The tens of thousands of desert archers still drew their bowstrings and wanted to shoot Xiang Yu to death!

"Shoot the arrow, kill the Han general for me, kill."


I only saw tens of thousands of flying arrows leaving the string, piercing the sky, and whizzing towards Xiang Yu
"Hmph, I want to stop this king, it's a dream!"

"Where is the 72 Black Dragon Guard? The Heavenly Shield Formation!"

Faced with tens of thousands of flying arrows whistling like locusts crossing the border, Xiang Yu did not change his face, the Black Dragon Zhantian Halberd drew dozens of black lights like lightning, and swept away all the flying arrows that were aimed at him. !

However, the 72 cavalry following him had already removed a huge iron-colored dragon-patterned shield, and firmly protected Xiang Yu and the 72 cavalry beside him.
"Front arrow array, charge with me."

Xiang Yu took the lead, and under the protection of 72 guards, he continued to go deep into the Huqi formation on the grassland. Wherever he went, people and horses were smashed!

"The traitor Hugh is rampant, Boershu is here to kill you!"

"Sirius bloodthirsty slash!"

"Hmph, the pearl of rice grains also shines, I should send you to hell!"

Facing Boershu charging towards him with a knife, Xiang Yu's mouth showed a trace of disdain, and the Black Dragon Zhantianji switched from left hand to right hand, paddling the ground, and rushed towards Boershu!
"Go to hell, Black Dragon's Roar!"




With one move, just one move, with one move, one of the best generals under Temujin's command was chopped off by the Black Dragon Zhantian Halberd with the saber in his hand, his body and head were separated, and he died extremely simply!
"Tiemujin, die!"

Xiang Yu stared coldly at Temujin, who was hundreds of meters away, roared angrily, jumped on his horse and swung his halberd, and rushed away again angrily
On the other hand, the barbarians are completely shattered. The warrior Borshu in their minds is not the enemy of this Han general, which makes them desperate!

"Khan, retreat quickly, the overlord of Western Chu is invincible, hurry up."

Seeing Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, rushing towards Temujin, Temujin showed no fear, while the other generals were already overwhelmed!
Kublai Khan roared all his life, and ordered his personal guards to escort Temujin to retreat first, and he led a dozen generals to meet Xiang Yu!

"The traitor of the Han Dynasty is so rampant, I will kill you under the horse today, and die!"

"Wu Liang Hetai is here, and the Han bandits still don't confer their heads?"

"Today will be like a corpse!"

"Han thief, don't kneel down and surrender"

Kublai Khan led a dozen generals and stopped Xiang Yu, all clamoring to kill Xiang Yu!

"Hmph, it's ridiculous, a group of local chickens and dogs dare to stop me!"

Facing these generals who stood in front of Xiang Yu like jumping beam clowns, Xiang Yu smiled angrily, but his eyes were extremely cold;

These Hu generals delayed him from beheading Temujin, how could they not be angry?
"Where is the 72nd guard? Kill all these thieves for me!"

These mobs don't need him to personally send them to hell, the 72 generals under his command can do it!
"The last general takes orders!"

The 72 guards took the lead and divided into two waves, each wave consisted of 36 people, forming a positive and negative 36 Tiangang array, enclosing a dozen generals including Kublai Khan;
Among them, 36 people surrounded Kublai Khan and other generals inside, and 36 people outside blocked all the barbarians who rushed to rescue Kublai Khan!

"Child Temujin, take your life"

However, Xiang Yu abandoned Kublai Khan and others, and pursued Temujin alone with all his courage.
The horse under his crotch is wearing black scale iron armor, which is hard to hurt with swords, and he himself is wearing black dragon armor, making it difficult to get close to him!

"Stop him, stop him quickly."

"Ten stars in succession, ten directions will be extinct!"

Naturally, Temujin was not someone who was waiting to die, he had already taken out the Condor Shooting Bow, and aimed at Xiang Yu again!


Ten arrows in the air, with the momentum of lore, roared towards Xiang Yu again
"boom blah blah"

Xiang Yu is worthy of being the God of War through the ages. Temujin's "Ten Stars Link" with all his strength could not bring him any pressure at all. With a light sweep of the war halberd, all of them were wiped out.
"Hmph, Ten Stars Lianzhu? Are you out of skills? If that's the case, I'll let you try this king's Ten Directions Extinction to see if you can stop it!"

"Tiemujin, it's not rude to come and go, you also take the king's arrow!"

Xiang Yu yelled, and he took out the dragon-pattern bow, and ten black arrows came at his fingertips;
Immediately, Temujin was locked on, but Temujin suddenly felt a chill!
"Ten stars in succession, the ten directions will be extinct, and the universe will be broken!"

This time, Xiang Yu took out a special Tianji arrow, which was a special arrow exchanged by Bei Minghao. Only by launching the Lianzhu arrow can he see the power!
"Come on, stop me, stop me quickly"

At this time, Temujin's face became very ugly, only he knew how powerful the Ten Stars Lianzhu was!


At this moment, the ten arrows piercing the sky suddenly disintegrated, and their bodies transformed into thousands of arrows. One arrow suddenly turned into nine arrows, like a cylinder.
At this time, the guards loyal to Temujin all rode their horses to stand in front of Temujin!
"Puff puff"


With the sound of screams, the dozens of guards standing in front of Temujin were shot into a sieve by the ninety arrows.
The pieces of meat flew across the ground, and the ground was full of corpses and pieces of meat, which were smashed into pieces by the whirling arrows, like a Shura field.
Although Temujin was saved because of the loyal guards of his guards, his horse and his left rib were still affected by Chiyu.
There was an arrow stuck in the head of his war horse, and an arrow stuck in his left rib, blood was flowing, and his face was extremely pale;

Not only because of the injury, but also because of Xiang Yu's ten-direction extinction, and was shocked by the misery like the Shura field
At the same time, the 72 guards also strangled more than a dozen Hu generals, and only a few people such as Kublai Khan survived!

And Yang Zaixing was even more heroic, leading the [-] Black Dragon Guards, broke through many strangulations, and followed.
But at this moment, Xiang Yu was only a few tens of feet away from Temujin, and more and more barbarians were crowding in front of him.
The barbarians were not afraid of death, and came forward one after another to die, which made Xiang Yu tired of coping. He could only watch Temujin get further and further away, and finally disappeared into the crowd
Faced with this scene, he could only sigh in dismay, and then Xiang Yu vented his anger on these barbarians who came to stop him, and began to kill all directions
However, even though Xiang Yu is the God of War, there are too many horsemen who can only ride wildly. Even if he can kill dozens of people with one halberd, it is still a drop in the bucket. On the contrary, more and more barbarians surrounded him
In fact, although Xiang Yu is fierce, he is still a human being, and there is nothing in a human being!

There are [-] pigs standing in front of him in time, and if he kills them, he will be merciless in killing them, let alone a group of barbarians who have fallen into madness in front of them
"Overlord, Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Abaoji are here, retreat quickly, or you won't be able to leave."

At this moment, Yang Zaixing suddenly let out a roar, and immediately took the lead, leading [-] to [-] black dragon cavalry, and killed them.
Wherever Yang Zaixing went, Hu Qi was crushed to pieces, finally opened a gap, roared, and roared at Xiang Yu!
"Xiang Yu saw that Temujin had disappeared at this time, and he didn't want to fight, so he rode his horse and beheaded the barbarians who had gathered in front of him again, rushed out, joined Yang Zaixing in an army, and rushed towards the south
"Stop the traitor, don't run away from the traitor, hurry up"

At this time, there were only about [-] black dragon cavalry remaining. Under the leadership of Xiang Yu and Yang Zaixing, they finally broke through the encirclement and rushed out.
"Hahaha, Temujin, wash your neck and wait. Next time, this king will definitely cut you off the horse to vent the hatred in my heart."

"But I also, Temujin boy, don't send him far away, hahaha."

After breaking out of the siege, Xiang Yu turned his horse's head and yelled at Temujin in the barbarian formation, making Temujin vomit blood in anger
"Shoot the arrow and kill Xiang Yu for me."

Temujin's veins were throbbing violently at this moment, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he was furious;

70 troops blocked the way, but Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, was still allowed to penetrate the army formation as if walking on flat ground, and left unscathed.
Thinking of this, it almost made him vomit three liters of blood.
But Xiang Yu lived up to what he said. Among the 70 troops, the Hu people who were killed were so frightened that they dared not stop them, and almost killed Temujin.
At this time, Bei Minghao led [-] Beiming troops and retreated to the south under the pursuit of Li Shimin.
(ps: When I updated yesterday, I posted the wrong chapter. I will post it again today, just for the book friends on other clients. I’m sorry, I will present the two chapters tonight.)

(End of this chapter)

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