Call of the Deer

Chapter 473 The young phoenix came out of the mountain, the god of war chooses

Chapter 473 The young phoenix came out of the mountain, the god of war chooses

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the god-level counselor 'Feng Chu' Pang Tong!"

Following the pleasant sound of the system notification sound, Bei Minghao was stunned, unable to react for a while, and then he was ecstatic in his heart;

Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks alone can win the world, unexpectedly he gathered all the five tigers on his front feet, and gathered all the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks on his back feet, wouldn't this make him ecstatic?
Pang Tong【Phoenix chick】

Strength level: god-level counselor

Force: 62 Command: 63 Intelligence: 102 Politics: 98
Force: C-, Command: C-, Military Strategy: A, Intelligence: S+, Internal Affairs: S
Qualification: SSS
Skill:? ? ?

Looking at Pang Tong's intelligence, compared to Zhuge Liang's calmness, it can be seen that Feng Chu's ability is not small, which made Bei Minghao very happy!
I thought that taking advantage of my good luck, I would just use up the remaining imperial luck points at once!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the legendary strategist Gongsun Yan, please check the host!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning the legendary advisor 'Prime Minister in Black' Yao Guangxiao, please check the host!"

"Huh? 'Zongheng Famous Family' is the successor of the Zongheng family. This is unpopular, but it is more suitable for the lonely king, not bad."

"Also, this monk and prime minister is not bad, he seems to be a very good guy!"

When he heard that it was Gongsun Yan, Bei Minghao was overjoyed. He didn't have such talents under his command, and he was going to unify Dongzhou soon. At that time, such talents would be used in the Northern Expedition, Westward Expedition, and Southern Expedition.
After all, Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister in black, was also a big man who assisted Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, so it can be seen that he also has great talents!
Gongsun Yan 【Famous Masters】

Strength level: legendary strategist

Force: 76 Command: 65 Intelligence: 99 Politics: 87
Force: B, Command: C, Military Strategy: A-, Intelligence: S, Internal Affairs: A+
Qualification: SSS
Skill:? ? ?

Looking at Gongsun Yan's attributes, Bei Minghao was extremely indifferent. After all, apart from being born in the vertical and horizontal faction, this person is also extraordinary in strength, with 99 points of intelligence, which is completely enough. It is indeed a product of the system, and it must be a high-quality product!

Yao Guangxiao [Prime Minister in Black]

Strength level: legendary strategist

Force: 52 Command: 66 Intelligence: 98, Politics: 97
Armed Forces: D-, Command: C, Military Strategies: A, Intelligence: S, Internal Affairs: S
Qualification: SSS
Skill:? ? ?

The 'Prime Minister in Black', Yao Guangxiao, and the 'Famous Strategist', Gongsun Yao, both have their own characteristics. One is from a monk background, and the other is from a political strategist.

"My lord, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

At this moment, Guo Jia broke in suddenly and asked with concern!
"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about some problems, it's none of your business, you can go down."

Bei Minghao didn't expect that Guo Jia would be attracted by his surprise, and he rolled his eyes and let Guo Jia go down.
"My lord, the grandpa is here"

As soon as Guo Jia stepped out of the tent, Jia Xu rushed in on his back, saying that Bei Mingleng was coming.
"My son has seen his father!"

"Hao'er, your body is important, keep everything simple, don't need to get up, just lie down!"

Bei Minghao struggled to get up, Bei Mingleng took a step forward, held Bei Minghao steady, and didn't let Bei Minghao get up, his eyes were full of concern and kindness!
"Hao'er, this time you went north, you performed very well. I am very pleased to be my father. You have grown up and can be your own."

Bei Minghan touched Bei Minghao's head coldly, showing a hint of a smile, as if he was very happy.
"For the Dongzhou matter, I think you already have a countermeasure, and you can solve it well, so I won't say much about being a father."

"Father, don't worry, Li Shimin is just suffering from scabies, there is nothing to be afraid of, this time you go back with me, my son will let you see how he captured Li Shimin alive."

Hearing the words, Bei Minghao patted his chest confidently to reassure, touched the wound all of a sudden, and grinned, quite funny!

"Hehe, my father naturally believes in you, but this time my father has something important to do and I can't go back with you. You go back and tell Yan'er, and say that my father is sorry for him and has failed him."

Hearing the words, Beiming Leng had an unnatural expression, and then sighed!
"Father, what's the matter with you? Why are you sorry for mother, don't you want to go to Dongzhou?"

Bei Minghao's expression changed drastically upon hearing this, and he hurriedly asked!

"Hao'er, one horse does not have two saddles, loyal ministers do not have two masters, you have your own way, and as a father, there is also a way to be taken by a father."

"The Beiming clan, since ancient times, has been sitting in Beizhou, serving as the emperor's retainer, resisting foreign humiliation, and there is an exception when we come to you."

"Originally, the last time I sent Lin Chong for my father, I planned to take you and your mother back. How could I have expected that you had ambitions, so that's all. Father, I hope that you and my father and son will never see each other on the battlefield."

Bei Mingleng looked at Bei Minghao deeply, and spoke earnestly, but he began to speak out of his heart, and after finishing speaking, the father and son fell silent.
"Father, the world is impermanent. The child is destined to return. I have a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. I can no longer serve you under my father's knee. I hope my father will forgive the child for his unfilial piety."

After a while, Bei Minghao got up suddenly, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed three times to Bei Mingleng!

"Hey, idiot, my father will tell you one last thing, no matter what position you are in in the future, you must keep in mind: water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it; never harm the people of the world."

Bei Mingleng was also confused at this time, from the Beiming clan to his generation, there was an exception of Beiminghao, which made him have mixed feelings, and he felt quite uncomfortable in his heart!

"Don't worry, father, the child will definitely remember your old teachings!"

Bei Minghao looked very serious and answered solemnly!
"The seal of Kyushu is also of great importance. It is an ancient seal of Zen. It is said that whoever can seal Zen can transcend Kyushu and be called the Emperor of Man. Remember not to take it out before the unification of Kyushu."

Suddenly, Bei Mingleng's voice changed, and his expression was very dignified and solemnly ordered Bei Minghao to lift up the seal of Kyushu where he was born.
"Father, if the child knows it, he will not show it to others easily!"

Seeing Bei Mingleng's solemn and serious expression, Bei Minghao also knew the importance of the Seal of Kyushu.

"Okay, that's all for being a father. Tomorrow, I'm going back to Beizhou as a father. I'll leave Zhan'er to you. I hope you treat your brother well!"

After finishing speaking, Bei Ming got up coldly, raised his head and chest, raised his posture, and walked outside the tent without any nostalgia.
Watching Bei Mingleng leave, Bei Minghao felt quite uncomfortable in his heart, always had a bad premonition, but he didn't know what it was.
Outside the tent, Bei Mingzhan stood there like a statue, motionless;
When Bei Mingleng left, he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed hard three times in front of Beimingleng, his head was bleeding and he didn't know it, but his face was already full of tears!
"Father, don't worry, the boy will definitely assist the eldest brother and help him ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Zun"

As Bei Mingleng walked, he began to stagger, and tears flowed from his face.
"Hao'er, that's all you can do to help you as a father. You're still too young and immature. I hope this time can transform you, otherwise it will be difficult for you to sit in that position."

But at this moment, there is an army stationed outside Feiling Valley, which is three hundred miles north of Lengyue Plain, and the number of this army is quite large. The leader of this army is actually Di Feng, a general under the command of Great Yin King!

"Hmph, what An Lushan said is true, this old man Beiming Leng really has two minds, since you are not benevolent, don't blame him for being unrighteous."

(End of this chapter)

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