Call of the Deer

Chapter 474 The 3rd Army starts to move, Jing Xiang makes a move

Chapter 474 The three armies start to move, Jing Xiang makes a move

In Hancheng of Sangzhou, Bei Minghao's general Xue Rengui led an army of [-] to garrison here.

In the city lord's mansion, Xue Rengui summoned the generals here, as if there was something important to discuss.

"General, you summoned us, is there another war happening? Hehe."

Gao Ang Gao Ao Cao was the first to strike, Xue Rengui's deputy, with a look of impatience, as if he was eager for a war to happen!
"Shut up and listen carefully!"

Xue Rengui saw that this guy was already so active before he spoke, so he gave Gao Gao a hard look!
"Hey, general, tell me, I won't interrupt!"

Gao Ang shrank his neck, touched the back of his head, and smiled, he seemed to be afraid of Xue Rengui.

"Everyone, my lord, Fei Ge, sent a letter saying that Li Shimin and other princes blatantly violated the covenant, broke their promises, plotted to ambush our army, and caused the loss of [-]% of our [-] troops."

"Now all the princes of Dongzhou are afraid that the lord will settle accounts after autumn, and they have already gone south. They plan to strike first, so they ordered that they will intercept the princes going south."

Xue Rengui was full of anger, but his tone was very cold. The so-called emperor humiliated his ministers to death. Li Shimin was so calculating about Bei Minghao. As a subject, he was naturally very angry!
"What? Dare to plot against my lord, general, please rest assured, Gao Ang will lead the army to take down these ignorant bastards, after hearing this, the lord will punish you!"

Gao Ang was also furious when he heard the words, stood up, and pleaded with Xue Rengui!
"Gao Aocao, shut up for me and sit down!"

Seeing that he hadn't finished speaking, Xue Rengui started to make trouble again, and immediately shouted angrily, making Gao Ang tremble all over, and he didn't dare to mess around again @!

"My lord has an order. I ordered this general, General Longqie and General Zhang Dingbian to work together to take down Lingnan City with a thunderbolt, block the way of the coalition army going south, catch turtles in the urn, and take down all 15 troops of the coalition army! "

After saying this, Xue Rengui sat down and looked at how many generals he was doing!
"Gao Ang listens to the order. I order you to lead an army of [-] and set off to the east immediately to eliminate all suspicious enemy troops. You must reach Lingnan Chengwai before noon tomorrow."

"Remember, no one can find our army along the way. If necessary, you can do it cheaply. The general will arrive soon!"

After giving the order, Xue Rengui retreated to the left and right, staring blankly at the north direction
"My lord, please rest assured, the last general will definitely do his best to buy time for my lord."

In Huancheng of Dianzhou, Long Qi and Jing Xiang led an army of [-] to garrison here, and they also received a letter from Bei Minghao!

"Everyone, Li Shimin's thieves deceived people too much. They even ambushed the lord's army and let [-] troops die in the northern border. This feud cannot be shared. The lord sent an order to our army to stop the coalition of princes going south."

Long Qi was loyal to Bei Minghao. Seeing that Li Shimin was forced to ambush the Beiming army, his eyes were shattered, not to mention that many of the lost cavalry were still his Four Great Dragon Cavalry. How can you not be angry?
"Military division, how do you think you should act this time?"

After Long Qi finished speaking, he looked at Jing Xiang and asked Jing Xiang for advice!

"Hehe, don't worry, General Long, Zizhen will give you advice this time."

Jingxiang looked at the nose and the heart, saw the dragon and asked, opened his eyes, and said with a light smile!

"Then there will be a soldier!"

"Well, General Long, this time you only need to stay in Huancheng with a thousand soldiers and horses, and you must protect Huancheng without losing it. You can cater to Xue Rengui and take Lingnan City lightly."

Jing Xiang seems to have a plan in mind, and only needs a thousand soldiers to garrison Huancheng, which makes Long Qi frown!

"Military division, does this seem to be a bit inappropriate, isn't a thousand soldiers too little?"

Hearing the words, Long Qi looked at Jing Xiang hesitantly, and asked rather embarrassingly!

"Hehe, don't worry, general. Jingmou has his own plans. The general needs to bring more soldiers and horses. Hancheng still needs the general to contribute."

Jing Xiang smiled indifferently and glanced at Long Qi who didn't know what to say, not much!
"Since the military master is sure, then Long will follow suit. Yang Zhi, you accompany the military master to garrison Huancheng, and I will give you a thousand soldiers and horses. Be sure to protect Huancheng, or come to see me!"

Long Qi looked at his lieutenant general Yang Zhi, and gave him orders with a serious tone!

"General, don't worry, the city of ambition is there, and the city of ambition is also there!"

Yang Zhi glanced at the indifferent Jing Xiang, quite distressed, a thousand soldiers and horses can do nothing;

But his expression was very serious, his bones were strong, and he stood proudly on the ground. He was ready to die in battle!
"The generals listen to the order, and after an hour, follow the general to set off"

Qihuang Town, Dengzhou, is already sparsely populated at this moment, and there are no people in a hundred miles;

After the invasion of the Hu people to the south, the old town was even more deserted, the town was extremely desolate, there were rotting corpses everywhere in the town, and the stench was everywhere.
Zhang Dingbian led [-] infantry to Qihuang Town and began to rest in the town!

"Hey, these damned barbarian thieves, even ordinary people, are really guilty of death."

"Well, I only hate that our army is so weak that we can't eradicate all these bastards who don't care about people's names."

Zhang Dingbian and Deng Qiang rode their horses in front, looking at the desolation in the town, their faces were full of anger!

"Report to the general, found the traces of the enemy, and camped less than [-] miles away from our army"

At this moment, another scout rushed to report.

"How many enemy troops are there? Who is in command?"

Zhang Dingbian was overjoyed when he heard the words. This time he was ordered by Bei Minghao to pursue the Dongzhou coalition all the way, and finally caught up here!
"Report to the general, the number of enemy troops is between [-], and they seem to be led by Zhang Xiu and Cao Jingzong!"

"Not bad, let's explore again!"

Hearing this, Zhang Dingbian frowned slightly, and repelled the scout, feeling terrified in his heart!

"[-] troops? Cao Jingzong and Zhang Xiu commanded, what about the others? Could it be."

"Dingbian, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with this?"

Deng Qiang is completely a reckless man, so he naturally couldn't detect the strangeness in it, so he asked casually with some doubts!

"Naturally, there is a problem. The coalition's [-] troops marched south, but now only [-] troops have been found. What do you think is the problem?"

Zhang Dingbian, as the leader of the Blood Dragon Guard, naturally has a very high commanding ability!
"Oh, are you saying that these damn things are deliberately discovered by our army and intend to lure our army into the game?"

Deng Qiang slapped his thigh and let out a loud cry, which seemed a bit belated!

"Hmph, that's right. There are many talented people in the coalition army. Fan Zeng, Wang Meng, Li Ru, Xu Shiji, and Wen Zhong are all great conspiracies. We must guard against them. We must not take our guard lightly, or we may die without a chance of burial. land."

Zhang Dingbian's mind was still clear, his face became quite solemn, and he began to analyze step by step.
"I'm afraid that this time they will either resort to throwing bricks to attract jade and wait for work, or they will use empty plans to escape their shells."

"Ah, Dingbian, do you mean that these sons of bitches [day] are planning to escape?"

Deng Qiang yelled, and roared angrily!
"It is very possible that although Lingnan City is in the hands of the coalition forces, the south is our territory, and it is absolutely impossible for him to guard Lingnan City."

Zhang Dingbian and Deng Qiang are old acquaintances, and they have long been used to Deng Qiang's hindsight, and only regard him as an audience, never thought that he could put forward any constructive opinions!

"Therefore, the coalition forces must find a way to get rid of our army, and go east to the coastal road and go south; or go west, break through Hancheng, and then go south to Zhenzhou"

"Then which direction should we pursue?"

Deng Qiang also knew the seriousness of the matter, so his face became serious!
"No, our army is in a stalemate with the [-] enemy troops, firmly biting behind them, neither advancing nor retreating."

Zhang Dingbian is worthy of being a bear and tiger at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. In terms of resourcefulness, he is not inferior to ordinary counselors;

"Then what should our army do if they want to escape?"

Deng Qiang was a little puzzled, he didn't understand what Zhang Dingbian's purpose was for doing this!
"Hmph, then I will have to see what they can do to throw this general away"

"Flying pigeons pass on letters to Han Cheng and Huan Cheng, and General Xue Rengui and Military Adviser Jing Xiang tell them to be careful"

Zhang Dingbian raised his brows suddenly, and ordered his personal guards to send letters to Feige in the direction of Huancheng and Hancheng.

At this moment, Zhao Yun, Li Cunxiao and other four great generals, leading an army of [-], galloped to the south
 ps: The novel is coming to an end, I hope everyone will give me the recommended tickets and monthly tickets, please, please, sincerely! )

(End of this chapter)

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