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Chapter 426 Xichen and Juner

Chapter 426 Xichen and Juner (1)
"Ah, why are you so ugly? Didn't you say that children are very cute?" Ayako, who didn't fully wake up until noon, took a few mouthfuls of porridge and said she would never drink it again. Her daughter hugged her to take a look, but who knew that the first time she saw the little girl, she frowned and complained dissatisfiedly, "Look, Beibei, she's so ugly, woo, is this my daughter? Don't you?" It's a mistake."

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Speechlessly rolling his eyes, Beibei teased the little baby in the quilt, his eyes were so gentle that water could be squeezed out.

"It's such a cute little baby. We are so beautiful and your mother says you are ugly. Your mother really has no vision, right?"

"It's not that Beibei. You can see her little face is red and wrinkled, like a ball."

"Really, children are like this. How can you say that about your daughter?"

Gently tapped her forehead with a light hand, Beibei shook her head with a smile, "You are not afraid that Fang Shide will be angry with you when he hears this, and dare to despise her daughter."

"He dares."

Ayako raised her brows and eyes, looking like a red-haired and green parrot.

The two talked again, Lingzi slowly fell asleep again, and most of the little girls were asleep. At three or four in the afternoon, Fang Shide came back with the babysitter he had found, an aunt who was about 40 years old. Said to be a distant relative, Lingzi and Beibei don't understand these things after giving birth, and Lingzi has no relatives, Fang Shide's mother has passed away long ago, so I can only try to find someone who understands to help.

The door of the hospital.

Fang Shide thanked Beibei sincerely, "Miss Mo thank you very much, I will trouble you about Ayako today."

"Okay, go back and see Ayako. She and I are good sisters. Go ahead and call me if you need anything."

"Hey, okay."

Because Beibei insisted not to let him be sent home, and did not call Cheng Zhiyuan and others, Fang Shide insisted on helping Beibei take a taxi at the entrance of the hospital, watched the car drive away, and turned to Lingzi's mother and daughter's ward. Trot away.

Now he wished he could not be separated from Ayako's mother and daughter 24 hours a day.

Beibei didn't go home, the car drove directly to Cheng Zhiyuan's company.

It turned out that Cheng Zhiyuan was in a meeting, and the secretary helped her make tea, then brought her a fruit plate and walked out.Cheng Zhiyuan's office is decorated as simply and arrogantly as his people. There is absolutely no miscellaneous things to be seen. There are no other newspapers except economic news and current affairs. Beibei feels bored and turns on Cheng Zhiyuan's computer. Played the game.

She just played ordinary cards Doudizhu, but Beibei is a game idiot, and she lost miserably in the simple Doudizhu, which was played by everyone, nine times out of ten. She was the loser. Occasionally, it wasn't her who won the other time, but someone else's internet problem and being kicked within a limited time. She was often made fun of by Cheng Zhiyuan because of this, and Beibei gritted her teeth in anger, but there was nothing she could do about it. What Zhiyuan said is the truth!

Before the game was over, the eyelids were already heavy, and all of Beibei's cards had already appeared.

In the end, he still lost, he lost the mouse childishly, and Cheng Zhiyuan hadn't come yet.

The bored Beibei slowly fell asleep on the desk and fell asleep after a while.

A few strands of hair were mischievously stuck to her forehead, covering half of Beibei's face, and her slightly pouty lips made her look a little more childish.

Occasionally reach out and pull my hair...

Very childish movements, people feel very cute.When Cheng Zhiyuan came in, he saw such a scene, first he shook his head and laughed, then frowned the next moment, walked straight over, bent over and stretched out his hand to pick him into his arms, and walked into the lounge separated by one side, this It was left over from the previous decoration of the office, and he rarely used it since he was with Beibei.

(End of this chapter)

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