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Chapter 427 Xichen and Juner

Chapter 427 Xichen and Juner (2)

Beibei has always been a light sleeper. Although Cheng Zhiyuan's movements were very light, it still woke her up. It was just that she woke up in the middle of the night last night and hadn't closed her eyes for a while until now. Didn't lift it, just uttered a vague raving from his mouth, then turned over and hugged Cheng Zhiyuan's arm and continued to sleep.

"bad girl."

Laughing, he rubbed his forehead against Bei Bei's cheek, Cheng Zhiyuan gently withdrew his hand from Bei Bei's hand, then watched her frown, tsk tsk, turned over and fell asleep, then walked out lightly and slapped her a few times in a low voice. I made a phone call to deal with some matters, and then ordered the secretary outside to push everything away, and no one was there. Cheng Zhiyuan stood up and was about to take a step forward. , and set the phone on my body to vibrate...

As soon as Mo Xichen's car left the company, it was blocked by people. A group of reporters swarmed up, rushing towards him one by one, "Excuse me, Mr. Mo, is what Miss Linda said true?" "Mr. Mo Xichen, Ms. Linda made a high-profile show of love and said that she would not marry unless you were married. May I ask Mr. Mo Xichen, as a man, would you accept this relationship?" A shrewd female reporter even gasped. He rushed forward, but the words he uttered were aggressive, "Excuse me, Mr. Mo Xichen, many years ago, you and Ms. Lu Jun'er of the Lu family had a very close relationship. According to rumors, you once talked about marriage, but afterward, Ms. Lu Jun'er went abroad and nothing happened. Ms. Lu returned a few years ago, but there was a baby beside her. Is that child yours? Mr. Mo Xichen, I heard that the relationship between you and Ms. Lu Juner at that time was due to the intervention of a third party. Now, new love and old love, Which option would you prefer as a man?"

"Mr. Mo, will you reunite with Ms. Lu?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Mo, is that child your baby?"

"Excuse me, Mr. Mo..."

Listening to one question after another, the expression on Mo Xichen's face became more and more gloomy. Who will tell him why?
He went to work early in the morning and held meetings for most of the morning, why did so many reporters come out and surround the company?
On one side, the security guards of Ankang Company squeezed over sweaty, politely but resolutely drove away the reporters.

It seemed that he could feel the mood of his boss in the car, and the faces of five or six security guards were ashen.

They only called to inform them that within 5 minutes, the devil would know why the boss came out of the company gate at this time.

And these reporters, who will tell them why these migrant workers gather here?

Ahhh, this is to make them lose their jobs.

The secretary on the top floor also turned pale with fright. She really didn't do it on purpose. Seeing the scene of reporters besieging outside through the glass window, the secretary gritted her teeth and quickly transferred over a dozen security guards from other parts of the company to follow along with her. Mo Xichen leads the way...

Finally, the car drove away, leaving the reporters far away, Mo Xichen's face darkened.

What are you doing these people.

Before picking up the phone, Ji Ji, the company secretary, called in tremblingly.


Mo Xichen snorted coldly, "Why didn't you tell me in advance? Also, can you tell me what happened to the reporters outside? They don't want their salary this month." right."

"Boss, I'm sorry, it was Miss Linda who caused the disaster. Miss Linda held a press conference at the most famous commercial hotel in this city at 08:30 early in the morning, and made a high-profile show of love to you, and said that she would never give up until she chased you... ..." The secretary was really wronged, she wanted to talk to Mo Xichen when she received the call before, but who would have thought that the old man got into the meeting room as soon as he came, and after the meeting here, he ran to the gate in a blink of an eye up...

(End of this chapter)

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