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Chapter 470 Another Life

Chapter 470 Another Life (1)
Jun'er followed the car of the local volunteer disaster relief personnel to the disaster area.

By the time Beibei, Lu Tianlin and the others learned the news, the car had already been driving for a day and a night.

Beibei was terribly worried, while Lu Tianlin was terribly angry.

"Don't go looking for her, I think she'd better not come back." It was already [-] o'clock when I got home from work in the afternoon, and Lu Tianlin didn't stand still when he got home. Hearing the news, he was so angry that his head would explode. This gentleman is too self-willed, can she go there as a girl, hand over the clothes on her body to the servant, pull off the tie around her neck, take a few sips of water from Yan Yan, and then look at A few people from Beibei said, "Let me tell you, no one is allowed to go out to find her, let her go outside alone to see how long she can last, and her card will be suspended tomorrow, I see if she is still running around .”

"Brother, it's useless for you to freeze her card. She is no longer a child, she already has her own life channel."

Beibei also rubbed her eyebrows with a headache.

Jun'er looked at her and thought that she had matured a lot in the past two years, but why did she still have such an impulsive temperament when it comes to things?

How could something happen if you ran over recklessly like this?
And I heard that the place she went to was full of mountains, and she didn't bring anything with her...

Thinking about it, I still don't know what kind of panic will happen if Xichen finds out the news.

There is also a promise.

"A Yuan, ask your friend to help you find it, and see if you can stop him on the way."

"Do not worry."

Cheng Zhiyuan smiled, picked up the phone and went outside to arrange staff, Lu Tianlin just glared at Beibei but didn't really stop him, after all he said fiercely, but how could he not be really worried in his heart ?


The night is quiet, the evening wind is blowing, the sky is full of stars in the summer night, and the unknown mosquitoes are humming from time to time outside. Juner sits in the car and curls up with his hands on his cheeks. Looking at the stars outside the window, I don’t know. Thinking about something, Jun'er's mind is in a mess as the scenery outside the window flashes by, and her mood is also up and down. The family must be a mess now, right?

She didn't want to be sneaky like this.

But elder brother and elder sister Jun'er insisted not to let her come out, it would be useless for her to try again.

She admitted that her actions were thoughtless, but her own decision was too mature to think about it.

Or brother, sister Jun'er and others will think that she just wants to avoid some things, so they will be the rudder bird again.

Not really.

In the past few days, when I close my eyes, I see those paintings.

The children above were attending classes in the open-air square without enough food and clothes, their faces sallow and sallow.

She changed her destiny because of Lu Tianlin and the Lu family, and became the proud daughter of heaven who needs to be looked up to in the eyes of others.

But she is lucky, how many existences like her are there in the unknown corners of this world?
She or they only need a little help from outsiders to change their lives...

It's not just to flaunt something great, I just want to do my best within my ability.

Those children made her heart throb again, looking at the pair of eager eyes with immature breath.

She herself often feels moved to cry.

She felt she would regret it later if she didn't do something about it.

Just remembering that Jun'er, the family member, felt somewhat guilty, Mimi pouted at her.

Let's wait until she passes the destination the day after tomorrow before calling Brother and Sister Jun'er. By that time, Brother Hou's anger should have subsided, right?Tongue Jun'er leaned his head on the back chair and closed his eyes, go to sleep, tomorrow he still has a day to go.

(End of this chapter)

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