divorce us

Chapter 471 Another Life

Chapter 471 Another Life (2)
The long-distance bus journey was very hard, and I couldn't move while sitting in the seat, and I dared not eat or drink water.

And there is no place to wash up in the morning, so I can only wash my face casually in the parking place in the middle.

Jun'er smiled, although this kind of life was a bit hard, it also made her feel a little bit excited in her heart.

This kind of life was something she had never been exposed to before.

For her, the current way of life is very novel.

There is warm water to wash your face, no clean cups and chopsticks, no comfortable bed, dirty toilet...

She thought that such a life was very hard.

But I didn't expect her to realize how innocent her perception was until she arrived at her destination.

There were ten people in their group, seven men including Jun'er and three women.

The other two girls came with the car to deliver things. They looked like they had a good family background, and they also had bright eyes and white teeth.

Very delicate look.

Chirping along the way seemed to be in good spirits, at first the two of them talked to Jun'er a few words, but after they found that Jun'er was always absent-minded, they gradually became too lazy to bother Jun'er, but the two of them formed a good relationship. Formed an alliance, and after arriving at the destination, the relationship is already as good as conjoined twins.

"Two rooms, the two of us live together, you live alone."

The hotel is very small, mixed with bungalows and private houses, there is no difference.

Jun'er nodded indifferently.

No matter where you live, it's just a temporary residence.

Pulling her own salute and walking in, the next moment she frowned and almost spit it out.

There was a musty smell in the room, which made her feel uncomfortable, and she took several steps back. Is this a place where people live?
Walking quickly, the window was only half opened, Jun'er snapped it shut again.

After the window was opened, facing the window turned out to be a piece of weeds, with a smell of corruption and the unique heat of summer all rushed over.Jun'er trembled in fright, no wonder the window couldn't be opened.Take two steps back Jun'er feels that he can't stay in this room anymore, what kind of place is this, can this room live?

She just arrived at another room not far from the door and screamed, "Ah, what the hell kind of place is this, can people live in it?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but this is really the best place we have."

The man's voice was full of embarrassment, and he laughed softly at these curious girls from big cities.

No way, what he said was the truth.

The place where Jun'er and the others are now is full of mountains, one after another, and small villages are hidden in these mountains.

When they came in, Hou Jun'er and the others walked over several mountains on foot.

The blisters under the feet still hurt.

But there is no hot water for washing, because the water here is rationed.

"Miss, I'm really sorry, this is the best house in our place, really."

Because of the news, he was asked to come over to be responsible for receiving the donation.

But he didn't expect that there were still a few girls, who were still such delicate young ladies.

He really didn't know what they could be picky about, these two rooms were the best quilts they had hidden.

"The two ladies are really sorry..."

The receptionist could only laugh along with him, with a humble and humble expression on his face, Jun'er felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart.She swallowed the complaint again, she sighed and rubbed her brows to suppress the irritability in her heart, it's nothing, it's just a place to live, she just came here, but so what if so many people have lived here for a lifetime or even most of their lives, she Looking at the two endless girls raised eyebrows, "If you really don't want to pick, don't sleep, just sit until dawn and go back tomorrow."

"Who are you, you, I want you to take care of it, cut it."

"Yeah, look at her like that, you know she hasn't seen much of the world, the countryside is so dirty."


Jun'er shook her head, glanced at the two arrogant girls, sighed, and then glanced at the embarrassed receptionist, who was dressed in rough cloth clothes that were patched and patched. She took a deep breath and eased the expression on her face and turned to him. Smiled, "Go and rest too, it's fine, we're not used to it for a while, it'll be fine after a while, thank you."

"No thanks, no thanks, I'm really sorry, you gave us something, but our house made it difficult for you to stay, I'm really sorry..."

Seeing the slightly hunched figure walk away, and the humble and honest smile appeared in front of her eyes, Jun'er suddenly felt that everything in front of her was much better. She glanced at the two girls and shook her head, "If you If you really don’t want to sleep, you don’t have to sleep, the car is outside or you can spend the night in the car, but there are mountains outside, I don’t know if there will be any danger, you should be careful.” Jun’er’s words let The two girls who looked happy and were about to lift their feet to leave shrank back with a fright, with hesitation on their faces, and one of them finally hesitated and hesitated for a while before saying, "How about we just leave?" Let's spend the night here?"


Seeing the two of them reluctantly turn around and enter the room, Jun'er also turned back into the room.

The window cannot be opened but the door can only be opened, and the mosquito repellent toilet water brought from the luggage is dug out and sprayed on the room.

In one corner of the room was an old basin, half filled with water, which was for Jun'er and the others to wash their faces tonight and tomorrow morning.

After thinking about it, Jun'er dug out two basins and divided the water into three parts, one for tomorrow morning, one for tonight, and one for washing feet.

I simply tidied up Jun'er, folded the quilt and put it on the bedside as a pillow, and took out two coats, one on the bed and the other on the body. Fortunately, it is summer now, and Jun, who was tired for two days and two nights After simply wiping his body, he couldn't stand it any longer and lay down, falling asleep shortly after his head touched the pillow.

Jun'er woke up around six o'clock the next morning, opened the door and went out to the yard. The person who received them yesterday had already arrived.He was standing in the yard waiting for them, and as soon as he saw Jun'er, he greeted him with a smile, "Miss Jun'er, hehe, I'm really sorry, you didn't sleep well in such a poor place?"

"It's already very good, really, sir, you don't have to feel guilty because of this, it's really all right."

"That's fine, that's fine."

That person rubbed his hands with a flattering smile in his eyes, with a face full of vicissitudes after being polished by the wind and rain of the years, his face was full of wrinkles, and he was timid but trying to hold back talking to himself, she Thinking of spending money like running water on fine clothes and food, Jun'er's heart ached. Why is there such a big difference between people?

(End of this chapter)

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