Chapter 113

Tang Tian said to everyone with a smile: "Let's go, let's go, it's sometimes hot and cold when looking for a place."

After Tang San sent everyone out of the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi, he didn't intend to leave, "Teacher, Dean, Brother Tian, ​​Rong Rong, you go back first, I still have to stay here for a while, and study the system with Senior Dugu for a while." poison."

Master and Flender were a little surprised, "Little San."

Tang Tian didn't try to persuade her again, "Xiao San, then you can continue to study poison, I'll go back first. Xiao Wu, you leave it to me, no one will dare to bully her."

Ning Rongrong: "Third Brother, I will also protect Miss Xiao Wu."

Tang San laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Rongrong, then I'll leave it to you and Brother Tian."

After everyone left, Dugu Bo lowered his voice and said to Tang San: "Boy, why did you save me?" After all, the feeling of the rest of the life after the catastrophe is good, as long as they can live, no one wants to die.But when he calmed down now, he clearly felt that there was something wrong with this matter.

Tang San watched him meet the second drug player in this world, and said lightly: "Didn't you agree that I will help you cure the drug, and you promise me three things? Besides, Brother Tian and I are not at odds." Reasonable people."

Flender asked Tang Tian with some doubts, "Xiao Tian, ​​what's going on?"

Tang Tian thought for a while, "Xiao San seems to have taken a fancy to his medicine garden, but I don't know anything else."

Ning Rongrong laughed and said, "Third brother still likes to play drugs so much."

After walking a few steps, Tang Tian noticed Qian Renxue flying in the sky, and hurriedly called her down, "Brother Xue, who is this?"

"I thought you left me and ran away." Qian Renxue hurriedly flew down and said to Tang Tian.

Tang Tian took Qian Renxue's hand, and said softly, "If you don't exist, no one can leave you behind."

Ning Rongrong stared at Tang Tian with an unfriendly expression, Tang Tian had no choice but to change his words: "No one can leave you and Rongrong behind."

Flender, a single dog, choked on a double portion of dog food in an instant, and his face was full of displeasure.

The master looked at Qian Renxue with a complicated expression. After this incident, he already knew Qian Renxue's identity.It's funny to say that I have teased the Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Temple back then, and my apprentice has teased the current Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Temple.

Not long after, the titled Douluo sent by Wuhundian were sent back one by one by Qian Renxue, and everyone returned to Shrek Academy.

Xiao Zhan led the five titled Douluo behind him and asked tangledly, "Principal, what should we do now?"

The master glanced at Tang Tian with a questioning look, as if asking where you found so many Title Douluo.

Tang Tian said to the six titled Douluo; "The Tang Sect doesn't have an exclusive residence yet, so just follow me for the time being."

Flender kept his gaze on the six Titled Douluo, coughed intentionally at this moment, and said, "Xiaotian, our academy seems to be short of many teachers right now."

Tang Tian nodded, "Why don't you teach at Shrek Academy first, from now on you are not only the elders of the Tang Sect, but also the exclusive consultants of Shrek Academy. Oh, by the way, let me introduce you, this is our An ally of the Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue, this is Elder Rongrong of our Tang Sect, this is "

After hearing Tang Tian's arrangement, not only Flender, but everyone present including Grandmaster and Liu Erlong exclaimed at the same time, and their eyes became strange at the same time.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a while.

Six titled Douluo teaching? One must know that even the Tiandou Royal Academy, which holds the title of the first academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, does not have a titled Douluo in charge, and Shrek Academy suddenly has six more titled Douluo in charge. Walk sideways, so what kind of prince is a fart.

Tang Tian looked at everyone's surprised eyes, and asked tentatively, "Can't you?"

Flender swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "What you said is true?"

Tang Tian nodded, "That's for sure, Shrek and the Tang Sect are definitely good allies. How about we fight the Heaven Dou Royal Family first, and beat that shit prince to the end?"

The master's face moved a bit, "Little Tian, ​​don't worry about it. We Shrek are not bullying." The master winked at Flender while talking.

The two are old brothers for many years, how could Flender not understand the meaning of the master, and hurriedly greeted the six titled Douluo.

"Hello, seniors." Flender came to the six Title Douluo with great enthusiasm, with a smile on his face.Although the smile on his shoehorn face looked sinister, there was a sincere look in his eyes.

Through Tang Tian's explanation just now, the six titled Douluo understood Flender's identity, and they also politely returned the gift at this time, "President Flender, I have admired you for a long time, and we will trouble you in the future."

Flender said without hesitation: "No trouble, no trouble. Seniors can come to our academy, it really makes Shrek shine."

The six titled Douluo who came out of the crash course were obviously a little uncomfortable with Flender's enthusiasm, and they all said: "The principal is too polite, we are just ordinary teachers."

"Dean Flender doesn't need to take special care of us."

Flender smiled and took the six Title Douluo to arrange the dormitory, "Seniors, please follow me." He said, leading the way ahead, and took the six Title Douluo to the Shrek Academy dormitory area.

Seeing the back of Flender leading the six Title Douluo away, Liu Erlong couldn't help asking Tang San: "Xiaotian, how did you do it? These Title Douluo actually obey your orders .It's just unbelievable."

Tang Tian smiled slightly and said, "I cultivated them all."

The master said: "Although it is hard to believe, but no matter what, this is a good thing."

"Teacher, shouldn't it be time for everyone to increase their soul power?" He was naturally referring to the use of the soul crystal, which was delayed last time due to Shrek's relocation. Since it is stable this time, the sooner the better.

The master smiled and nodded, and said: "That's fine, we now have no shortage of masters in Shrek, and the academy's soul power should naturally be improved."

"Then start now?"

Gathering the Shrek students, Tang Tian is going to distribute soul crystals for everyone.

Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and even Zhu Zhuqing all showed curiosity in their eyes at this moment. They all wanted to know what could make a soul master quickly increase his soul power.

After thinking for a while, the master said: "I will teach you the tricks of compressing the soul power. Whether you choose to absorb the next soul ring by leaps and bounds, the choice is entirely up to you."

Xiao Wu was not interested at all, she only cared about where Tang San was now, "Brother Tian, ​​why didn't Xiao San come back?"

Tang Tian thought for a while, and planned to tell Xiao Wu about Tang San's current situation, "Xiao San is closed in the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, if you are like her, you can bring him some food. You have used the soul crystal before, so I won't do it this time." Here you go."

(End of this chapter)

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