Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 114 Tang 3 belongs to Shrek

Chapter 114 Tang San Returns to Shrek

After Xiao Wu learned about Tang San's news, her mind was obviously no longer here, "Thank you Brother Tian, ​​then go prepare some food for Xiao San now, he must be starving after so long."

After Xiao Wu left, Tang Tian took out a team of soul crystals, and said to everyone: "This is a soul crystal, each person can only use ten, even if there is no soul ring, the level of soul power will not be restricted."

Ning Rongrong asked suspiciously: "Brother Tian, ​​our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's martial soul can only be upgraded to level 79, can we just use this?"

After thinking about it, Tang Tian said, "I'm not very clear about this, you can take some more and bring them home for your father to try."

After using the soul crystal, everyone suppressed the ecstasy in their hearts, and chose to use the master's trick to compress the soul power. Obviously, they all wanted to obtain a higher-level soul ring like Tang San.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye, and Tang San also walked out from the Eye of Ice and Fire.Dugu Bo was also successfully abducted by Tang San to work as a consultant at Shrek Academy.Of course, the Shrek students who retreated for half a year didn't know about all this.

The master brought Tang San on his way to the mimetic cultivation environment, and he missed his several partners very much for half a year.

While walking, the master asked: "Little San, what is going on between you and Dugu Bo?" This kind of thing, so he waited until Tang San came back before expressing his doubts.

Tang Sandao: "Dugu Bo took me away originally because of Dugu Yan. Dugu Yan should have told her grandfather that Brother Tian insulted her when he was the host, and that I defeated her, so that Dugu Bo treated me and Brother Tian. There was hostility, so that’s why we were arrested.”

"Then what happened next?"

Tang San nodded and said: "Later, Brother Tian explained our background, and Dugu Bo got a little flustered. Finally, Brother Tian showed his soul ring, Dugu Bo."

"So that's how it is." Knowing the truth, the master felt relieved.

"Little San, you have been researching poisons with Dugu Bo during this time, so don't let your soul power cultivation fall behind. Your partners are all talented in the sky, and Xiaotian has already used the soul crystal for them. If you are surpassed by them If there are too many, you will never be able to catch up. How much is your soul power now?"

Tang San said: "Level forty."

"En." The master agreed casually, but he quickly realized that his steps forward stopped for a moment, and his face became even more rigid, "What did you say? Your soul power is already forty. Graded?"

Tang San said seriously: "Yes! Last time at Tiandou Royal Academy, under the pressure of the education committee, my spirit power was raised to level 35, and later I practiced with Senior Dugu, and raised it to another five levels. Senior Dugu There are many precious plants, perhaps because that environment is most suitable for my cultivation. Therefore, my soul power has improved very quickly, and I have reached level [-]."

There was a slight smile on the master's face, "It seems that my worry is completely unnecessary. In the case of being knowledgeable and poisonous with Dugu, your soul power has not been lowered, so I can rest assured. What else? In half a year, the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Tournament will begin, if you look at the current situation, maybe it's impossible for you Shrek Ten Monsters to not be famous."

Just as he was speaking, the master had already stopped in his tracks. There was a bush in front of him. The bush was as tall as a person and looked very dense.The master smiled slightly, and shouted towards the bushes: "Xiao Wu, pause for a moment, look who is coming."

Hearing the word Xiao Wu, the smile on Tang San's face froze immediately, deep and grateful emotions appeared in his eyes, he knew that the reason why the master first showed him to see Xiao Wu was obviously because of his close relationship with Xiao Wu.Xiao Wu was also the person he was most anxious to see.Due to the extreme environment of the Binghuo Liangyiyan, Tang San didn't let Xiao Wu deliver meals after several times, and the two hadn't seen each other for a while.

During the flickering of the figure, a white figure has quickly flashed out of the bushes, full of childish pink and delicate face, those extraordinarily slender and tight legs, and that elastic little girl who can't win a grip. Isn't the pretty waist and the scorpion braid hanging down to the ground exactly Xiao Wu?

"Master, you are here..." Xiao Wu didn't finish her sentence, because the person she was looking forward to had already appeared in her eyes.

The pupils contracted almost immediately, "Brother—" Regardless of the fact that the master was still present, Xiao Wu jumped into Tang San's arms, her two slender thighs were habitually wrapped around Tang San's waist, tightly Hugging him, her pink face was buried in the hollow of Tang San's shoulders, and the shoulders twitched violently.

Tang San could clearly feel Xiao Wu's intense heartbeat, seeing Xiao Wu again, why wasn't he excited?

Holding Xiao Wu's slender waist with her backhand, her eye circles suddenly turned red.

At this moment Xiao Wu's height was still a bit taller than Tang San's, but her whole body hung on Tang San's body, giving people a somewhat weird feeling.

The master wisely didn't look at them, but turned his eyes to the distance.

"Be good, Xiao Wu, don't cry. Didn't I come back?" Tang San gently stroked Xiao Wu's back, comforting with a choked voice.

"Wuuuu, brother, don't you want Xiao Wu anymore? Why does it take so long to leave..."

It's no wonder that Xiao Wu is so excited, since they met Tang San, the two of them have never been separated for more than a month in six or seven years, this time Tang San left for half a year, although Xiao Wu visited several times in the middle, but Every time Tang San kicked her back, there was no way to do it, since Xiao Wu's safety was involved, Tang San was no longer that tracheitis.

"How could it be, how could I be so reluctant to let you go? It's all my fault, making you worry." The skirt of Tang San's shoulders was already wet with Xiao Wu's tears, her long legs were tightly wrapped around Tang San's waist For a while, it seemed that he was afraid that Tang San would run away again.

Xiao Wu raised her head, her eyes were already red at this time, she pouted and said: "From now on, you can't leave me anymore. Even if you want to practice, you must take me with you."

"Okay, okay, I promise you." Tang San comforted Xiao Wu while wiping the tears off her face.

Tears flowed down Xiao Wu's big eyes in the blink of an eye, her arms wrapped around Tang San's neck, sobbing: "Brother, do you know how much people miss you, swear, swear, never leave me."

Tang San said without hesitation: "I swear, unless I die, I will never leave Xiao Wu."

Only then did Xiao Wu smile through her tears, and leaned on Tang San's shoulder again, "Xiao Wu also swears that she will never leave Little Third Brother, even if she dies."

(End of this chapter)

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