Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 116 The Sacrifice of the Sea Soul Beast

Chapter 116 The Sacrifice of the Sea Soul Beast (addition for Lord Ye)

Even though Tang Tian had already estimated the power of his casual blow, he still couldn't help feeling tense in his heart. Could it be that the power of the Yin-Yang Dao is so terrifying?In this way, it seems that this power should be fully controlled as soon as possible.Power that cannot be used at will is like a curse, and sooner or later it will swallow itself up.

A group of 10-year-old soul beasts were thrown into a daze by Tang Tian's random blow.That wasn't a pure energy attack, but the roar of the sea, the power of the sea itself.

After a random blow, Tang Tian no longer used the power of the Yin-Yang Dao, but released his own martial soul, Tiandi Xuanhuang Tower, ready to release the restrictive power against the strongest deep sea demon whale king.

The violent sloshing of the sea just now surprised the two girls so much that Ning Rongrong still hadn't fully recovered yet, and said tremblingly: "Brother Tian, ​​the biggest fish seems to have escaped?"

Tang Tian said calmly: "Just run away, a few 10-year-old soul beasts are enough."

Just when Tang Tian was about to make a move, the golden fish among the 10-year-old soul beast said reverently to the three of them: "See Lord Sea God."

Qian Renxue and Ning Rongrong stayed quietly behind Tang Tian, ​​neither of them said anything, as if they were waiting for Tang Tian's answer.

Tang Tian was even more confused, but he still said frankly: "I'm not a sea god, I'm just here to kill you and explode your soul bones."

The golden fish said: "My lord, can you help my Arowana family survive this calamity? I would like to sacrifice a soul ring for the two goddesses behind you."

Tang Tian asked: "You've got a pretty good plan. Could it be that you're bullying me so I can't see that you're seriously injured and dying? But I think it's okay. Tell me what conditions you have. I'll think about it."

Seeing that Tang Tian didn't refuse, the golden fish was overjoyed and said, "The Deep Sea Demon Whale King killed my wife. As long as my lord can help me avenge me, I will sacrifice the soul ring to my lord goddess."

The other sacred tuna, which was seriously injured and dying, also begged: "My lord, please help me kill the deep sea demon whale king. I am also willing to sacrifice a soul ring for the two lords."

"Thank you, my lord, for expelling the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and protecting our people from harm. Our family is willing to donate 15 yuan for our soul bones."

"I am also willing to offer my clan's soul bone"

Tang Tian was confused by this group of soul beasts, and there were some who wanted to offer their soul bones.After asking, I found out that after the members of the sea soul beast family died naturally, the soul bones that fell would be collected by the clan members.And if you're lucky, you might even find a few soul bones on the bottom of the sea.

As for the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who doesn't know where he got his skills, he can devour soul beasts to gain strength, so he looks for trouble everywhere and devours all kinds of things.As a result, he was besieged by sea spirit beasts every now and then, until Tang Tian bumped into him now, and ran away in fright.

Tang Tian felt that the deal was a good deal, and immediately said righteously: "Don't worry, everyone, the God of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King will kill himself. It's just that the vast sea is too wide, and I can only guarantee that within five years, I will definitely be hacked to death." Damn it."

Among the several injured sea spirit beasts, the fish with wings was the first to lose its hold. Usually, this kind of fish would fly close to the surface of the sea, but now it was a big loss to fight in the deep sea. "My lord, I will sacrifice myself right now."

After finishing speaking, the winged fish turned into a red soul ring and slowly floated onto Qian Renxue's body. His body gradually shrank and turned into a small flying fish, with a soul bone of course.

The tribe next to him left the deep sea with the little flying fish, obviously returning to the sea level.As for the sacrificed fish, apart from losing its cultivation, nothing happened, and even its original injuries were healed.This made Tang Tian dumbfounded, he could still live after emotional sacrifice.

Tang Tian picked up the soul bone and handed it to Qian Renxue, "You take this soul bone back and absorb it."

Qian Renxue pushed away the spirit bone in Tang Tian's hand, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​my grandfather won't let me absorb any spirit bones, so you should keep them."

After the ink was blotted for a while, the sacred tuna could no longer hold on, "My lord, please accept my sacrifice."

After the sacred tuna was sacrificed, Qian Renxue had another red soul ring on her body, similar to a flying fish, this tuna in a dying state also turned into a lively little tuna with a spirit bone.

Ning Rongrong is now also looking forward to her new spirit ring, a 10 year spirit ring, probably not many people in the entire continent will have it.Not to mention that it will bring two new soul abilities to soul masters, the perverted attribute alone makes people want to add a few more.

Arowana glanced at Ning Rongrong, and sacrificed herself. This group of 10-year-old soul beasts did not sacrifice blindly, but chose the one that suits her best among the two to sacrifice. It's really generous to help improve some soul power levels.

After the two girls got their soul rings, the remaining sea soul beasts were thrown to Tang Tian with a few soul bones. Without exception, they were all rewards for killing the deep sea demon whale.

Other than that, these soul beasts didn't say anything, they obviously trusted Tang Tian's identity, they probably thought that all gods would be as good as the old sea god.

After the sea soul beasts dispersed, Tang Tian put away a few bags of soul bones, and said excitedly: "It's really lucky that I can still encounter such a good thing."

Ning Rongrong said happily: "Brother Tian, ​​pinch me quickly, I feel like this is a dream."

Tang Tian pinched Ning Rongrong's little nose, "How is it, does it hurt?"

"It hurts, so it's all true."

Qian Renxue pinched Tang Tian's soft waist with gusto, and said, "Brother Tian, ​​does it hurt?"

Tang Tian: "I'm in pain."

Qian Renxue jumped up excitedly, "Great, I'm not dreaming either."

Tang Tian; ".Rongrong, do you want to pick a set of soul bones?"

Ning Rongrong was even happier, "Really?"

Tang Tian said casually: "I can't eat this while I'm holding it, so I'll let the teacher pick some suitable ones for you when I go back."

After chatting for a while, Tang Tian asked, "Oh, by the way, what soul skills have you all obtained?"

Qian Renxue didn't speak, but directly activated the seventh soul skill, Wuhun Avatar.Immediately, Qian Renxue's whole body became golden, and a huge phantom of a seraph appeared behind it, and then Qian Renxue quickly merged with the phantom, and at the same time, the six wings behind her were shaking rapidly, and countless golden seraphim phantoms appeared. Feathers shot out and swarmed from all directions.

After doing this, Qian Renxue did not withdraw from the state of the spirit avatar, the huge angel phantom condensed a golden long sword out of thin air, and turned into eight clones to surround Tang Tianning Rongrong.

Tang Tian shouted: "Okay Brother Xue, I understand, come back quickly."

The phantom of the angel in the air disappeared, and re-formed as Qian Renxue and came to Tang Tian's side, "How about it, brother Tian, ​​are my four new soul skills okay?"

Tang Tian nodded his head like a rattle, "It's okay, it's okay."

Qian Renxue looked at Tang Tian with a look of knowing you, "Rong Rong, what kind of soul skill did you get?"

Ning Rongrong was shocked by Qian Renxue's soul skills, and stammered, "My soul skills are not as powerful as my sister's. One soul power boosting soul skill, one defense boosting soul skill, one healing soul skill, and one It seems to be copying soul skills."

Qian Renxue and Tang Tian said in unison: "Copy soul skills?"

Ning Rongrong explained: "Even if you can copy other people's soul skills, I don't really understand it."

(End of this chapter)

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