Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 117 The Treasure Buried Deep Under the Sea

Chapter 117 The Treasure Buried Deep Under the Sea

Tang Tian probably knew what the soul skill was, nodded to Ning Rongrong, and said, "Although I haven't seen you perform it with my own eyes, I think it should be very powerful."

Ning Rongrong was a little embarrassed by the praise, and deliberately changed the subject: "Brother Tian, ​​what shall we do next?"

Qian Renxue held her chin and said, "Why don't you go back, there doesn't seem to be much fun here anymore."

Tang Tian agreed; "Okay, then go back." After speaking, Tang Tian turned on the water escape with all his strength, and returned to Shrek Academy along the scheduled route.

When the journey was halfway through, the accident happened suddenly.

"Who dares to trespass on my territory." The deep voice seemed to come from the sea, and the strange sound waves spread into the air. Tang Tian frowned when he heard it, as if everything around him was fluctuating with this strange energy As if trembling.This feeling is not good.

Tang Tian quickly recognized the big fish blocking the way ahead, and sarcastically said, "You think life is long?"

"You know me?" The Deep Sea Demon Whale King asked suspiciously.

Ten spirit rings flashed on Tang Tian, ​​and he snorted coldly, "The group of fish that besieged you just now gave me a lot of rewards, and the condition was to let me kill you. I would like to see what abilities you have that are worthy of this Price."

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King was startled, and his panicked voice was extremely unpleasant, like the sound of a huge rock being smashed. "My lord, I didn't mean to offend you, please spare my life."

While speaking, the huge body of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King suddenly tossed violently in the sea, and the huge tail instantly propped up his body, facing Tang Tian's direction, as if he was about to bow down.

Tang Tian's eyes showed a sense of desperation, and he said: "Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. Why don't you make sacrifices? After you sacrifice sea soul beasts, won't you still be able to survive?"

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King said even more terrified: "My lord, spare me, [-]% of my body has already entered the god level, please spare my life for the sake of my difficult cultivation, and I will definitely be my lord when I become a god." A cow makes a horse."

Hearing the words of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Tang Tian suddenly hesitated in his heart. It seems that the existence of multiple god-level thugs and mounts is not bad.The light in Tang Tian's eyes flickered, and he came up with an idea in a moment: "Do you have any soul bones? Bring me all the soul bones in your territory, and then stay in the territory honestly and cultivate to become a god, and I will give them to you." This opportunity, otherwise, you have to die."

After finishing speaking, Tang Tian controlled the sea water to repel the Deep Sea Demon Whale King: "I'll give you three seconds to think about it."

"My lord, I am willing." Without thinking at all, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King agreed directly. He didn't know how many years of cultivation, and he was about to become a god, but he didn't want to die immediately.

Tang Tian lifted the restrictions on him, and said calmly: "Go, get me all the soul bones in your territory, by the way, don't take away any treasures, or you will understand the consequences."

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King ran back and forth several times and piled up a lot of soul bones and treasures. Tang Tian casually picked up a soul bone and looked at it. He couldn't help frowning and said, "Ten years of soul bones? Are you talking to me?" Just kidding?"

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King hurriedly explained in his broken voice: "My lord, didn't you ask me to bring all the spirit bones? So even if it is a low-level spirit bone, my subordinates dare not hide it."

Staring at the figure of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King for a while, Tang Tian also understood that this guy doesn't know how many soul beasts he will eat with his mouth wide open. The Nian soul bone is not a miracle either.

Thinking of this, Tang Tian nodded and said, "Go ahead and look for it. You did a good job this time, just listen to me honestly, and maybe I can grant you a god position when the time comes."

Ning Rongrong rummaged through the treasures of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, "Hey, brother Tian, ​​can you give me this little crown? I like it very much."

Tang Tian watched the pile of gold and silver treasures brought by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King being rummaged by the two women, and was a little speechless. In Tang Tian's eyes, these things were no different from scrap iron.

"You pick whatever you want, whatever you choose."

Ning Rongrong picked up the little crown and put it on his head, and said to Tang Tian: "Brother Tian, ​​see if I look good wearing this."

Tang Tian looked at Ning Rongrong's pretty face, and said, "It's pretty, Rongrong has always been pretty."

Although Qian Renxue also thought that the little crown was pretty, she didn't envy him, because he was the type of woman who didn't like such unnecessary decorations.

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King just turned back, looked at Ning Rongrong who was wearing a small crown, and said flatteringly: "Master Goddess has such good eyesight, this is the treasure left after the death of another Goddess in the battle of gods 10 years ago. , in addition to clothes and scepters, etc., this subordinate will go and find them for Goddess."

Hearing what the Deep Sea Demon Whale King said, Tang Tian couldn't help but look at the little crown Ning Rongrong was wearing.It is an extremely strange metal, the whole body is platinum and crystal clear blue, and the whole seems to be inlaid with platinum carved sapphires. There are no traces of artificial processing.

Tang Tian couldn't help taking a few more glances, and said, "It's really pretty, Rong Rong, how did you find this treasure?"

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand slowly turned out, and said proudly: "My Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda also has the function of treasure hunting."

"Okay, then quickly look for any treasures."

"Master Goddess, these are the same as the crown on your head."

Ning Rongrong picked up the scepter and clothes and jewelry, said with a smile: "Thank you, big whale."

"Master Goddess is polite,"

Tang Tian asked: "Do you still have anything left over from the battle of the gods?"

The Deep Sea Demon Whale King said respectfully: "My lord, there is still a piece of armor and a book inside."

Tang Tian suppressed his joy, and said, "Well, okay, you will treat the sea soul beasts around you better in the future, and see if you can make you a god of sea soul beasts."

I don't know if the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has a habit of dragons hiding treasures. He brought too many things to Tang Tian. Fortunately, Tang Tian's storage ring is big enough, so he is not afraid of leaving anything behind.After putting away all the things, Tang Tian left with the two daughters together.

As soon as the three of them left, the voice of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was full of joy, "I never expected that you were blinded in one eye when you met God, but I was recognized by God."

Tang Tian took the two daughters along the journey at lightning speed, Shui Dun picked up Tu Dun, and immediately returned to Shrek Academy.The master brought the three of them to the hall, at this time the other students of Shrek were discussing together.

Seeing Tang San coming back, Ning Rongrong couldn't help teasing Xiao Wu: "Third brother, you've come back. If you don't come back, Xiao Wu might die of anxiety."

After hearing Ning Rongrong's words, Xiao Wu's pretty face blushed, and she couldn't help but spit softly, but she didn't make any excuses.

(End of this chapter)

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