Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 123 When a monster is paired with a fairy product

Chapter 123 When a monster is paired with a fairy product ([-])

After a short period of excitement, Ning Rongrong gradually calmed down, but her hand holding the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda was still trembling slightly. She knew that this matter was not only about herself, but for the entire Seven Treasures The Glazed Tile School also has a huge influence.It seemed that he had to go home.

Only people directly related to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School understand what the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda means. For the entire Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda is really, really important.

"Brother Tian." Ning Rongrong rushed forward fiercely, gave Tang Tian a big hug, wrapped his arms around his neck, and kissed him hard on the face.

"Are you all absorbed?" At this moment, Tang San's voice suddenly sounded, and he stood up from the ground with his eyes closed.

Ning Rongrong's posture next to Tang Tian was too ambiguous, even a little friend like Oscar who likes to show off his affection the most on weekdays turned red and his expression became a little weird.Normally, he and Meng Yiran were flirting with each other in public, and he felt nothing, but seeing Ning Rongrong and Tang San like this today, he knew how the people around him felt.

Ning Rongrong kissed Tang Tian forcefully again, only then noticed Oscar's weird gaze, immediately let go of Tang Tian, ​​and said to Tang San with his eyes closed, with his face still closed:

"Little San, it's really thanks to you this time, thank you, although the word thank you can't express my gratitude to Qibao Liulizong and I, but I still want to thank you, Xiaosan, look, my Qibao Liuli Pagoda has become Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, that is to say, I no longer need to be restricted by family inheritance."

Tang Tian raised his hand and touched Ning Rongrong's head, "We are partners, and Xiao San is your younger brother, what are you talking about?" While Tang Tian was talking, Tang San also slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, the whole wooden house seemed to flash brightly, Tang Tian hurriedly covered Ning Rongrong's eyes, but he was still a step too late.Ning Rongrong, who was staring at Tang San, could see clearly. Tang San's eyes had completely turned golden-purple at this time, and the dazzling brilliance fell into her eyes, making her feel pale for a while, and she couldn't see anything. Not anymore.

Tang Tian hurriedly hugged Ning Rongrong to prevent her from falling, and Tang Tian was more concerned about Ning Rongrong's vase than Qian Renxue, so that if it accidentally broke, it would be a big loss.

Tang San's eyes swept across the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda in Ning Rongrong's hand, when the golden purple light in his eyes fell on Xiao Wu's side, Tang San's body suddenly trembled violently, the expression on his whole face It's all getting weird.He secretly thought in his heart: "What kind of strange thing is Acacia Heartbroken Red? Even my Ziji Demon Eyes can't see Xiao Wu's current state."

After watching for a while, the light in Tang San's eyes faded, and he quickly returned to normal. He lowered his head nervously and asked Ning Rongrong who was in Tang Tian's arms: "Sister Rongrong, are you okay? I confiscated it just now. Eyesight, I'm really sorry."

The white in front of Ning Rongrong's eyes gradually disappeared, and his vision recovered.Leaning on Tang Tian's shoulder, she said, "Little San, what kind of skill is this? Why can't I see?" Although she has recovered, she still dare not look Tang San in the eyes.

Tang San smiled and said: "This is my Purple Demon Eye, if my judgment is correct, my Purple Demon Eye has been raised to another level."

'Wangchuan Qiushuilu' is worthy of being a treasure of immortality. Although it didn't help Tang San improve his soul power, it made his purple magic pupil jump into the smallest detail, and directly entered the third part of all four layers of the purple pole magic pupil. Layers, - mustard seeds.

Moreover, because of the effect of 'Looking Through Autumn Water Dew', Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes also underwent some special changes.

It is no longer just a supporting role.

Of course, this is nothing to Tang Tian, ​​the Demon God's Eye is not comparable to Ziji Demon Pupil.

"Little San, congratulations." Tang Tian walked to Tang San's side and said with a smile.At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Tang San's pupils, he really wanted to see how his Demon God Eyes would react to the Purple Extreme Demon Pupils.It's a pity that Tang San has already closed his eyesight, and his eyes seem to be no different from usual.

Patting Xiao San on the shoulder, Tang Tian said: "Xiao Wu's 'Acacia Heartbroken Red' is not simple, I feel an unknown energy is completely transforming Xiao Wu's body, please pay more attention."

Then Tang Tian lowered his voice and said: "I guess, after Xiao Wu's transformation by 'Acacia Broken Heart', she will completely become a human being."

Tang Tian nodded solemnly, "I see, Brother Tian, ​​I will pay attention."

"Meow——" a soft meow attracted the attention of several people, and when they looked back, they saw that Zhu Zhuqing had opened his eyes at some point, as if he had just woken up from a big dream, with a pair of beautiful eyes and a look on his face A little dazed.

"Zhu Qing, how much has your strength improved?" Ning Rongrong's eyes are fine now, seeing Zhu Zhu regained consciousness, he ran over bouncingly.

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, "It seems that there are seven levels?"

"What do you mean, the seventh level is the seventh level." Ning Rongrong chuckled, covered the eyes of other people behind him with his body, raised his hand to touch Zhu Zhuqing's chest, "Don't worry, it's not an illusion."

"Ah—" Zhu Zhuqing exclaimed after being touched by Ning Rongrong, her pretty face flushed immediately, "What are you doing..."

Ning Rongrong said sternly: "I just want to let you know that you are not dreaming. Unexpectedly, the effect of your 'Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone' is better than ours. It has been promoted to seven levels, so why don't you now? Do you have level 48 soul power?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, then his eyes drifted to Tang San who was behind Ning Rongrong, when Ning Rongrong was about to shift his position, Zhu Zhuqing had already bowed slightly to Tang San, "Third brother, thank you."

Tang San smiled slightly, and said: "We are all partners, what can we be thankful for. In fact, it's not that the 'Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone' that Zhuqing took is stronger than other people's, it's just that the effect of these immortal herbs Each is different. For example, the effect of each fairy herb is to increase the soul power by about ten levels, but part of it is mainly manifested in the transformation of oneself, and the soul power will naturally be weakened. Like Xiao Ao's The absorption process of 'Eight Ban Xianlan' is relatively slow and requires a subtle process. That's why it has only been raised by five levels."

Zhu Zhuqing said with some concern: "It's just that our strength will increase too quickly in this way. The master once told us that cultivation needs to be done step by step, and the foundation is the most important."

Tang San said: "Don't worry, there will be no problem. These immortal medicines and herbs are things that strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. Not only will they not shake the foundation, but it will make the foundation deeper. I think you will be able to understand it as you practice in the future. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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