Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 124 When a monster is paired with a fairy product

Chapter 124 When a monster is paired with a fairy product ([-])

After a while, the master also slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were shining, and he looked much younger, but at this moment, he was covered in dirt, so he didn't have time to say anything to everyone, so he turned around and walked out of the wooden house. Went to find a place to take a shower and change clothes.

While everyone was feeling the changes in themselves after taking the fairy herb, a resounding phoenix cry and a deep and deep roar of a tiger sounded almost simultaneously.

The golden-red flames were suddenly released from Ma Hongjun's body, soaring into the sky. The wooden roof didn't act as a barrier at all, and a big hole was directly burned out, and even the dust didn't fall.

Ma Hongjun's body stretched out in the flames. Although he still looked chubby, the fat on his body had obviously shrunk a lot.

The mohawk-style hair on the head has grown several times longer, and it has fallen to the back. A pair of small eyes are shining brightly. When the body moves lightly, the whole body is full of flames. A phoenix pattern looms on the back, just like Nirvana General rebirth.

At this time, the fat man no longer had a trace of his former wretchedness.The coercion from the Phoenix King, the king of birds, made the air noticeably heavier.

Another tiger howl naturally came from Dai Mubai. He who was lying on the ground had jumped up at this moment, surging soul power restrained within one meter around his body, all the hair on his body turned into crystal white, constantly Intensive and explosive sounds came from his limbs, and in the white light, Dai Mubai's evil eyes loomed, giving people a thrilling feeling.

"It's so hot." Ma Hongjun yelled, and sucked wildly with his mouth open. The golden-red flames around his body suddenly turned into strands and condensed towards his mouth. After a while, they disappeared, and his hair gradually returned to its original shape. The color is just a pair of small eyes that are still shining brightly.

The 'Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower' that Ma Hongjun ate and the 'Fiery Xingjiaoshu' that Tang San once took belonged to the pure Yang fairy product. The difference was that the 'Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower' was a nourishing fairy product, while Tang San's ' Agni apricot Jiaoshu' is a highly poisonous celestial product.There is a difference in performance.

First of all, the external energy of Ma Hongjun's fairy grass is not strong, so it can be taken directly, but if Tang San's plant is taken directly, people will probably be burned to death before eating it. Grass' neutralizes it.

The two pure yang grass jelly, one is continuous fire, the other is explosive and fiery heat, each has its own characteristics.From the perspective of easier absorption, it is obvious that the 'cockscomb phoenix sunflower' eaten by the fat man is a bit better.

"It's so cool." The fat man laughed, "My fire seems to have changed, it seems to be more mellow than before. Have you felt the grandeur in my flame?"

Ning Rongrong chuckled, "Fatty man, you're boasting again. How much has your soul power increased?"

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun all obtained their third spirit ring not long ago, so they are also on the same starting line.Zhu Zhuqing's soul power has increased by as much as seven levels, and she herself has six levels.

The fat man stimulated the soul power in his body to feel it, and couldn't help but said: "Damn, my soul power has reached level 46, which is a full five levels up."

Ning Rongrong chuckled, "Then you are not as good as us, Zhuqing and I have been promoted to level [-] and level [-] respectively."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, "No way. So fierce? Third brother, you can't be partial!"

Tang San said helplessly: "What are you biased about? You go wash it first and then talk about it. The 'cockscomb phoenix sunflower' you ate will only be more effective than theirs. You didn't realize that your physique has been completely changed Is it right? If my guess is right, you won’t need to be troubled by that evil fire in the future. Although I don’t know if your current Wuhun is a pure Phoenix, it shouldn’t be worse than Phoenix.”

Only then did the fat man realize that he was covered in dirt, which was extremely sticky and uncomfortable, so he hurried out to wash it first.

Dai Mubai stood there quietly. After the tiger roaring ended, he stood there, his eyes closed, the hair on his body gradually receded, and his swollen body gradually returned to normal.

Although Zhu Zhuqing didn't go forward, her concerned eyes were always on Dai Mubai, seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, she wanted to go forward, but she was a little shy.

After all, she has always been so cold to Dai Mubai.

But the worry in her heart finally offset her shyness. Seeing that Dai Mubai hadn't moved for a long time, she still took steps and walked up to Dai Mubai carefully. She wanted to call him, but she was afraid of affecting him, and she was a little dazed for a while. At a loss.

Just when Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and stared at Dai Mubai worriedly, Dai Mubai's eyes suddenly opened without warning, which startled Zhu Zhuqing, backed away with a cry of surprise, but almost fell down.

Dai Mubai reacted very quickly, he pulled her into his arms without any mistakes.

"You..., let me go." Zhu Zhuqing blushed, but she was obviously relieved when Dai Mubai woke up.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "You delivered it to the door yourself, do you let it go when you say it? Come when you want, leave when you want?"

"You, you are shameless..., let me go quickly. Who delivered it to me?" Zhu Zhuqing lowered his head in Dai Mubai's arms, struggling vigorously.But no matter what, he couldn't break free from Dai Mubai's embrace that was cast like copper and iron.Although her spirit power has improved a lot, how can she be the opponent of the attack system spirit master Dai Mubai?
Dai Mubai lowered his head, leaned close to Zhu Zhuqing's ear, and whispered: "You still care about me, don't worry, your husband is fine. It's fine."

"You..." Zhu Zhuqing raised his head violently, just about to question Dai Mubai, who are you husband?

But it happened to meet Dai Mubai's evil eyes.Dai Mubai's evil eyes were full of sincere brilliance, and he was staring at her eyes affectionately.

It had to be admitted that Dai Mubai's evil eyes were indeed extremely lethal, Zhu Zhuqing only felt his brain in a trance for a while, but he didn't say the words after all, and the body in his arms softened a bit.

Dai Mubai was very proud in his heart, being able to hug Zhu Zhuqing in such a logical way made him even happier than when he just broke through the bottleneck of level fifty.

However, Dai Mubai was not happy for too long, his bosom slipped suddenly, the moment he let down his vigilance, Zhu Zhuqing had dexterously slipped out of his bosom, with a flash of figure, he was already at the side, staring fiercely She glanced at him, "You should tell your sweet words to your lovers. Don't look at me like that in the future."

"Uh..." Dai Mubai looked at her with a wry smile, "Zhuqing, can you stop being so horny. Didn't you realize that I'm very pure recently? Pure like Tang San."

Zhu Zhuqing snorted, "When will you really be as pure and spotless as the third brother, let's talk about it."

Tang Tian held back his laughter, and hurriedly changed the topic, "Mubai, have you made a breakthrough?"

(End of this chapter)

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