Pulling hatred starts with Douluo

Chapter 169 Youxiang Qiluo Attracts the Soul Beast

Chapter 169 Youxiang Qiluo Attracts the Soul Beast (End)
With the assistance of Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, this attack can be said to be the strongest attack Zhu Zhuqing can achieve so far.Although Zhu Zhuqing's level had already broken through, after all, she hadn't obtained a new soul ring, and her third soul ring was already the strongest attack she could use.

The two fought hand-to-hand, and there was no roar of collision in disbelief, but only the tooth-piercing sound of rubbing.

However, this is only the third soul ability after all, and this split shadow attack can be said to be a fatal blow for Ghost Tiger, its body has already jumped up after it.

After all, the power of Nether Slash was offset by the ghost tiger silhouette whose energy was much higher than it.

Perhaps it was because of being blocked, after the black shadow paused, it immediately ran towards Zhu Zhuqing at a faster speed.

But at this time, it was the critical moment when Zhu Zhuqing released the attack with all his strength, and the new energy was not born.

The tall figure lay in front of Zhu Zhuqing like a shield, without any frills, and the tiger's paw with white hair was slapped head-on.

With a bang.The tall figure shook for a while, but refused to take a step back.It is the evil-eyed white tiger Dai Mubai who protects his wife with strength.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Slash couldn't completely break through the Ghost Tiger's attack, it also bought time, Dai Mubai, who found out that something was wrong, rushed over immediately, just blocking Zhu Zhuqing.

Dai Mubai only had one thought in mind, to use his tyrannical soul power to block the remaining attacks for her.

Regardless of the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, Dai Mubai immediately showed his domineering side, and rushed up to meet the pounced body of the ghost tiger, while the soul power was condensed, the White Tiger Body Barrier and the White Tiger Demon God Transformation activated, abruptly It hit the ghost tiger's body.

The white tiger collided with the ghost tiger, and the muffled groan and howl sounded almost simultaneously.Dai Mubai's body staggered back, but the Ghost Tiger's body was also thrown backwards by him.

Just as Ghost Tiger kept retreating, the wound Tang San inflicted on him had also healed, Ghost Tiger's nine clones spread out in the air, and rushed forward again.

At this critical moment, no one expected that Ning Rongrong slowly turned the Nine Treasures Exquisite Pagoda while dragging his hand, and chanted the soul mantra, "Nine Treasures turn out Liuli"

Immediately, everything around became golden, and a huge phantom of a seraph appeared in front of the ghost tiger. The six wings behind the phantom trembled rapidly, and countless golden feathers shot out, facing the nine angels. Ghost tigers swarmed.

The golden light flashed, and the golden feathers shot out by the phantom of the seraphim accurately bombarded the torso of the nine-headed ghost tiger, and then, the surrounding twisted air completely enveloped the ghost tiger's body.

The ghost tiger's clone was instantly dissipated in place by the crazy bombardment of the jet golden feather.After doing this, the huge angel phantom condensed a golden long sword out of thin air, and turned into eight clones to surround the only remaining ghost tiger real body on the field, and then stabbed out.

Everyone was very tossed by this sudden change. It took less than three seconds to go from being panicked to stunned.

"Rongrong, don't beat him to death." Tang Tiansan's calm voice sounded in time.


The seraphim changed its move halfway, the golden long sword turned slightly in its hand, and then went down, the ghost tiger's body full of golden feathers was smashed to the ground by the sword, it wanted to get up, but it couldn't do it.

The sacred golden feather is constantly eroding its body.He had endured Ning Rongrong's copying of Qian Renxue's two soul skills successively. Rao's attack by the angel phantom was a violent blow with the blade of the sword, which didn't cause any external injuries, but it also caused the ghost tiger to suffer a fatal blow.

"Zhuqing, do it quickly, it will die soon, use the god-killing gun, the key is in the brain." Tang Tian called out to the stunned Zhu Zhuqing, and threw the god-killing gun in front of the ghost tiger.

Zhu Zhuqing woke up from the sluggishness, looking at the large figure in front of him, he was a little moved, but he didn't show it, but directly bypassed Dai Mubai who stood in front of him, turning into a series of afterimages, just before the ghost tiger died The moment before, relying on his own speed to arrive at the first time, he pulled out the god-killing gun inserted on the ground, aimed at the ghost tiger's left eye and stabbed deeply into the soul beast's brain, ending it. s life.

And at this moment, the master's urgent voice suddenly sounded, "Little Tian, ​​quickly put away the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Item."

Everyone was called back by Grandmaster's voice, and only then did they notice that they had cleaned up the ghost tiger on their side, while on the other side, Zhao Wuji, Flender, Liu Erlong and Grandmaster had already started their hands.

At some point, seven powerful soul beasts with different shapes appeared in the field.The four people of Flender were besieging. If the four were not powerful, even if only one of them was missed, the college would not feel comfortable.

It turned out that when the ghost tiger appeared and attracted the attack of Shrek Academy, seven spirit beasts came successively.Against a 2-year-old soul beast, Tang Sanqi almost pounced. If there was another one, they would probably suffer casualties.Flender, Master Liu Erlong and Zao Wou-ki immediately went up to them, and helped them block the subsequent attack of the spirit beast.

Unexpectedly, the number of soul beasts became more and more, and each one was more powerful than the other.If it wasn't for the unmatched martial soul fusion skills of the Golden Iron Triangle, they would definitely not be able to hold on, if so, if they continued like this for a few more minutes, I'm afraid they would not be able to resist either.

That's why the master asked Tang Tian to quickly put away the targets of these soul beasts.

When Tang Tian saw the golden light just now, he subconsciously closed his eyes. At this moment, Tang Tian just took a quick glance and had a certain judgment on the situation in the arena. He continued to give orders without hesitation: "Little San, put away your fairy treasure , I’m afraid I’ll break it for you. Mubai, you take Guihu’s body and Zhuqing into the poison formation and let her absorb the spirit ring. The others protect Rongrong and Oscar. I’m going to rescue the teacher, no matter what happens, You are not allowed to come out of the poison formation."

Looking at Tang Tian's firm steps, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but said, "Brother Tian, ​​you must be careful."

Tang San hurried over to put away the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Item, Xiaowu Ma Hongjun hurried over to protect Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

Tang Tian got the master's true biography, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing naturally trusted him very much, and couldn't wait to drag the ghost tiger away quickly.

Just now when he lifted the ghost tiger, Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, but he was only slightly hesitant, secretly wry smile in his heart.Zhu Zhuqing's temper was not very good in the first place, now that he has absorbed a tiger-like martial soul, wouldn't he be turning into a tigress even more?But her martial spirit also belongs to the cat family, and this ghost tiger is good at speed, which seems to be just right.

Tang Tian watched everyone enter the poison formation, and instructed: "Oscar is in charge of supplies, everyone adjusts their condition and prepares to choose spirit rings."

(End of this chapter)

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